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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @bloomer Don't forget Tik Tok, made by Hua Wei, now propagating and circulating the English internet and USA. I can't believe we're having a discussion, let alone debating and arguing over a spy balloon. ?
  2. @Nilsi Still questionable if he's faking this conversion to becoming a Muslim. Even though it depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, states, life experiences and other lines of development per area of mastery and life, and the ideologies indoctrinated into you from birth and upbringing. Andrew Tate's ego development seems like an Opportunist, and that ego type will say and do anything that is deceptive to manipulate and leverage any benefits to their self interests first and foremost, damn the others. Andrew Tate is now mostly untrustworthy. If he feels fine abusing and pimping young women for his OnlyFans biz, and scamming men, there's little moral integrity. That's it.
  3. This discussion, part of it was a talk also about Destiny in Lex Fridman's podcast. Lots of insights about language, and manipulating frames: What are your thoughts about this convo? @Carl-Richard?
  5. @Hardkill So, the USA is preparing for war with China, just because of A FUCKING BALLOON?! I don't know where to begin here, even if it's politics and there's plenty of factors involved here, going straight to a WW3 scenario is a bit silly and hyperbolic marketing at this point. It's irresponsible to behave in some ways that may escalate this situation. Probably a tit for tat isn't really effective, but if China wants the send spy balloons, the USA can too, send some USA hot air balloons over there.
  6. @Kksd74628 Sorry for skipping over your reply. So, to answer you, yes, I am far above Mr. Beast in stage of development, cognitive development such as less add and far superior focus and moral development as I do understand and empathize with that philanthropy, ego development, states of consciousness such as psychedelic visions and having a ghost friend, far more diverse life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of my life that far outweigh any lack of financial security and money that he has. I am here critiquing Mr. Beast from above, from a higher development than from below. I obviously disagree with the haters and trolls and critics of Mr. Beast from below because they are just petty and maybe political biases of progressive/socialism/communism. My main concern are those who will manipulate and exploit that image of being kind to swindle more of your money, that's all in the short term. Good job for Mr. Beast being philanthropic, could have done more better, for example in that prison video challenge at the end make commentary of the prison system and point out those systemic issues, same with this eye surgery for 1,000 people, at the end make commentary of medical system's limitations, don't just cut corners and not address those collective issues, it's just hyper transactional. Actually, most of Mr. Beast, I don't know if it's because of his autism or ADD brain due to genetics or too much exposure to social media and hyperactivity, but how he treats relationships as if he needs to stimulate his partners and friends, like, WTF??????
  7. @Nilsi I'm going to sound pretty terrible, but yes I find in those sites beauty in those artworks and constructions. It's amazing, yet I admit I don't have full awareness of what it really took and costed, and honestly don't care too much, other than to side step any situation of ever making these. I especially love Berserk, for it's great artwork and visuals, and tackling mature themes, spirituality and metaphysics, existentialism, Nihilism and facing cosmic horror. It 's gives me both awe, but also horror and I wouldn't want to be in the eclipse either.
  8. @Carl-Richard Another interesting part is when Destiny explains the capitalist part, he emphasizes the outcome results orientation, whilst devaluing process oriented thinking. I tend to do both and sometimes view problems and systems in a process oriented way, so I don't know why he'd be against such a way of thinking? Maybe in context to the progressives/socialists in these online bubbles in regards to their extreme takes on Mr. Beast's eye charity? I mean, Destiny talks about how most people should care for the outcome view over process view, and not value for the sake of the tool itself. To me it's a reductionist take rather than a holistic one. A better explanation of this dynamic is in this website: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwib3dHIq_z8AhXbMMAKHQP0CwcQFnoECBAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fconsilienceproject.org%2Ftechnology-is-not-values-neutral%2F&usg=AOvVaw2DKqzDUEzzAeoDs-NhqY0y
  9. @Carl-Richard This goes to show that upbringing in whatever family unit, and environment, and early childhood trauma is far more powerful than we thought. Talk therapy, at least to me, on average may unwire those traumas but in years if not close to decades, sometimes some will never transcend and resolve their specific traumas. I guess, taking into account the developmental factors in regards to Destiny, it's likely he'll never experience actually TRUTH or CONSCIOUSNESS like @Leo Gura. Environment and the systems that input and output people or things are far more important, and correcting parts of a system that is faulty, that imparts trauma to some, is pretty important. Same for Charisma guy. Looking forward to when psychedelics and therapy become more mainstream and normalized.
