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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Carl-Richard I need an orange juice and some water right now.
  2. @hoodrow trillson Yes, some would see shrinks for sure, if they need to, but most are happy enough in their family, and in their communities. Can't speak for the right leaning online variety.
  3. @eTorro Well, it does depend on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development per life domains to societal/cultural domains, and ideological indoctrination. It's ultimately relative, no matter how much a person doesn't like the centrist and moderate and agnostic point of view, it is more existentially correct as they're more self aware and self honest with not knowing. Socialism is evil though, no matter how you try to save it.
  4. With this video I do have a bias against scammers and mind slayers/manipulators, so the possibility of him being one makes him not worth listening to or watching, so be careful with this person. I always suspected and had an intuition but never knew how bad it is:
  5. @Jwayne Sorry you're getting accused of being a bad faith actor for China, but you just seem to be really like an apologist for communism. Like, how can you not see how bad faith you appear to the other side?
  6. @OBEler Until the AI and AGI systems can do spirituality better than you can. WE ARE SCREWED!! ???
  7. @Yimpa That's not enough to alleviate the anxiety I feel with this thing taking my career path away from me, and being a creative.
  8. @Seth It's just due to SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, ego development, other lines of development in one's life and society, and ideological upbringing. One factor I think is important in this context is need of belonging and sense of community. Conservatives, patriots and nationalists by far have strong sense of community and country identity, which is why they seem way happier than a typical liberal or online left liberal variants. You want that level of conservative happiness? Start by integrating that national and conservative side in you, and value family and social life a bit, and take on some conservative values and master them. If you do, you'll become much stronger, because right now, especially if you're left leaning you're by default demonizing the conservatives by consuming progressive/socialist ideology, and demonizing that part of you that identifies as conservative and wants family and belonging. By distancing yourself from these online political left variants, and working on those conservative values, you'll get a much stronger sense of happiness.
  9. @Seth By developing a sense of HUMOR! As far as I think, I do think conservatives are happier because they have a more unified sense of community versus liberals, maybe it's the multicultural limitations, and in fighting and bigotry and polarization from the culture warfare By any chance have you watched this video: Because you got to be careful with the blue haired guy, he's a sexy predator that'll prey on your children and daughters! Don't let them watch his streams he just might brain wash them!
  10. @OBEler I will damn be sure to overcome this AI/AGI dystopia/utopia. Hard disagree that removing all jobs would be better long term, we end up with knowledge work collectively? If AI replaces knowledge work, then what'll we be left doing? Coexist like dogs? I don't want to just be a dog, or have people become more like dogs, as that'll destroy creativity in the long run.
  11. @OBEler I don't know, but I intuitively speculate that, based on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in domains of life and in society, and ideological differences, that without the computer or the internet we would have a more simpler society to individual lives. Yes, there would be individual to collective tradeoffs to not getting the internet, we wouldn't have Tik Tok brain and this hyper increase in neurosis and narcissism, and declining in attention spans and addictions strongly correlated to over use of social media, increases in para socialization, which is fine, but relatively speaking the information landscape and ecology wouldn't be as wide as it is today, as well as all other opportunities of business and commerce related to the internet. Proliferation of information would be more limited, as well a misinformation and fact checking similarly is harder, and the culture, narrative and political warfare would probably be more simpler, and polarization would be a bit less. However, I don't know all the full implications that are negative. I don't think it's not egotistical to worry about your future job and career path, no? If you're personally okay with saying that your career and job is being stolen from you by some tool set, and it's fine by you, okay, but don't impose your biases onto me and think that I'm unjustified to say my fears here. You don't know how much time, energy and attention I've spent drawing! You can't just distract and obfuscate by saying I might have more options available than I thought, because you don't know my specific circumstances. Even if I have alternative options, say I changed my mind and switch career paths to being a musician and rapper, well there's an AL, an algorithm and maybe AGI that can produce music beats and lyrics also using chatGPT3 or 4, combine that with image making AI like MidJourney, so I'm screwed here if I want to train myself and gain technical skills. Oh okay then. I change my mind and pursue martial arts and maybe being a fitness coach and kinesiology, but oh, AI is also taking over this field too! Maybe it's normal to change around careers and jobs, but it's frustrating to see what you're passionate about is getting lower quality over time because the barrier of entry, and the training necessary to do the craft, is being lower due to AI technology.
  12. So, how are the orange juices doing here today? Chilled?
  13. @Gennadiy1981 The map is not the territory.
