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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Juan But @Juan! How do I balance A.I as a tool, when I'm getting mind raped by Tik Tok and social media platforms?!
  2. @The Mystical Man No, why he fundamentally doesn't accept the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and UFOs existing, that it's send him deep into existential crisis, and have him question more deeply his worldview, which is already very threatening as is. This is why he conveniently hides behind the justification that the other person claiming existence of Aliens needs to give him proof. How convenient.
  3. @Waken In the context of developing drawing skill, I don't think so. The process won't be in a progression that's easy to track and record for the newbie learning to draw. It's possible to use A.I generated images, and trace parts of the shapes and areas, or do additive/subtractive art onto of the generated image, I disagree that it leads to a solid development in mastering the drawing and art fundamentals that takes months to years of dedicated study to master to some level of proficiency. It also feels mostly like a cop out and lazy way of doing art, but that's because excellence is part of my top ten values, and how I honor that value in me is taking a bit more traditional or progressive ways of learning and progression of skill, in a linear fashion. and less non-linearity if possible. I like to feel that I put in some effort, energy and attention to drawing, feels like 80% of my time/energy spent in a 20% action taking that produces 80% of the results. I feel like using A.I generated images is both cheating, laziness and even unethical if those stories of these programs taking other people's art is true.
  4. @Emerald Of course, technological development over time, and the pioneers and groups/person behind the designs, do so from a place of bias based on their stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in other domains of life, and ideological indoctrination from upbringing. Also, technology is not values neutral:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj29vDGutn9AhV4SUEAHcerD54QFnoECA8QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fconsilienceproject.org%2Ftechnology-is-not-values-neutral-ending-the-reign-of-nihilistic-design-2%2F&usg=AOvVaw2Ibrxt3LZMNTAtdZg8j4f5 Ultimately, in the long term, degreee and certifications pale in comparison to the disruptive technologies done by those deep into stage orange materialism. @Waken @Juan As usual, you all underestimate the disruptive nature of technological development and the increase in unemployment it can cause short term.
  5. @The Mystical Man Sorry, he's too materialistic and rationalist in his worldview to account for the existence of UFOs. He's improperly using skepticism to actually serve his bias and conform to others who don't belief in UFOs by appealing to physics, 'common sense', and other appeals.
  6. @ZenAlex ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE! Flipping that coin already assumes risks are 50/59, which highly not the case. This level of dumb has killed much more than saved lives. I would only agree if I hate humanity and want to reduce it's population, which your strategy is leaning to more than saving people.
  7. @Emerald But do it in such a way that it isn't too disruptive of the market place. An entire thread already talks about this issue at length, and the moderator's job is in the process of getting disrupted: In this specific context, I don't like A.I, and how big companies are starting to use it to steal art works en masse.
  8. @Arcangelo I swear on my life, if an Alien appears before me, I'm inviting it to some tea.
  9. @Emerald You must accept that she will be defeated this year. America won't be receptive to her messaging or principals until 50-100 years later.
  10. @Juan It would be good, provided they implement regulations in advance,especially considering how fast technology is developing. To me it's mostly a sad state of affairs, certain types of visual art jobs, like editorial illustrations qre getting some disruption. Soon certain musicjobs, and even animations will feel the disruptions. Government has to step in soon or unemployment rates will sky rocket.
  11. @aurum She clearly does believe that aickness is an illusion to a higher degree if she did ACIM that extensively, and whatever new age practices in the past yet to come to light. Regardless I'm glad there's a progressive that can talk normally to people on the right as well, she'll definitely connect more than these snobby city progressive/Socialists.
  12. @Hardkill It's all due to how Donald Trump handled the Covid virus situation, which was badly enough that he got kicked out. I actually feel that if he handled that well, he wouldn't have been opposed as strongly, and toned down his extremism he would be voted for one more term.
  13. @MarkKol Agreed, plus confusions and conflations of the masculine mind vs feminine mind.
  14. @Leo Gura So true, hard agree here.
  15. @Hardkill Grounded in common sense and IRL reality. But of course, all that can be relative, but still, grounded in IRL and especially not in the internet, which adds to the confusion and bigotry of both sides involved.
  16. @Spiral I don't think so. It's still, fundamentally, in the nature of the mind, conservative minds are different to liberal minds. Progressives/socialists are a subset off of the liberal mind, so while you are partly right in saying progressive vs conservatives, actually progressive/social minds are a more niche type of mind even in liberal mind standards. Actually, common sense liberal minds are more in conflict with progressives than conservatives, because of the internet factor and other developmental factors! Some conservatives can be liberal minded, true, but requires further context. No, Spiral Dynamics stages of development, by Don Beck and Claire Graves, is a modal for human cultural values over time. It's got little to do directly with politics, and no political group has any monopoly of Spiral Dynamics. Most political groups here are mostly at tier 1 cognitive development, they have no idea what a real stage yellow value system looks in n individual/group or society. Such a stage yellow valued person/group is and can be mistaken for a radical group similar to progressives/socialists, however they are really that advanced in cognition that it's insulting to consider any political group having monopoly on these terms.
  17. @Emerald That's just impossible to do in America now. 40%+ voted For Trump and most of the remainder voted for Biden. THEY ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH THIS WOMAN.
  18. @Leo Gura Basically they want a Donald Trump, but without the extreme language and has Leonardo Da Vinci levels of genius, with the charism to boot and backup their intelligence. Yeah, that's an impossible leader to find..
  19. @Gesundheit2 That's not just a joke, that actually did happen when they tried to create a hidden base there.
  20. @BlessedLion Dude, stop being a Vax apologist. That choice has mostly been a net negative for the pandemic, millions of lives killed and hospitals overloaded just because of idiocy. Yeah very positive!
  21. @confused people EU sucks for dating and sexual experiences in general. For sex experiences though, there's red light districts in Amsterdam and Holland. You're better off travelling to Los Vegas in USA, or even in Canada for dating experiences.
  22. @Swarnim There could be miscommunication for sure. I think in this case both the police and Google should have worked and communicated together, especially after banning him, like within a month. This situation has me a bit worried, because I draw various subject matters, in comic or manga styles, and some of those images are saved in my google account. Gonna be considering moving them in a more secure folder or something.