  10. @supremeyingyang Thinking makes it so.
  11. @UDT In a holding cell awaiting his trial.
  12. @Nilsi I got your meaning man. It's a real artform, a beautiful sight to behold in your eyes. Scamming, swindling, conning, hustling, and frauds are cute.
  13. @something_else The victims of said scams, who thought they were dealing with a good character and saint, only to lose their savings.
  14. @something_else You think I'm saying all charity is bad, when I'm not if you bothered to look at my post carefully. I said acts of kindness and philanthropy from rich capitalists can be used to look like a good guy. That act is manipulation and exploitation for PR, and weaponizing because it's comparable to the moot and bailey fallacy. some who hate or troll Mr. Beast, some with mixed opinions and some, like me, who comment, review and critique from above higher developmental psychology, will all look like evil people attacking a saintly person. Like I said originally, I am not against charity works and acts of charity, kindness and philanthropy. I'm just saying that these acts can be deceived. But if it soothes your mind, I'll play that game of yours. I'm a conservative misanthropic Nihilist that hates this entitled squirrel who thinks that saving 1,000 lives makes any difference at all. He needs more sleeping pills for his hyperactive social media mind, and how he represents all that is evil and corrupt with social media, and gets to propagate his harmful views of the world is criminal. I don't even care what his net worth is, success /=/ growth, what success equals is a cesspool of misery and lies that loves your company.
  15. @Hardkill No, we just need a fleet of aliens that present an existential threat to humanity, that it quickly stops all the bickering and bipartisanship among the political parties. See how quickly all cultures start working together.
  16. @mr_engineer Nice post, yes we should take spiral dynamics seriously.
  17. Nice critique of Mr. Beast, not on the meta level but solid enough:
  18. @something_else Then I guess we have to disagree here about the scope of evil. I'm pointing to the entirety of hell, while you're locked inside a context about Mr. Beast's funding some charity for blind corrective surgery. I'm going meta and being open minded in the most radical forms that words can allow here, while you're locked inside specific forms of evil here. It's not like I'm against the charity act here by Mr. Beast. Consider another alternative context: Some Mr. Beast copy cat and scammer looks at what Mr. Beast does, and emulates that by being philanthropic with donations using a cryptocurrency scheme, but behind the scenes he's actually running an MLT/Ponzi scheme. When someone points that out, because of the philanthropy appearance you look like a jackass for trying to question whether that's a scam, until many years later. See what I mean? By your logic, I can get away with scamming you and making you in debt to me, because any time you try to resist me, it makes you look like the jerk for attacking such a charity looking person, and such a philanthropist and heart warming sweet heart!
  19. Tangent, Jesus this appeared in my thread. The guy is just too abnormal to relate with: The epitome of hyper capitalism and social media brain rot, my 'idol'.
  20. @something_else Never mind the haters and trolls, there could be validity to concern, because some people can use the image of being a philanthropist for PR points.
  21. @Rafael Thundercat I'm sorry the thumbnails disturb you so. Having said that, some of the YouTubers I watch, who have nothing to do with the situation shared their commentary, which made me share my commentary, and here I am further sharing my commentary. Besides the haters and trolls, I think there's a valid point, outside the context, that capitalists can use acts of charity and philanthropy to 'look good'. This part, and some bigger picture factors is what I'm concerned about.
  22. @Scholar Jeez, this is another high quality thread by you. What are you taking to produce such high quality content? I'm reminded by a YouTube video similar to this topic. A debate between the two Davids:
  23. @at_anchor Generally speaking, to travel is to enrich your life experiences, and become more cultural and aware of the bigger world out there. Travel to me is like making yourself a world citizen, and making yourself rich with worldly knowledge and world experiences. Newer interactions with different environments and cultures increases your creativity and insight making as well. Learning new experiences and even languages also can help a bit.
  24. @hoodrow trillson It's like promotional marketing for Andrew Tate. Can't wait for the trial to happen! Another good example of a hustler, swindler, scammer, fraudster, con artist white criminal repeatedly lying and repeat the message they are innocent. They missed the until proven guilty part.