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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Sincerity It's fine, own that name of yours proudly! If not, you can legally change it, for a fee in most places.
  2. @Bob Seeker Way better than getting called 'Destiny', like what kind of guy names themselves with a feminine name? Lame.
  3. @Devin I say, it's not enough role playing, or integration of the masculine/feminine ego shadows selves in the psyche. I've fairly integrated both ends, so I'm well balanced in myself so much that complaining about my loneliness or single status is beta and simpy at best. I've done enough personal development to find all those Alpha males like Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan, up to people like Destiny as lesser than me, as weak human beings compared to my holiness. Maybe it's the spiritual development I've done and some supernatural occurrences that makes these men's issues insignificant to me, I don't know, maybe I don't care enough, or other people's opinions are irrelevent?
  4. @Epikur HAHAHA! Fresh and Fit? More like blue/red pill factory! Garbage channel, just like most Twitch streaming content, even comparable to Tik Tik. ? Can't even have a mature conversation with Mr. Girl.
  5. @Epikur Um, I don't see this as an issue. What's wrong about the situation at large really? I know the problem is relative to stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, egoic shadows, states of consciousness, and other lines of development in various areas of life, and other ideological indoctrinations into one's mind from upbringing and other narratives. Personally, while I do understand the situation and plight of the Incel phenomenon, I have less empathy for them and this situations. What's the big deal?
  6. @Schizophonia A conservative MINDED person, not the political ideology, is a reserved, sometimes militaristic in wanting to have routines and schedules laid out and done to the T, and fiscal generally. Conservatively minded people are more careful and cautious, and sometimes more morally intergroups than average people, even compared to a few liberally minded people, like this fiancée after the 6:00 mark:
  7. @Carl-Richard Of course you can balance the two, but it's context dependent. A poor person struggling for employment and mortgages, would very likely agree with the 'you can't balance both self responsibility and compassion for others' because they themselves are in a situation that they need to care for their selves firstly before extending that outwards to another person in need, in comparison to someone like Destiny or Mr. Beast who have enough financial security that they could lob side the balance towards compassion for others.
  8. @Someone here You want a very clear, distinct example of the differences between an extreme conservative and extreme liberal mind? Watch the video below, skip to 6:00 if you want, and that's as clear as night and day to me: At 6:00 onwards, it really shows how a conservative mind with a religious worldview vs liberal mind that identifies as Bi handles sexuality and role play. Also, some explicit wordy descriptions of the situations.
  9. @Sincerity Generally for me, if I had too many insights, or too many of a good thing, I reduce or sometimes stop engaging with those activities for the time being, until it becomes less and I can manage. Interestingly, I have the exact opposite of your issue: I have been lately getting fewer insights, sometimes none. Any advice to uptake the insights on a daily basis?
  10. @Epikur Reminds me of the Destiny and Mr. Girl drama.
  11. @Raze How do they know it's misinformation in the first place?
  12. I guess, going forward with this into the future, countries should start doing the following: 1. Do better, more secure gains of research. Maybe underground facilities or remote Islands, so to contain any accidental leak. 2. Start to do less and less gains of research, or relegate gains of research only as needed against viruses or mutations from nature. More importantly: DON'T BE FULLY CERTAIN! You can jump to conclusions sometimes, as some people are not hyper logical, but it's the embellishing and overhyping of the conclusion, maybe the fetish and idealizing of a problem by 10x or more, when it's really 2x or less. Once the ego mind has attached and created narratives that give meanings to that conclusion, it goes downhill.
  13. @NoSelfSelf SO TRUE! I'm getting fed up with misleading click bait titles and thumbnails. Is there no longer a moral standard to marketing anymore???
  14. @Tanz I advocate for more understanding of this issue, rather than jumping ahead to prescriptive solutions, but that's me. This deep fake issue definitely has some interconnections to issues with pornography, and misunderstandings between the male and female mind. Ideally, for young men and women, go socialize in your circles, and date through social circles, or just cold approach at night clubs, bars, or if adventurous in the day. During the dating phase, occassionally study about short term relationships and long term relationships, until, eventually you burn through that sexual karma. Also related, is the red pill/blue pill conflations, and the black pill victimhood echo chambers that germinate and proliferate the Doomer or Incel mindset and worldview of the world and other people, especially the opposite sex or sexual interest, that Destiny and people like him sometimes do. Destiny has some good points for young men, and tries to communicate why it's good to have more ambitions and more long term goals than hyper pursuing short term goals like increasing one's date count, one night standing 10/10-8/10 women. However, I think he and people like him, with the ASD neurotypical brain and other cognitive biases and blind spots, rigid moral system, strongly stage orange values system, logical and left brained personality type and traits, some higher degree of neurosis and sociopathy, limited life experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life that distorts his takes, as well as ideologies indoctrinated into him from upbringing. Also other biases and limited dating and relationship experiences, even though he was married, he got a divorce, then ends up dating a few women. That's about it.
  15. Posting this as a case study of how no matter your financial situation, personality, charisma, that you can still have poor political takes: Share your thoughts down below, but not literally that you'd choke.
  16. @StarStruck Whilst it's a simplification, Andrew Tate, depending on the context, is right. This begs the question though: Because he's right, does this mean that you then adopt his worlsview?
