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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  2. @WisdomSeeker He has a different life, and different level of consciousness and intrapersonal intelligence to be able to recognize that.
  3. @John Paul Okay Jake Paul, it maybe is better for there to be overreactions, but I feel like over the top reactions are easily weaponized.
  4. @hoodrow trillson Life is not easy right now, I can't even get a vpn.
  5. @Jodistrict So what's your alternative to capitalism then? Marxism? Communism? Libertarianism?
  6. Can someone post a video of that war room or documentary of Andrew Tate?
  7. @trenton Stage green immature woke ideologues reacting to stage orange/stage blue racism, whilst denying they are racist by also caricaturing and stereotyping white people themselves, with limited cognitive and moral development, personalities, over active states of consciousness, limited life experiences, limited knowledge either oversimplified or overcomplicated to suit their agenda, and other limited lines of development in areas of life. Also, victims first of social media consumption, addiction to Tik Tok as the Chinese Government connected founder of Tik Tok designed the algorithms to curate, tailor and hold as much attention as possible, syphoning your attention away from actually training, studying, researching, and developing virtues or being principled, but instead get you hooked and over hyped, get you over stimulated by chasing hyper success and engineering a growing need for more content at faster delivery, at the expense of brain rot and decrease in long term duration attention span. Racism, Xenophobia, discrimination, ethnocentrism, is largely limits of stage blue societies they are reacting to, which ultimately we will have to evolve away from in the future, but these reactionaries, who may also have social media narcissism and other dark triad personality traits, will take advantage of the fallouts and chaos of these transformational dilemmas.
  8. @Eyowey True, but how dangerous are white people is relative in comparison to other non white people, so it's not accurate to say all white people are dangerous, but leave out the dangers of other people? Also, not a good mindset to think and feel about yourself in relation to your race and in group, which to me is a victim mindset.
  9. Why are these uploads of Tate not available in my country? Is it because Tate is British, so don't make it available in the UK? Really?
  10. @Leo Gura I agree, it keeps getting worse for me too, YouTube seems to be out against me today, the uploader hasn't made the video available in my country! Can you please summarize what you saw?
  11. @Swarnim Whatever stage you feel you are mostly predominant in, is where you need to master to completion. Stage orange? Master the pursuit of material success up to a degree, better house, better car or garage, better marketing, better business skills, and train whatever valuable skills you have, so that that itself is the marketing value. Also, basic self-help, and massive action taking on those exercises and applying those concepts to your life, if it's listing specific goals and implementing habits, do that. Reading enough? Do that. Exercise enough, although this needs research for yourself, do that. Meditate enough everyday? Do that. Get into the doing and having cycle early, everyday, do that. Don't like being rational, and logical enough? Do that. Maslow's hierarchies of needs, master the first two rungs first before going into the third rung, you don't want to date, PUA and get a GF when you're broke, struggling financially and job hunting and unemployed. Basic stage orange mastery plan: Stage orange values are independence and being an individual, work ethic, facts and numbers, statistics, data, listing, business, marketing, providing value via making products or services, you strongly believe in financial independence and a deeply stage orange person believes in merits, in skill, in competency and mastery and that everyone is capable when they pull themselves up by their bootstraps, focus and dial in, the disciplined and military mindset (although the military is largely stage blue with some red and orange values). Master that, until you get a bit tired with capitalism, and the monopoly mindset. Question then becomes, will your integrity be the same? be lower and be tempted into doing the hustler's life? will you resist the the temptations of the capitalist dream? Because, there's stage green mind you, after stage orange, so, and I promise you it'll be hard to fully master orange even for me, and much more harder mastering green. If it takes you 2-5 years to master, train and integrate stage orange, 10 years of integrating stage green, assuming you are wise enough to manage the orange values and are brave and courageous enough to pass the transformational dilemma to get to stage green, and finally yellow. Stage yellow I bet will be even more difficult as you need to finetune your way of thinking abstractly, broadly and holistically whilst being able to think like stage orange. Because, when you do finally get into stage yellow, you also will have to integrate the prior stages too, which gets very interesting but very difficult. Good luck!
  12. Here's a video that Leo Gura posted in blog of the discussion: My thoughts: Neil did a good job having a reasonable discussion, despite Patrick's libertarian and business bias. Classic Democrat versus Demagogue discussion, one who's more scientific, reasonable, all about logic and the hard facts, versus a guy who's all about clout, PR, rhetoric and combining fallacies to make himself look good. What are your thoughts and feelings about this video?
