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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Socrates Unless it's a YouTuber sharing completely the LP course and booklist, and maybe saying completely slanderous and defamatory statements and inciting violence. But other than that I think he won't copy right strike.
  2. @Socrates Likely not, given the amount of hate and death threats he faced.
  3. Oh, and don't be the idiot above please, you'll kill a million more so easily.
  4. @Thought Art The complete irony here, is Leo Gura is PRO LIFE and a LIFE COACH, yet haters, trolls, critics and naysayers and Nancy are going to think he's leading a death cult and encourage people to kill other people and themselves. I say, even if this is an over simplification, these descanting voices are SPOILED BRATS, even those that appear poor you are still spoiled and have little going on in your life. Average mediocre haters are lower in development and cuddled almost everywhere they go, and have so much extra time and energy they take it out on Leo Gura, which is ridiculous, they really are getting whored by reason and rationality itself, the egotism and ego mind is dumb, and they can't afford to look in the mirror nor own themselves one to polish the mirrors over time. The mirrors get grime, and so blame it on other people and not themselves. They just need to listen to this music, maybe it'll change their delusional in denial mind:
  5. While there's technological development and overlap with other technologies, there's also some other potential net positives, as well as net negatives to this, that efficiency, photo realism and other parts of it would be thought of as most valuable. Which means that technology is not value neutral, but rather influences how you decide what is more or less valuable, which means that some tech tools, and sets of tech tools will be discarded or decline overtime.
  6. @Rigel Care enough to fill us in?
  7. @RickyFitts ? Nah man, it's autocorrect on some trolling shit.
  8. @bloomer That's fine, I meant with Greta gloating and dramatizing a person's downfall. I ate people who do that, celebrate a person's downfall, it further dehumanizes them, and I don't like that. Andrew Tate may be a cool Top G pimp, but he is the sum of the values system, thinking, morals, people he interacts with, conscious levels, life experiences and other lines of development in areas of life, and parts of the environment. Yes, some people are built differently that they could overcome certain sets of challenges, but some can't and some won't be able to overcome some of those challenges, which makes them criminals or monsters as a byproduct of an imperfect world system.
  9. @Leo Gura Of course I'm half joking, but I see some inconsistencies enough that it is defamatory and misinformation.
  10. @Thought Art Not just that, but this weaponization of tragic events being attached to a person and made as if they're the ones driving those events is reckless. People with some critical thinking and common sense will spot how biased you are, but most people are lazy minded and mostly go along with whatever is presented to them as 'facts', in a 'rational' and 'objective' manner, whilst skipping over that it's a gossip piece.
  11. @Carl-Richard It also swings the other way too, when that happens, people who hate Leo for his ideas would use that against him and disregard why the suicide actually happened, thinking Leo's the only full cause when there are other factors involved. Leo also has given warnings and disclaimers, but that doesn't stop someone editing it out and make Leo appear reckless.
  12. Can't even listen to half of the video. While it's a good hit piece, it's so biased and cherry picked, selective bias against Leo that it's completely debased morally. The dude thinks he's being rational and acts with reasonable takes, but reason is treasonable and the whore that rots out people's brains, it ain't that hard to see he's trying to ration food to mouth with these drama pieces. He needs to Ramadan fast before he's antics blows him to pieces.
  13. @Rafael Thundercat I agree. It's no use commenting, either trying to give a critic and correction, or flame hate at them, it's all converges into them having more attention. So far, reporting seems to be more effective.
  14. @bloomer I don't know about you or some users here, but I absolutely HATE gloating and kicking down on a defeated enemy. I know it's relative to one's stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideologies indoctrinated and what biases and preferences. To me, you are not emotionally mature to gloat, regardless of who you are and how successful you are.
  15. @Leo Gura Jesus, the video is mostly misinformation nd only gossip, potential slander and defamation. Don't worry Leo, I've reported the video and channel to the authorities. I may not be the Actualized.org moderator, but I'll at least do my part as the internet moderator.
  16. @bloomer Oh, okay, too bad. I'm an introvert, so I mostly don't go to bars, and the guys I've listed, some of them are alive while some have died, and the list is really extensive I just gave a short list. However, I don't have Andrew Tate as a role modal, but I don't view him as my equal, he's below me. While I'm a mix of stage orange, green and yellow values, my cognitive development higher than my moral development, mostly introverted but do have other personalities in me, normal ranges with access to higher states of consciousness, life experiences in several countries, and other lines of development in different areas of life, a mind that has visual and auditory biases, certain ideologies and indoctrinations and other childhood experiences that have largely shaped who I am today, I mostly hold some misanthropic views of mankind that I'm not too concerned in having, and I generally am okay sometimes in my self awareness, that I don't need to rush collecting future role modals, as sometimes I AM MY OWN ROLE MODAL AND MY OWN MONSTER. I tend to go from idealistic to misanthropic views.
  17. @Focus Shift Bruce Lee. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nikola Tesla. Albert Einstein. Leonardo Da Vinci. Daniel Schmachtenberger. Jamie Wheel. Seth Godin. Eban Pagan. John Vervaeke.
  18. I don't care how much hate or mass reporting I would get, but I'd tell these YouTube Reactionaries and YouTube influencers to calm their down, man child and woman child, and go diversify their investing. Some people still work and do YouTube part time or as a hobby, which is much better than doing YouTube full time and only having that as the only source of income, so, tough really. They should have been smarter and not gambled all their eggs into one basket.
  19. @StarStruck Which is why I hate Influencers and public speakiers in YouTube or Tik Tok, most of em have nearly zero integrity and are clout chasing hypocrites.
  20. Just Jesus January going smoothly, made me be singing like this: Psychedelic like states from just meditating, but not exactly as taking one.
  21. You know, I wonder what would Andrew Tate say, if he had a tv and is seeing how we're acting in this thread?
  22. Hi, I just found this guy who claims he made some A.I. bot for passive income. Scam? boilcouture.com - Farm 3
  23. @dualnon Which is basically my point: you can hold contradictory views, although most people can't, some people can. I don't see where are we disagreeing? I thought we were agreeing...no?
  24. @Rafael Thundercat Dude, it's not enough to target Andrew Tate, but his entire team should have been locked down.
  25. @dualnon So, the point you're trying to say, is that some people can hold contradictory views. I like Andrew Tate for his charisma, drive and ambition, but not his worldview. Same with Leo Gura, I don't like his appearance, his views and sometimes how he spoke in the past, but I do like his philosophy.