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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Epikur I kinda feel sorry for the south Koreans here. They're getting an increasing left wing ideology from within the country, Tik Tok brain spreading here as well with the face surgery and beautification problem which all traces to consuming too much social media and internet and cognitive decline, and on the other hand they got NORTH KOREA to the north, along with China, not to mention risk of war escalating with North's nuke prepping. They still got the best BBQ restaurants though.
  2. @Thought Art I see. Which one do you prefer more, men or women?
  3. @Yimpa Is this the same Disney that had the burning dragon accident recently? I think they need to set their priorities strait first.
  4. @SunnyCyn Dully noted, no offense taken. Let's misdirect the energy, and fill our hearts with LOVE and CARE, and laughs:
  5. @Thought Art Also, didn't you say you were asexual, or similar to @bejapuskas?
  6. @Thought Art Yeah, it's gets complicated when we factor in age and when we can deconstruct the non-binary/binary and gender identity roles. I generally assume, best practice to identify with biological sex and gender role as the same first, and then later the person can deconstruct. Yeah, it's tricky. I do agree strong identity and ideology, and too much close mindedness might be bad, but some people have to assume and have axioms in the first few steps. Children can't be identifying with any object they see or fantasize being after schools, otherwise who can a person being a chair, or being an animal, or being a unicorn work their 9 to 5 job, and provide and protect themselves first?
  7. @Thought Art Yes, gender expression can be very diverse, I think we have 50s gender pronouns and more. Because of how fluid and malleable identity and psychology can be it is so, because of this we have roleplaying, D&D, acting, film making, up to espionage and so on. Yes, he's a biological male sexed, and doesn't identify as a female, but rather as a cross dresser. Yes, gender dysphoria is a growing issue among children, and the science is still unclear if this is from confusion due to the child being confused what gender should they identify as or are peer pressured into identifying as transgendered, versus actually being born with gender dysphoria.
  8. @Carl-Richard @Thought Art I do agree with this a bit, you are called what you are in an immediate appearances, direct experience as is comes first, concepts and ideas second. While it's great to be identified as your biological sex, and gender as one in alignment, some people will have different alignment between their biology and psychology, along with differences in stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, in personal to societal domains, and other ideologies indoctrinated and groomed into your mind. Like with most things, each factor should be considered, Like it would be nice if I'm identified as a moderator and thought policeman, but if I force myself to make this identity rigid as who I am as a social construct, then my performances may get impacted, like I won't be able to play well in chess because instead of letting myself be a chess player, I'm stuck being a thought policeman/moderator of my thoughts.
  9. @Jannes So, how are you doing today?
  10. @Thought Art I agree with this perspective, because there's an order of operations, hierarchy and sequence of events that sometimes need to be acknowledged at least, and sometimes maintained. I also see this issue with capitalism versus communism and socialism, to me it's important that a country has at least implemented capitalistic economies first, secure good regulated markets and a trade system of imports and exports, before we implement socio economics modals. We can't just skip capitalism completely and the means of production and business and commerce and expect that we end up having a flourishing altruistic socialism based country, you need securities beforehand for not just selfishness from other foreign countries but also selfishness in different parts of the system. Similar with the transgender issue, a person must master being feminine and masculine, good mix of qualities from both, grounded, before going full trans, at the very least to think carefully before going the full transformation. Of course, many assumptions being made here, and I'm oversimplifying the complicated processes of the person and other psychological issues, which is why we need that report of the ratio of transgender ideology versus innate gender dysphoria. Maybe our future going forward in humanity, is radical transhumanism, maybe we evolve to be hermaphrodites via gene modifications and cybernetics and alien DNA splicing? Who knows.
