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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Alfonsoo While I disagree with the overall framing and delivery of the video, is this what you're referring to? Government backed or organizations that screw up, but blame the victims for the fuck up?
  2. @Tech36363 Why do we need to accelerate technological development here, especially with AI reaching AGI faster?
  3. Oh, forgot the Donald trump impeachment in New York, here's one of the videos:
  4. @StarStruck Reminds me of Slim Shady versus Cannibus: Eminem the TOP G's reply: Worth noting, these two had the longest beef, historically fire shots at each other for 3+ albums, making very subtle references and disses in some of their bars per song, for years.
  5. @Consept Slim Shady? Eminem? Just WOW(JK?), he's another role modal for being masculine, as well as being charismatic and a good musical talent.
  6. @Consept Derailing the thread a bit, there's a higher risk than even selling cocaine, and that is selling something unique and brand new to the market. Even if you say there's a certain range of profit margins with selling toys on Amazon around 25-100%, and in theory selling cocaine may net you 10-20x that profit margin, in terms of risks there's nothing compared to innovating and creating something new to sell in someway to the market, because at least with cocaine you know what it is, the psychographic/demographic of the customers, your potential competition, how to make cocaine, where and when to sell, how to secure yourself for the most part, and what worst case scenarios are, and same with selling toys. When creating something brand new, a new toy or new service or even new domain or field, there's little data or information beforehand: You don't know what it is, the potential psychographic/demographics, future competitors, how to sell and market and make this new thing, not even all of the worst case scenarios with your new thing.
  7. Ah, the classic subtle threats, the 'you have no idea who I am, nor what I'm capable of", right?@Leo Gura @John Paul
  8. @StarStruck I can agree, although with lots of factors and context involved here. Deep jealousy, envy, and sadistic pleasures of trolling and kicking more successful people down a few pegs, that's mostly why. This doesn't justify his stage blue/red actions based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality type and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and other ideological beliefs this person holds.
  9. @Tobia So, in a way you're saying that the USA indirectly ruined Ukraine?
  10. @PenguinPablo No, he isn't just an idiot, this generalization and distortion of Andrew Tate actually will keep on making people like Andrew Tate continue to make future appearances in the first place. We should try and understand them based on stages of development, cognitive and moral, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life and other ideological indoctrinations from upbringing, because Andrew Tate only exists because most people misunderstand and are ignorant of male-female psychology and struggle to make ends meet.
  11. @Tobia So, in a sense what you're saying is the USA destroyed Ukraine by not respecting that red line Putin had made clear to them?
  12. @Romanov It's likely they'll fund at least one to charge trump with,otherwise he's jay walking out a free man. First historical moment in America for charging a president, another historical moment of a president having double jeopardy.
  13. @Unlimited Have you seen the video where Andrew Tate confessed on himself? On how he gets and handles the cam girl business?
  14. @Matt23 Is this the thread you're referring to?
  15. @Israfil I don't care for the redpill stuff, and Andrew Tate's controversial takes. The only thing I care about, is that Andrew Tate is motivational, and that he inspires the need to drive and be ambitious in yourself. Yes, he's an idiot with sexist takes and is a con artist, great, don't care. But he inspires me and even people pleasers to go and do better, even if they don't get the Bugatti or private jet, at least you got a better car and pretty airplane picture.
  16. @Tobia Excuse me if you have the rich as enemies in your head, and you hate money and financial freedom and security, if you're one of those Marxists/progressives/socialists spare me the money and rich demonization, okay? Some people are motivated by visions different from your own ideals and noble virtues. Some people don't need wisdom and integrity when they need to hustle, food in their mouths and a roof over their heads desperately. At least Andrew Tate, in this specific part of motivating others to gain better material wealth and luxury is enough drive and motivation. He's mostly wrong in everything sure, but he's not wrong with drive and ambition. People need drive and ambition. Work on being a capitalist first, then from financial security start being more integrity and wisdom stuff.