  13. @Rafael Thundercat Nowadays it's mostly from memory and habit. In the past I used to write far lengthier posts with much more detail based on the user and the thread topic, but that took 30 minutes to sometimes an hour or more to think through, which sometimes can make me a little bit mentally tired to paraphrase always differently, so I ended up writing that way above, consistently, to cut corners for my thinking. I try to see everything through a multi perspectival lens, but I'm not perfect as I also have my preferences and biases too. I've also dabbled with horoscopes as well, native American astrology too, and when I learned about the Loci method a few years ago, a method of memorizing from a Greek philosopher using spatial awareness, I used my backyard and associated each image of the zodiac to each part of the garden, which helped me recall some details of each sign's meanings, and even though it's been a couple of years if I went to my garden and did the process, I could recall so much meanings from the zodiac signs I have imposed, that each image has it's animals in movement, interacting with it's pair doing something interesting. sometime with a third object or other objects I imagine into the scene, all in 3rd. I also tried to make the numbers and dates interesting too, but it seems on just the explicit details I lag a bit, so I'm left with approximating the dates and number values.
  14. @Rafael Thundercat I think it's okay to leave it be, as it's not entirely identical to the other post, it's mostly worded different without the full description of the blog post, same idea being talked. I think it's ok for now but just a head's up as it's up to the moderators to decide if it's exactly a duplicate thread. In future, if you did post a duplicate identical thread word for word, you can click on moderator action either somewhere on the top or bottom of the post and click hide, or just report your own thread as being a duplicate, but I think this one is fine. A locked thread is not the end of the world.
  15. @Rafael Thundercat I just commented on your other thread about the royalty and Leo's take, but just a heads up, duplicate posts or threads are not allowed, so if you find that other thread of yours is locked, I didn't report, and it's against forum guidelines. So, just a heads up in case.
  16. @Jodistrict This also what made me thing of Andrew Tate as not a professional criminal or con artist, lose lips. Like, most professional criminals mostly don't brag because it gets them killed when they say the wrong things because lose lips can slip secrets and shit you really don't want others to know about yourself, which made me think of Tate, if he is actually a criminal, as a bad faith and immature scammer. Maybe he's not an opportunist, but a impulsive stage in the nine stages of ego development?
  17. @Rafael Thundercat Good post. My two cents about Leo's post: People deserve, whether they are born into positions, or worked towards positions of power, they deserve what they want for themselves, regardless of the objectivity of these positions being petty or selfish. Based on their stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in areas of life, ideologies indoctrinated into you from upbringing and culture, down to your genetics and hardwiring and body/mind psychosomatic composition, these individuals still deserve whatever series of thoughts, series of words, series of actions, series of habits and series of tendencies they have, aka their karma and samsara they're going through. That's also not to say that that development is capped for some at that level, they can still have inner growth. Leo's blog is okay, but it's just relative, because some people are at predominant stage blue with some at stage orange values, their cognition and way of thinking is that more material success and acquisition of luxury and physical goods, this extrinsic value and external motivation is better than internal motivations and have a more binary thinking of good/bad, a more limited circle of moral concern to their family and social circle, or sometimes it's just their family and themselves, some are impulsive or opportunist ego stage of development, so to them it's valuable to either be born or work towards positions of power, and don't have the normal person's life experiences, maybe they're middle low to low class, with other lines of development like finance, career, business and commerce, health and fitness, relationships and intimacy, leisure and entertainment, home environment, some are below the average living person's lifestyle, maybe a few areas are higher but at the expense of another area being lower for the higher development. Even self bias and ideology play a role as well, yes this is my biased take on the blog post, it's too simplistic and makes Harry out like some honorable whistle blower, whilst not mentioning possible biases and prejudices and possibilities that actually, Megan was manipulating Harry to come out with this book? What about Harry's military programing and comments about the Taliban? Sure, Royalty sucks, but also being poor in a 3rd country sucks, and also having mental disorders living in a 1st world democracy sucks especially if it makes you a bit too abnormal, also many other developmental challenges that can factor in and make the whole blog post a bit simplistic and too bold and rushed with it's spiritual and metaphysical claims of the Royalty should or should not exist. It's existence is God's and the Devil's design, FOR A VERY GOOD REASON. It's like a more cleverly worded hit piece and tabloid take in of itself, which is fine. Like, I can complain and demand that video games are evil and should be extinctic and not exist, but I'm appealing to GOD to make my demands real, and maybe I'm overstepping on a VERY GOOD REASON WHY IT EXISTS?
  18. @Osaid It's a shame I can't view it now, cuz it's copyrighted. So, it's a segment on the war room? I'll try and find another viewable source. Just another point against VICE for me.
