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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Hardkill I believe if you've got the vision for your life, commitment, and access to resources, and train towards it, then you'll achieve some success.
  2. @integral Is Japan still having a problem with it's nuclear power plant to this day? Are they dumping 1 ton a day? Just shows the relativity of different perspectives and developmental factors from countries and how they deal with their environmental issues.
  3. @Husseinisdoingfine Yeah, from looking at the photo and images of Rasputin I can say he's a mystic and has paranormal abilities too like healing and psychic.
  4. @M A J I Sure, my and your intuition are important, but so are others whose walked these spiritual paths.
  5. @Majed How is this related to politics, society, government, environment, and current events? While it may be relative and dependent on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of being and becoming, life experiences and other lines of development in personal to societal domains, and ideology indoctrinated into your mind from culture, I think this relative truth should be kept a secret to yourself for now, maybe stop acting goofy. You may need to see a therapist in the future to talk this out though, depending on the nature of your familial relationship, if there' dysfunction or something going on in there.
  6. @integral I agree, there's a mix of genetic components as well as psychological dependence somewhere in that mix. Definitely not the normative relationship.
  7. @DrugsBunny Don't play dumb, you were picking a fight with me here 3 weeks ago, and since then stalked me in this forum just because of a difference in opinion. GTFO me and leave me alone if you have nothin nice to say.
  8. @Zedman What do you mean by wonderful? What is wonderful about disruption of some careers that some artists worked very hard to get into?
  9. @Enlightement I asked this because in this instance applying SD modal to something not human is inaccurate, this robot isn't human and has values of a human being, so developmental psychology modals will be harder to apply here. Being unbiased I can see that for an AI.
  10. @Enlightement What does SD stage blue have to do with emotional consciousness?
  11. @StarStruck I agree absolutely, if we don't manage this technology it'll manage us instead. We are massively obfuscating our mental faculties over to AI, which is mostly bad IMO, because the more we don't use our brains, the more we'll think and figure out solutions less.
  12. @Enlightement That should be a national worry, it paints the picture that Americans are fools. For example, here in the UK we had Jimmy Savile, nobody batted an eye as he's so charismatic, and occupies the top position of the BBC, until his death, some girls came out with stories of him molesting them. It certainly painted the BBC as incompetent fools for allowing this to happen and not doing their background checks on the person.
  13. @Scholar Great post and good thread! How this isn't popular and a hot topic trending here is questionable, as I'm similarly not getting a lot of views and discussions on some of my threads. Are we getting shadow banned?
  14. @Enlightement Other than behaving strangely to some girls and a woman, and strange events with his family, he's okay for now, but he's age is catching up to him, so someone else must lead.
  15. This is why you do research and learn some history: So embarrassing Why do this? There are other ways to do this, one way is do it like Sam Harris, delete your twitter account and move on, or if you're gonna be vocal about your opposition, better research the history before making such an ideological dogmatic and emotionally driven choice like that. Yikes.
  16. @The Mystical Man Yes it is threatening, don't gaslight me, you are just wrong.
  17. @Hardkill Even if Trump didn't bring back that much in manufacturing businesses in America, he has reformed and made policies around imprisonment harder, and signed of some acts that allowed black prisoners to have shorter sentences or be released Despite how much of a scammer Trump is, and how incompetent he is, he has made a few positive changes despite some negatives. Question is, are you too triggered and dogmatic to be reading this?
  18. @Husseinisdoingfine Sigh, I wish we can just vote for another person than Donald Trump or Joe Biden. You know what? Let's vote in Eminem as president, clearly we need to vote in a new, fresh candidate, Eminem being president, giving up his rap god status over to MGK, as well all in the rap community know deep down, the better rapper in the beef.
  19. @Carl-Richard Yes, the triangle and patterns of threes is a pretty powerful pattern in nature too. Nice post.
  20. @Basman Seems like a good direction, but I also anticipate it'll be a bumpy ride.
  21. @RebornConsciousness Yeah, it's a bit tragic to me although it does depend on many factors. I'm reminded of history again, when in the later parts of WW2 Germany was invading Russia, and BOTH Russian men and women were fighting in the front lines at Leningrad, it was such a fierce fighting that it was renamed Stalingrad for how they kept on defending that position and stalling the Nazi German blitzkrieg. I do think some Ukrainian women are fighting too, but from footages it seems most are just men.
  22. @Thought Art I mean it's interesting because you can make the argument that a lot more people are bi themselves without realizing it, just by watching a porno with a hot man and woman doing it. Each body is hot, and the act is also hot, and you're getting aroused. Question is, which one are you getting aroused at: the chick, the cock, or the cock-a-doodle-do?
  23. @Raze The problem is that there used to be a man power advantage in South, but over time the population of the north grew enough that land military is now equal. The bigger issue is tactical nukes that the North has demonstrated, with fake missles their missles range, and it's ridiculously long enough that it can hit the USA. All North Korea has to do, is strike ket strategic military bases within Sough Korea, and USE bases in korea, even though the biggest USA naval base in Hawaii will retaliate along witb others and nuclear warfare begins. Even before it escalates, and it's skirmishes, there's a lot of artillery from North and South that can last months, but Souel, capital of south Korea, is within bombardment of those artillery.
  24. @RebornConsciousness TRUE! Feminism mostly works when a society is stable and peaceful enough, and is collectively secure against wars and invasions. Feminism is relative as well, there's good versions and toxic versions, as much as the men's rights movements, good versions and toxic ones, all depending on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in an individual's domains to societal domains, and ideological upbringing and indoctrination. These and many other factors changes what and how good/bad an idea is. Although biases and preferences are relative, I get more creative when looking at beautiful doujinshi, to me that's sexual transmutation, from being a bit horny, to then singing my heart out or drawing. Just eye orgasms of beauty stimulates my creativity.