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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @jimwell Let me guess, Africa?
  2. @bmcnicho Just curious, but where was he mentioned in the live stream?
  3. @tatsumaru Because said sociopathic leaders are too busy leading a group, organization, nation, country? It all depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life and lived experiences, and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing, and the millions of shadow selves suppressed in the psyche, from trauma or negative feedback, aka Carl Jung's shadows and architypes.
  4. @Nilsi How do we sales pitch Leo Gura to Lex Fridman for the interview though? I think just @ is enough but too simplistic, but I don't want to be the one to explain too much about Leo Gura or Actualized.org. I immediately feel the messenger will be shot down.
  5. @Ulax They either should do a podcast a second time with Leo, or play D&D with him, that'll be awesome as wall. Leo can be the white mage or something.
  6. @Osaid The question then becomes, is the 'Leo' getting pushed into the mainstream the one we know very well, or just another meme? Will they receive Leo in such a way that he becomes a meme on the web, and by extension Actualized.org?
  7. @Space Honestly, might as well lock the thread man. The podcast ark, or podcast chapter is closing, actually has closed a while back. At this point I can't think of anyone out there open minded with enough integrity to handle @Leo Gura dropping the infinity bomb on them. Oh, and I'd seriously go against getting a podcast with Lex Fridman. The guy did a podcast with Kanye West, Elon Husk and a few shady people, especially Kanye West knowing that he's on a bragging spree of anti Semitism, racism, and flagrant narcissism, yet decides to podcast him and put on some fake virtue signaling and challenge against him. Only someone with low integrity and desperate for attention could do that, but someone with high integrity would blacklist Kanye West immediately, and he messaged Kanye first. Wouldn't approach with an 8 mile , FA MIB wannabe with a s***** face s***!???
  8. @bmcnicho Oh no, I wouldn't like to see that, please keep Leo Gura and Actualized.org as far away from the Twitch livestream community as possible. Almost nothing good is gonna come from that. Just look at the podcasts @Leo Gura was in, from Charisma on command to Curt Jaimungal, and even the comments were a bit divided. Chat in Twitch and livestream are gonna hate and troll 1000x.???
  9. OMG, this video just decontextualized how I see FF7 Remake: Pop culture and cultural zeitgeist and popularity, as well as excess stage orange business pursuit of profits over creativity (SQUARE and Enix were two companies, but in April 2003 they merged to become SQUARE Enix, and worked on spin offs of FF7 and other FF titles, as well as struck a deal with Disney for the Kingdom Hearts series, plus more spin offs. More spin offs=more profits, damn the quality and original vision).
  10. I have mixed feelings about this critique and review of FF7 remake, here it is: It makes me feel sad that if this persona he's presenting, is half true for his general life he lives, or I'm hoping most of it is just over performance of acting. It makes me feel like he's the Dark Knight geeky Bat Man of video games, reviewing this video made by a Tatsuya Nomura, aka the cashew ya flavored tempura who made Kingdom Hearts. What ya'll think and feel about this FF7 Remake? I played it, and I ain't feelin the game for the most part. Maybe I expected it to be a faithful adaptation like Resident Evil 1 remaster or something? Was the decisions made to make this game informed by society and the current culture of Japan or USA?
  11. @BuddhistLover Yes, this is what I was saying in other words. It's like I ate way too much greasy burgers, just swimming in oil. I just felt mentally sluggish and more stupider consuming content that fast paced, like a herded sheep.
  12. @Juan I can conclude on such ideas, although I have my own biases and preferences, just a short time on Tik Tok I felt mind raped by the fast paced low quality content. I had to take another shower, it's that bad.
  13. @LoneWonderer Shakira still relevant nowadays??? Again, a classic example of the shadows projected, to keep one's ego in the light whilst the disowned ego part gets rejected and projected onto that situation or thing or person which wronged you, actual or perceived, to maintain ego's integrity. Also, good lessons and some insights if you know spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, ego development and Carl Jung's shadows and architypes, and life and lived experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life, along with ideologies indoctrinated into one's mind. In this specific situation, showcases how messy it is sometimes to form and maintain relationships, as gaslighting and other cognitive blind spots can occur that allows you to mostly blame the other without little repercussion to one's own ego. While I love rapping, and freestyles, among other things like video games and drawing and music and martial arts in general, I don't like disses for this reason as well: too much negative energy put out, can boomerang back at you, even though it may be cathartic to do and sort of therapeutic, if done with little clarity of intention, you can hurt others as well as yourself.
  14. @Juan Sure, but YouTube has far more interesting and educational topics compared to Tik Tok. Also, not literally everything needs to be directly experienced to know it's bad, and sometimes some degree of direct experience is all you need. It all depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing. Most people don't need to murder someone to know that murder is bad, and just tasting soap already is enough to know eating soap might be very bad. For me, as I've done enough inner work, I can already from viewing some tik tok videos the feeling of junk food and brain fog, I just suddenly feel ill minded and lazy from just a few tik toks. It's a disturbing feeling, to which I'm sure most young minds in the younger generation aren't as sensitive to.