  19. @Victor van Rijn I'm sorry, but the YouTube video you shared was copyrighted by VICE. Shows how NICE they really are, huh? What VICEs are they hiding? Can't be bothered to shared and care, huh?
  20. @Wildcattt555 Come on now, if you wanna attack me, attack me and the argument, none of this half way passive aggressiveness. Why you got to edit your post? Couldn't clear the forum's coastline? Need more guidance for inciting violence? Come bite me some more, every piece you take from me makes me gayer, every name calling makes me closer to my calling. I'm a loser, dumb, and low IQ? Okay, I'm Chuck Norris hulking up and down with these Numb Chucks on the low, so don't blame me for being the low blows when I upvote upwards up to heaven's gate on sacred merits: Church. I like to spiral up per round a bout per clout chaser that lasers at my mirror, the nightmare reflecting their projection from my eyes, making them dejected whilst prematurely ejaculating away their hate and self loathing . Don't worry, I'll bake the hate out of you, so this rap can be reflective for you. I'm so sorry the vaccine ain't working for you, so sorry you fear the needle my dear. Sorry you deeply fear the deep state and getting strangled by the mask you wanna gasp on with some aspirin powder. You need to pee out your insecurities of late. I'm tired, from anti vax this and that, so I just wanna flex and fax out my civic duties here, but oh dear, even here anti vax talks are near, so I gotta ask this: What's the point of being in a civilization, when villainization in the nation, you villainize civilians? What's the point of civic duty, when you make civilians the villains in your mind to justify dutifully serving the virus to serving it to them? What's the point of being a citizen, when you abuse Zen to use it against women, and men, a children meant to have led a wonderful life, but you helped the virus snuff that outta them, so don't pretend and deny, you innocent when you are hemmed in guilty for ending them, and guilty for over loading the beds, making the docs and nurses burnout to near death. What perverse justification would you use in this universe to verse out your masked innocence in this lame hate blame game as of late? What would you say to avoid the justice and void incoming retribution, inbound for you? What would you you say and do to save face when hell's hounds gnarl, ready to tear your face apart? Please, face the music, of the mad piper, it's lullaby is driving you to the cliff, beat it ASAP when it's early, cuz when sunk cost hits it's too late, too late to relate escaping when you are nearly over cliff's face. Too late and too deep in fort Knox when the ribbon knots are knitted this tight and fortified, don't rely on Eminem's fans to lend a helping hand when they don't even understand. Or, maybe it's Maybeline's fault after all? Nope, you can't default from this rope a dope, balls on your court still to answer for, foe. So, fee fi fo fum, I am a half Englishman, Caucasian bloodied with Asian magic coursing through my veins, both the giant killer and gigantic slayer, with Thor's hammer I grind thee to pieces, pound the flour, bake it to break bread with those deserving for second chances.
  21. @Osaid Oh, that's fine, unless you want to repost the original post you edited? Anyways, that's interesting the guy that did the interview, also went to their podcast, which means he either had a gut feeling Andrew Tate's a bit suspect, or, he actually knew more than he let on, but was just preparing to build a case against him later. Or, he fully knew, but kept silent until the right opportunity presented itself. Or he was just clout chasing? Regardless it's a decent interview he did. I also should edit mine at some point, can't believe I missed a full stop...
  22. @thepixelmonk Yes, I'm so jealous he's scamming people with that camera work alone, while I work alone as a lone wolf drawing Wolfenstein and Frankenstein's monsters. While this fool is so cool for school, I'm so schooled I can tool this fool to a Heineken Whirlpool. Instead, I'm stuck being a more kinder and compassionate human being. I'm just way more developed than Mr. Beast the squirrel man, I'm just more self aware after knowing and practicing Integral theory, slowly improving my cognition and morality, slowly expressing myself more with different personality traits I thought wasn't natural to me (although this gets into arts and acting and improv, but later on that), and I have been and can access different states of consciousness not exclusive to normies, and have lead a varied and interesting life traveling here and there. I'm lucky enough to have a varied life and earlier access to information and earlier philosophical thinking. So, I'm just abstract enough in me drawing that I can see the pitfalls of a sick minded con artist like him. I admit I'm jelly from him hoarding all the money and fame, but I'm okay with that, he can burry himself in those green Bills, while I starve myself being an artist paying the LP bills, making a killing with drawing his graveyard of a molehill. I'd rather be a dead mule than this glorified hooligan!
  23. @Osaid Okay, that makes sense. I just don't trust VICE enough, they're too anti mainstream to me. Anything they touch and cover is just cursed, it's like Midas's touch.
  24. @Jodistrict Seducing men maybe mid-long term, but seducing women short term, very good.