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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Leo Gura @Finax @aurum Actually, I have a personal anecdote of a similar situation. I had an accident with my finger, and the skin cut on my third knuckle on a corner. Took a week and a half to heal completely, but what I could've done is contacted the NHS and my GP about this accident, and book an appointment, which is mostly what happens. Hypothetically, my GP could've asked for a photo of my injury to be sent over as well, and I use my google account to do so, and Google could've restricted my account for sharing a graphic image of an injury or something. Jesus, this could've been me as well, my account would've been banned too!!!???
  2. @aurum Which makes this situation unfortunate and tragic, because we do want to make Google a bit more accountable for their actions, but then when they should correct a certain specific action, they don't want to because PR or other factors in or out of context. I mean, how do we solve this problem to start, when a proper, deep and broad solution, only solves half the problem? Never mind the perfect solution when our information ecology has lots of misinformation and distorted facts, even taboo topics that we'd rather not engage with fully. How do we prevent mix ups like this from happening in the future? Taking the situation, we'd say "Well, the father has letters from his hospital, by the doctor, to ask him to send a picture of his son's genitalia, for his upcoming medical examination or whatever medical procedure. So, he is justified in sending those pictures in a secure folder over to that doctor, and google should not intervene between the ongoing doctor and patient relationship.", so that's one solution, allow a stronger encryption or a special file that prevents google from interfering. Of course, this solution can backfire collectively, because now scammers and fraudsters would just make up a medical stuff and use this encryption or whatever. Tricky. So, how do we resolve this issue, in the future?
  3. @Finax My opinion, but privacy is important is relative to other factors involved within context and outside of context. If privacy was important and over enforced over the public space, we won't have and exhibitionists and voyeurs now would we?
  4. @Finax When I think about it, I meant it in both ways: High profile case for his 'pedophilia' of sending his son's genitalia to doctor, and high profile case for suing Google's banning of his account. It's presumptuous of me or you assuming many factors of his value system, cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of being, other lines of development in various areas of life and indoctrinations he had and other ideologies, even assuming his financial situation, but I really think he should've taken them to court and really fought back. Regardless if he lost, he'd learn from that experience, and the company thinks twice of banning account with loose justifications, like with Leo Gura.
  5. OMG! This is a good example of an entertaining deep fake video using A.I generation:
  6. @MsNobody A few ways to reduce, and even stop creativity, although creativity can't be 'stopped' you can suddenly reduce it such that it flows very slowly. First this one's solid: For me, if I want to reduce anything I run an NLP(neuro-linguistic programming) techniques for reframing, reducing, distorting, deleting, generalizing, or even transforming feelings of negativity, but instead change the target to the creative feeling that's overflowing. Typically abstaining from a bad habit works, and can also work for other habits. Basically stop the actions that are over generating your creativity.
  7. @UnbornTao I see, thanks for posting. I already have a list of hobbies I've done, some I still do, and am thinking about turning into a profession of some kind.
  8. @vindicated erudite Which is why it's more reasonable for immigrants of mid-lower income earners to live in the EU countries than in the UK. Living standards here for the poor are not ideal, it's more ideal to go live in the EU, cheaper Visa and lower rent/buying homes. Also, it's a bit justified that the British gov may be worried for too many migrants coming into the country, changing the local areas and having these cultural clashes. After all, why are you choosing to migrate to the UK, if you're not going to integrate with the British culture and ideals? There are also other issues that compound together, that ended up causing the Brexit situation.
  9. @Hardkill Those were short term analysis from them, but not long term analysis was provided, and some of those top economics have businesses in the EU, so it can be more biased than they want to admit. Of course Brexit undermines the country's foreign relations with EU, because the EU have been taking bigger cuts and profits from foreign trade between the UK and EU. Remember that the EU was made by Germany and France, two countries with historic rivalry with the UK, so any deal between them is bound to be lob sided to favor EU. Also, the UK at the time were fed up of immigrants being sent by the EU to here, So the idea was to cut ties with the EU, and revive the common wealth and trade with other countries. Even renegotiate with the EU on the UK's terms when UK's economy stabilizes and grows. Also, the UK were fed up of EU'S fishing boats and trawlers fishing in the UK's maritime zones, and wanted to break off and impose those zones, even place tariffs on goods and other penalties for fishing in the UK's waters. And many more issues that leads up to Brexit. Brexit was inevitable, and came about from the EU not being more fair towards the UK.
  10. @Sucuk Ekmek Hahaha, hard to when you're in the thick of a conflict, and have to make very quick decisions.
