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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Danioover9000 Only problems I have with it is just the political messaging, as usual, but also the caricature of politicians, which are very easy to make enemies of even though society and democracies do need politicians in the system. However these are just my biases and preferences of my worldview. Again, if I'm a Spiral wizard rapper, I'd struggle to fit Spiral Dynamics stages of development into a rap song, let alone commentary of cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in different domains of life, and other ideologies. But I gotta focus on my dark magician mode, of making that diss track.
  2. @Yimpa Nice! He sounds pretty good. This Channels decent too, from YouTube, guy's ex football player(soccer) and an independent artist that reviews the technical aspects of rap:
  3. @lostingenosmaze Was it that toxic it had to be wiped out? That could've been a great learning example of toxic online behavior.
  4. @Jodistrict Sure, although it's relative and depends on so many factors, including weather, it's stormy and windy outside so I can't touch grass, I'm stuck indoors with little to do but to contemplate life and what does it mean to be 'tongue and cheek' in reality?
  5. @zurew If this is true, then it's easy for the accusers here to show a list of evidence and proofs that sticking out tongues in Tibetan culture is a taboo, and for the defenders sticking out a tongue is cultural greeting in Tibet. Since there's a lack of evidence from either side in this issue, then it's unreasonable to continue attacking or defending the character of Dalai Lama. Again, where's the list of evidences to back up claims of the Dalai Lama's pedophilia? This is the burden of proofs from the accusers, so where are they?
  6. @Jwayne 1. All superior spiritual beings are innocent. Dalai Lama is a superior spiritual being. Therefore, Dalai Lama is innocent. Is this valid/invalid syllogism? 1b. The Dalai Lama has hugged and kissed the boy on the lips several seconds ago, and later joked while sticking he's tongue to the child. The Dalai Lama is then a pedophile. How is this inductive reasoning true? 2. what is the range of him expressing the dark side of Volcel? What is Volcel? And why do you think this inductive reasoning is true? 3. If we cannot know his intentions, then why are you attacking and accusing the Dalai Lama in the first place, and assuming his intention beforehand as if it's sexual and not humor? 4. If we cannot know the suffering of the child, then why are you assuming that the child's suffering is being caused by the Dalai Lama's actions? Have you at least contacted the child? 5. is the 'is it logical that there ought to be more evidence of his "inappropriate lifestyle/activity, if it exists' a deductive or inductive claim? What makes your inference true here? 6. So, if the family stays quiet, then would you consider that that makes the Dalai Lama's actions valid? If they spoke out to make their statement, and later found that media reporters payed them for making false testimonies that Dalai Lama's actions are inappropriate because the family is poor, does this invalidate the accusations to the Dalai Lama? 7. Since there's nothin definitive yet that has surfaced about the Dalai Lama, or what Tibetan community as a whole thinks about this incident, why are we discussing and arguing then? Can't we first wait for confirmation first?
  7. @Hardkill Yes, but more importantly it's integrity and aligned authentically to you.
  8. @mr_engineer CNN should be ashamed with themselves, they were a very objective based news media outlet, and now they're behaving like the vultures outside CNN and in the internet communities, so disgusting because if they're careful with the translation they'll know they fucked up with the Dalai Lama's a pedo angle, but by now admitting fault here they'll get a huge PR reduction, so here we are.
  9. @zurew This is a witch hunt that I find highly unreasonable, and manufactured by the media. The original translation isn't 'suck my tongue', it's 'eat my tongue', done in a playful jest way. The Dalai Lama is known for being a joker, like the Hodge Twins. People nowadays are so fucking sensitive that they're willing to cancel and censor humorous people like the Hodge Twins and Dalai Lama. So, when the Hodge Twins do their dark humour, are they describing what really happened in their past, or are they just being humorous and funny? So, what's happening here in this thread, I initially was defending the Dalai Lama a bit, then retreated into an agnostic centrist position of I don't know, whilst commenting on the developmental psychology and shadow aspects of this situation. But I change my mind, I'm lowering myself done again to defend the Dalai Lama due to too much cultural differences between the west and Tibet, just like there's cultural differences between China and Tibet that the CCP invaded and did terrible things to the Tibet monks, it all starts with differences and misinterpretations and ignorance. This whole situation is fucking ridiculous.
  10. @SunnyCyn This is true, so sad that many people's minds are slayed, aka thought terminated cliché. I am embarrassed by how the western culture/divisions are running with this story without careful unpacking of what really happened. This incident is another example of how the internet fucks up peoples' minds to the Tik Tok/Twitch community, and other social media websites, rampant increases of ADD/ADHD, neuroticism and Narcissism..
