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Everything posted by Danioover9000
@M A J I While ridiculous this is a plausible theory. Remember Leo's health video and health crisis? He mentioned he explored western medicine and alternative medicine, and told in his vlog that a psychic woman referred him to a gifted person in the middle of the desert, somewhere in Las Vagas, and the person used demonic evocation to try and cure his ailment? A user speculated that Leo visit E.A Koetting, before getting banned.
Danioover9000 replied to John Paul's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@John Paul I think it's now a politicized issue, and even before that it's probably expensive to build a properly defensible wall from one side to the other side spanning the length of north Mexico and southern USA states. USA too invested spending on the military complex, prison system and other social things. -
Danioover9000 replied to John Paul's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Israfil However, pre pubescent children to adolescent teens will still be curious about sex and explore their bodies privately, and sometimes when playing games with their peers in places outside of sight. Also, even if we just focus on basic areas of education like math, science, English language and other languages, history(of their home country firstly, before world history or not even this), PE, option classes, this won't prevent them exploring sexuality, nor would it prevent indirect notions and ideas of sex appearing in their minds. For example, sexual themes sometimes appear on tv shows, movies, radio, news papers, computer/mobile with other social media sites or other websites, in conversations with peers(the boy/girl locker room talks), marketing and advertisements, and so on. What do we do with so many indirect ways that sexuality and ideas of it get to their minds? If they don't have some basic sex education, and awareness at least sometimes knowledge of other gender roles and sexual orientations, especially trans gender, how does this lack help with the culture shock of these children seeing trans and other different genders for the first time? -
Danioover9000 replied to John Paul's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@John Paul However, pre pubescent children to adolescent teens will still be curious about sex and explore their bodies privately, and sometimes when playing games with their peers in places outside of sight. Also, even if we just focus on basic areas of education like math, science, English language and other languages, history(of their home country firstly, before world history or not even this), PE, option classes, this won't prevent them exploring sexuality, nor would it prevent indirect notions and ideas of sex appearing in their minds. For example, sexual themes sometimes appear on tv shows, movies, radio, news papers, computer/mobile with other social media sites or other websites, in conversations with peers(the boy/girl locker room talks), marketing and advertisements, and so on. What do we do with so many indirect ways that sexuality and ideas of it get to their minds? If they don't have some basic sex education, and awareness at least sometimes knowledge of other gender roles and sexual orientations, especially trans gender, how does this lack help with the culture shock of these children seeing trans and other different genders for the first time? -
Danioover9000 replied to Epikur's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek Seems like there's both too many farm animals and too many humans here. If we don't figure out how to decrease numbers and manage consumption of limited resources we'll end up like the trapped flies and other insects in a jar, eating each other alive or die of depleted resources. I especially don't like vigilantes, or mob justice as that can quickly lead to violence and actually more injustice. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@LSD-Rumi Cock and Bull story! Are you kidding me? This actually happened, not any exaggerated? Jeez, what interesting weird times then, but then there's always weirder and darker events that did happen, some even magical, mystical, supernatural and paranormal that nobody can explain. Or the explanation of these events are not satisfactory or challenge current notions of the past. -
Danioover9000 replied to Tech36363's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@mr_engineer My Utopia is best Utopia. Looks like heaven. You can have financial freedom, whilst feeling lazy sometimes. No, some slave wage work is still needed, some has to handle the mail, the roof, the plumbing, the garden, the garbage, strippers ect... No, some people, dependent on stage of development(Stage blue-orange), cognitive(Visual/auditory learners) and moral development(Mostly for one's family and community, and country at best), personality types and traits(Logicians and those score high on close mindedness, conscientious, disagreeableness thrive in mundane, rigid schedules.), life experiences(Less travel and worldly knowledge, more interest in citizenry and being a good Samaritan), and other lines of development and ideologies indoctrinated into one from upbringing. Some thrive in what you consider boring environments, work on those soul draining works fine, which allows you to thrive elsewhere. Imagine that! You get your entrepreneurial dream because some other person has the role of soldier, police, file clerk investigator, editor and so on. No, we still need AI more than ever, as technological development, the internet and other AI tech, eventually AGI tech, like other lines of development are necessary for SURVIVAL of complex human life of today. It's just the genie is out of the bottle and we have to deal with it, no amount of wishing to reverse time and live the romantic times of primitive human life is satisfactory to today's human needs and wants. We just need to figure out ways to slow down this technological arms race first, to let other lines of development pick up the pace so that we stop living in the dark ages wielding country effect tech. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Jodistrict If you think about carefully that 'Europe is for Europeans' does make sense, but you have to carefully think and contemplate why it makes sense. It's like the other line 'when in Rome, do what the Romans do'. Think carefully and it'll make sense, but if you're too lefty, too progressive/socialist/liberal then you're so offended you can't contemplate properly why there's wisdom to behaving like the country you're migrating to. In fact, there's too many people in this world now. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson Jesus I forgot just how old Dalai Lama is, yeah it could be the case his humor is outdated now. Dalai Lama maybe 90's but he's looking like in his 40's.? Now I want to see a conversation between Dalai Lama and an AI chat bot, that'll be interesting, but keep that stroke face fake Lex Fridman away from him. -
@RickyFitts As long as users behave general nice, and follow forum guidelines to a T it shouldn't be an issue, until some just keep testing the boundaries. If you fuck around too much you find out, so might as well act nice.
@SOUL No, you were lost but now found.?
Danioover9000 replied to Javfly33's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Javfly33 Here's a few definitions: 1. present moment Add to list Share Other forms: present moments Definitions of present moment noun at this time synonyms:here and now, moment see less type of: nowadays, present the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speech Present: Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more present1 adjective 1. in a particular place. "a doctor must be present at the ringside" Similar: in attendance attending here there near nearby at hand close/near at hand adjacent available ready accounted for Opposite: absent 2. existing or occurring now. "she did not expect to find herself in her present situation" Similar: current present-day existing contemporary immediate instant Opposite: past future noun 1. the period of time now occurring. "they are happy and at peace, refusing to think beyond the present" Similar: now today the present time the here and now this day and age the present moment the time being Opposite: past future Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more moment noun 1. a very brief period of time. "she was silent for a moment before replying" Similar: little while short time bit minute second instant split second sec nanosecond jiffy jiff tick mo two ticks 2. FORMAL importance. "the issues were of little moment to the electorate" Similar: importance import significance consequence substance note -
Danioover9000 replied to zunnyman's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@mr_engineer It's a similar writing structure to the chat bot, you introduce your issue, spend 3 or so paragraphs, listing explanations and maybe evidence, and finally it concludes very similarly to the intro. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Thought Art About the occult powers of the shamanic roots in Tibet, it's part Buddhism part Shamanic, so magical powers are likely practiced behind closed doors. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Jodistrict Yeah, I don't know that name of the occult, esoteric branch in Tibetan but this small group of people do do spiritual practices that develop Siddhis too. Remember when China's CCP army invaded Tibet? There was a severe snow storm that repelled them away from some of the temples. That event was triggered by a group of those magicians, likely using an egregor to funnel that much magic energy. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hoodrow trillson Yeah, it's not okay for the Dalai Lama to joke like this, but perfectly fine watching little children, half naked in dancing competitions and twerking in the west. Deep biases and double standards here. Nice also to see how upset these online lefties can get, it's entertainment at it's finest. Shows how undeveloped the rest of the world is. Meanwhile technology and AI are rapidly developing inverse proportionate to human development. -
Danioover9000 replied to John Paul's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
So, where's our common sense meter at? Is it common sense to not do violence or demonize strange looking people, or is it common sense to not give these people rights and recognition and continue discriminating trans people? -
@Leo Gura We should give it a hard try at least to slow down the exponential growth of AI and technological develop, so that human development and developmental psychology can catch up. Literally it's pretty dangerous the way things are going, if they remain in this trajectory we're mostly still monkeys but now we have country effecting technology instead of sticks and stones.
Danioover9000 replied to Epikur's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Epikur For fuck's sake, now food is being politicalized? This culture and information warfare is getting a bit out of hand mate. -
Danioover9000 replied to John Paul's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zurew Isn't the OP more concerned for the safety and well being of the trans community? By having more legal rights doesn't this prevent, even if a little it, discriminations to them by the majority groups? -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@DrugsBunny At this point, I'm concerned for your well being mate. This is legit hate posting instead of hate watching, you are now just hating on @Leo Gura for no reason, maybe for sport and sadism pleasures. Just look at how you're writing, you come off as extremely obnoxious and full of ego. Are you her to self develop? Are you here for personal development and to learn from different perspectives without hating and being a jerk man? -
Danioover9000 replied to MsNobody's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@MsNobody Intuitive speculation here, I think he's mostly stage green with some orange and blue, very little stage yellow otherwise he'd see how deeply relative his position is and communicate differently. Terms of cognitive development and cognitive biases I think he's got body bias and has more bodily intelligence than average, as well as a mind with dominant sense making of kinesthetic or feelings versus visual/auditory learner, also may have nature intelligence higher than average as early childhood seems to love nature and outdoors more, may also be early coping mechanism for his extreme learning difficulties. Moral development and circle of concern is higher as he loves animals deeply, although loving animals may be a sign of human relationship problems and difficulties because most cases empaths that value animals devalue humans in relation and have difficulty connecting to other humans. From his mannerisms and body language personality types and traits are that he's Open minded-extroverted-messy-disagreeable-low in neuroticism, ego development is conformist or magician(Jane Loevinger's 9 stages of ego development), extroverted enough to maintain conversation framing and appear agreeable to Lex Fridman is a bit difficult for me to read if he's deceiving Lex or some other motive. Also a bit difficult to psychological assess more accurately because of his use of Ayahuasca plant that may have mellowed his ego down a bit. Other than that I'm skeptical of his claims of gigantic anacondas or crocodiles, trust his stories of uncontacted tribes they do exist. Despite my personal life of experiencing the paranormal and supernatural I have yet to come across cryptids that are gigantic. -
Danioover9000 replied to Holykael's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Holykael Technically you're correct, as biases and ideologies indoctrinated into our minds is the major source of our SURVIVAL as human beings living in societies. We have to believe in our viewpoints as our worldview being correct for oue survival. Anything antithetical to this is definitionally EVIL, DISTURBING AND DEVILRY! Until you experience awakening, anything to wipeout out biases is EVIL. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Highlander You haven't met me yet.? -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@thenondualtankie This is a fine example of gaslighting and thought terminating clichés. Doesn't matter the cultural relativity, or what stage of development, cognitive or moral development, personality types and traits, what ego development he's at, what states of consciousness he has born with or has attained, the life he led so far, his other lines of development in different areas of life, or that we're all just reacting and dogmatic and ideologues to our ideologies indoctrinated into us by western/eastern modern media to think and feel. No, none of those developmental factors maters, what mater is that the Dalai Lama is now a Rapist, incest pompous inbred swine that attempted to sexually assault a child! Lock the Dalai Lama away! The outrage the outcry! Let's all be judgmental to him when we still have our kiddies dance competitions and middle-upper class westerners perv on young children and teens anyways, and we get to keep our violent video games and get to keep our internet culture as it is. The hypocrisy, double standard and deep distortions and self deceptions are amazing.