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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Kksd74628 I do see the points, it's just that I have to lower myself down, from my alien levels of development, to talk to you and @Juan in a simplified manner. No, qualitatively speaking, Tik Tok and meditation are mostly different fundamentally. With meditation, you are actively intent on 'letting go' of thoughts, 'observing' thoughts, 'mindfulness with labelling' or other mindfulness types of meditations, transcendental meditation, and other meditation techniques that are mainstream friendly or hardcore fringe. Most mediation requires the participants to actually be active in them and be both focused and intentional, meanwhile with Tik Tok usage it's mostly designed to encourage passivity and brain rot, makes you think less and develop cognitive retardations, immoral beliefs and inappropriate behaviors that because of curating and higher volume is made normal, higher increases of neurosis and Narcissism due to auto image filters that make you more 'handsome' or more 'beautiful' or have 'lighter skin colour', proliferate immature behaviors and opinions, create and maintain ideological echo chambers and maintain Incels and doomer mentalities, limit life experiences and life exposures like travelling and interacting with people face to face. I also find it asymmetrical to compare mediation, a sub set of spiritual development, to Tik Tok, a subset of technological development gone wrong. Improper comparison, but also disingenuous. As much as I am moderate and centrist on some issues, for this specific one I'm lopsided against Tik Tok and supportive of regulations that restrict Tik Tok. I refuse to be a passive culprit that encourages Tik Tok to ruin the youth's brains to the point of hyper ADD/ADHD and foolishness, and I can't remain neutral and agnostic to the obvious harms it has for mental health, so, Tik Tok either must be restricted more, or, banned.
  2. @zurew That's actually an interesting point about those questions, because Tik Tok is now a billion dollar business within roughly a year, and have an amazingly workable formula for their success with Tik Tok. However, with enough research, I think general public would know that Tik Tok is and has long term negative effects on a person's, and a group's, psychological well being and development. But do the Tik Tok employers and company care? Not really, as they all are deep stage orange and blue valued company, only cognitively interested in making money and prioritizing profits over mental or sometimes physical harm, as evident by them allowing some dangerous 'challenges' like swallowing paint and stuff, and are morally underdeveloped as they are okay with allowing children to twerk, until they tweaked the algorithm to spot these and ban outright, but still not a perfect algorithm fix, but they don't care if their business model contributes to increases in neurosis and Narcissism and ADD/ADHD, they don't care if Tik Tok distorts and takes away more enjoyment and well being overall in a person's life, or livelihood. At least until there's public outrage or outcry against them, like the lawsuit that happened to them when it's discovered they do have under age teens doing too much sexy stuff.
  3. @hoodrow trillson The golden days of Vine, Too bad that Twitter didn't monetize those earlier, could've been a competitor for Tik Tok.
  4. @zurew https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwivpeGYo7P9AhUMTsAKHZXZAVgQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fconsilienceproject.org%2F&usg=AOvVaw1ImyY7BeMECTNDN040KHot
  5. @zurew Yeah, the meaning crisis is what Daniel Schmachtenberger talks about, along with information ecology and technology values in his website. Those are pretty good articles.
  6. @Kksd74628 Dude, Tik Tok is much worse than cocaine or heroine, at least it's obvious now that these hard drugs are dangerous because of the chemical and psychological addiction they create. The government were right to taking strong opposition to cocaine and heroine. Tik Tok is so much worse because the addiction is DESIGNED IN THE APP, and is largely PSYCHOLOGICAL, meaning most won't realize they have a problem, until it's too late. Meanwhile, ByteDance is practicing predatory capitalism and eating up small businesses in the gaming and music sectors, and eating up talents in these fields to market and promote Tik Tok for some fees. Maybe you're now identifies as a Tik Toker, or Tik Tok influencer, and I know I sounds harsh, but you're addicted, severely addict, for you to not acknowledge that Tik Tok is overall a net negative for society, politics, government, and the psychological well being and psychological development of stages, cognitive and moral development, ego maturity, personality traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development at different areas of life. It's a bitter pill, but Tik Tok distorts reality for most young minds, indoctrinating them with false ideologies and expectations that the owners happily syphon every penny, second and life energy from these young people. I fear more people will have ADD/ADHD, and are unable to think for themselves anymore. There will be karmic retribution for mind rapping these young minds into decline over the years.
  7. @Devin And even before Tik Tok or the earlier version, from ByteDance, ByteDance was observing the Vine concept, taken over by Twitter before launch, and saw the strengths and weaknesses of how they managed Vines, and the lack of monetization Twitter offered that's reasonable before all the celebrities and super stars and highly popular Vine content creators made their ridiculous demands for higher earnings, for 6-10 second videos. They wanted more than a million, not shared amongst them, but each creator getting over a million, FOR A 6-10 SECOND VIDEO! However, I won't bash on them too harshly, as ByteDance CEO and employees were a bit liberal than the CCP and want to be the next capitalists like Steve Jobs and so on, pursue maximum profit by designing the most addicting social media app in existence so far. I don't blame their predatory capitalistic practices as they aren't as supportive of the CCP, and their lived experiences and so on. And I'm sure if you know what you're doing, and only use Tik Tok to market your brand, just like the vine creators used Vines to promote their social media content making elsewhere.
