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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Osaid Most credible news sources, amongst most influencers in his field? Without CNN reviewing his sources or how he writes his articles? All because of an opportune moment to say that is the most trending and fad situation in the news cycle: Andrew Tate's arrest? Are we even talking about the same person here? Because lying and gossiping around a domestic terrorist event, being with a person that became a mass shooter event in New Zealand, makes him less credible if not untrustworthy as a news source. However, if he's your cup of tea, fine. I don't like him and how he even abuses doxxing for drama gains, so to me he's shady.
  2. @Osaid Probably a failed attempt at his life. And dude, why are you posting stuff from KEEMSTAR?
  3. @Carl-Richard He has an eye condition?
  4. I am trying so hard to not be so evil and uncharitable to Lex Fridman and to not straw man him or anything, but I think he gave a good enough review of the Orwell stuff. Xanax though, honestly I've said WAY MORE nasty things, in a diss track about Lex Fridman, that Xanax addiction is a compliment compared to what I've written about him, but that aside, I hope this is a stylistic choice of presentation and not that he's hardwired to speak in such a slow slurred way. Maybe watching Leo's videos and a few podcasts, maybe even some Destiny videos has inoculated me to a slower paced form of speaking., or at least a longer form of delivery and presentation of a video. The moment he interviewed Kanye West, I knew his integrity was questionable.
  5. @mr_engineer What good role modelling program do you suggest for these young minds to aspire to, away from this disempowered position of thinking themsleves as susceptible to manipulations, into one where they are wise enough to feel they can own their position and go away from a gas lighting/grooming situation?
  6. @Carl-Richard Why are you asking? I'm assuming too much exercising of muscles and heart, to burnout, over working the cardiac system may lead to more heart attacks no? Plus lack of sleep and nutrition eventually as well. I'm lucky to not be an athlete like most people, and over worked myself in the past too. And I have heart problems as well as myocarditis, but you'll never find me advocating anti vax talking points! I've already taken Pfizer jabs regardless of possible heart issues and the mRNA technology is in me, so it's too late for me anyways as I'm fucked either way, by vaccine or by COVID.
  7. @Rafael Thundercat I agree, millions of rats, mice and vermin love the mad piper's music, to be bothered to check if they're drowning in misery, thank god there's so much variety in rodents, and rabbits. Also, that woman is a classic scammer, a pimp artist that uses COVID as the greatest obfuscation of responsibility. I'm willing to bet every crime she commits, will blame it on COVID.
  8. Oh, and never thought that it's possible to have female pimps snare young teens into being 'influencers'. Crazy it's not illegal yet.
  9. @Rafael Thundercat I am so thankful that I'm just a millennial conservative, and not sucked into the Tik Tok ideology going on. And at the same time, I am sad that there's little hope left for humanity to reform itself. High probability that EQ/IG averages are declining as time goes on, due to over consumption of social media sites, predator algorithms catering to every bias and preferences of users designed to capture and syphon your attention into passivity and degrading attention.
  10. @KH2 From words, thoughts, emotions and actions. Swords falling in motion creates fractions, with each faction acting their facts, the fact is traction is gained by blame every faction not yours, so, welcome to the world and society, where we sicken minds by design via digital swords falling down on thy minds, emulsifying immiscible liquids that never meant to be mixed in union, mates, the devil is in the details!
  11. A number of insights and lessons of epistemology in this video, the good and the bad: From stupid, to intelligent people, are deluded and are not immune to ideology, including the guy speaking. High IQ, even high EQ /=/ immunity to dogma and ideology.
  12. @Carl-Richard Holy shit, I never knew that athletes were more like to die of heart attacks. Maybe too much exercise is too much?
  13. @Rafael Thundercat I can't believe you can still post in Twitter while in jail, maybe it's his social media team? Also, nice examples of echo chamber ideology, group think and denial.
