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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Hardkill Yes, it's true, as it's extremely hard to scam convincingly without charm or charisma, as some personality types are better than other types. I disagree that and the end of the day he has no soul because what do you mean soul? And if he has none, does that mean everyone has no soul then? I also disagree that his only skill is kickboxing, he clearly has many other skills he developed in his life so far and has lead a varied enough life. I disagree with the over simplification you are framing Andrew Tate in. Leo may be right in saying Andrew Tate has lower skills in business, but marketing? Promoting? Hustling? Online business? He has higher skills development in those areas, otherwise how is he this successful short term? I disagree with your characterization of him. To me, it seems he's mostly stage red, with some orange and blue value systems, higher cognitive development due to his quicker reasoning skills and lower moral development due to how much he exploits and manipulates men and women, extroverted personality, either impulsive or opportunist in ego development, my intuitive sense is he has some differences in states of mind and consciousness that makes him different enough, along with limited life experiences and varied lines of development per area of life. To me, he also is a victim of upbringing and indoctrination of ideologies growing up with a father figure like that, under most conditions under a single mother, with a finance of lower class in the beginning. Hard to relate to some people growing in poor conditions as they do have to hustle. Political ideology may be a factor here, but specifically for this I call irrelevant. In fact, bringing political ideology here risks bad faith acting, uncharitable takes of Andrew and close mindedness and unwillingness to learn and steel man points of mistakes and other ways of improving, it's almost akin to a thought terminating cliché. Even if Andrew Tate chose to stay in kickboxing or MMA as a career, it's relatively a risky career. Careers in combat sports or sports in general that involve blunt force impacts to your or other people's bodies, singular to mostly concussive, could lead to CBT, or blunt force traumas to organs, bones, or even increase risks of heart attacks and strokes and other common to rare injuries and illnesses with prolong combat sports. Ideally that should be a hobby, and he should change careers over to something else but almost any change in careers does carry certain risks anyways. It's not shameful, this is life. Some people are born and develop differently than you or I can imagine or relate to.
  2. @bloomer They just keep getting better and better making deep fakes.
  3. @Hardkill The O.J. Simpson trial was more complicated, as there were a lot of factors involved, not just in the crime itself, and happenings in the courtroom, but the events outside of the courtroom and the racial tensions. The prosecutor at the time was an upcoming one and a woman, instead of pursuing a lesser charge, instead opted to pursue the maximum guilty verdict of life without parole or even the death sentence, and her motif for doing this is unclear to me at the time as it could be for justice or to make an impression on her colleges, which has higher requirements of pieces of evidence not to mention higher sentences can make some juries a bit more careful in giving a vote or verdict. That, along with how the defense lawyers argued their case, how the prosecutors argued theirs, whilst dealing with the racial nature of this case, the political climate, and also allowing cameras and the media networks to film and report this in the courtroom, may have had a factor in giving the not guilty verdict. It's likely you'll be right in Andrew Tate either guilty for a lesser charge, or not guilty.
  4. @Hardkill No, Adrew Tate does have some personality and charisma.
  5. @bloomer ChatGTP being cencored makes sense, the devs are likely left leaning so project their standards into technology. However, it's not that hard to get the robot to tell jokes and describe or give advice to improving how you cook. I got ChatGTP to sounding like a sexist and a Nazi by long trolling and asking open ended questions and it finally gave some answers and even suggestions. I agree with you here partly, specifically because I'm curious whaf a truly unbiased A.I system would think and say and write aboht people and world history.
  6. While it's true there's a growing problem with masculinity and dating, the system tends to balanfe and correct itself over time.