  11. @Jwayne The assumption being that if there's little to no evidence, and it's rare for an average population of people, city goers and villages to behave a certain way, that means it's bad behaviour, creepy, cringe and bad and evil people do them. This begs the question: Is the Dalai Lama's actions makes him a bad and evil person? Also, what do you consider evidence to justify the outcry to Dalai Lama?
  12. @Jwayne You are fighting concepts and fears that are imaginary and not there. Hello? It's red herrings all over your face, are you even reading what you're typing, heating what you're saying to yourself?
  13. @r0ckyreed Yeah, it's the equivalent to throwing the baby with the bath water...which doesn't mean I'm committing infanticide, it's an idiom for generalizing and oversimplification which overlooks patial truths, don't get offended. Also, Mexico faces some serious geographical challenges that has shaped the country it is today, compared to the geographical blessing the USA has, and geography is like genetics to a country, the environment shapes and determines the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, and other lines of development and ideological differences and indoctrination. Not to mention global warming is slowly making it more harsher in certain regions.
  14. @StarStruck Sure, but I feel like that's an oversimplified, surface level understanding of understanding, there's much more to understanding.
  15. Man, you can say all you want, but I'm going to become that millionaire artist I've been dreaming of becoming, with lots of energy, confidence, and always taking action towards my life purpose. I'll be such a great artist, that even if I lose more and more emotion to merge more and more with my vision, that I'll ultimately become who I want and where I want in that picture, versus all other pictures, so be it.
  16. @talktomeaboutprog I think you've posted in the wrong thread? @Blackhawk ain't here.
  17. @Leo Gura I think this is the whole point of this thread, fine tuning to that silver lining, and test that spiritual development of yours.
  18. @John Paul Holy moly! Why are they migrating to America so quickly, suddenly? Is this related to the new cartel expansion?
  19. @John Paul It's a good question, I can't give elaborate details, but intuitively why this is an issue, not the biggest for liberals, is mostly for rhetoric and optics gain, you just appear to care for this type of minority group, whilst virtue signaling care for other groups and push for inclusiveness, signal boosting care to the ideological left progressives/socialists/anarchists, but it's manipulation to gain more voters in that psychographic and demographic. It's merely the very vocal extreme of the transgender community, the Twitter/Tik Tok variants of this ideology that are the ones falsely signaling that there's this much noise, but really it's not a big deal. But those extremists will make it a way bigger deal! Which is why we need internet governments to somehow downregulate this type of ideologue and upregulate more accurate information or more honest and honorable person.
  20. You know what I hate more in this situation? The negative framing of the doomsday AI and AGI systems that may or may not destroy humanity, but it's this energy, this negative pessimistic nihilistic outlook of AI disruption=human destruction that these very hyper logical and nihilistic determinist/realists view the world and this situation. It's overall not healthy, it may be partially true but mostly false and unproductive to be negative.
  21. @Thought Art I believe that you can write out these interpretations today, if not soon. It's like the re-contextualization game basically.
  22. @Jodistrict Hard agree here. I can't belief I forgot that China could be a factor here as well. They're even slowly building a road and funneling their Chinese citizens overtime to influence and do 'soft invasions' into Tibet.
  23. @John Paul It be a deterrent in theory, but again, I'd rather use non-lethal robots that fire rubber bullets along the southern border, mile by mile, if I want to be cheap on building a wall and later improve on the wall building. Also, better systems in handling immigrants and how to sort them out much better, for the ones that managed to get in illegally.
  24. @MarkKol That is crazy to think it's that easy. The USA probably needs to reevaluate and move it's border issue a bit higher on the priority list.
  25. @Kksd74628 The word 'Trans' is mostly as a prefix to most other words to add the meaning of 'going beyond' or 'above one or two things'. For example, the word 'transformation' is a modified version of the word 'formation', which means that multiple things form together as a singular formation, or when a single thing 'conforms' to other things in nature, like ant colonies working as one unit, or birds flying in formation. Therefore, the word 'transformation' is adding meaning to formation that's going beyond formation. For example, a caterpillar has a form, and is a formation of other components and compositions, begins it's life small, and then gets bigger as it's eating leaves, until it reforms itself into a shiny chrysalis, or sometimes a silk form, then transforms into a butterfly, which later feeds off of necter and mates with other butterflies, and lays eggs, and restarts the cycle again. So...to me, when someone says they're transgender, their sense of self image that identifies with their biological sex has 'gone beyond' the normal sense of the two gender roles here, as female and male. So, in practice, to me, is that these transgendered people, who are trans-sexual in nature, would look like an asexual person, beyond the constraints of the biological and psychological pulls of sexuality, which is extremely rare in nature. However, the majority of the time when someone says they're a transgender, they're still deeply confused about themselves deep down, and the ego doesn't know what to tether and attach itself to, as a male or as a female because it doesn't have stronger attachments to either gender, so we end up with gender dysphoria in most cases.