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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Thought Art Yes, it's an interesting study but the research is on going and not enough to conclude wether reusing certain medicines is greater versus implementing mRNA technology vaccines against the virus.
  2. @Matt23 I see you Tim Farris, and that 4 hour work week. Sneaky.
  3. @Eternal Unity Thumbnail game is improving for Leo. Andrew Tate looking like the king of stage red or something!
  4. An interview, by Lex Fridman, about Mr. Beast: I have mixed feelings on this one. What are your thoughts?
  5. @EternalForest The same young men who look at Joe Rogan, also look up to Andrew Tate. Joe Rogan knew enough that this Covid-19 is a VIRUS, he knew that Ivermectin is a ANTI PARASITICAL DRUG. Ivermectin is medicinal treatment for HORSES. People with basic education know, that VIRUESES are effected by ANTI VIRUS DRUGS, especially when said drug is for a different species. This is APPLES TO ORANGES COMPARISON. Ivermectin did JAKESHIT to COVID-19, COVID-19 may have been strengthened by the misuses of drugs that do JAKESHIT, if COVID-19 HAD CONSCIOUSNESS, COVID WOULD BE LOL! Joe Rogan couldn't FACE THE MUSIC, and allowed himself to misinform general audiences with his anti mainstream bias. COMPLETE BETA MALE BEHAVIOR! However, I do respect him as a starving comedian, and a commentator and a podcast. Not for misinforming and adding to the suffering.
  6. @EternalForest To me, that whole emoji encapsulates Joe Rogan's character, but okay.
  7. @EternalForest Before all this? Just being a monkey monkeying his business, with baldness. During all this Covid-19? The misinformation and fake news of mainstream, and increasing other people's suffering because he wasn't man enough, got tiny balls to not humble and be humility himself. Also normalizing joining and practicing and being in the UFC, which basically are a bunch of drugged up apes. I may be too seething and too dark at him, but I'm a martial artist myself, and study Tae Kwon Do and Jeet Kune Do, study Bruce Lee's philosophy. Also Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci and Jesus Christ, and some other spiritual masters and philosophers.
  8. @Thought Art I agree, that user needs more traditionalism, more conservativism, more nationalism and their values just a bit, and stop making them the shadow parts of the psyche. It contribute to this bickering and polarization of the left and right, this culture and information warfare will lead to destruction that both sides can agree will be disastrous, both sides agree that physical violence and war is not every answer, yet both extreme sides think the other side is irredeemable and impossible to communicate, which creates this vicious cycles of catch-22s. Catch my drift?
  9. @Juan I did admit beforehand I do have a bias for these 'men', and I admit I may be overreacting, but I'm this level of sensitive in this context because it makes me sad, nearly to the point of crying, that younger generations of men and women are falling prey to these very soft scammers. They are INFLUENCERS, they CALL THEMSELVES INFLUENCERS FOR A REASON! Influencers are similar to manipulators and exploiters, they are very predatory, Narcissistic , and egotistical. They are similar to Logan Paul, they don't have good character and I can see they don't have as much integrity at all, not enough to warrant their public speaker or Influencer position.
  10. @Juan Another form of hustling, just in digital form. What should stick, should not mainly be promotions or marketing, but the value a person provides through their business! Value provided should be number one priority, followed by clarity of your niche, the audience you want, and parts of the world you want to provide to, and last is marketing. Marketing, unless you are loaded with capital and already got great value to give people, then you can worry about marketing, but most cases marketing should be last, because nothing sucks more than high marketing and high attention but little value provided. Mr. Beast's content is barely valuable at best, at worst it's rotting people's minds out, including mainly the younger generations, which is criminal to me. Lex Fridman isn't as bad, but he is guilty for playing this promotion and marketing game too, but the value he provides is being the middle man, the podcast guy, that exposes a host of diverse guests to his older audience members. I just have a gripe towards Lex Fridman's ideology, and him having a computer rational Silicon Valley bias.
  11. @KH2 Because the dude is a con artist, and is crazy enough to come up with these ideas, or maybe has a ghost writer generate the ideas for him? I just find his hyper digital business and marketing a bit of a scam, whilst playing into the negative social media effects on their brains. He wants more people to become squirrels with stunted focus, that's his long lasting contribution to the world: a generation of major cognitive decline and hyper Narcissism. And Lex Fridman sucks here, well, sucking Mr. Beast a bit too much here, should have pushed back more on some points instead of kumbaya around this campfire talking nothing burgers.
  12. @Osaid He is a legit scammer.
  13. @lostingenosmaze Only Leo knows, but now you mention it, there was a video of him praising Andrew Tate, and even doing a podcast with him, before all the rape allegations were made. Yeah, Patrick-Bet David, a potential scammer who also ran a MLM scheme in the past, got conned by Andrew Tate, who 'allegedly' runs a sex traffic ring of web cam girls, Who also conned Joe Rogan, who scammed and misinformed the general viewers and his fanbase about Covid-19 being a typical flu, whilst recommending Ivermectin, a anti parasitical drug, to treat a virus, because his macho manliness anti mainstream bias can't handle mainstream beta males. I SWEAR, YOU CANNOT MAKE THIS UP, AND WRITE A STORY ABOUT IT. TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.