  11. @mr_engineer But it's annoying that they paint the mainstream like it's evil. Hello? We live in a society? we have normative standards yes? Being normal is evil? Such entitlement when facing a global conflict, sorry, but millions of lives were lost to the V, and a million more from misinformation, and bad common sense when a person is ill.
  12. @Raze Interesting, but I have to ask: Who cares about the Twitter files, or even Twitter at this point??? Get off of Twitter, you look like a conspiracy theorist.
  13. @aurum Okay sure, sorry for the caps, it can just be annoying, and sometime, rare, that this could be life changing as well. It would've been worse if the Dad was charged for this too. He's cleared by the police, the charges are dropped, I don't know if his record gets cleaned too, but Google should have got their shit together, and just drop the case, activate his account, and give an apology for the overreaction. To me, the banning of his account and phone number, after the charges were cleared, was bad customer service but even phobic, don't know what kind, maybe even Racist/sexist or anything if we know a bit more. @Finax Was this a high profile case? I'd think it would have been given the nature of the crimes?
  14. @Osaid If you got sealed and aged red wine or any wine, whiskey, rum, or liquor, send them to me please! Just because you don't like them, doesn't mean you get to keep them locked in your basement.
  15. @ShardMare From what I know, it increases likelihood for certain cancers, fatty liver, and doesn't help with odor. My opinion, not expert, personally, the drug of choice for any bad day, good in combating my dark episodes of depression and Nihilism, also hot sex, I mean really hot sex can be had also. JUST DRINK RESPONSIBLY! Agree.
  16. @Finax I can't even access the article apparently I've reached my 'free limit' of viewing the article. Apparently, in the USA in the land of freedom, where free journalism and reporting is practiced I am not free to view their articles and got to pay. Hypocrites. The New York Times SUCK.
  17. @aurum BECAUSE IT SUCKS TO HAVE YOUR ACCOUNT BANNED! And the Dad was doing that for medical reasons, to provide to the doctor, so why is it their issue????
  18. @Finax I think they should try to pull this tactic within China, see how far their policies protect them against the CCP. They think they're safe because they're worth billions, well, wait until they become a national threat, I guarantee they might get canceled and shut down.
  19. I've discovered this channel a while back, interesting ocontent, could have been one of the users here in the past:
  20. @Majed Pretty good share. Just reading, meditating, and exercising, and resting more leads to a more grounded and healthy conservative. Also helps to unplug from Tik Tok and other similar social media, and only use social media with clear intent and design to improve you life, 1% at a time.
  21. @aurum I think you need to make one more distinction: Online political variants vs IRL political variants. Very key difference is that the online progressive left lack common sense, and are so stuck in tier one thinking, and so stuck in their bubble they actually cannot empathize nor understand correctly their oppositional ideology.
  22. @aurum , @Arcangelo , @Gesundheit2 and @StarStruck , Fascism is just basically you having an idea of fascia, which the name of the system of tendons and ligaments mostly around your body and musculature. They are also integral to how your body moves to begin with, and a crucial part, besides the muscle system and nervous system, in generating tension via FLEXING. This also involves a field of science, and scientists who are obsessed with facia are also called Fascists, and some of the old school body builders, Bruce Lee, Rocky Marciano, some of the most gifted men in strength and a few in speed and explosive movement, were the first pioneers, the first Fascists to engage with the FLEXING in the mirror, and maximizing the GENETIC POTENTIAL OF TENDONS AND MUSCLE, naturally, prior to steroid use. Just ask @Carl-Richard if you don't believe me, the human body is AMAZING. Of course, not the other Fascism, that one sucks, but the FLEXING Fascism is important for fitness and athletics!
  23. @vindicated erudite I think the political climate of your country is shifting. Brexit seemed like a bad idea, but it's predicted that the UK, despite the economic hardships brought on by the Corona V, and the Russia/Ukraine conflict and the grain shortage, if they get trade deals from other foreign countries, they can manage, and even save enough money and taxes compared to the EU. In fact before Brexit the UK was having some cuts and debts to EU, and not getting more out of the trade deal. They also really don't like the pound changing to Euros because that gives the EU more leverage to control the UK's political interests by threatening economic sanctions. Well, very hard to impose economic sanctions when there's two types of currencies.
  24. @StarStruck What if I don't want a short term relationship?
  25. @Gesundheit2 I'm fine if me calling him a Zen devil makes me a Zen devil as I'm not perfect in my insights and my spiritual development and paranormal/supernatural stuff. I'm calling him that because he's mistaken in assuming Buddhism and Neo Advaita are above infinite. NOPE.