  11. @Jannes I see. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions, and sorry in advance if I was too interrogative, I just need to know and gain clarity through how you're making the meanings behind the words you use. I do agree that the importance of pronouns is relative, and in theory we can drop most of them, but in practice it is hard as these pronouns, not just in the English language but in foreign languages are pretty backed into the cultures it came from, so to change around language is to also slightly change and influence the cultures it came from, which can be difficult to do, which is why I used the examples of when it's casually face to face conversations because those social settings you have to talk a bit faster, and sometimes there's not enough time to talk slowly and be more philosophical and deliberate, at least in most social settings convenience is more important in context. Sorry in advance if this thread may become heated or locked, that user is one of the few that I had drama prior in another thread, and regardless of how I explained myself when at times I was joking I am now forever phobic. I'll leave if you don't want to continue this discussion, unless you have questions about my views here?
  12. @001 This may be a semantics issue, for me when I say stupid or stupidity it mostly means a max level of cognition, when a person can't think past a limit, for example processing extremely large numbers and doing very complex mathematics, most can't, whilst a few can, and a few can't do basic maths or basic logic even. To me, ignorance or idiocy is probably the better wording because it mostly means the persons is just not that willing to learn and know more, whether that's because they have reached their mental limit, or just general ignorance and lack of interest. So, is idiocy more closer to what you meant when you were tired of the stupidity in this forum in general? Yeah, they should probably ask questions more than answer and give complex answers, guilty of this myself. Just ask, seek clarity and good communication overall. Is it just because of the annoyance you said fucking a lot, or is there horniness and other feelings as well?
  13. @Israfil I'll research them in my spare time, but from what you've described, I'm already intuiting that Keynes's economic theory is more feasible than the Austrian economics. What I think needs to happen for Austrian economics to be a bit more feasible, is that there are ways of dealing with selfish self interested people, which entails some form of regulation by state and law enforcement and court systems in place. However, if they're of libertarian ideology, and libertarians value private property, increase of property rights of owners, deregulating government and state affairs, political, economics and markets, education, welfare state, hospitalization and medical policies, basically overall deregulation of societal factors, then Austrian economics seems like it's less realistic than Keynes's economic theory. Until they find a solution to deal with the deep selfishness per human being, based on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, from personal to societal, and other ideologies, and put in place systems and infrastructures, and figure out ways of mixing the two economic theories then it's promising.
  14. I like this video, very reminiscent to systemic thinking of the world and through both biology and psychology up to society: Also, maybe this thread is in reference to this blog? https://www.actualized.org/insights/thinking-deeply-about-the-trans-issue
  15. @Enigma777 It's complicated. Based on the relativity of the SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in domains, personal to societal, along with ideological indoctrinations and upbringings, and environment limitations. It is what it is to me, so while I don't have any specific solutions to this growing issue, one I recommend is to just laugh at the absurdity of it all like these two, despite their raunchy humor:
  16. @Jwayne That's great, do you do martial arts? What style? What food do you like and any places you suggest for tourists to go and basic traveler advice?
  17. HAPY BIRTHDAY @Leo Gura!!! ??? Wish you a wonderful rest day today, and keep up the good work!?
  18. https://metro.co.uk/2023/04/21/elon-musk-threatens-to-sue-microsoft-after-xbox-drops-twitter-uploads-18653535/ Well, that escalated quickly.
  19. Contemplation is everything.
  20. @integral I could be wrong, but wasn't there liquid weed back in the 50-60's? Why don't they legalize that instead of smoking weed? Is it true that the smell of weed is like a pleasant flowery skunk?
  21. Who wants to bet when this thread might be locked? I say within a week.
  22. @Razard86 It's good that weed is slowly getting normalized, although 50 years is probably be the point weed will be commercialized securely. Despite the evils, it's fine to enjoy some caffeine and alcohol in moderation.
  23. @DrugsBunny Why are you running a smear campaign on me in this community? Just because I posted in a way that presumably made me transphobic?
  24. @Carl-Richard Yea, he kinda has squared this already and answered his own question in his first post, not gonna lie, but it's kinda hard to be always self censoring for gender neutrality when in quick, casual conversation, especially if the language is not English. While there's a time to slow down pacing of speaking, I feel like conversations, if improvisational, quick, witty, and casual, it feels difficult.