  14. @Leo Gura Jordan Peterson denies climate change?! Wait, what? It has to be mostly political at this point, just denying that to frustrate the left and bolster more support from some on the right, because if circumstances were a bit different, it's likely that Jordan would actually not be denying climate change. Politics has rotted he's head completely.
  15. @Leo Gura Jeez man, BPD and Joe Rogan have lost even more respect from me, now their podcast and public speaker position really needs to be questioned. Andrew Tate successfully scammed and seduced them into liking his macho image he shows off. They should have known better, the sexier the guy, the rappier he likely is. ? At least to me it makes a bit more sense Joe would likely fall for it due to Andrew being a fighter, sharing some values and having that in common, but BPD? Even he? It's crazy.
  16. @LoneWonderer It'll depend on many factors, from the individual level to the collective level. In this case I say it's okay as long as you mix up methods. In my case, part of my LP is an indie or freelance visual artist, and I made a visual noval game, finally. The weaker areas I was suffering from were getting the coding done and finding good music, the art work and drawing was a bit easy and that's where my interest and attention likes to stay and work on. Also, I can't code and draw at the same time, and due to how coding is more difficult than drawing or music it takes up more time. So, I delegated the coding bit to Chat GPT and just copied the code over to my place. Of course, don't just bow lean on Chat GPT to do all the homework and studying for you, go and give yourself those sweet sweet headaches of textbook knowledge. Study and commit to memory so much that pyramid head would be proud. You won't understand or appreciate it, but one grade difference and the work ethic you get from being a disciplined studebt will be life saving later on, and, one less thing to regret in your deathbed. Don't just go with the 'too cool for school drop out hooligans'. Become the textbook head.
  17. @acidgoofy You really are getting the treatment here, debatable whether saying don't shoot the messenger would have had a subdued effect. I say, it's still largely is Covid-19's fault and largely the heart problems come from the spiked proteins of this virus. It's like drunking water that didn't muc well with powder, so it's wet but sometimes dry and difficult to move along. Maybe the spiked protein has that effect inside the veins, arteries and capillaries, just a bjt difficult to move along blood cells? So, the argument that vaccines are mainly the cause of myocardial dysfunction is best correlated but not causal. For example, what killed the person: the bullet, or the gun? Most would say gun, but actually it's the bullet with the speed and mass it has. The argument is actually what is the important order of blame here. Even if there are exceptions and tbat it's un tbe realm of possibilty ti beat someone by pistol wiping a lot, it still then comes down to whicb one had more efficiency, or severety here? The bullet still is largely more severe. The example may be badly worded and constructed, but, I'd argue thaf it's actually imgenius in it's initial supidity, because, you and most people are starring down the barrel of a gun...but, all you see is a gun, but, not the bullet? Right? PERCEIVED THREATS. Most can only see the gun, while some cannot or are deeply in denial of the bullet due to how horrible ir trajmatic the bullet is. Bingo!
  18. @Leo Gura In that sense we're lucky enough that Covid wasn't far worse, say at the scale of billions infected and half a billion dead within a year while survivors have negative long term health issues, with a 5 rated infection rate instead. Hopefully everyone important learns from this, and either shut down those centers eventually, or move them underground into their own 'area 51' locations. Also it's possible it came from mother nature as we'll, which is even more of us dogding the bullet, as some scientists were predicting for a time a serious pandemic would at some point come. The worst case I was looking at would have been some amazing mutation that allowed a fungus to jump from insect to mammal, then to human, which would be a really really big big problem knowing how difficult it would be to handle spores spreading worldwide compared to how viruses spread.
  19. @zurew Seriously, are you not Destiny? A brother, or close friend of his? You argue solidly.
  20. @Carl-Richard Technically, China had it coming when they should've stop bio weapons research WAY before this happened, instead shift blame it on Wuhan and it's wet markets, away from the two research labs one inWuhan the other somewhere else, which, China was okay with. By having active bio research, the likelihood of it leaking to your own people was high, which is why so many controls and security systems were needed in place to ensure nearly 100% not leaking to the public. Of course, official story will always be Wuhan's wet markets, or Covid-19 came from sewers in Italy, or some multi level marketing cover up story, cuz China has this generational issue of chronic lying to other people that it's expected.
  21. @Spooney Spoonerson I think, more importantly, is this: How are you feeling today, and how's your thinking after finding out Andrew got arrested? How are you doing so far?
  22. @Leo Gura I'm willing to bet, you've been withholding yourself for so long making videos, that the delayed gratification would result in a really high quality video about Tate. I hope it's worth the wait.
  23. LOL, the look on Andrew Tate's face seeing the reporter get beaten ??? I want to help the guy badly. Not to draw a comparison unintentionally, this reminds me of Elliott Hulse's strength camp, but the guy is much better as a role modal, even though he got sucked into the conspiracy stuff.