  17. @Tanz That's true, the technological development is such that deep fake A.I can replicate almost accurately attractive features of the human face and human body, which can hijack the reptilian brain for more attention. Although, the deeper issue isn't deep fakes, it's the demonizing and close mindedness of the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in various domains of life, and differences in ideological indoctrinations in upbringing. It's the overestimations and exaggerations of the dangers of modern pornography, whilst downplaying the bigger dangers of classical porn and real life sexual explorations, underestimating that today's pornography, for virtual and simulated environments offers safer explorations, but past forms of porn, don't have.
  18. @SeaMonster Well, the main issue, is not appreciating that pornography of today, has provided a lot of simulation and a virtual environment to explore sexual preferences safely, and underestimating the past forms of pornography being more crude and more eviler than modern pornography and that the majority of it was not by video or internet, but mostly by real bodies exploring sexual situations. The main issue is overestimating the harms of today's pornography, and underestimating the negatives of past forms of porn and real life sexual intercourses. No porn, even if it's an ideal, is just an ideal, and not a realistic attitude to take on, for men or women. What is needed, is stop demonizing today's pornography in generalizations, maybe to critic and offer more regulations of the pornography industry and commercial porn, but to stop being close minded and demonize abstractly.
  19. @Mada_ Dope idea, I really think Leo should consider this. A DnD type of game? Maybe a Magic the gathering card game, Actualized? Doesn't have to appeal to mainstream, a hyper niche game for those within the sanctuary of Actualized.org. No need for triple A levels of marketing and game dev, even standard indie. Just a super niche game, so cool. I might collab, provide some music or visual arts. Maybe freestyle? Possibilities multiply.
  20. @r0ckyreed I'd have to disagree. Firstly, based on Spiral dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, pornography is overall relative to one's sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual preferences and biases, kinks and fetishes. Also, due to immense technological, economic, and socioeconomic and sociological and sociocultural development, as well as psychosexual and psychosocial development throughout history, pornography today is far more favorable due to many layers of simulations and virtual realities that you can safely explore your own tastes, compared to centuries of porn in the past when there wasn't the internet, and majority of pornography was largely physical beings interacting between. Yes, if you do contextualize pornography down, you can find some cases were porn may be doing some harm psychologically or physically, but overall pornography today is much more evolved than in the past which required human slaves, brothels, or actual abusive relationships to occur. Modern pornographyz while not perfect, caps those dark thoughts for the most part.
  21. @Hardkill Not to mention that there willalso be changes to how the democratic system would be run if the left, middle and right divorced by nation. They should just take a chill pill, slow down, maybe watch some Actualized.org videos, maybe read articles by Daniel Schmachtenberger at www.concilienceproject.com, who has a great article on good faith communication and information warfare BTW. Maybe read some erotica and relax too. Too much political bipartisanship and polarisation, too serious. Both siees need to fap once in a while.
  22. Just to be clear, I suffer chronic depressions, deep laziness and insecurities and other health issues(Not pulling the edge lord card), that I sometimes view shorts containing art works for a few minutes, for some tinge of inspiration. However, after some thinking, it seems highly possible that I probably can't see eye to eye and agree with any positive effects that Tik Tok specifically could have in this lifetime. Ideally, I am for banning the app. However, if that's too difficult due to complex issues, then I am for restricting and regulating it's content, any topic and it's design, and am in favor for educational shorts over entertainment garbage shorts, the ones that are highly correlating to increases of ADD/ADHD cognitive decline. This is now my position.
  23. @Carl-Richard I'm recently browsing Tik Tok for drawing tutorials or art works and stuff. 10-5 minutes a day. A minute of random topics I scroll. All this whilst being mindful of Tik Tok's corrosive effects to my mind, for the sake of self experimenting and science, research purposes.
  24. @TheAlchemist Well, to what percentage of action being channeled, comes from Tik Tok users then? Where are the young politicians and social media influencers, marching onwards, negotiating and implementing political action? Oh, they're still busy chasing fads and trends and getting hyper narcissistic over their image, whilst being too distracted, attention divided, with higher ADD/ADHD, to do anything of substance for the ACTUAL ISSUES OF THE WORLD! At least China's version of Tik Tok, has heavily regulated their content, restricted what they consider harmful to the youth's brains, and implemented check and balances, like time period of activity, and mostly educational content like mathematics, science, art, lectures. I REPEAT, EVEN CHINA HAD TO INTERJECT TO HEAVILY MONITOR AND REGULATE THEIR VERSION OF TIK TOK!
  25. @Kksd74628 I will put it even more bluntly and simply for you and @Juan and @Devin using a different context: you guys are defending the usage of cocaine, designed by foreign business men to maximize profits at the cost of long term mental health problems, and the justification: because some bad users doing bad content inside + people get addicted to almost anything. So, if some bad people do bad content inside the cocaine factories, and the appeal to addiction universality, is enough justification to expose all people, all demographics and psychographics, to cocaine commercialization, and white market availability, and you can't and refuse to acknowledge the long term consequences that product has for future generations, then no dumbing down of language, no amount of simple communication of the negatives of it would dissuade you of persuading other youths to use Tik Tok. If you can't grasp the simple negatives of how damaging Tik Tok is to their brains, then we can't continue this discussion, it just seems like you and @Juan deny and refuse to partly denounce Tik Tok for the clear harms it does for mental health.