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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @How to be wise On paper, it may appear a blue state but there's definitely some reds there. I hope he turns up as his funnier self. Don't go outside and touch grass, but I think you need some coffee.
  2. @Emerald @Hardkill Well, it feels politically incorrect to call Marriane Williamson the female version of Bernie Sanders, so I compared her to Margaret Thatcher instead, of the same sex and also of same spirit. I was saying that later on in life Marriane Williamson will become a stronger leader in time, maybe like Margaret Thatcher. It was for comparison sake. Also, Margaret Thatcher was the coolest MP of the UK, and only fem MP that was head strong than any of her party members or the opposition. Not too far right, just the right right for the conservatives to have stayed in power.
  3. @Hardkill In time, maybe not now. But she'll be the next Margaret Thatcher.
  4. @StarStruck How did you astral project? Why can't we speak about horrors that may or may not occur? Discussions, and debates, people do discuss horrors from the past. Are you referring to the earthquake in Turkey? My guess here from your reporting, and it's my intuitive speculation, is that immense earthquake could either by from a meteor impact, an alien weapons technology, or the earth's core falling apart by a gravitational pull from a bigger celestial object.
  5. @martins name Wasn't the ACIM a book about how to gain occult powers, and have paranormal/supernatural feats and experiences?
  6. @martins name If she's at stage turquoise, what and how many values do you think she hold at that stage? Do you think she's 100% stage turquoise? If so, why is she still messing around in politics when she could open a temple up, or create a community similar to Sadhguru, maybe teach and practice more spirituality? Was that all Trump did to win? Go up against the Washington establishment, who were at the time the left leaning party?
  7. This channel is interesting. It deals with some horror stories of DnD, most online some IRL, that I've yet to encounter:
  8. @AriSujan Yes, night gaming is important as it does overlap and benefit parts of your social intelligence and overall ways of talking to who you're attracted to. After enough night gaming, you can also try out day gaming too. If you struggle with both though, then we have to address the elephant in the room: Your socializing. Do you have a social circle? Are you, and can you socialize enough and comfortably? If not, go sort this out first. In fact, large parts of what may make you cringe/creepy for the opposite sex, comes from social shyness and awkwardness.
  9. @Bob Seeker Don't give up. Keep pursuing women like how you pursue cupcakes, one at a time.
  10. @martins name Unlikely, Donald Trump won by being charismatic, and knowing how to manipulate the people. A lot of Americans, about half of the country, love Donald Trump, and the other half, the democrats, are mostly normal people doing 9-5 jobs. In fact, mainstream left and right and middle are still a bit creeped out by progressive circles, new age and hippie people, even SWJs are cringe to them. So, unlikely for her to win, as she's part of a crazy, cult like group in the past. GOD only knows what scrying orbs or magic wands she has up her sleeves! This is how a typical down to earth American may think of her.
  11. @Devin Yes, it may depend on the many other contexts that make it either net positive or negative. To me, a union needs some form of centralization, a chain of command, not a decentralized form like BLM.
  12. @BipolarGrowth Why not try a new system out?
  13. @Hardkill Net negative, unless they have a strong chain of command and are centralized. Don't be like BLM, a decentralized movement, that apparently made the donations disappear.
  14. @Hardkill Okay, sure. I took it, even though you didn't explicitly say it, that you implied all conservatives are evil, otherwise why bring up multiple historical points? What was the point and build up for, sequencing negative event by negative event by the conservatives? I'd agree with you a bit the yes the alt right is toxic and alt left too. The historical atrocities, from what I can tell, where when the alt right saw opportunities in chaotic shifts in the political climate or power. WW1 started because Austria's emperor got assassinated, and the neighboring countries with different alliances saw opportunity to grab more power if they can. The outcome of WW1 is that Germany lost, and the sad thing is that the president at that time in America, thought over how to deal with Germany in a fair way. That president died of his illness before he could guide the negotiation table, leaving Germany's fate to the western allies, which dealt it a severe hand and crippled it's economy, which gave more opportunities for it's alt right groups to seize power and promise the German people that they would restore Germany to it's glory days. Extremely hard to not empathize and understand just how bad the economic situation Germany was under. Basically, it's just a tragic chain of events that leads to the creation of bigger and more evil in the future.
  15. @Jodistrict He's gonna need to call in Rainbow six teams to extract him out of Romania and deliver him to Dubai or something. Maybe we can make a game out of this?
  16. @LSD-Rumi While it's a very low possibility, some young people do develop cancer, or are born with it. Yes, Andrew Tate has also become my concentration exercise too.
  17. @Hardkill I also find it funny you immediately assume I'm MAGA. I'm not, and that's what having a liberal mind gets you to jump to conclusions too quickly, when you should have exercised caution and, well, more conservative, because maybe you made a mistake?
  18. @Hardkill If you're going to continue blaming the traditionalists and conservatives of history, might as well blame the left and communism for it's atrocities as well. And there were far worse groups than conservatives too, go blame them as well. And I'm a moderate conservative in the UK, way above American conservativism. Also, not completely fixed tin that position, as I do have liberal takes as well.
  19. @Raze Don't forget the destruction of the family unit, single parenting, less moral quality and standards from the liberal side, and not taking harder stances and rationally implementing actions to dealing with victim blaming, victim mindset. Social media and Tik Tok still takes the cake for being way more toxic to mental health. Go meditate, exercise, or read.
  20. @Juan Honestly, I'm starting to lose trust not just in humanity, but in people that colour their hairs, and claim themselves 'Enlightened'. Now I'm starting to see why hairs on a person's head can be an evil influence. Destiny fucking bluing his hair, Frank Yang bluing his hair, some other liberal bluing their hairs...It's hard not to cringe when my favorite colour is getting this level of disrespectful usage.
  21. @Raze So, any changes of opinion you have to this crisis?
  22. @Hardkill Not so simple, that can sometimes happen too.
  23. @Hardkill Of course they were, given how harsh the world then is compared to the world we live in today.