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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Congratulations @Ulax, @Thought Art and @Sincerity! I will also do mu part and police the forum as well. Good luck!
  2. Bit coin, the perfect currency that never inflates or deflates in value. @Rafael Thundercat Most cryptocurrency at this point is scam and pyramid/ponzi scheme, the way it's always over hyped is already a dead giveaway to it being a swindle.
  3. @bloomer That kind of behavior is suspect AF. The likelihood this is staged is high, and therefore disingenuous.
  4. @Applegarden8 You are nearly as out of context as the wrestlers here: Please don't misunderstand and misuse Spiral Dynamics, don't even talk about it.
  5. @Blackhawk That is actually really good production. Imagine if 009 sound system was being played there, and all of YouTube's national anthems!???
  6. @Socrates This is Andrew Tate followers in a nutshell:
  7. @zurew I agree, although I was more jumpy against anti vax, as I've done my part in this war, and feel like I'm being disrespected by y'all, for just acting in a civic manner and helping as best as I can. It's like this guy here, the one with the fake AF MIB attire, thinking his conversations are interesting, and we are ready for compassion and love in the world. Far from it, we are wolves in sheep's clothing, and this level of idealism and foolishness will create Godzilla: This is why we need to advance to stage yellow values, cognition and moral development, personality, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development need to be above average and some fields at masterful development. All in at least some perspectival thinking, good faith and charitable communications with being able to steel man each point. Not this deceptive thing.
  8. @axiom Yes, let's wait and see, and watching millions dies rapidly because most big pharma and vaccine making businesses were too liberal and didn't feel bothered to rush. Let's wait and see the economy and social order collapse because governments were laisse fare with covid policies, lacks in enforcing wearing masks, safe distancing, putting up screens, enforcing more washing hands, so that the virus spreads easier through the global trade markets with imports and exports to other countries. In life, most think they having the luxuries of waiting and seeing, but in reality, all decisions are made rapidly and with little data and information beforehand because most groups hate gambling and taking the chance of mankind's and their in-group's survival over a few people dying. If Godzilla exists, and is raging worldwide from country to country, mankind has little luxury to wait and see a creature threaten it's survival. Even with very little data, the military and science communities will theorize, implement, observe, record, make corrections, and repeat the cycle exactly or similarly. Military and scientist have little luxury to wait and see a radioactive creature massacre thousands of lives to millions a day, worldwide.
  9. @bloomer Not at the time, it was convenient for them to get gas through Russia's territory because constructing a roundabout gas piping around Russia's territory is very difficult to do.
  10. @Leo Gura That I can see a problem with science and the over emphasis of quantity and measure. The most effective way for a boy or girl, to determine if they want to transition to trans is mostly from intersubjectivity, from what they are feeling in their awareness. Catch 22 here, is if we want to scale that up to a group that can offer that, they have to prioritize qualitative over quantitative, and value self reporting.
  11. @Thought Art YOU WERE ASKED TO BE A MOD?! I emailed several times to ask because I do spend longer times here, and I know the forum rules and guidelines by heart, and am fairly decent when addressing any issues, what is this holarchy? I'm not wholly defending opioids, as sometimes opioids are unnecessary, but you know, if you took and arrow to the kneee and get your arm mangled into a mess, and you were screaming in pain, you definitely may need a pain killer in that situation, or potentially morphine. Maybe it's just user error and over reliance on pain killers? Yes, false marketing is evil here, but also it can be argued that since their a business it's for their survival as well so it's justifiable in their view to falsely advertise that way. I have a hunch it all started with Nixon and his administration, and also the early founders of western medicine and medicine in pill forms, the early days of big Pharma emerging and trying to compete with many smaller and established business that deal with selling liquid Marijuana and other powerful medicinal herbals. I'm pretty sure weeds and even psychedelics were a thing in the 60's-70's?
