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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Osaid Fair enough, it could be likely then. Which makes China actually look bad, because if it's true that it's just an accidental lab leak from a badly conducted gains of research in China it makes China look incompetent AF. I don't believe in conspiracies, but if China had to pick one, if it had to be a lab leak, make it exciting or something like maybe a bio terrorist organization plotted this to happen in the start, you know, maybe Umbrella group was behind all the shenanigans in Wuhan from their Antarctica secret base, maybe they want to experiment and make avian zombies or something like that, you know, exciting and mysterious and sexy scape goat narratives, not some lame AF accidental spill, like Jeez.
  2. @Rafael Thundercat I think Resident Evil 1, 4, 7 are the best RE games from Capcom, and RE 7 isn't really that scary and really revived the franchise. What do you think?
  3. @Osaid I still think it's suspect, but putting that aside and assume the guy's telling the truth, did he have to say it with all that excited facial expressions and body gesturing? He's either high or on trolling mode there, there's no way that I'm the only one thinking the guy in the video is just making fun? Just to troll anti vaxxers and rick roll them or something?
  4. @zurew Oh God, not the Umbrella corporation again! Always somehow starting viral outbreaks in some other regions for global dominance or something. Sounds like the next plot line for Resident Evil 9.
  5. @bloomer I'll even grant you that Covid being a lab leak from gains of research is a possibility, sure. One of many other possibilities out there of the origins of Covid, we got Covid coming from bats kept i the wet markets in Wuhan and due to bad sanitary conditions the virus made the mutation and jump to humans, another possibility is that Covid just came from mother nature, as all virus/bacterial/fungal microbial life always evolved in nature, whether in natural biomes or urban conditions, or even in labs. Another possibility, Covid was a bio weapon shot by a UFO, which may explain Russia' or China's intense cover up. See, many possibility with each hierarchical range of chances of probability per possibility. Depending on one's spiral stage of development, cognitive and moral development, ego development, states of consciousness, personality types, life experiences and other lines of development, and what kind of mind you have and it's biases and preferences and ideologies indoctrinated into it from upbringing, will distort and skew what you consider as truth or lies and what's unlikely or likely.
  6. I'm not being mean, sarcastic or satire on you @bloomer, I intuitively, in my heart, know you are very likely just joking here, but you and some users here I do like to read posts every now and then for comedy relief and a few insights here and there, plus you are one of the few that uses Christian Bale 'American Psycho' as a profile pic, which is nice. I just hope the shenanigans won't lead you to getting a ban.
  7. @bloomer Dude, are you just trying to haze the new moderators or something? Like put psychological stress tests on the new mods? This is just getting funnier now, I have so many questions.???
  8. @bloomer Dude! Project Veritas isn't a solid and trustworthy enough source, maybe try other sources to verify if Pfizer's director did say that or it's deep fake. Also, just because a company does gain of research doesn't mean it's all of a sudden bad, gain of research was done multiple times in history to preempt and prevent any future variations of viruses and such. Even militaries do gain of research for bio weapons research. So, what is the real problem here? Why joking?
  9. @bloomer Is that even the real account? Is it a deep fake?
  10. @bloomer Dude looks like he's trolling SO HARD!!? Oh no, the anti vax people over complaining and dramatizing him and those who want the vaccines as ignorant and evil, well, the guy is clearly doing an Eminem, takes those judgements, and flips it to those who were going too hard on Pfizer and other businesses. Most likely it's a joke, a satire and sarcastic joke at those who are being too offended and defensive over vaccines, like Joe Rogan or Russel Brand.
  11. @Hardkill Trust me, I know myself way more than you know me. I ain't surviving any Fallout The Last of us fungus zombie apocalypse scenarios. But I can do martial arts and punch boulders though, but no boulder punching would make me immune to radiation or spores infecting humans.
  12. I intend to make this a mega thread for documenting the fallouts of Andrew Tate's message, and the costs of one individual's ideas to the collectives ou there. Also, I don't like this YouTuber as he's a downright ideologue, but what he's showing is one effect of Tateism: Please share videos, footages and more showing the negative effects of this guy's ideology, and your thoughts down below.
  13. @coburn Yes, every now and then per week.
  14. @StarStruck It's likely Andrew Tate is getting convicted, he snitched on himself multiple times that it would be amazing if he walks free. A nothing burger who wants chocolate fudge.
  15. @Emrie Let me guess, most of that criticism is from the left more than the right?
  16. @Leo Gura He was joking in that last bit. To me, the point he was making, is that spirituality and mystical states of consciousness were common in ancient times, but because of survival and evolution, or the powers of the devil, it funneled and filtered out, bit by bit, those magical states of consciousness until states of consciousness that are closely linked to materialism and rationalism survived throughout famines, wars, genocides, natural disasters ect. Very similar to how reverse osmosis pump works, filters out heavy metals and other toxins in water. P.S. Really funny how reverse osmosis pump is literally the inversion of what is happening to mankind throughout the ages.
  17. @zurew Nice post! There are definite rippling effects of messing around with technology that could spill over to other fields as well.
  18. @StarStruck Of course, he's an innocent cupcake, and of course it's injustice to just half bake the cake. Typically narcissist stage red deflection. All I can say, is weaselly snake, should have baked and treated your cupcakes properly, not like property, probably, not prophet level or prodigy genius. Just, like, morally humane standards, at least for marketing and self interest in this chess game, cuz now you and bro are at death stranded island, an island of your own making.
  19. @Hardkill We ideally shouldn't panic, and what can you do really? If you're not the super wealthy who owns a nuclear bunker, you are mostly basically screwed, and then despite that you still depend on collective systems out there that nukes would just obliterate and make unusable. I'm lucky enough to be in a modest life, and I have still a favorite wine in one of the cabinets. I will celebrate with some family and friends when, and if when it comes. If you and others still want to survive in a nuclear apocalyptical world, Fallout and the last of us style, be my guest. I'm not built to deal with zombie monsters or a post apocalyptical world, and if you're being honest with yourself and others, most of you are not as well.
  20. A simple take, but this is increasing over time with social media:
  21. @hyruga Got to be his marketing team behind it making him still relevant.
  22. @Ulax Yes, that MGK'S diss track 'The Rap Devil' was by far the best diss so far towards Eminem that half the fans were pretty excited and wanted Em to clap back, which he did with 'Killshot'. Then there was the Game diss track 'The Black Slim Shady', which I heard and honestly it's got good musical beats and rhythm, but below average lyrics and bars, and the delivery was very slim shady like, but bad enough that I could tell it's to mock the target. Of course, most people felt a different way and thought it was trash, and Eminem never clapped back. There were a few hard hitting bars though, like 'Durag for ten years, never had one wave.', 'Little MARTIAL MATHERS, mad cuz nobody thought little MARTIAL MATHERS.(capitalized cuz there was echoing effect)'. 'You want a rap god, well f**k it, Imma give'em one. I came to put slim in a box, but he's already living in one.'. I also like the few very deep references like 'so fee fy fum' which is a poetry line, by William Shakespeare, from his work Jack the Giant Killer, and related Jack in the Bean Stalk.
  23. @Leo Gura Oh yes, he's still somewhat relevant today. Probably members of his team knowing how to use the algorithms and shorts. Still kicking in his late 40's, not so bad.
  24. Apparently Andrew Tate was balsy enough to even diss Eminem: