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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Blackhawk Do you think those fear are not grounded?
  2. @Blackhawk How is that relevant to Transgenderism and transrace?
  3. @Enlightement Is he really a clout chaser?
  4. @Blackhawk What is a people? And what if letting people do what they want with their bodies results in a net negative?
  5. @Vrubel That's true, wokism can be dangerous if left unchecked, woke has to be checked at it's place. IRL progressives, those that actually value the minorities and do work hard, compared to the majority of left wing internet viruses are actually good people, just this woke ideology needs to be checked in it's place as a bit crazy, along with the internet, time for an actual online government.
  6. @Hardkill He's decent, and will challenge the democratic party, kind of act like another Trump litmus test. Definitely has interesting takes overall, but he's not perfect, for one his take on Covid is a bit bad. Decent leader, good to see a Kennedy running for at least POTUS.
  7. @r0ckyreed That depends on culture, country, SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in life domains to societal domains, and ideology indoctrinated from upbringing and culture. It's mostly cultural whether it's western/eastern cultures, even country and environment play a role. What do you mean 'overlook the confound of privilege? You mean the factor of privilege? Are you assuming in general most conservatives being privileged, white, cisgender, heterosexual and Christian, within the USA? What about within Canada, Mexico, Brazil, the UK, European countries, or eastern division ones like Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand? Why is it that hard to be happy in society? Because of what? Lack of fundamental rights to safety, liberty, and pursuit of happiness? Are you still talking about the USA or some other country? What if the 1-5 percent of the population, acts too self entitled, endangers others, too libertarian, and in their pursuit of happiness demands the 95-99 percent of the population, with so many worldviews to cater to their own worldview, but doing so undermines mainstream standards?
  8. Oi, I shared a video about transgenderism here, and that woman's on it. WHO TIPPED OFF DESTINY ABOUT THIS VIDEO HUH?!
  9. I think it's better to shut down temporarily and test and see what happens.
  10. @Joel3102 Nice, will be reading them.
  11. @Joel3102 That's right, especially if you factor in which is more grounded in reality, and not corrupted by the internet and the social media sites like Twitter, Twitch gamer/streamer political spheres and sub communities, they're the ones screaming all conservatives are Nazis are the ones more crazier than IRL versions.
  12. @Roy Exactly man, I've been to enough places that different countries have different flavors o conservatives and other ideologies, guess it's really cultural, and thanks to the internet it's a bit corrupted.
  13. @Roy Yeah, I do agree here. Have been to Canada in the past, chill place. As long as you know how to behave socially, you'll get along with people either political spectrum, just say what they want to hear and BOOM! Instant rapport. Conservatives tend to be much easier to get along, def agree, especially in Quebec, they got the best Poutines, and some good places to eat. People don't know how to get along, and the online internet have tik tok brained them, increases in ADD/ADHD, neuroticism, narcissism, self image issues, yeah forget the online variations of these political takes they're more crazy than IRL.
  14. What a fascinating discussion: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=514098727426393
  15. @RebornConsciousness Ideally life SHOULD COME WITH A MANUAL. Also, conservatives, especially more religious folks, and community going people tend to be actually more happier than Liberal minded people, as they already have an established routine they like, and already meet their belonging needs, whilst liberally minded people tend to struggle with meeting their belonging needs because sometimes they don't even like their in-groups, and focus too much on the out-groups and other communities versus their own. Also, how liberal minds are shaped are such that they pot the differences all the time, mostly seeing problems versus solutions, whilst conservative minds, yes not as big picture and outside box thinking and do see fewer problems and solutions, more see how to implement solutions, and design more rigid systems and boxes to manage a problem and even implement solutions. There are weaknesses and strengths from both conservative and liberally minded people, it's just a matter of aligning so many factors that accentuates strengths and minimalizes weaknesses, that's all. No need to demonize or dehumanize conservatives or liberals, just come together, negotiate, and implement solutions, and record the results, and improve upon them, whilst implementing flexibility in the system.
  16. @ryandesreu I agree, first age like wine before making choices that are final.
  17. @Roy It's an interesting trend, I do have my pet theories about this, but even @Leo Gura's liberal mind and conservative mind videos do a decent job of explaining about this: and IMO are fantastic, worth watching and listening to, and contemplating.
