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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Chives99 Based on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life and lived experiences so far, and other lines of development in various domains of life, and ideologies indoctrinated from birth and upbringing, what you or another person loves, and what your in group and their out group loves, have different degrees and types. Just because you or some other person has radical levels of cognition, morality, values, states of being, and life experiences does not mean they lack love, it means their love they have internally for themselves, and the love they can express outwardly varies. Just because some radicals who have stage purple-red values does not mean they have no love or extreme lack of love, they still have love, but differently in degree and type from you and your culture. Love is mostly relative. Yes, there's Absolute love, ultimately, and GOD is completely impartial to all human dealings of love. However, among humans, love is highly weaponized and corrupted by human biases and preferences.
  2. @Shawn Philips Twerking is designed to be super cringe attempts of turning people on. It's just a desperate attempt to burn bum fat off.
  3. @D2sage That's great. If there's a way to block sites like Tik Tok and other social media sites who now have shorts, it may be fine. I voraciously consume Wikipedia pages about the world and history and biographies of legendary figures in history. I sometimes look into the etymology of words too.
  4. @Blackhawk Yeah, twerking is for the teenage girls and young women in gangsta cultures, or maybe pop culture, who want the D too desperately, that it's a turn off, In fact, twerking is anti sexually stimulating. Nothing stimulating or attractive about seeing rumps having a seizure attack.
  5. I agree that Tik Tok is corrupting the youth, as well as general overconsumption of social media and it's design as a neurosis or Narcissism increasing machine. It does depend on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing. Let me take each argument some users have on this issue, and extremify, polarize, even bad faith and make uncharitable claims and reasoning for more clarity, and how I would structure those arguments more strongly: @D2sage Tik Tok is corrupting the children, 6-12 year old girls, classed as minors, are now twerking in Tik Tok shorts, and wearing skin tight outfits, and engaging in sexual innuendoes with those who view their content, as Tik Tok also had an OnlyFans but has recently taken it done due to multiple complaints in response to allegations of adult content of children. Tik Tok is evil, and it will corrupt the moral standards and integrity of these young children, as their minds are neuroplasticity enough that almost all ideas and concepts gets indoctrinated into their brains. Also, Tik Tok is corrupt and devilish because of how it can degrade focusing ability of the mind, therefore increasing cases of ADD/ADHD in the future generations. So, in the future, we would end up being okay with children acting over sexual in public. The only problem here, is that there are multiple sub arguments of this issue, we went from Tik Tok is corrupting the youth, 6 year old girls twerking, to an anecdotal statement of your sister, aged 6, who said other girls her age are now twerking on boys, don't know if it's live or on Tik Tok shorts, to Teachers teaching gender roles and gender pronouns and what or what not to identify as, to disagreeing with some part of their teaching method and them acting as secondary parents, to assuming anyone with children and families should care, to those who don't have children don't care, to making an unclear statement of an adult man would be in prison if someone hurts them(because there are also criminal cases of minor on minor violence, minor on minor sexual assaults and so on, not just adult on minor crimes), to India has blocked Tik Tok and assuming the cause was claims of shitty content, when another could be linked strongly to China and India's growing conflicts with each other. Main issue is, you're not being consistent with the main issue of Tik Tok corrupting the youth, and not linking how these other topics you bring up have any relation to how Tik Tok is corrupting the youth? @Kksd74628 I'm going to, almost like the OP, make many generalized statements, and take a flexible and weaselly looking position, and be moderate with my replies, even if, in some contexts and hypotheticals, I look stupid and sometimes enabling a bad situation into a worse one. For example, if I'm committed to being in this weasel position, I also accept that when a child is twerking on a boy, either in a Tik Tok short or in the room I'm in, I'm enabling those children to sexually experiment with each other. Hypothetically, I also must accept that ultimately, I'm enabling other extreme left teachers to teach LGBTQ ideologies into their brains, and other fringe ideas as well, that could psychologically effect their cognitive and moral development into the future, because I'm not willing to take a stronger stance. You, on the other hand, are being too weaselly with addressing the OP's argument points, adopting the frame of a moderate or agnostic. You claim we need to balance conservatism with liberalism, when the main topic was specifically about Tik Tok corrupting young minds, in a young age, altering their psyche, stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, states of being, and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus indoctrinating ideologies into their young minds, giving them false expectations of how consumerism and capitalism works, expecting fast paced content, whilst degrading their ability to focus for deep work.