  7. @FourCrossedWands Valhalla Rising is good, the main actor also played in Casino Royal James Bond movie as a villain. The Thing, John Carpenter, the original and 90's remake, the artwork and the concept of an alien with complete mimicry is disturbing. Final Fantasy 7, although it's a game it has similar concept of some creature 2000 years ago still having mimicking but also mind cintrol and hallucination like powers, and it's remake and other media also had that, not a movie but they did make one. Fatal Frame 1,2 and 3, hands down most horrific game in the entire universe so far, most slept on G.O.A.T even in comparison to Resident Evil and Silent Hill, the last two were just mostly lucky breaks in marketing, promotions and business, and many other factors for their wide spread success, but what especially made Fatal Frame so scary but also disturbing, is that some events, locations and even the appearances of those ghosts are based in the director's living experiences and true events just hyped up a bit. Alien, a classic. Although mostly known now, it doesn't lessen the suspense because you know the creature and what's it capable of so far, and the events, but it's the build up and the quality of the film that maintains it's replay value to me. Hell Raiser, downright disturbing. Berserk, the trilogy, but also the anime versions especially the 90's, and tbe manga series, very good art work and story but also deals with dark themes. IT, and other Steven King's books and films. I suggest the books first before movies as it's more immersive and your mind actually makes the story cime to life,along with the disturbing events and creatures in them.
  8. @bloomer This entire situation is just us beating around the bushes, going around epistemic blind spots and other assumptions. Reminds me of this video:
  9. @Consept Andrew Tate literally taped himself saying how greatly gay USA AND UK'S laws are! The Aim of Andrew Tate is to game the system, as a stage red, is hustling hot babes, avoiding legal custody, behind contracts and even prison custodians. Swindling young wimpy guys to buy his courses, and of course, to also finance his intercourses whilst taking away their inner and outer courses. Always shifting blame, shafting babes, attracting gals and guys to buy out his courses, always wanting to be the tallest blade of grass she ever sees. Well, look no further, for his baldness is the sign of God's second sun! Don't be lost in the reeds of this reading, or you'll be the catcher in her mind's eye, tee-hee-hee, we'd be best beady bees breeding brightly by meadows.
  10. @Devin Basically Destiny DESTROYED Sam Seder without trying too much.
  11. @Osaid It all depends on spiral stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, ego dev, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in areas of life, and ideologies indoctrinated into one's mind and the nature of each mind to each person, their preferences and biases and so on, how each distorts reality for each self. Maybe my life is similar and different to yours, but so far, lived combat experiences, a few run ins with jumpers and attempted thefts against me, trained in Jeet Kune Do and other forms of combat, my instinct, and in this context my intuition, is to take initiative first, as soon as I see milliseconds of any person whose going to escalate and be aggressive I pounce immediately without warning. That's my instinct, but yes I would also be trying to de-escalate the situation whilst keeping my eye out of any sign of escalation. The fat guy clearly, to me, the bigger and crazier looking than the older guy, was a more immediate threat to me.
  12. Another example of integrity. Now I know why they hated each other that much, and Ali is straight up a DICK:
  13. @Blackhawk I also found it a bit strange, because as soon as I saw a hammer, and both men's hands around it, and the other trying to draw the hammer I would've pounced immediately, even drawing and shooting the guy myself but that's mostly illegal to draw and fire without declaring a warning.
  14. Yeah, the pillows family should have installed alarms systems like glass alarms and maybe a security cameras throughout their home, a panic room and even a taser gun or some guns. Some self defense classes and martial arts training is optional, and that Pillow guy should've kept his other hand closer to his head and blocked or intercepted the hammer swing.
  15. Oh god, this is making me a bit worried that they're taking their time:
  16. @Leo Gura Here's a good example of how integrity is tested at the top: Anthony Joshua begins humble and with humility restraining his demons, but gets a few moments of humiliation of getting out boxed, and finally the defeat freed his inner demon.
  17. @integral Nice share! A case study of spiral dynamics stage orange and green values clashing, and other ideologies in the mix.
  18. I scored 12 out of 40. Not an American.
  19. The narcissist personality test, I scored 12 out of 40. The test was from the blog.
  21. This music completely nullifies all else before it, just so funny and so deep in meaning:
  22. Also another nice song, half rap half sing song, but in comedic fashion, same guy also made a song for Kanye West too, and the Kanye West haters of late:
  23. @bloomer OMG, I didn't mean to leak that we were doing gains of function research or anything BAKA! I was lying to impress my date BAKA!!?????? This Jordan Walker knows how to catwalk for the cameras, that's for sure.