  18. @lostingenosmaze Nah man, that was my thread, but it's the other way around. This guy wants to bully and slander me in this forum, and again I'm getting personally attacked and it's kinda silly and annoying at this point. Like, just in this thread how many rules and forum guidelines is that guy breaking compared to me? I'm not being a jerk, am willing to learn from different perspectives, and watch myself and behave, while this guy is the exact opposite. But I digress, I don't want to derail this thread about transrace and Transgenderism, nor participate in hating and trolling attacks against me, calling me rapist, racist, pedophile, and murderer sympathizer? Yeah yeah yeah, you're going to the ignore and getting reported for immaturity yo. So, going back to this topic of the thread, what do you think about Transrace and Transgenderism? Do you think Michael Jackson was a good example, and why/why not?
  19. @JJfromSwitzerland Yo, what's up? how are you today? Have you learnt anything new from this thread?
  20. @DrugsBunny I will iterate again, notice how I'm chill and just responding, and all you're doing is personal attacking me, calling me transphobe and all, being a jerk, being dogmatic and having a heated discussion with me. Again, what post and thread are you referring to? That's taken down, but I remember you're the one citing the Nashville shooting and making that conflation first, not me. Also, stop putting words into my mouth, you were the one talking about Nazi and stuff in that thread. Maybe you are too heated and addicted to being right and being mean and dehumanizing me? Maybe you need to touch grass. Calling me schizophrenic is one thing, but imagining me typing some transphobic thread is another. Yes, I can call you intolerant, but I'm superior in honor compared to you to stoop that low. Again, you're attacking me, not the other way around, and it's getting childish.
  21. @Enlightement I do agree, as I'm sensing the temperature of this thread increasing, but I'm not the admin or moderator and don't have that privilege to lock threads and issue warnings and bans you know? However, let's keep this thread longer for maybe 2 more days, hopefully it'll calm down like this music:
  22. @Roy Yeah, I do agree that you may have needed to articulate yourself more, but if you're dealing with some people who have already made up their mind to demonize you, no amount of articulation, persuasion and charm would change their minds about you. Your simple and straight forward posts here is more than enough in this case. Can't be helped if there's miscommunications, but if you're dealing with someone already bad faith towards you instead of good faith, then it'll be a slippery slope thing.
  23. @DrugsBunny Again, @Leo Gura and @Roy, you both and all users reading this are my witness, I swear I'm not breaking any forum guidelines right now, I'm just responding to this person attacking me. Again, instead of personally attacking me, slandering me in forum by calling me transphobic, rapist, racist, and pedophile sympathizer in the Dalai Lama thread, and being a jerk, why not just chill and stop attacking me for no reason? Also, in that thread which is gone, I didn't cite the Nashville shootings, you did, and edited your posts and misinterpreted my intentions and writing as if I'm transphobic when I'm just making the point that we need more data in science about gender dysphoria in born versus indoctrinated by ideology and group think, that's all. Let moderators watching be my witness, and see that I'm not breaking or bending forum rules, but bunny is. Please stop this juvenile behavior bunny, maybe this transgenderism and transrace topic is triggering you?
  24. @DrugsBunny Again, notice how you're now doubling down and attacking me, yet again threatening forum guidelines. Instead of being a smart ass, a jerk, close minded, dogmatic, cynical person, why not try to be more open minded, willing to learn, and curb the derogatory remarks of me, and slander of me being transphobic when it's fundamentally your delusion at this point? Again everyone reading, notice I'm just responding, I'm not attacking this bunny guy. he's bullying and attacking me, calling me a transphobe and other horrific name callings at me like rapist and schizophrenic. And I'm chill and indifferent. If any of you are being bullied and stalked like this, you should report the user every time,
  25. This is the more dangerous side of dysphoria, not so gender dysphoria but this dysphoria is seriously dangerous: Now multiply that towards a growing collective problem, and we end up with mass neurosis and psychosis. There's good reason why on average people most identify as heterosexual, cis gender, whilst aligned with their biological sex as the most average, then those who still are their biological sex but are gay, then the LGBTQP minorities. On an individual level this person should seek help to correct their dysphoria of whatever, but if we have groups of people and cultures okaying this behavior and thinking, and trying to program and manufacture consent in the population that it's fine for people to become blind if they feel they're supposed to be blind, even when biologically they're fine, even when some are just confused with their feelings, they want to be blind but not sure, yet they're circumstances are fine, they're going through SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality and psychological development, but are peer pressured into doubling down into their confusion and make the wrong choice then we will start having issues that can grow and multiply. Again, it's the ratio of group conformity and ideology that's concerning more so than the inborn gender dysphoria.