  6. @Recursoinominado No, I'm not clueless to them fighting their cause for their minorities they want to represent more in mainstream, but they can't avoid the que problem, and due to the internet and how it can fractally develop echo chambers to proliferate ideological views, they mostly have a skewed and distorted view of the actual realities faced by those minorities, and either underestimate some who can will to power and overcome their obstacles, or overestimate and over hype a bad situation to look much more worse than it actually is. BLM and George Floyd is a good example of some of the progressive/socialist ideological and political views of that situation, how left leaning news outlets embellish George Floyd, and police brutality, whilst overestimating and overplaying the negatives of Kyle Rittenhouse situation, over hyping and weaponizing the facts, whilst the right wing media outlets defend and downplay the severity of systemic racism and other systemic issues, and downplay the left's interpretations of the facts of George Floyd situation and Kyle Rittenhouse situation. Both left and right ideologies polarizing and being bigots to each other, when the harsh, simple fact, is that George Floyd was harassing the store clerk verbally, clerk called cops, cops arrive to instigate, back and forth dialogue, cops try to de-escalate but George Floyd was escalating the situation, George Floyd resisting arrest, cops successfully restrained George to the ground, George still resisting, psycho cop then kneels one knee behind George Floyd's nape as he's a big person, those four cops did nothing to check the kneeling cop and swap places, George Floyd kept struggling until death. One local event, all this, filmed by some phones and cop footages, news media sensationalizes this event, that cop eventually is found guilty, but regardless this triggered a collective reaction and protests, mostly peaceful to violent, and BLM, happened, now a raising protest and civil unrest, with some rioting and looting and property damages, which made the police departments react and send in S.W.A.T teams to manage the situation, and right leaning groups to show solidarity and support of blue lives matter. While all this was happening, Kyle Rittenhouse decides to show support, by arming himself with a rifle, and a bag of water bottles and some basic med kit, for blue lives matter, which kick starts another situation, of self defense.
  7. @Romanov They don't have a life purpose of their own, so they instead get offended, complain and assault people who look like they're culturally appropriating some other culture, when they should be working on their inner game. As I've said, it depends on the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life/lived experiences vs second hand knowledge, and other lines of development in different areas of life, and all the ideologies indoctrinated into your mind from upbringing, all those ideas imprinted onto your young mind, all the family's/cultural and personal beliefs imprinted into you. All that has to be comprehended, and dissolved into your field of awareness, integrated, and finally, both transcend and include those strengths and weaknesses.
  8. Any updates on the Andrew Tate arrest?
  9. @Nilsi As an occultist in one of my spiritual threads said, 'you need to impose your will to power onto the world, for any kind of change you wish upon it.' Totally different context of why this is being said, but it just reminded me of that paraphrasing. The will to power, or developing willpower and discipline, focus, to plant the seed of your vision onto the world.
  10. @Roy Nah, we are here not just to self actualize, journal, contemplate, meditate, exercise, do concentration trainings, and other self help or advanced techniques, but to group actualize as well. develop a sense of community here. Self actualization is quite a lonely journey. I'm already getting pulled down by people for just improving 2% of my life! So, community sense is also important as well because when the going gets hellish, I can just visit here and be reminded that I'm not alone in hell. You can't really just knock off life purposes around changing society, technically understanding life, being a creator and contributing to the world would have the knock on effect of changing parts of society whether planned or by accident. It's part of my/your and other people's stories. It's also due to the passion, excitement and resonance of that human field or that life calling to that person versus lesser passion or love you have for that field.
  11. @MarkKol So accurate it's scary.
  12. @Carl-Richard It seems likely that he could empathize and understand the psychedelic experiences, the good and bad, but good luck if he ever says that in public, especially in agreement with Leo Gura's insights. Maybe in private he'd be a bit understanding, but when public is involved, it's PR monitoring and optics first, truth later. Don't wanna repeat like with Mr. Girl now.???