  15. @ZenAlex Tik Tok is design by Hua Wei, a Chinese citizen, that has to abide by the laws of the CCP's rules, that is, if a CCP member requests data on a profile user, from a western country or other foreign country visiting China, Hua Wei has to accept and allow that profile and user data to them. As a consequence of this, any western cultured user, especially from the USA, are at risk of having their personal data be used by the CCP, potentially against them should they decide to visit China for some reason. Also, some research has been done collecting data on the negative effects of social media, particularly Tik Tok and fast paced content consumption, having strong correlations of degrading a person's mental health and mental capacity to focus for loner periods of time. It seems like a stupid decision, but it's not, it's simplistic at first, but something has to be done against Tik Tok and it's corrosive effects it has to the younger generation.
  16. Here's another one, I know it's a bit different and about deep fakes, but this had me LOL so hard: Imagine if ChatGPT can successfully mimic a person like this, but as if it's an actually livestream, and almost nobody can tell the differences between a real footage versus an A.I generated one? Yeah, it's that scary.
  17. Interesting to compare and contrast, the Coldfusion's take on Chat GPT and google, and the other video from a gamer reactor called Asmongold. Watch for how he interprets the videos, and how he makes sense of it, whilst having a biased take: Additional video, to further compare: Yeah, we're living in interesting times now.
  18. @Osaid Seems likely he watched Leo Gura and Actualized.org, but can't reveal this to anyone, so he gives this doodle in Twitter. Don't know why he would, out of the blue, but it's a good start if he genuinely wants to build this. Unfortunately, Logan Paul's too Narcissistic and delusional to appreciate what he just wrote, as it all depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life, and ideologies indoctrinated into your mind in upbringing. These end up mostly corrupting these insights and intuitions of epistemology, metaphysics and spirituality.
  19. Actually some metaphors here are very nice, and intuitively fits with the weaknesses of this game. I feel very sorry for those who wished for a faithful adaptation of this game. So many lessons on business culture corruption, social expectations, false advertising and marketing and promotion, political takes and epistemic issues with how the game was made, how it delivers, among other metaphysical issues. I know it's a piece of fiction, but I disliked how they represented the main protagonists, how they concentrated too much on second characters the original placed little importance on, and caricatures of the antagonists. Is it really that hard to rewrite a story's character themes and story plot? Is it that hard to use multiple story outlines to structure all relevant story events? That hard fleshing out characters? That hard to try to humanize and make antagonists fucking relatable and feel slightly sympathetic, without resorting to straw mans of these antagonists as antagonists are the life force of every narrative fiction? My bias and preferences, but I love writing and story telling, and developing characters and story plots. I've spent 100s of hours researching other authors' story outlines and how they portray themes through characters and so on. Is it really hard to create another Star Wars with solid story and character plot, and make it more like Legends of the Galactic Heroes? Tangent, I also found it a bit cringe and disturbing how many let's players and live streamers side with Cloud and Avalanche while killing Shinra soldiers and other enemies, I mean they do realize they're working for a terrorist group? Pretty strong cognitive dissonance and mental gymnastics to justify why a player and live streamer choosing to side with them over Shinra soldiers and civilians, it's a work of mental gymnastics to pull off.
  20. To contrast the objectivist, scientific, rationalist biased review/critique of FF7 remake, here's a more fun, more right brained, intuitive, emotional and probably holistic review and critic of the game and it's developers?: I love how deeply biased and preferential human beings are, some can make great content, albeit sometimes negatively but that's bias.
  21. Even the right wing speakers are agreeing that there's an issue with this: What are your thoughts? My take is that this could be potentially weaponized, these acts of charity and philanthropy. Plenty of historical examples of groups doing these. Also, yes, the problem is so much deeper and broader and relative based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and ego development, states of being and life experiences and other lines of development in life, plus ideologies indoctrinated into your skull from birth and upbringing.
  22. @Leo Gura It's not just click bait, albeit this one I'm very sensitive to, I also think it's the Tik Tok and shorts nowadays, all increasingly encouraging consumption of shorter content, creating an incentive for other online social media businesses to try to capitalize, whilst undermining all consumer's minds' perceptions and expectations of reality, creating a distortion of expecting and thinking faster = better content, without being cognizant of how it decreases focusing ability of the mind long term. Eventually more people would be born and develop ADD/ADHD symptoms from social media. I can't imagine how this exactly negatively effects children's mind and their development, they must have already an exaggerated, distorted expectation of faster = better universally, among other negative effects of over using social media for very young minds.
  23. @UDT To cook, or not to cook, a potato or a tomato? On a round cook able flammable starchy carbon monochrome flat iron, that's the question worth questing to answer or to iron out? Nope, even in a trojan horse a rope a dope high in dope a dapper Rapper such as I candidate trop trap rap tapestry the trees truncating around me. Trans logic, to the point of pathological mad hatter ramblings, that I path a logic into a iconic classic Jurassic park into an exited exit, fixed plot twists and holes.
  24. @Leo Gura In a twisted way, Andrew Tate does care about truth: the truth of gaining success at all cost, ends justify means as long as his truth survives and thrives in the sea of sycophantic minds, male and female drunk in material ailments.