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Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@RendHeaven This does seem to factor in and correlate to the increase in the transgenderism in some schools, but it's not clear how it effects transrace. A possible issue I have with this is that it's heavily drawing from inferences and inductive reasoning. For example, just because a person/group is constantly blasted(needs specific timeframe, too general) by estrogenics, heavy metals, hyper processed foods, lack of sunlight, sleep, non-native EMFs, plastics, increase in malnutrition,(these factors need more specifics like time and amounts) for decades, does not necessarily means the direct consequence of a biological man slowly identifying as a woman, at best it's either strongly correlated or mixed correlation towards increases of transgenderism and transrace. Why isn't anxiety and trauma not the leading factor in a biological man to identify as a woman? Or as another race? I partly agree with both @Roy and your take on this point, to me it's dependent on stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits(I think with Roy here he's referring to higher neurosis and higher scores in agreeableness, messiness and introversion, and lack of boundary enforcement which allows outside peers and group conformity to effect this personality far more), states of consciousness, life experiences, fear barriers, other lines of development in various life domains up to societal domains, and ideological indoctrinations. -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Schizophonia Yeah, it's worth noting and recording in a scientific database. -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@DrugsBunny I think the implication is that I've pledged this vow to myself, and have kept it in that thread about Dalai Lama this far, only limiting myself to responding to you and not initiating the argument, shows I have more honor than you. Since then I kept my promise, but because you didn't agree to that vow also, and mentioned me here in this thread, now you're the initiator of this sub conversation we're having, which means I have the moral high ground of either choosing to engage with you or not. unlike the other thread, but keep in mind I adhered to my pledge, and have never initiated the discourse with you, until you initiated this here. My showing some support for a moderator here in a joking manner is my business and the Mod, which didn't warrant any concern from you. Remember, you decided to involve yourself here, you are the attacker and initiator here, not the other way around bunny. I disagree, what makes you think I'm going to be banned similarly or the same way as you might be banned? Or be warned similarly or the same as you? Why assume I'm as faulty as you? As far as I can tell, you have infringed upon the following guidelines: 1. Don't be a jerk. So, from this thread, seeing how you word your posts implies you being a jerk, not nice, and not polite. You word your posts as if you are being judgmental and cynical, negative traits very similar to being a jerk. Compared to me here, I have yet to communicate in a jerk way, so why do you assume I'm going to be warned and banned like you in this instance? 2. Unwilling to learn from different perspectives. In this thread you have initiated exchanges between you and @Roy and some other users, worded such that you believe in your position and assertion that your position is right, followed by superiority style justifications, then assume I'm and users here who don't support your view and show difference in opinion are bigots, then assume because of some unrelated context between my recent posting style and thread topics in this sub forum of tabloid like material and posting drama baited drivel that @Leo Gura may warn or even ban me, is implying that I'm going to be banned and warned like you, which the two contexts have little in connection. You are drawing and extrapolating from some other context to jump the conclusion that I'm as fallible as you, which is false because I've also heeded Leo's warning and toned down my rhetoric and posting style a bit recently. However, have you heeded Leo's warning or a moderator's warning of toning your communication style down? By your admission, it implies that you haven't and will continue to communicate like the above, and I differ in that I adjust myself when necessary while you seem to not want to. 3. No personal attacks, or heating a discourse and having heated debates and arguments. This rule you've also are mostly bending and in some cases do break due to your communication style, and almost disregard for being respectful to Leo and moderators here. Ever since the Dalai Lama thread, and the transgenderism thread I started months ago which was taken down, you have been accusing me of bigotry and being a pedophile sympathizer and racist sympathizer and transphobic in those other threads. You then took the time to misconstrue my statements when I'm joking with another user, and twist it such that I'm now the bad guy, and since then you've been posting about me and baiting me into engaging with you, which caused some of the users that have been following me to unfollow me, and some of the thread I'm starting to not be as replied as much in the past due to you bad mouthing me behind my back to other users. This is also slanderous within this forum, another rule you're breaking. Also hijacking some of my older threads to also state and claim I'm a schizophrenic that needs help without any basis for such claims. At this point I have yet to infringe upon these guidelines and much more. At this point a public apology from you from some of your defamatory statements about me that are clearly no true might be in order, and would be nice given the grief you're causing me lately. As Michael Jackson famously sang in 'Man in the mirror', that change begins with you taking a hard look at yourself in the mirror, and asking why am I not so nice lately? -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral Speaking of ideas and perspectives, let's go back to the start, what is transgenderism and transrace, and are the two sometimes connected? Perfect example of this, to me, is the case with Michael Jackson, who has suffer some situations, and due to the SD stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality type and trait, states of consciousness, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in his life, and other influences from culture and society, that he ultimately undergone surgery to change his skin pigmentation into white, and changed his nose a bit. To me he wanted to transcend his own race because he was both tired of it, and the lack of love by his family, mother, father, siblings(because the Jackson family was both a family and business as well, and under the father's over strict discipline has beaten out some of the childhood within Michael, creating a shadow aspect of the child within him, which had haunted Michael Jackson up to the point of the fire accident and having to do the surgery) drove him mad enough, that when he can no longer suppress and deny that ego part of himself, it manifests as deep longing to have that childhood back, that innocence and magical experiences as child back, combined with what he was exposed to culturally, seeing another race group getting and performing much better, and the perceived successfulness they got, made him want to become like the successful white group. Just so happens that he got the excuse to do the pigment change via fire accident. Combined with societal expectations and desire for his high performance art, which was taxing for him to do. I also suspect that most of his N.O.M.A.P tendency is rooted in deep lack of love and full development of and acceptance of that childhood, which was denied and limited by the overbearing father figure. I suspect there's far more going on behind closed doors that distorted his sexuality, but I don't know. Do you think this example is a good one? Yes there's little to do with transgenderism, although you could argue that there's some degree of gender dysphoria or dysphoria of the false self image created earlier in his life, that could tie in with transrace because he was undergoing or trying to transcend his physical limitations like his race, and even his own sex if he could, So, good example, or is there a better one? What do you think and feel on this topic? -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Enlightement Yes, it's the internet world, and we're becoming more and more neurotic over time. -