  13. @something_else Yeah, totally agree, grass is greener on the other side of the fence, when I'm on a fat green joint, writing, rapping, and drawing out my work, focused on my legacy and capturing that wind for me, meanwhile all you guys and gals ripping each other off, killing each other, chasing tails endlessly, makes me want to be ET or some alien. Happy to know when I'm gone, my legacies will be the ones that penetrate into your minds, picture peter pan's pike phase through your head, meanwhile you all too busy chasing bed heads and tails, too lost in the devil's details to make sense of you turning turtles, while I'm the Buddha, burning urges.
  14. @Blackhawk They should just say they are really UFOs, at this point UFOs are a normal part of culture. Of course, this makes the authorization of shooting them down very sketchy because that move already triggered a war. It's a pretty reckless move to shoot down immediately without communicating to the object.
  15. @LoneWonderer @Roy @Leo Gura. Here's my intuitive speculation: Propaganda and subtle warnings towards China. After all, why would the USA want to go straight to shot down the UFO, without rying to establish communication with the UFO in the first place?
  16. @LoneWonderer Is this the same with what you saw? Interesting that this UFO is over at Alaska. Maybe hidden base?
  17. @Jacob Morres Firstly, props to that guy for spending almost the entire day finding a date face to face, and it's still shocking the number of rejections he's had. Willing to bet there were way more rejections that were edited out of the video. We live in an increasingly polarizing world, and facing increasingly Narcissistic personalities that are born and develop via the internet and social media. I feel pretty bad for the Gen Z people, getting mind raped by social media and whatever spheres, mesosphere or some other ideology. Yes, while all depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personalities, psychology, states of consciousness, life and lived experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing, go and make some simple plans to accumulate dating experiences, just like the guy above, just go out there and be corny cold approaches or something.
  18. Could these be the clips in that video? Or, when a video gets copyright strike, you can't make any clips of said video?
  19. @Osaid It's also interesting the timing of the copyright issue, like how long was the video up? Was it flagged by the YouTube algorithms, or was it taken down by Destiny because he knew he touched a powder keg he shouldn't be messing with?
  20. @P Michael @Osaid I've said in the past I've lost respect for Destiny, but because he refused to watch a 2 hour clip of Leo Gura give dating advice, I think Destiny is the embodiment of everything that's wrong with social media and Tik Tok, brain rot, ADD/ADHD increasing rates, and this online culture of vultures, always needing everything fast paced. He is the kind of all the social media brain rot and ADD/ADHD victims of social media. Sure, very good reasoning capacity, but closed minded when he's streaming casually. I'm glad it's just Leo's dating advice, I'm genuinely concerned for his mental health if he ever stumbled upon other @Leo Gura's videos on metaphysics, epistemology, spirituality, all the other advanced stuff. I really think he'd pass out.
  21. @Osaid I wish I could see the original video though. What a bummer!
  22. @P Michael Is it this clip by chance? Please tell me in detail what happened because the video is blocked on your post.
  23. @Rishabh R Been bullied by girls in school, or bullied in general in school? You're still young, got 50-70 years left still here. There's still so much development left to go through, from stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life and lived/imagined experiences, and other lines of development in various areas of life, plus ideologies indoctrinated from upbringing. If you never been dating, that's fine, just plan and organize to get dating experiences, from online dating to cold approaching. Just be open to those opportunities to approach other women, if you can. Or, hyper focus on your studies until you get a solid job and career, and then, when you gained enough power, statues, money, fame, some independence in finances and be an independent individual, then you can schedule in getting more dating experiences. Right now, short term though, it sounds like self esteem and self respect issues, seems you have a self image of what others think you are, and that people's opinions of you are relevant. However, that makes little sense because you ultimate know what you are yourself, and not other people, with the exception of some that represent your ego shadow self you've suppressed that can bubble up to waking consciousness from the subconscious mind. Id this is a particularly triggering issue, you may need to see a therapist or psychoanalyst, and talk through it. Next steps, plan some action taking to date women.