  8. @Devin I outright reject your framing of me as some social Nazi infantilizing society, what a disingenuous bad faith framing. If you've read my takes carefully in this thread and the other ones dealing with Tik Tok and social media. I've always stated the relativity of these claims, based on the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, life and lived experiences, other lines of development in various domains of life, and ideologies indoctrinated into your mind from upbringing, and the information ecology person consumes that's misinformation, disinformation and partial information intakes, and the distortions of the mind. If you carefully watched all the videos I've shared, and the links I've shared, they show that Tik Tok is especially dangerous and manipulative in comparison to the other social media websites so far. Even China released their version that's heavily moderated, unlike Tik Tok in the western countries. Taking into account how Tik Tok is formated and designed for, and the slow business takeovers from ByteDance it's concerning..
  9. @Bobby_2021 I think it's because of ByteDance company that owns Tik Tok, they're already have a formula and buying up other businesses. They're even trying to get into the music sector and gaming sector, buying up smaller companies and talents. Absolutely a national security risk given that within China's territory, ByteDance has to comply and give data when the CCP requests it, I'm surprised they don't ban the app outright like India.
  10. @Extreme Z7 Exactly, enough said. That's what it's designed to be, extremely addicting. Other than marketing uses, it's a huge pleasure center.
  11. @Juan I agree, I concede my point of view. I am going to make a user account in Tik Tok, and watch twerking or dance videos, with an open mind. I will epistemically be blind, start as unbiased as I can, and consume twerking and dance videos, maybe I'm wrong about Tik Tok? Maybe, even though this isn't sexually attractive or a fetish to me, as I'm more a chest, tummy and face person, maybe jiggling butts and yoga pants and hands are sexually appealing after all, in sped up videos? I don't know, the mysteries of Tik Tok imprisonment abounds. Am I the wise, or am I the fool? And yes, Naz X's cowboy rap songs did gain popularity on Tik Tok so I'll give you that, maybe my Eminem shorts might? Who knows, ad I don't know.
  12. @Kksd74628 4. Well, drawing faces, or drawing any subject matter, within a sped up video is nothing new to Tik Tok. YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and other visually based websites have done the same with drawing tutorial videos. There's even historical methods and teachings of drawing techniques, already pre existing knowledge base already, so I don't see how this is a positive purely for Tik Tok, personally feels like theft. 3.Yes, I partly agree, stage green valued younger people, even the hippies and SJWs, and the hyperactive ones, value Tik Tok, due to it's algorithm being really quick to curating content to every single user's self biases and preferences, so effective it curates sexual content to specifically a user's bias, unconsciously, due to the length of time that user is viewing a video, and other contextual factors and user engagement. Yes, the algorithm is so powerful at this that it gave every single user what they wanted deep down. Stage of development, cognitive biases and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, life experiences, and other lines of development in various areas of life, recorded and tailored by the algorithm, all that personal data tracked very quickly to ByteDance. 2. Sure, for the fads and trends, that's good for marketing and promotion. Don't care, especially when there's no intentionality to marketing and promoting your content, especially when the algorithm, again, hyper curates and tailors content to fit exactly your biases perfectly. 1. Faster /=/ better, haste makes waste, garbage input = garbage output, classic Leo Gura take. All may be good and partly true if contextualized, but that's assuming A LOT FROM 8-16 year old teenagers and children, as the major demographic of Tik Tok, on average, don't cognitively develop the same capacities for critical thinking as adults. For the adult demographic using Tik Tok I'll assume reasonable and intentional usage, but younger? No, in fact they're wasting time and energy, viewing content hyper curated to their biases, and not really learning outside of their perspectives. Tik Tok currently is the perfect digital trap box, the best ideology propagator and proliferator, the best piece of this fractured, fractal magnifying glass we call the internet, that force multiplies every single person's ideology. Tik Tok, if we're not careful now, in 50-100 years, will be the next virtual world prison of the world.
  13. @Kksd74628 Okay, can you give me a list of the positive effects that Tik Tok has to younger people so far?
  14. @Juan I am open minded, but not enough my brains spill out. You, and OP lately, are underestimating the devastation that Tik Tok can unleash upon the youth and future generations, and are spilling your brains all over the place, poisoning the well, and trying to sugar coat Tik Tok like it's safe. It's not.