  14. @Gesundheit2 No, I'm saying there are greater dangers in the world than getting canceled and censored, like the following that mankind has done: 1. invented nuclear energy, that no other animal has done. 2. weaponized nuclear energy to wipe out millions of square miles, and make the zones radioactive and uninhabitable, no animal could do this. 3. invent and weaponize cyber technologies, such as cyber attacks and drones with guns and bombs, no animal could do this but humans. 4. Create algorithms, A.I programs that can win in board games, and can create deep fake accounts nearly accurately, no animal could copy. 5. CRISPER and genetic modification of organics, designing Nano technology and bio weapons such as viruses. 6. Created the internet, and many social media sites and forums, which creates furthermore echo chambers for ideological proliferation. 7. Invented guns and other weaponry in history, that no animal could have invented. 8. Algorithms and A.I programs that auto correct your profile picture, make it more pretty, without your consent, thereby increase Narcissism worldwide for heavy internet users of social media websites. 9. Social complexity and our minds' capacities to re-imagine reality to suit our needs and wants. 10. Invented the car, which influenced how we designed city environments to be more car friendly. 11. Invented the plow, which changed our relationship to nature, declining animal worship and made agriculture more valuable than other ways of tribal life. 12. created the GPS system, which further changed how we thought about how we navigate, orientate and develop spatial awareness, which incentivized having a GPS if one is in unfamiliar territory versus looking in a map, or even paying more attention to landmarks. 13. Invented the mobile phone, and phones with touch screens and many pre installed apps, and ability to install other apps, and how nowadays very dependent we mostly are with using our phones for information intake and information gathering and how we obfuscate our original thinking in favor of quickly looking up answers. 14. Social media sites, and online streaming community echo chambers, which further degrades attention span, promotes predatory para social relationships between streamers and fans and even general viewers. Plus many other historical atrocities that mankind has committed that makes all this culture war between right and left today a childish tantrum, a walk in the park, a nothing burger. We may have a lot of technological development today, but we are still in the dark ages. If you want to speak your truth, fine, do so in a disciplined manner, and no more than that, don't be an Alex Jones or Donald Trump and be inflammatory with how you communicate, name calling and demonizing the other side, speak plainly and to the point and only defend necessary points, and nothing more, whilst trying to be good faith and charitable to the other side.
  15. What are your thoughts about YouTube's situation with content creators? My take: as a business is getting bigger, it attracts a more diverse group of people, which then makes it more challenging to moderate a growing number of users and content creators when roughly 80% of them are trying to game B and take advantage, min max, manipulate and exploit vulnerabilities in their systems. YouTube Reactionary content creators are stellar examples of a bunch of Reactors in a React community stealing other content from other videos, whilst abusing the copyright strike function to shut down valid criticisms, while using demonetizations to threaten and coerce others to stay silent. So, I can't really relate or understand and empathize to drama reactionary content creators just reacting to other content specifically and stealing other works, but I see the changes as more positive in the long term and changes in the short term are more akin to violent fluctuations of the market. I guess these makers are just more short sighted and biased against any changes for the better that don't suit them?
  16. @Gesundheit2 I think it's a delicious balancing act, one that Leo has to make to not have Actualized.org turn into reddit or 4chan in one week. So, speak the truth here but also be left with holding warning points, ignores, a ban and a sad face if said truth is said at the expense of others. There are probably bigger issues globally than canceling others to worry about.
  17. @mr_engineer If all of that is a problem, what is your social engineering proposals? How do we solve this problem of woke ism?
  18. I don't understand how most people, especially males, justify over masturbating. Have they lost connections to their bodies or something? Can they tell that over stimulation and loss of seminal fluids in the sex gonad of the male body, results in the fluids of the other 6 endocrine hormones to transfer downwards? That sex is also very stressful for the body and to the adrenal glands? Can't they feel phantom pains or fever like symptoms when they do masturbate too much or even once?
  19. This thread is going down as a clasic heated derailed thread. I think we all can agree, that words rhyme with green right?
  20. @Rafael Thundercat I just want a simple life, with a simple job really, maybe drawing stuff. So really I don't resonate with Andrew Tate or this workaholic culture among young people in the self help or entrepreneurial side. This may be due to how I was developed in stages, cognitively and morally developed, personality and people problems, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences so far and other developmental factors in parts of life.
  21. @Hero in progress Why are you double tagging me for?! ????
  22. @Hero in progress Minor disagreement with role modeling David Goggins, is that he sounds similar to Peter Ralston, who's amazing as he is as a martial artist and spiritual master, he's just incredibly gifted and talented and nothing wrong with feeling inspirational from male figures, or even female figures, but at the same time it's also unwise to, after getting inspired to then aspire and copy to something that you cannot achieve. Basically I'm against working so hard on yourself that you burnout physically and mentally and emotionally and claiming that most men can be like you. This started from seeing some viewers who glorify David Goggins, Jocko Willink, even Joe Rogan and even the legendary Bruce Lee misinterpreting and misunderstanding what they really had to go through, and simultaneously putting under the rug genetics, body composition, brain structure and other developmental factors that made them extraordinary compared to most average people. Just taking for granted how some of them are gifted, and honestly lucky.
  23. @Hero in progress I don't think he's a good male role modal. Bruce Lee is much better.