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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Matthew85 That still doesn't justify him spewing conflations between @Leo Gura's spiritual teachings with Buddhism and Advaita. He's also mixing up other western ideas with eastern concepts. By me calling him a Zen Devil, if you don't know what that means check out Leo's video on Zen devils, he mentions them in his spirituality videos and the ten Ox herding pictures. Also, by me calling Frank Yang a Zen Devil, I'm referring to him, again, conflating Leo Gura insights as if they're below traditional Enlightenment when that clearly not the case, the infinite insights from psychedelics are way more in magnitude and depth deeper and broader than any mainstream means. JUST NO. Typical Neo Advaita madness.
  2. @How to be wise That could be an interesting possibility for sure.
  3. @Hardkill That's exciting, maybe the Republicans or even Trump can take advantage of that scenario.
  4. @Jacob Morres Yeah, just going from number and statistics in the past, most will likely not vote for Marianne Williamson that much, if already 50% of the population voted for Trump, and the rest voted for Biden. Very little vote for progressives. We need a progressive Trump character if we want to see many more votes for a progressive, but they can't play that game without undermining their ideology as well. Tough spot.
  5. @How to be wise So true, if you're too left leaning you won't be popular in the mainstream.
  6. @martins name But, at least for most, when they know you're practicing ACIM they think you got something to hide, or are guilty of something, or is a pervert needing forgiveness for some addiction, or something else. Of course, when some of those people look into ACIM and Marianne Williamson they'll be a bit more understanding but majority don't know ACIM and are operating from narratives told of her by their political media outlet which can be biased and distorts what actually is the truth.
  7. @Gesundheit2 After watching the video, I intuitively felt that this Frank Yang guy, is quite frankly a ZEN DEVIL.
  8. @caesar13 Gym is interesting. If you look at the history, and think holistically based on the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development in various areas of life, and ideological indoctrination most people go through that informs their entire worldview, then the development of fitness, athleticism and gyms becomes more interesting. For example, one point most western gyms lacked complex resistance machines, dumbbells, fancy rope bands, and other pieces of equipment with progression in mind. It used to mostly be barbells, and weighted plates, which dictated the types of workouts possible, which are mainly compound exercises, some gyms had racks with bars to do maybe body weight exercises like pull ups and their variations. This limit to technological development, with the tool sets (barbells, weighted plates, racks) informed the incentive to value certain types of fitness routine, which made old school versions of powerlifting, strongman and body building possible and valuable by the technological epoch of that time. Then, with the invention of steroids, and enough capitalism, came the fitness industry that capitalized on artificial supplements and diet, and advertising their additional equipment because look at the other body builders using steroids, and the muscular results, which then created more incentive to pursue that type of fitness program, and soon it became less popular to keep on doing old school types of fitness programs in favor for faster, newer results, which has it's own knock on effects to various areas of life going forward. Personally, I don't go as much as I've figured out my own fitness training, but gym is useful if you have specific goals and targets for your physical training routine. Also, if you are the type with procrastination/laziness issues, or other negative emotions/states/thinking, then the gym environment can be used and leveraged by you to commit to your training.
  9. @axiom I don't want to get into a syntax/semantics argument, so I'll say that, IF I CAN HOLD AND PLACE SINGULAR FOCUS ON AN OBJECT/THOUGHT AT WILL, THEN IT'S POSSIBLE. Maybe very few in the entire world can because of how social media/ Tik Tok corroded focusing ability nowadays, but I can, I've been doing concentration exercises with Crysty and meditating and we both can. Maybe you can't, or have a lower skill development? It does take time, but it's possible to hold a thought for longer times.
  10. @UnbornTao Amazing share. I just have a few questions for you. Is it okay to compare yourself to those who are lower, equal or greater in skill than yourself, not out of resentment? Like consciously comparing yourself instead of unconsciously doing it? Also, if we did apply this, do some of us run the risk of burnout/over working, workaholic? What if the chosen field we dedicate and commit to, we find out roughly half way that actually we wanted this specific area instead?
  11. @mr_engineer Are you going to share your link for that feedback?