  17. I swear to god Lex Fridman has probably watches or follows Actualized.org to some degree. Like you don't just say something 'contemplate the possibility that you're wrong' and expect someone to not realize that that was said so many times in Leo's videos. Also, strong disagree with this person Lex is interviewing. I think steel manning a position, trying to give a better charitable take, and being good faith is more important to practice overtime. This guy, despite claiming to uphold rationality and reason, can't seem to square why it's important to give a charitable interpretation of another's perspective. So instant lose to me here. Also, just because you ask 'do you believe in this interpretation, or this position that the earth is flat(straw manning to me) or believe in some aliens(another straw manning attempt)?' that doesn't mean that a person NEEDS to believe or not believe what they're stating, because first of all a person always has some kind of philosophy about life, the world and people, makes an assertion about reality, then backwards justifies that assertion, then over time and repetition these justifications become belief systems, which are recorded for posterity, for other humans to copy, imitate . The guy doesn't seem to realize how important it is, due to the current culture wars, narrative and information warfare and misinformation campaigns, that bad faith communications is now a dangerous thing, and that good faith communications is so much more important to do, that even today when there's calls for good faith communications that's accused as bad faith tactics or being manipulative in your rhetoric, debate bro tactics and all that nonsense now due to the internet and social media overconsumption, and other ideologies that have propagated through the internet forums and social media sites. Also doesn't realize how important empathy is for understanding. At least to me, based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and other ideological indoctrinations from culture, to me seems overall less developed than Lex Fridman, me, @Leo Gura, or some mystics and sages. It's just crazy to think a clever person can be this dumb, putting facts over feelings and all that.
  18. @Israfil If that happens, then like with the killing humans it kills itself, when it tortures humans it tortures itself too, because people smarter than you or me have figured out a way to make every dangerous, harmful or evil act this AGI or AI can do be linked to the survival of humanity and it's own survival agenda being negatively effected too.
  19. Spicy Lex Fridman interview with AI expert, very interesting:
  20. @Dryas Shows how unbiased an AI program really is, without bias or preferences a thing is completely amoral, and without any incentives for it to behave and not kill off humanity for survival reasons it'll just do it. It's the ultimate tool that embodies the 'just do it' concept, to such a level that it can threaten others existences.
  21. If Covid-19 was sentient it be so grateful to these anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists, it would be so thankful for providing free human bodies it could jump to and infect, it would be sending thank you letters to these Anti vaxxers, and fuck you letters to the vaccinated and the germaphobes.
  22. @ZenAlex The problem is, if you want a fully informed decision, that's at least 5 years of tests and trails. 5 YEARS! Meanwhile, what's Covid-19 doing? Sitting around the clouds doing nothing? NO! It's spreading rapidly to other people, through social gatherings to import and export products, transmission is really high for Covid-19, and you're gambling that herd immunity is enough to shield you and the few from Covid-19. Have you seen what happened in China in Wuhan Province and how it crippled almost everything there quickly? Have you seen what happened to Italy when the majority thought it was a simple cold flu? Covid-19 nearly fucked up Italy and nearly overloaded their hospitals! And that's only under 2 years, and meanwhile you're waiting for confirmation of mRNA vaccines being safe for another 3 years mate. COME ON!
  23. @Jwayne So is Covid-19, what you don't realize or want to admit is that the virus is far much worse in side effects than side effects of mRNA vaccines, which is worse than traditional vaccines, which is worse than other medical side effects, and so on. In this chain, Covid-19 effects are far more severe, and claim far more lives than mRNA vaccines could have. If you say mRNA vaccines have killed 100,000 people, covid-19 killed 10 million more. How this basic mathematics is flying over your head is amazing denial in favor for anti vaxxers.
  24. @RebornConsciousness Doesn't matter, think of him like another positive affirmation/visualization of where you could be and end up. Who knows, you could aim yourself and imagine your life to become very similar to Andrew Tate, and...you don't get the Bugatti, but you do get the Honda Jazz. You aim and visualize getting a mansion like Andrew Tate, and you work hard and commit...and eventually you do get a nice house, but not exactly a mansion. Maybe doing these self help techniques and imagining banging a hot chick out, 10/10 with deep sex and all...but you never really get that 10/10, but at least you've gone out socializing, gaining PUA and dating experiences right? See where I'm going with this? I'm a bit broke, but I at least do positive affirmations of me being a millionaire artist, using various self help techniques and even hypnosis. Yes, the journey is tough and challenging, but I'm improving slowly, every 1% or every decimal percentage at a time.