  15. @Kksd74628 Here are more studies that does show more negative effects of Tik Tok: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwip_eO05679AhVSOMAKHYRcD64QFnoECFAQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsocialmediapsychology.eu%2F2022%2F08%2F18%2Ftiktok-is-killing-your-brain-right-now%2F&usg=AOvVaw1ycqoDwg2gCjfnuR6EklBg https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwip_eO05679AhVSOMAKHYRcD64QFnoECCgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencetimes.com%2Farticles%2F34138%2F20211025%2Ftiktok-bad-brain-constant-social-media-streaming-narrows-collective-attention.htm&usg=AOvVaw37YI0FN-y3cEFdU723E4sf https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjPnKSB6K79AhXlolwKHbsTBHcQFnoECC4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fnypost.com%2F2022%2F04%2F08%2Ftiktoks-impact-on-childrens-brains-likened-to-candy-store%2F&usg=AOvVaw1IgPv9rbjpA0vGwRaseMvn
  16. @Kksd74628 Unfortunately, Tik Tok has overall produced a net negative towards the younger generation. Based on the Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life/lived experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life, and ideologies indoctrinated into the mind, Tik Tok has so far proven to be a collective trap box, by China's Hua Wei, to specifically perform a 'soft invasion' digitally, by corrupting the information ecology, spreading misinformation and disinformation into the majority of western teens' minds that are hooked and consume too much social media, as well as Tik Tok shorts. Here are a few examples so far of the negativity of Tik Tok, and how it functions as a long term corrosive mind trap, to slow down stages of development of western minds, to influence further cognitive decline and focus, to proliferate moral degradation, increase neurosis and Narcissism in young teens and increase social anxiety and introversion, feed false and BS garbage information intake to make users feel lower states of consciousness, and to distort and reframe actual life experiences to give them a false sense of reality, that this is the new norm, when in fact it's designed to give false expectations. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiv3O3U5K79AhXaiFwKHbQ5Am4QFnoECBMQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.attentionalways.com%2F10-bad-things-about-tiktok%2F&usg=AOvVaw13LGbKhKrUMIiQI6vxMAKF https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiv3O3U5K79AhXaiFwKHbQ5Am4QFnoECAoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fauthenticallydel.com%2Fnegative-effects-tiktok%2F&usg=AOvVaw2q1X5y59jhUyAWc666cXKr https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwip_eO05679AhVSOMAKHYRcD64QFnoECBAQAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fgamequitters.com%2Ftiktok-brain%2F%23%3A~%3Atext%3DThe%20term%20'TikTok%20brain'%20is%2Cproblematic%20and%20lead%20to%20addiction.&usg=AOvVaw0lPa-MAr1joJPFAu27Zl_G
  17. @Juan What's wrong with it, is that you are a member of a different big cult, culturally appropriating from my big cult, looking and speaking from my big cult in your big cult, offending your in group because that's a different cult.
  18. @Devin Yes, it's true, when I saw a white guy dressed in the oriental attire, in left leaning universities, sometimes that guy gets the cold shoulder or demonization, despite not knowing that part of the white guy's upbringing is Chinese! And for the most part the guy's treated fairly in places like China town cuz he dresses and speaks their language well.
  19. Like it's considered racist to ban Tik Tok, even though there's national security risks with that app and brain damaging effects like ADD/ADHD and other garbage information that indoctrinates stupidity in the younger generation. I'm willing to bet at the dead pool, that China could send over Xenomorphs into America, and that trying to ban the parasitical life forms is xenophobic, and we should welcome them instead!
  20. @D2sage The sad part here, is looking at how China handles their Tik Tok compared to the USA's. China restricted parts of Tik Tok from children, limited their time used, and flooded the zone with educational material than entertainment, so you see Tik Tok shorts of educational stuff versus entertaining mind numbing topics. In this specific case, China is outperforming the USA and other western countries. Ideally, the west should have outright destroyed and banned Tik Tok, but of course, it would be Donald Trump's fault for banning Tik Tok cuz he's racist or Xenophobic. Well, the well is poisoned now, is what hope do we have of reversing the neuroplasticity damage that Tik Tok does?
  21. @Devin Hahaha, that also won't work either. Good luck stopping yourself being a parent, when you see your child doing something stupid or life threatening, and you need to interject fast.
  22. @ValiantSalvatore Basically, power corrupts absolutely, and with great power comes great responsibility.
  23. @Consept Not just that, but also lack of willpower and discipline. In today's age of information, with social media overconsumption, hyper consumerism, and rampant use and spread of Tik Tok like formats, has engineered the corrosive decline of focus, and increases of ADD/ADHD/, and designed an environment that increases neurosis and narcissism, giving lots of misinformation. Which is why you have to be in an environment that allows PUA to work more effectively, like Las Vegas for example, or other places that PUA is designed in to be expected and welcomed. Places where girls and women go to have fun and entertainment, are places that PUA works pretty well.
  24. @Emotionalmosquito Even if you need to red pill yourself a bit in this situation, go for the cold approach. Hesitation and doubt are turn offs for women. If you have to make your innuendos slightly more obvious, go for it. All case sensitive and in context to the environment and time.