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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Thought Art It could have been presented differently and a little bit more fair, done with more charity and good faith, maybe tried to steel man some of Leo's points. At least present in a more objeftive take, like a CNN reporter or something. But no, the video was a bit biased against Leo, being uncharitable and bad faith, painting Leo as cult leader running a death cult. At least he had the decency to not go hard with the triangle symbol and gave some benefit of the doubt. The comment section reinforced my misanthropic view of humanity again. Can we all just stop behaving like aninals and slow down, and think a bit more actively and attentively?
  2. @Lyubov I know right? So far it's been Hawaii and Canada, and that's about it so far. Needs a holiday.
  3. That actually is a good example of what a justification looks like. It's tricky, this one should be easier to spot, but other examples that revolve around heinous crimes, and justifications from perpetrators guilty or innocent, and victims accusing them of such crimes, guilty or innocent, makes it far more trickier.
  4. Here's a pretty good video to explain copyright law:
  5. @Socrates Here's a definition of copywrite law: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjdsZOp1NT8AhWPbcAKHclkDfQQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.investopedia.com%2Fterms%2Fc%2Fcopyright.asp&usg=AOvVaw29DOeuyCpnsspsJAF9HahP and one explanation of copyright strikes and infringement: So, technically the YouTuber that made the accusation of Leo running a death cult, isn't breaking copyright laws by doing so. He could potentially be making slanderous or defamatory statements of Leo Gura's character and Actualized.org, but state laws will vary when it comes to lawsuits of slander and defamation. For Leo Gura to make a lawsuit, he'll either have to file a lawsuit which requires him to know if slander and defamation charges are recognized in that guy's state and his state, then travel to that guy's state and pursue the trial at him, preferably with a prosecutor if able. Honestly, it already to me sounds like a lot of paper work over some potentially defamatory and drama seeking video, that seems to sound like a hit piece with mostly solid reporting of facts, albeit cherry picked to question Leo's moral character and integrity of Actualized.org but not enough to pursue liability charges for. So, the guy took a similar route like Coffeezilla, and mostly tries to report facts and situations, but cherry picked to make Leo Gura at least look like a bad cult leader, but again not enough for it to be fully slanderous. So, @Socrates, where do we go from here? Is there another argument point you want to move onto? What is the best recourse of action for Leo Gura, or pretend you were him and some made a half and half hit piece about you that's kind of slanderous, what would you do?
  6. @Extreme Z7 He did made a video about authenticity and honesty in the past, which still to this day are gems in their own right.
  7. @Rafael Thundercat Apparently the ego likes being dodgy and doggy, so, that's low consciousness for ya.
  8. @Tyler Robinson I really do, I hope for that Youtuber's sake they age restricted that, it's downright criminal and irresponsible to share those ideas so openly.
  9. @bloomer What exactly did you do to piss off @Leo Gura?
  10. @Kshantivadin Nice comic, story and art work. True that some ideas and philosophies from others hitting the mass consciousness take a life of their own. Similar to the thought forms, servitors, Tulpa, Egregors and god forms that most occults and ancient esoteric traditions practice and warn against. Daniel Schmachtenberger sometimes refers to egregors in explaining mimetics and ideas going viral.
  11. @Rafael Thundercat That's nice, how's the book?
  12. @mmKay I find that thumbnail disturbing, like WTF? There's some percentage of children, boys and girls now surfing YouTube video. I hope they've age restricted this video because it's soft porno. Click bait culture and chasing Mr. Beast levels of thumbnails is morally debased, my takes.
  13. Very nice rap song, strange loop:
  14. @bloomer Hearts and brains don't exist. Even Bobby boy doesn't exist, after I knock him out.
  15. @StarStruck RING OF POWERS is the culmination of stage orange capitalism and industry pursuit of profits over integrity and vision, and stage green extreme wokeism, SIJ hippie Karen complaints and vision injected into LOTR with little skill and talent. Both excesses of stage orange and excesses of stage green fantasy is what you get here, a BASTARDIZED CORRUPTED LOTR! Just because business need to survive and gradually pander to stage green woke and LGBTQ people, doesn't mean you should blanket a work of art with 'rainbows' when based on stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, states of consciousness, ego development, other lines of development in areas of life, ideologies indoctrinated and other developmental factors dictate that a certain type of art needs to be done in a certain type of way, not what you're political fetishes and predatory capitalism dictates. It's not just in western modern movies getting this treatment, but western comic industries and animations as well as other fields related or loosely related, getting too politicized and marketed too much by big tech and big companies to try to cater to everyone when a medium caters to some or to a few. Eastern movies, anime and manga industries have survived this wave and remained mostly integrity and cohesion much more than western counterparts. Thy don't froth in their mouths with political outrage and craze like in the west, and focus their skills development where it counts, enough said. Even some manga with political themes handle them beautifully and artfully respect the story structure and manga drawings. In the west it's almost the opposite, it's disappointing and childish immature handling of art it makes me sick!.
  16. @Rafael Thundercat Jeff Epstein for sure.
  17. @bloomer The only truth bomb the people and the famous cardio guy should get, is this: Hearts and brains don't exist bitch. Oh, and stop fearing the needle prick, prick.
  18. @StarStruck Or, the other exception is those 15 year old fap to that kind of porn, so, they'll be disincentivized to be morally outraged by it. Most cases they won't express that but internalize that.
  19. @Phil777 Oh, so it makes them environmental terrorists then? I think that part is illegal to do. Bad Greta.
  20. @bloomer It's not so simple. They could've invested in Nuclear energy plants, but fears of a meltdown and environment hazards kept them from upgrading. So, they settled for gas, with the tradeoff that it's coming from Russia, which does compromise them a bit in the negotiation table
  21. I invite you to watch the full video below, and comment on what you think and feel about this person's delivery. Let's pretend to play a game of spot the difference, and I want you to pay close attention to where there are problems with his interpretations: Other than that, my take, is that the entire video is amazing. However, do you spot the problems with me making that observation?
  22. The guy is actually a good find, pretty good documentary about the Matrix: I'm predicting this channel will grow slowly over time, seems like the current videos available, this first one is around 45 mins, but the other 4 have been cut down to 10 minutes long. So, unfortunately it's likely he'll stick to 10 min with high quality presentation and speaking, but low probability that he'll return to a documentary length video. To me, I didn't just discovery a gem of a YouTube Channel, but one in it's infancy, which allows me to future project and imagine some more.
  23. Interesting video on how Resident Evil 7 'saved' Resident Evil series: What are your thoughts? I think this is an interesting video showcasing what Capcom went through to do Resident Evil 7, and other ramifications that had several insights into philosophy as well. What are your thoughts?
  24. Another good take on the evolution of survival horror. Short video, but it touches on what I've said: