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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @John Paul What do you consider as enough rights for a transgendered person? Why are you asking why can't parents teach their kids about sex when they feel comfortable? In what setting do you have in mind?
  2. @John Paul I think the science being done on this is towards the gender dysphoria, and less about transgenderism, although this science isn't that common and on the fringes and is still ongoing.
  3. @Salvijus You are right intuitively, there's no use rationalizing to people who have made up their minds that Dalai Lama is sexy predator in blankets, they've already made up their minds that defenders of Dalai Lama are deluded sycophants of spirituality. It's pointless to talk to emotionally blinded people busy fighting caricatures of evil in their minds.
  4. @Jwayne OMG, how can you not see how you're mind is weaponizing logic and justifications to justify your faulty assumptions of the Dalai Lama being a sexual predator? And you're basing all this from edited clips and faulty news reporting, really? Did the Dalai Lama show lust or love and playfulness? Love and playfulness, end of discussion! If you're too triggered to understand that state matters, versus object impermanence or facts over feelings, then you've lost the discourse.
  5. @Jodistrict I was going to share this one, this one is wild. It's so lucky that nobody got killed over this. This is what we're dealing with here, overreaction and mass hysteria is the real evil.
  6. @Enigma777 Interesting video, I'll share my thought and feeling about this after watching and contemplating a bit on it.
  7. @integral True, literally I'll plainly explain what's happening: One side that's indoctrinated by western values/culture and Christian morality/values, stages blue/orange/green sees Dalai Lama's behavior, from hugging, to butting heads with the kid, to guiding his chin to give a kiss, and to giving the Tibetan greeting of sticking his tongue out, asking the kid to suck it, is being binarily interpreted as bad and evil, and simply pedophiliac behavior, meanwhile the news media tells their framing and narrative control making the incident more inflammatory than it actually happened and thought terminating cliche, and the social media communities such as Twitter, Twitch, Tik Tok, and stream community all behave like the vultures they are descend to giving their hyper emotional takes for more clicks and views, case in point Cardi B, Charlie also known as Penguinz0 who's a YouTube gamer that gives honest opinions who I don't care at all, and some other twat social media celebrity I don't care enough to know. All think they're right and justified with viewing this as creepy behavior whilst being ignorant as usual to their indoctrination and cultural blind spot . Another side, indoctrinated by Tibetan Buddhism ideology, stage blue/green and some orange, who have the Dalai Lama as sacred, wise and a world leader have experienced cognitive dissonance and other cognitive biases, then go to give their justifications for his behavior, drawing from past behavioral patterns of him joking often, and it's cultural for them to greet like that and so on. The third side, the few, at stage yellow and beyond, with highly developed cognition and morality, personality types and traits, diverse states of consciousness, diverse life experiences and other lines of development across many life domains, and systems thinker, sees all these cultural relativity of it all, and many consequences and implications, who's higher in spiritual development and has paranormal powers, sees all these events as a typical Friday night, incomparable to the Nuclear holocaust that could happen, genetic mutations of viruses or funguses designed with CRISPER technology that could wipe us out, by humans, or by AI and AGI with enough data and intelligence to develop them, The fourth side, the spirits, ghosts, aliens, hyper dimensional beings, godlings, deities, cthulhu, all beyond human comprehension, all laughing at the insignificance of this incident.
  8. @HMD This is interesting, but I've always felt that the content and the details tend to be far more stickier than the context, as most people look up to the science community nowadays due to the human brain and big bang theory replacing Jesus Christ and God as our narrative mythology story. Due to the differences in stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in domains of life, as well as ideological indoctrination from upbringing and culture. How I like to think and make sense of what I said, and parse the addictive context, is to think of it like a 3d modeling system, or a digital drawing program dealing with layers. If we look at the Shinzen Young modal for mindfulness with labelling, and we see the following categories of SIGHT/SOUND/FEELINGS with their INNER/OUTER distinctions followed by BEHAVIOR/SITUATIONS, we can apply more mindfulness towards these contexts by being more observant with each element of that context, by noting, labeling and savoring the raw sensory data of that context, layer by layer. Or we go with the contemplation method and start rom scratch, and either contemplate that context, or target the assumptions behind the contexts first, contemplate using a journal and using the mind much more.
  9. @Razard86 Oh boy, if America's corruption makes you queasy, just wait until you see how corrupt Russia/China and even North Korea can really get in comparison.
  10. @Salvijus Yep, that's one of the downsides to living in isolation away from society, in the Himalayan mountains meditating deeply: You are so free, and have so much consciousness you almost forget the SURVIVAL concerns of the typical social systems. and cultural norms. Thank goodness there were people there to correct for the Dalai Lama, I have a feeling he'd be joking more intensely. Osho would be proud of his innocence and humorous nature.
  11. @fortifyacacia3 Yes, I agree that both sides of this issue are too biased, and are projecting their biases and self preferences, both disowning and disavowing the self images and egoic parts that identify and make up the behavior and person doing the so called acts of evil or acts of degeneracy. I think, that we have millions of egoic parts of ourselves that we disown and suppress over time, sexual, religious, political, social, cultural, and so on, that make us who we are consciously in our wakeful awareness, because we created this gigantic abyssal border and plane that we storehouse parts of ourselves seen as negative, whilst upholding the nobler parts of ourselves as virtuous, effective we've created hell for our shadow selves and heaven for our light selves, whilst the earth we walk in is plagued with psychic tension, repressions and suppressions of our creativity and ideals and what we really want to do. Arguably the most challenging shadow always will revolve around the self image that identifies as I that loves children this way, and that which self identifies as that also fears that which has this childlike innocence, and those who have had great childhoods when ours was stolen from early childhood, or is not the ideal childhood we wanted. It's both disowning those who taken and destroyed our childhood, and also disowning and suppressing this innocence because we're no longer children ourselves, therefore we're forced to grow up and suppress this childlike states in a world full of danger and full of shadows ready to prey upon our innocence at slight hint of weakness in our feminine and child self. Ignoring integrating this aspect to our psyche we end up harshly judging others who have more happiness than us, and those who perceivably or actually prey on children, because by harshly condemning that identity we also disown that part that is like them that preys on children, see? Those that have this specific issue also have childhood issues themselves, and are deeply jealous and envious of children that still have this innocence in them, that which was destroyed somewhere in their earlier childhood. I don't know if the Dalai Lama still has lingering shadow selves to deal with, despite his many hours of meditations he does everyday, that still isn't exactly shadow integration work properly, but I can safely assume that he's burnt and integrated most of his inner demons enough to mostly be humorous and joke most of the time for he was mostly seen it all, in the eyes of those Chinese CCP soldiers that did acts of violence to him and his people, and vice versa.
  12. @MsNobody Similar to this, although in the cases with children it can be more intense because of little impulse control, as well as most children's egos are at the stage of impulsive, so most actions are more intense, emotional and dramatic. I saw children throw eggs at other people's windows, sometimes we misbehaved in classes throwing toys to some other children and the teacher. Being children are like the wild west of rascals or something. Bullying is called rough housing, and sometimes strange games are played amongst peers outdoors or in discovered hiding spots where we dared each other to show off who's pee pee is better. Children are too naïve, strange, radically open minded and so free spirited that they don't know the full consequences. It can even get so bad, that sometimes we end up with criminal cases where a child attacks and murders another child, or false accusations are made of sexual abuse, just because an older child told them, or an adult told them, or even the child thought it was funny and payback for being grounded or something. And because most cultures hold children in this pedestal of being little angels that do no harm, we tend to mostly blame and mob justice the accused in our tribalism and make their lives a living hell, getting them fired, ostracized and even get attacked, and years later they're found innocent and the children were making those accusations up, which is why court systems exist to manage this backlash and vengeful and vitriolic nature of human beings. Yeah, both the suppression and the dark humor insight, I wouldn't describe the darkness as pure because a lot of that is impure distorted imagery, sounds and feelings by the mind to either mean more evil or less, some of those memories could be deleted and forgotten by the mind in purpose, false memories created and even is generalized to mean and form something else away from what actually happened, so actually pure darkness is very rare but that's besides the point. Yes, if a person has shadow aspects of the ego's self image (Carl Jung's Architypes) and due to a few negative feedback loops by the environment or other people, that self that is constructed and identified with the negative behavior is surprised down and disowned by the light bodied ego, therefore creating at least 3 parts per constructed identity, one that's a shadow, one that's the idolized version, and another caught between the two creating psychic tension. So, for example, if I have mother issues, then the anima within me is disowned, and that creates a feminine shadow within me, where emotions would be seen as weak, intuition may be seen in a negative light. Therefore, if I come across someone with motherly attributes and qualities to their personality and behavior, at least two things happen: I behave slightly defensive around that person, or I behave in a way that tries to supplicate up to that person, to act too nicely in order to gain that quality which I'm suppressing within me because at this point in time I am not aware I'm creating this lack within me, and falsely think that by over compensating towards this person to regain this lack of quality and self image I disowned. Similar process happens with people you idolize and look up to, literally look up to because you've placed that idol on a pedestal to worship above your own self, thereby creating self worth and self esteem issues and creating false standards of achievement that you'll never attain, because the idol is not equal to you but above yourself.
  13. Well, an ah-ha moment arrived to me, and INSIGHT! I realized that this is just like Destiny's situation, people misunderstand his dark humor, and misconstrued his intent to mean that he was using racial slurs or being a rapist with his jokes. He did defend himself well enough, but ultimately no matter how convincing or persuasive you are, if other's minds are made up, they are made up.
  14. @integral Same to me, seems playful. It's all a big misunderstanding between cultures, but no matter how anyone defends or tries to correct the misunderstanding people's fee fees are still hurt and enflamed by the perceived threat of sexual abuse here.
  15. @integral Maybe some of the time, not all the time that's a bit of a stretch there.? Can confirm this, as I've plenty of times did sex jokes when I'm as young as 5 years old, humping pillows, I was full of vigorous energy back then. Heard stories of a few of my friends doing adventurous stuff outdoors and camping. Sexual exploration back then was common, as because that age range you literal have no idea what you're doing, but it feels amazing, your skin and nervous system back then is fresh and your mind is still flexible and still radically open minded. Good times then, intense emotional outbursts here and there, with intense relationships with peers. But it also because you don't know, you also don't know the risks as well, or how you come off to other people. I even did self massages along my arms, legs, torso neck and head.
  16. @Israfil That's so adorable, kind of like meerkats.?
  17. @Thought Art I agree, I'll tone myself done on my side of this issue and communicate carefully from now on.
  18. @Jwayne Objection! Projecting onto me personal attributes that don't apply, and personal attacking. I agree mostly with the moral outrage and outcry, I understand and empathize with the perceived threat. I'm just asking users here, can you see the humour and amusement of the situation on a meta level? If not that's fine, just say so so we don't argue and debate in heated dogmatic fashion. I'm just trying to jest to lighten the mood a bit, seeing how overly serious this issue is. We're caught in the language game where meaning is lost in translation, so what I intend as joke maybe misinterpreted as personal attacking, so apologizing in advance if I triggered you.
  19. @Jwayne Sticking the tongue out and hugging is Tibetan greeting mate. Also, just because a person doesn't go there and ask themselves what's proper or not, doesn't mean the info's not available online. Also, not they, but I, you refer to me properly instead of whoever they are, cuz this little tango is between me and you. Stop imposing your western standards of fact checking and humour onto people of a different culture. Oh, we got to do like the west, go around and survey people like it's America and it's a laboratory or academic study. You are Americanizing Tibetans when you go do this. As I said, hugging and showing tongue is a greeting, Dalai Lama kissing and asking the kid to suck his tongue ain't. Just like when in the west I wave a greeting at you the fuck you sign or the birdie, that's not a common greeting, nor when I handshake you and taser you down as a prank is dark humour. I think the outcry and outrage is valid and displaced, you should be outraged at kiddie dance competitions in America and America sexualizing children.
  20. @Enlightement But a wall is a start first. Other than than what do you think will help with the border issues?
  21. @Tanz Or they could see what North Korea has done, see that AI gun robot, and start placing non-lethal robots like that, you know, shoot rubber bullets into those trying to smuggle drugs and people illegally. Mile per mile a robot is watching.
  22. @Yimpa Can you describe what was happening in the video?
  23. @Yimpa Oh shoot! Video not available!
  24. @Jwayne Shame on you for being too blind and triggered to engage with me, and this issue fully with many bad faith interpretations instead of taking the time to really read what I said. Stop ridding Hasan or Penguinz0's dicks, and the dicks of the online culture and community outrage and outcry of the crybaby online left over a bad joke. Tempest in a teapot that you're getting your panties bundled over for nothing.