Danioover9000 replied to Phil King's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Phil King Patrick David is a scammer, fraudster, swindler, con artist and hustler, who ran an MLM pyramid scheme in the past, credit goes to Coffeezilla. Tucker should stay away from the guy if he did his research on him, not worth the deal. -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Roy Talk your truth! Straight facts over feelings! -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@RebornConsciousness Reminds me of Alternate Carbon, and the Matrix movies and Ghost in the Shell. Have you seen the series and the movie? -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@RebornConsciousness Yeah, gender dysphoria is a real issue these trans people do face, it's similarly to those who have schizophrenia and suffer from some forms of hallucinations, visual/auditory, but in the case of gender dysphoria it's very specific to one's self awareness and self image, that they body they're born into doesn't feel like the right body. It's like you're an alien or some spirit, but trapped into the wrong body, in terms of sexuality which can be a jarring experience that most people take for granted. This is also why it's important that science takes this a bit more seriously and do some more research, and collect information and see the ratio of in born gender dysphoria versus gender dysphoria/transgenderism caused by peer pressure and conformity, the implications of which should be taken very seriously because if the majority of going trans and going through treatment is ideologically driven more than in born, then we've emasculated and confused children far more in their earlier development because they're looking to their parents as examples of masculinity and femininity, the father and mother figures in their lives that informs them of the Animus and Anima (Carl Jung's Architypes and shadow work). There are ways to try and increase empathy and understanding for those with gender dysphoria, one of them is definitely a bad trip specifically with the self image distorting into something else it is not, that type of bad tripping is accurate to gender dysphoria. Side note, Mr. Girl has stated his opinion that gender dysphoria is mostly not real and is psychological, I'll say that it's still a serious issue that needs to be resolved within the person suffering the gender dysphoria. -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@JJfromSwitzerland It's not like it wasn't attempted beforehand, changing one's identity and even race. Just look up Michael Jackson, for example. -
Danioover9000 replied to JJfromSwitzerland's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Roy TRUE! -
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Tanz Yes, this is the next logical change that should take place, since we've already have terms for presidents having terms for supreme justices is also good. Might do them a massive favor if they watched @Leo Gura conscious politics video series too. -
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill But I want the orange man to come back and make America great again! -
Danioover9000 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral They certainly do, but if we ask YouTube to censor and shadow ban these types of content, these content creators then complain that we're infringing on their fair use rights, and freedom of speech or something. A pranker nearly died when the victims retaliated with shooting, and I don't blame that person one bit for retaliating because these prankers have no idea what other people have to go through, they could be in a bad day, and they don't know if they're pranking or are about to attack them. I say we end this pranking, and either heavily restrict this type of content, or scrub it off of YouTube. -
@Rigel I see, thanks. Is this example a haiku? DISRESPECT Half-U-crane, painted- Stroke face, snail speech, Black Teddy. Half-Russ Pussy Bear!
@Yimpa Inspired by Lex Fridman. DISRESPECT Half-U-crane, painted- Stroke face, snail speech, Black Teddy. Half-Russ Pussy Bear!
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Enlightement Yes, this place is a karmic place full of text boxes, very simplistic communications, without tonality and body language you don't know if anyone is being defensive or deceitful or joking. A communication divorced from humanity and glory. -
Danioover9000 replied to Razard86's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Jodistrict Most likely he's just using Islam and saying he's converted to being a Muslim in order to market and draw in more audiences of those communities into his own. Remember his value system is mostly stage red with some blue and orange, cognitively underdeveloped with an egocentric morality, personality seems to be more extroverted-close minded-orderly-disagreeable-higher in neuroticism and Narcissism, mostly Opportunist in the 9 stages of ego development by Jane Loevinger, Feminine and some masculine shadow aspects of his psyche, I don't know his other lines of development in his different life domain and societal conditions he was raised under, along with other ideologies indoctrinated into him from culture and his family structure, and the nature of his mind in Neuro linguistic programming terms. -
@Yimpa That's cool, I've heard haiku is like a Japanese version of poetry? What are the rule of haiku?
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Hardkill That's very interesting news. -
Danioover9000 replied to Israfil's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Israfil Thanks for the video, it was a very interesting watch. Yes in certain countries this seems to be a growing fad and trend, which is why we need more science of whether it's ideologically driven and group think versus being born with gender dysphoria, but in other countries it's still illegal and the person caught is sometimes stoned to death. -
Danioover9000 replied to BlessedLion's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@BlessedLion Nah man, I strongly disagree with these types of video content, these types of pranks. We just recently had one were the prankster got shot for provoking the guy. -
Danioover9000 replied to Hardkill's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@UnbornTao Canada, UK, EU countries, China, Korea, Japan, even places near Switzerland and Norway you could potentially bootstrap yourself. America is a bit overrated with bootstrapping now. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Salvijus I think some of these users are either robots or are here to sabotage this thread, get it locked, and get some users into trouble.