  12. @martins name If Marianne Williamson is stage Turquoise, why did she practice A Course In Miracles? What is she trying to forgive and confess in her past? Makes her look suspect and not like a saint or angel. Maybe she was naughty, and wants to confess and be free of her sins or something?
  13. @martins name I don't think Marianne Williamson is stage Turquoise, I think she's a little bit of stage yellow, then good chunk of stage green and orange, some stage blue and very few values below. I think you mostly can't skip past stage yellow into stage turquoise man. I think you're conflating your chakra systems experiences with Spiral Dynamics stages of development. If you think Ken Wilbur is wrong, despite being majority stage yellow and green, with some spiritual development, why?
  14. @Osaid That's what I really love about consciousness, how it's 'sticky' when it encounters some perspectives that are somehow very interesting. It's like juggling or multi tasking but in a mind, it's like if you're in a swimming pool and you had to make and maintain a whirlpool at both sides.
  15. @Gesundheit2 Similarly to me, if I come across an interesting video, I watch it mostly till it's finished, think it over, and maybe share. Although I rarely share with anyone Actualized.org or any self help videos, I hoard them to myself until I rally trust the other person with this information. Sometimes, when I watch a movie, I partly think and become the characters, or one of them, in my life. What happened to your green tag? Stepped down from moderating? Did you put a good word in about me?
  16. @martins name Okay, name a few in Leo's list that doesn't embody stage turquoise. What Ken's meaning, is contained within integral theory, in the book. Do you have the book?
  17. @Emerald Fair enough, I am not familiar with Mariam Webster, so I used an analogy that made sense to me to compare her to. If she can make it to the generals, maybe. I've learned my lesson with the political drama for the past 6 years, so I'm skeptical and remain centrist and not hoping for too much if she win or if Biden remains in office. Maybe Obama may make a return or not if Biden can't. Last resort, Donald Trump announces his run or president once again, maybe riles up all the political parties to get in gear too.
  18. @martins name I think you could be misinterpreting @Leo Gura 's take of stage Turquoise. He never had stated explicitly that stage turquoise was spiritual development, but was a very high value system for a person and group to reach, and instead implied a very high spiritual development. I also don't think that's what Ken Wilbur meant.
  19. @tuku747 Yes, funny but dangerous. Hopefully we adapt enough to regulate deep fakes and get that handled. Right now it's downright unethical and dangerous.
  20. @martins name How did Leo Gura or Ken Wilbur misunderstand stage Turquoise?
  21. @martins name Okay, so they're anti government, meaning they al are libertarian? Well, Sadguru and his community is one example of a stage turquoise guru and community. OSHO is another one. What makes you think Marianne Williamson is anywhere near stage turquoise? At best she's stage orange/green, not Turquoise, because you're also forgetting stage yellow.
  22. @Hardkill I haven't lived through that time period so I can't say whether or not I'd like those policies. I think that's a bad faith interpretation of Margaret Thatcher though because you're just focusing on her negatives. What about her positives? What good has she done while she was in office? I think the critics are big softies, letting words offend them like they were sexually assaulted is beta. I don't trust twitter or Twitch politics anymore, so those progressives/socialists in those online circles need help resetting their common sense back to IRL world. Don't trust Destiny, Hasan, xQx, H3H3, what they say on that time period is fake news, and many other Twitch people. Except Mr. Girl he's cool.
  23. @Emerald And this is why you don't right inside a quote, because nobody can respond point by point. I made that comparison to say that Marianne Williamson is not that ready yet, she lacks the spirit of Margaret Thatcher, the spirit of the iron lady. 13% of the democrats want her, the rest don't. Very obvious few like her at the moment, but she needs to develop the fiery spirit. Yes, Margaret Thatcher is staunch conservative, and a little bit of a dictator, but with her iron fist she led Britain through it's tumultuous time period, through the Argentinian conflict and made sure the UK still had a standing among the top countries around the world.
  24. @axiom You can choose a particular thought to focus on. It's pretty hard but it's possible, a few times with my close friend.