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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Jannes Do you mean biological sex? Sexuality? Sexual orientation? Sexiness? Sexy? Which are you asking me to define, biological sex or sexual activity?
  2. @Scholar The implications being that this will negatively effect copyright laws, infringements and is disruptive to some forms of income like royalties, commissions or wage value when the AI in question can perform in the same metrics better than the artist in that field can. To me it'll be unethical if the AI program copies 80% of artworks from an existing artist, who's getting royalties from past works being purchased, and needs commissions for current works, because then newer customers will gravitate to the AI program than the original artist, and maybe the older customer base would start preferring the AI programs too. I think the ideal ratio, should be 50/50, that an AI is allowed to copy below 50% of an existing body of work if the artist is alive and depends on the income from those royalties and commissions.
  3. @mr_engineer Do you have a link to that debate? I'll watch later as I'm not familiar with those economic modals.
  4. @Leo Gura So, in a convoluted way, does this imply that Libertarians like Vaush, and some anarchists and neo liberals, when they speak about less regulated markets, or 'free the markets!' that their intuition is correct? Before you object, I do disagree with how they speak and how they implement towards freeing the markets by scaling down the state and increasing property owner rights and being hyper individualism, I'm just asking if they're intuiting in the correct direction?
  5. @Jannes Isn't that an assumption that few people use pronouns? What about in casual conversation, when I'm talking about my friend and my friend asks me about my sister, and I said "Michelle? Yeah SHE was at the mall doing shopping for HER new wallpaper", casually and quickly, what's the problem? And what's the unconscious pre assumptions about gender? What if the context of using pronouns was casual, and nobody minded? What do you mean stage green across the globe? Do you know the values within stage green? What do you identify as then if you use he to refer to yourself? How do you even refer to yourself in the 3rd person in the first place? What is your problem with intentionally using pronouns for convenience? Of course 3rd world countries won't see this as a problem, because they got bigger problems than worrying about gender studies. How is gender a 1st world democracy problem, and the concept of shadows aspects and Architypes by Carl Jung connected? What are you assuming between gender studies to shadow work? What feminine qualities do you think would help men? What masculine qualities do you think would help females? What are you assuming when men integrate feminine qualities=less wars, and women integrating masculine qualities=more economy and faster development? Wait, women being more masculine=better economy and faster development???Can you explain to me please, using concrete examples?
  6. @Jannes Trans people account for less than 1% of the world's population, whilst heterosexuals make 95% of the world's population and other minority groups roughly 10-20%, why should the world cater to you specifically? How does using pronouns, in a typical conversation, make gender important? Which war are we talking about? The war of gender equality within English speaking countries in America, or what about other countries that don't have English language, and have romantic languages like French, Chinese, Indonesian, Dutch, Portuguese, where there's already masculine and feminine forms of words backed into the culture? How is it counterproductive? Counterproductive that they don't convert to your way of viewing the world? Why would this problem only be solved via extreme binaries? Like taking this seriously or not taking this seriously? What if this problem is much lower in other people's or other country's priority list of problems to tackle?
  7. @Jwayne Because it's fun to do martial arts and travel a bit, so do you do martial arts, and have traveled to China and Taiwan?
  8. @Vlad_ Your life as a human, living in whatever society you are, surviving. If you can't handle basic needs of life you have no business wondering about whether you're god of not, that then becomes unproductive to you. But up to you, I thought you're being ungrounded by psychedelics, carry on then, don't mind me.
  9. @Recursoinominado Really, I am misinformed? Okay, can you explain to me why taxi drivers here earned way more than doctors, if the assumptions in Socialism that the mean salaries and earnings are similar compared to capitalism where the means are more wider and different? Why hasn't socio economic communism economics haven't worked here for Cuba and Venezuela? https://www.actualized.org/insights/understanding-cubas-economy
  10. @Epikur This whole situation is negative, I feel like making a diss track and blasting all these people to pieces. This whole Twitch and online cultures, these stream communities and Tik Tok like communities need to get nuked. We reached putrid levels of toxicity that needs purification.
  11. @Epikur The grilling here I think is passive aggressive, whick guy here is just not being more aggressive to Destiny, like he's walking on egg shells, so to me he's a sellout.
  12. @Vlad_ I object to you eating too many psychedelics. Take less or take a strategic break from them, settle don your mind first, then from there you can decide if you want godhood or not, or even better sort out your life first.
  13. We need to cull down the dramatization, the bickering toxicity creating hatred.
  14. @RebornConsciousness Sure, on the collective level I agree. Personally I'd listen to a progressive/socialist/Marxist after they mastered capitalism in their way. I switch off when they talk about myths of capitalism, and saying self made millionaire don't exist, while thinking that they must've never heard of mind craft and Star Dew Valley.
  15. @Majed Maybe saying it is what it is. Ideally you wouldn't, but again Leo's suffering immensely from vegetables for whatever reason, gives him these strange stomach aches, so to me he's justified in eating me for himself. Sometimes if we're giving advice, and this is a Destiny take, if you're a liberal you have to become Libertarian like and hyper individualistic and say to the person you have to figure it out yourself, research, have a vision, keep going and find ways to help yourself from whatever circumstances come your way because I or others will never know the full life story you're leading in your journey in your life, so take self Help seriously, and figure out how to overcome your threshold guardians. Advice to a group of people or collectives, should then be the opposite of liberal/libertarian and be more systems thinking and contextual in some way.
  16. @RebornConsciousness Which means we mostly have to be capitalists, and maximize capitalism?
  17. @001 DUDE CHILL!?
  18. @Jwayne Alright then. How often do you go to China, or Taiwan? Do you do martial arts?
  19. @Recursoinominado Socialism doesn't work because there's no value in merit, competition and competency and excellence.
  20. @bmcnicho Nice share, thank you. Personally I'd still insist on a strategic pause, until every is sufficiently developed enough in SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in domains of life to societal domains, and despite ideological indoctrination and upbringing, that everyone has no dogma or ideological takes. Until then AI and AGI are not safe and dangerous and are disruptive technologies, just look at how many jobs and careers these machines are effecting.
  21. @Ulax True, so many traps just come from introducing something so advanced that the person has yet to master the basics and go through the transformational dilemma. It done through actually doing and having, through the dilemma, which means you have to be at peak orange value, goes for the other stages too, to then go through the transformational dilemma into the newer stage of development.
  22. @Yimpa Well, that's more sensible with sundae ice-creams though?
  23. @Yimpa That's until AI and AGI develops into the spiritual domain, and you have an android guru teaching you enlightenment better than any human in comparison, yikes.