  12. I meant they should have aired it on mainstream, not just images but some filmed.
  13. @Leo Gura I'm going to sound a bit evil here, but they missed out on the opportunity to film them ship the containers and filled the containers with their bodies. If they did that, they'd at least get a more clearer example of just how desperate and dire the situation was getting. Don't just film and documentary the hospital beds filling or some struggling even with ventilators, film and show the world when they are filling the containers, and how much are they filling them in. Viruses are hard to view experientially, in one's perception, nobody can see the literal cloud of miasma that is Covid, they can only see the tail effects of what is happening later, and even then some will keep denying. It's like with whale hunting denial, or people in denial that it's still going. Okay, show some pictures and films live. Yep, those who do may get canceled and censored for showing graphic material, but on the other hand, those who strongly deny will keep on denying, until they see enough outcomes directly, fully see the effects with their eyes of what whales and dolphins and sharks getting their fins cut for 'research purposes' have to go through.
  14. Has anyone watched the new Matrix movies? Oh, and I just found out, but the Wachowski brothers are now sisters, congrats I guess.
  15. @Thought Art Yeah, it's tricky with opioids, because sometimes relatively speaking you do need them because, well, to numb down a stronger source of pain in the body, for example with surgery they mostly do offer them at different levels of strength depending on your pain level. So, there's some use for them on those cases. If someone is also injured or experiencing some infection, opioids could help take off, again, the pain, if some can't handle on that level. Opioids, if I'm not mistaken, needs to be considered carefully because they also have some chemical addiction to them, via numbing. How did you become a moderator?
  16. @bloomer This is such an over simplification of the self help industry I don't know where to begin addressing the problems. From the start it's mostly outcomes orientated, until eventually the person doing personal development discovers they can internally generate motivation. It just takes time and development, because all things that are good and are highly worthwhile, take time and effort to make.
  17. @axiom Fair enough, but it's also reasonable to expect hurried and decisive action taken by groups to ensure the majority of mankind's survival, so Pizer and the government's Covid policies made sense to implement quickly in that time period. It's unreasonable to complain about evil mainstream this or that when we're dealing with a pandemic that threatened to extinct humanity out of existence, so, for those who want a refund or compensation or reparations, it's reasonable to get those later, but not when we are in the thick of a plague spreading worldwide.
  18. @roopepa Just no.
  19. @Leo Gura Based on spiral stages of development, ego development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, and ideologies and belief systems indoctrinated into people, and even how their minds think and represent reality, I think most average people think this is controversial because they can't allow themselves to imagine hormonal therapy and surgery to change one's sex biology in their minds . They have an instinctive fear about imagining certain scenarios in their minds that is not so easy to forget, so cognitively they will make it a binary good or bad and put the very taboo stuff into the bad category.
  20. @TheAlchemist Yes, those siding with the reputable Cardiologist, are epistemically going all in in one thing only, without being open minded and consider other possibilities instead.
  21. @axiom Meanwhile, we lose ourselves in the drama and forget that Pfizer and Moderna and other companies that rushed the vaccine development SAVED LIVES. We also forget that government, while not perfect, made the right call to be conservative and enforce lock down policies at the time. There's so much bad faith and uncharitable takes here against them that I suspect most of you are blind anti mainstream followers, attacking a mainstream entity when it's about to fall. We should at least try to put ourselves in their shoes and see why they made their decisions.
  22. So many interesting personalities in this thread!
  23. @Ulax Well, that was the idea, but they didn't seem to stop and think of the consequences of hormonal therapy ti children.
  24. @Raze I am strongly against it as its too soon for them to undergo hormonal therapy and surgery to alter their sex.
  25. @Sincerity Sadly, yes. Although I'd call it group think and band wagon mentality, and passive thinking, but it's mostly common. That and typical trolling, haters and critics of Leo naturally. Sometimes it's best to think I'm just a fan, maybe brainwashed by Leo Gura, better this than to realise that you are surrouned by that much evil, ignorance and myopia.