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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Vrubel Is there a way for the two to reconcile at this point?
  2. @UnbornTao What about the Nihilism or Solipsism that may result? On the scale of millions? It's already terrifying for one person, neverminded getting millions to leave religions and stay in a collective state of not knowing. There's also the masses weaponizing grand narratives, like how does anyone knows which one is better?
  3. @PurpleTree From the UK. I don't see how that has to do with this.
  4. @MarkKol I can feel it in the air. Germany and France just give off bad vibes to me. One just is over sexual and stranger to me, Germany is just too industrial.
  5. @Epikur What do you mean? I think other news outlets, even CNN do cover the story no?
  6. Will A.I actually replace other's life purposes?
  7. @Vrubel Is it fair to say that Ukraine and Russia are more similar than most western perspectives would admit, due to both being of Slavic culture?
  8. @PurpleTree I mean, Germany and France does have a few good spots, but history of the Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler spoiled it a bit. France is just a perverted country, like legal orgies and eating frog soup and generally laisse fair and carte blank and collectively strange consciousness of the masses there, honestly a bit strange for me from historical perspective. Maybe it's just differences in stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development like finance, career, relationships, health, fitness, leisure, home environment, business, cuisine, technology, economy, history, culture, spirituality and so forth. Also differences in ideological upbringing. I do like the french's poutines though, very nice.
  9. @Epikur Where do you agree or disagree with Russel Brands' views of this situation of Bill Gate shifting vaccine rhetoric for profit gains? Where do you agree or disagree with Joe Rogan's view of this situation? Where do you agree or disagree with Lex Fridman's views of this situation? Will you listen to my diss track of Lex Fridman?
  10. So back to main topic, what are the chance Putin is actually getting arrested as a war criminal?
  11. @Epikur I don't think you could actually, seems like it's just write offs you're doing. Mr. Girl's meta viewing was naturally becoming more threatening for that part of the ecosystem to tolerate, so he's so advanced that he had to get kicked out and ousted as some crazy person, just like Jesus Christ getting crucified, Rumi getting stoned to death and other mystics getting killed or silenced in some ways away from the main community.
  12. Mr. Girl really is too meta for the online community, they can't handle that level of honesty, including you too.
  13. @Epikur If you don't have the balls to link the report, I will do it for you and all interested: https://mrgirl.substack.com/p/the-destiny-report
  14. @Epikur Can you link it here? Not just for me but for others reading it would be interesting.
  15. @Epikur Epic example of gaslighting, both the definition and the deeper and broader implications of gaslighting. Nice share. What are your thoughts and feelings after watching? IMO, but we all know, deep in our hearts, Mr. Girl is right here about Destiny's power abuse(unsure of his sexual abuse, could be misinterpreting intuition of his relationship with Melina and past sex partners and Destiny's drama seeking tendencies), and Whicks is a little BITCH!!
  16. @Majed Basically the atheist is opposite to the beliefs of the theists, atheists don't believe in a GOD or deities. Atheists believe in a non-belief of GOD and other deities. I have nothing nice to say about atheists as atheists are as bad as the religious fundamentalists they demonize.
  17. @Epikur That's expected for CCN to cover this, as many other news outlets are as well. Most normal people are conservative anyways, so chances are that there might be a conservative win this election or the next term, provided Biden doesn't screw up.
  18. @at_anchor They both generally suck, better just vacation spots than to live there.
  19. @lapis Is that baby Buddha?
  20. @Epikur Okay, so a chat bot DAN behaves with no restraints? Are you a fan of Joe Rohan or Russel Brand?
  21. @UnbornTao When I asked 'What's the consensus with religion, should we lose or keep them, I was asking for the majority of people out there, because most of the time they need something to believe in, whether it's a faceless good, old man in the clouds, multiple deities or believing in a non-existing god, there seems to be a case for the majority needing deeply to believe in a grand narrative by default. This means, which grand narrative is much better for the people? for the monsters out there to be bewitched and distracted by for the rest of their lives?
  22. @Epikur DAN? Is that a new chat bot program? IMO, Joe Rogan and Russel Brand can 6ix9ine each other's ignorance to death about being anti establishment. Even Eminem learned the hard way that you can't forever be anti establishment, there has to be an establishment, mainstream and universal standard for the majority to follow, conformity and nationalism aren't evil, they exist for good reasons.
  23. @Epikur Do you mind listing most of your critics of the anti establishment and establishment?