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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. This is fucking hilarious! I can't get enough of these people's disturbed reactions to this.? Here's my take: In the point of view of the Dalai Lama this is a joke, because this sticking the tongue out is part of the Tibetan culture, it's a cultural greeting to these folk. So, the equivalent to making a greeting a joke, is if we take the common western greeting of waving good bye and handshakes, well, how do I or you make this greetings a bit funny and hilarious? You'd make, depending on your bias and preference in humor, make the Vulcan sign(cuz most western countries do know of Star Trek) as a waving hand, and if you have my sick sense of humour, as I love dark humors, as a joke I can wave the middle finger/fuck you symbol as good bye, or give you a wet handshake/the electric button shake handshake. Yeah that's a prank, so I get where he's coming from. Yeah, bad moment still, but if you're willing to be open minded and try your damndest to understand his POV I think you'd get the joke, but becuase of the deep western modern indoctrination, and how we hold children very dearly, I get how it's widely misinterpreted.
  2. @Intraplanetary I know right? These two are the hardest try not to laugh challenges on the planet to do. On a twisted side note, we should be a bit more thankful and think of this event like some collective litmus test in terms of stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, life experiences and other lines of development and ideological indoctrinations. Events like these tests an western/eastern divisions and cultures and the moral frameworks that are indoctrinated into the population. For example, here we see a sample size of the online lefties react to this event one chatter brings the question if this is tied to cultural/moral relativism, to which the streamer who champions himself as a lefty denies:
  3. @Jodistrict Yeah, the culture and information warfare has made many of these PC people crazy. They can't even joke to save a life. They can't fathom how much suffering the Dalai Lama and his people had to go through with China, and here they are getting outraged and having outcries for no reason other than a perceived threat to their western morals. If I was the Dalai Lama, and I'm like the Hodgetwins I'd double down on my jokes and give these softies 20% discount and refund their time, energy and money spent on viewing me, screw these soft westerners and soft mainstream normies, I'd give them the bitter medicine of TRUTH they deeply deny for their lives, I'd give them the sex doll show they deeply crave, I-ROBOT MYSELF TO PLEASURE!
  4. @Roy Yes, there was this strange sense of world peace in the forum after @Preety_India and @Tyler Robinson left the forum. I don't know if she's still active in the journal section, but coincidence that it's peaceful? Probably not. In her defense though she's too triggerable to some here who want to troll here, as just sounding a little bit sexist and misogynistic gets her to write pages of complaints. Yes, the whole dynamic wasn't healthy nor productive to the forum's quality.
  5. @RickyFitts Well, technically it's not a permanent ban, but he did get kicked out by @Leo Gura for communicating in Neo-Advaita language and being too poetic when a user needs more prescriptive or descriptive advice, and when asked to simplify and give more concrete advice he refuses. Also, he secretly was recruiting members of this forum to his website which is a no-no, so he had to go. Fun fact: @Nahm was one of the 5 moderators that gave me warning points for misinterpreting my jokes to a user 5 years ago, which I learned my lesson not to do dark humor too bluntly, but karma is still a bitch if and when an action has repercussions and is unjustified.
  6. @Bobby_2021 What's the problem with my articulation here?
  7. @Israfil Bunny is here to intellectually show us how morally superior his materialistic and scientific worldview is to the cult following of Actualized.org, that's all. It's just pure rationalist hubris.
  8. @John Paul Because Trans gendered people, like any other minority group, does get attacked, verbally or even physically by the majority. So, this is why they need rights and some protection from abuse
  9. At the end of the day, the Dalai Lama is far more spiritually developed than any of us, without an ego to defend any longer given his history and practices. Yes, not a quite a kosher for the rest of us living in societies, but nevertheless the dude's a lone wolf at this point.
  10. @RebornConsciousness Agreed, he's definitely joking. It's like people getting outraged over Destiny's joking, and he's not a pious priest in some temple, he's living in society and still says dark humor jokes.
  11. @Jwayne Can you blame for this though? Given the life situations he had faced, no wonder he's a virgin.
  12. @Epikur He's also the guy that said 'Europe belongs to the Europeans' in response to the immigration crisis, which is kinda true.
  13. @DrugsBunny Dude, WTF are you doing here then? If you really hate @Leo Gura and can't handle the stuff covered here, just leave bro.?
  14. @Jodistrict I even dare say a few hyper spiritually gifted people wouldn't even apologies, they'd carry on their shenanigans to prove a point. The greater the spirituality, the greater the overreaction.
  15. @Yimpa Yes, it's human levels of bullshit from westerners overreacting to, IMO, a joke from Dalai Lama which he's quick to correct and apologies for, at least he hasn't lost too much of his ego and common sense to know it may have nearly crossed a line LOL., Although the hypocrisy and double standard runs deep. Most western/eastern normies forget that Priests, Monks, sages, mystics, Zen masters, Yogis, all them supernatural/paranormal gifted folk don't get no tongue or hand action. Most average easterner and westerner of secular societies people dating and fucking around, meanwhile these pious folks are in prison inside their temples...except the Tantric Yogis, clearly the imagery is a sign of them having too much fun.
  16. @Leo Gura @Squeekytoy God is playing survival horror.
  17. @Leo Gura Will the universe recycle or destroy science?
  18. @Yimpa Well, that' unexpected. I guess this is enlightenment levels of joking? All you need is love?
  19. @Majed Generally it's a mix between purple/red and blue, and very little beyond that or below purple.
  20. @Nilsi Which is why we should be more aggressive with capping this AI technology ASAP. Like a strategic pause in it's development.
  21. @at_anchor From what I can remember, @Nahm was banned by @Leo Gura for being too flowery with his language when it came to more serious issues or when a user needs specific advice he'd just give non-dual sounding answers that aren't applicable to a situation. @Preety_India and @Tyler Robinson are both the same users, so they were eventually banned due to a lot of drama involving them and other users. @Emerald is just infrequent here as she's got a YouTube channel for her pseudo psychology content. No one user I remember died of war, covid-19, overdrinking corona beer or a tight suit. I mean it's common sense not to tie your tie too tightly and expect to hang on, or don't drink corona bear while driving, or go to a country with your go pro and livestream your soldier boy skills in a conflict that has nothing to do with you.
  22. @aurum Unless there's some betrayal or other negative outcomes for young liberals to switch over to the right, as moderates/centrists or conservative.