  14. @CARDOZZO Why are you posting this?
  15. @Jodistrict Okay, but do you see the significance of what I'm asking? For example, yes, if you caught a mass shooter or serial rapist, and due to the nature of the crime it's that atrocious that there's nation wide coverage, and a trail is underway most likely, whether they plead guilty or not, whether they're offered to settle and take this to court. In comparison, Fox News's harm and damages due to misinformation is HUGE! VERY HUGE!!! That's nothing compared to one mass shooter that may have killed several children and teachers and injured 10 more, or that serial rapist having had 5 victims and killed 2 of them, Fox's potential zone of harm is much much greater as there's 100 millions of viewers, 10 millions of viewers, most are normal, some aren't maybe 1,000,000 suffer from some mental health issues and mental stresses, some less have actual mental disorders, listening to misinformation that makes these people susceptible to wrong information, maybe 10,000 people take seriously and act on that. Can you see my point of view, why this should have gone to court? That Fox News needs far more accountability as a news agency to stand trial, and not settle, in comparison to the mass shooter and serial rapist? Another more relevant example, the above is to get my emotion across, this one also deals with the scale: take @Leo Gura's story of having to deal with a business partner that ran off with payments, and having to travel to Toronto to make his case. In an alternative scenario they could both agree to settle, and not take to court, which is fine to me because the dispute is between two people. At scale, because Fox News is bigger and has many bad faith actors, dealing out BS and misinformation, when it does this to some other business group, in theory at scale it's obfuscating and distraction when a settlement is agreed upon, a slap in the wrist when they should've, the government, proceed to the court room.
  16. @Jwayne They did lift the Covid-19 zero policy, until a sudden spike of more infected people, to which they brought back the zero policy, so...
  17. @Jodistrict That's the thing! I'm not American nor am I knowledgeable on the laws, but there should be some exceptions of reversing a ruling or in this case, considering the wide spread misinformation and harms that could have resulted, they should have went for the public trial and court proceedings and show the world and America what's been happening. Is there a rule for this in the American court system???
  18. Is it possible to pass more legislation of animal rights and animal welfare? Could PETA and other animal welfare organizations? For example look at these rabbits: This looks like somewhere in a 1st world democracy. Ans then you have 3rd world countries and places like these, that treat rabbits differently as food: How can these other governments, cultures, societies? How can we start to even have them treat rabbits kindly for example?
  19. @Jesus Daniel Depends on the SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological upbringing. Connor's is likely to have stage more orange/less green values, is diagnosed with bipolar disorder which effects his cognition and how he thinks when he enters those episodic mood swings and depression, has lower moral development due to him trolling @Leo Gura and parroting his talking points, personality is he's higher in openness, messiness, extroversion, disagreeableness, and high in neuroticism and narcissism, more due to the internet as usual and less with his family and upbringing and genetics. Has different and limited life experiences as well as some areas of life he struggles in more so than excels at, for example in fitness and nutrition he's on point but his mental and emotional fitness is low.
  20. @Jwayne Yeah, but China's pursuing a global big Daddy approach with lending money to 3rd world countries and making them in debt to them decades later, it's just not good. And Covid-19 came from China, and later several months later from the initial outbreak, they ban people coming in with Covid-19 symptoms or if you're ill, which is peak hypocrisy considering the virus came from that region of China.
  21. @Leo Gura All right, I'll settle for Fox settling, but this event must be talked about for more than 3 months, if it's forgotten then it should've made trial, whether Fox wants to or not.
  22. @Yimpa This is why I most mix some water with the orange juice, to prevent something like this. Easy to forget, but orange juice is a citrus fruit, and citrus fruits are higher in those acids.
  23. @Carl-Richard Oh yes, Vitamin c can sometimes be made and stored in vials, used as jabs and shots straight into the bloodstream, pure vitamin c which can be much higher than through diet. Some countries allow this.
  24. @Osaid Sorry I was screwing with you, I've had homemade orange juice, and it can be difficult to describe the tasting. For me, depending on the oranges, if they're perfectly ripe they'll taste less astringent and more sweet and watery. Too early and they'll taste more astringent, more older they'll taste sweeter and more watery, but slightly bitter sometimes if it's too old. With or without pulp doesn't matter for me, and it's god to have in morning-noon. Depending on the person it 's fine in the afternoon but you'll have to add water and dilute the orange juice.