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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Razard86 I agree generally, relative and dependent on the stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrinations from upbringing and cultures. Due to these other factors like the internet culture, social media, algorithms that can hyper curate content to user's biases accurately, auto image correction of profiles for both male and females that increases body/self/gender dysphoria, A.I programs that have machine learning + neural networks and data accesses that can requisite variety within a context(A.I chess programs beating grand masters and Chinese Go players) yet to develop AGI, these factors mostly act as multiplication values that can effect other contexts and factors. These internet sub cultures also increase victimhood and victim mindsets too due to forums acting as echo chambers for ideology cultivation and proliferation to other parts of the mental and information ecosystem. So, the questions then become how do we regulate, mitigate and manage across multiple contexts and provide deep solutions to these problems as they emerge, and how do we make sense of these problems/features, and how do we know and correct for epistemic blind spots as well as metaphysical blind spots such that we are reasonably confident and not arrogant and full of hubris? I'm also a systems thinking rapper, a survivor of horror and hauntings and have a Tulpa, and British conservative, but I do have my own critics of such philosophical armchair thinkers. For example: While some of the topics discussed are great, I feel most of it is air headed, like the nerd versus the geek, or the mental masturbator versus the armchair philosopher, and here I am holding the philosopher's stone looking at some of these stage yellows like you're all too abstract for the majority of the population, and entities and egregors/god forms out there are still doing their thing, converting people into their groups, infecting them with seeds of their ideology, and over time energy and attention spent keeps these entities alive, and these blind followers therefore become preachers and infectors/super infectors of mind viruses.
  2. @mmKay It's not so simple IMO. Based on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrination from culture and upbringing and self biases and prerences. Due to relativity a simplistic decision and solution like this may lead to the creation of several other problems. For example, life is a series of tradeoffs here, which the stage orange scientist/science community don't realize nor appreciation, trying to research how and why this Maize plant produces self generating slime fertilizer, what's lost in that practical and pragmatic pursuit is the consequences and implications negative around the world such as: 1. Human population increase due to more food in storage, which can impact living land spaces, more food consumption of wheat, more unemployment due to A.I advancing technologies and automation which all is more negative to the environment. Also, demand for food is still relatively maintained and even increases with increases of food, and the question of when this would be implemented and the gap in chaos and change. 2. A short term threat to mainstream standards of the food industry and how the products are made, supplied, and sold in various stores. 3. Actually more proliferations of diseases, due to more people, and monocultural diseases if they want to produce clones of Maize. Not to mention, all this research is expensive and needs funding from a corporation, which means that corporation will have competitive advantage plus influence what science is done to the Maize plant, and because of the stage orange or other valued corporation, there'll be biases in it such that it may not be for humanitarian reasons that they produce Maize plant mucous and sell the slimes. Also scientific pursuits of GMOs of various plants and maybe animals may lead to unintended consequences in the future. To me, it sounds too good that there'll be self fertilizing plants, and the solutions and implementations of such a vision hard to imagine not having other underlying consequences in other contexts, meaning even if science here is useful the science here is corrupting the plants for some intended future(solving world hunger), which may be a necessary part of how the world currently tries to manage the human population and numbers, may lead to significant increases in humans which may lead to more environmental and psychological issues down the road paved by good intentions, spoilers: is hell.
  3. @Razard86 What do you think about a third or fourth party systems instead of two party system in the USA?
  4. @lostingenosmaze I'm just checking if he's okay, if he's taking a break or whatever. This inconsistent schedule he has has it's drawbacks.
  5. @integral I'm afraid it's more than the middle man that'll take a massive cut, because if too many people use A.I to sell their content, it'll cheapen the values of art, and it'll negatively impact current economic systems as there'll be too many royalties getting paid to too many people. Democratization has tradeoffs which I don't think most will understand nor care enough about, and will potentially ruin lives.
  6. @Vido I speculate that it's him taking a break, or testing a new psychedelics. I'm more concerned about the blog posts stopping than the videos because already the margin of wait is long with the videos, but at least the blog post was daily to weekly.
  7. @UnbornTao ? So there's a part 1? I've watched all the old and new videos so I don't recall a How Not To Depend In Teachers part 1. Maybe the authority or some if the god or infinity videos, or the how to introspection video.
  8. @Razard86 100% agree, so much hypocrisy, double standards, bastards and man to woman bitches that the USA are hippopotamuses hypnotized into the hip hip hippie overhype, oversights under blinds, above the web of LIES believing in lies the problem: A deceitful set of TRUTHS!!! Also, don't be that guy: Some Rappers, I thought would've been on RA's side, but surprised they're on Tim's side which is fine, RA is an idiot white Libertard, who ironically is racist and cracks jokes about 'crackers' when he's one himself LOL! More balanced take. Follow up. Interesting that some rappers actually don't side with RA'S behavior. some left leaning biased interpretations:
  9. @Lila9 Is patriarchy, a socially constructed system, a majority male centric primary power and privilege, only over women? What about other men, children, elders, and other social systems? Is patriarchy anymore superior or inferior than say matriarchy systems, or other tribal systems in the past? How does patriarchy itself perpetuates gender inequalities? Is the inequalities between the sex genders natural to begin with? Is the reinforcing of traditional gender roles, and other traditional social roles and norms, not good in earlier social developments? How does this often marginalizes and oppresses women, and only women? Is this your presumption based off of what the OP has posted? Depending on the context, and based on many factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, and other ideological indoctrinations and upbringing from culture, and self biases and preferences, why is it that patriarchy only bad and not good even in the face of relativity?
  10. @Rafael Thundercat Simple and clear and direct? would this fit your conditions: Manpower, man's dominion over other men, women and children and other animals? Not especialist? Do you mean not a specialist? Why is your female friend struggling with the nuances of patriarchy? What is her ideological/political positions? What is her worldview? Also, why are you helping her when she has access to the internet and ChaGPT3-4, as these tools give definitions of patriarchy?
  11. Even @Space had made a similar thread talking about the disruptive nature of A.I programs. My heart goes out to those who are negatively effected by this technological disruption.
  12. @Ethos I would argue and add on that not only is it an issue to almost completely imitate, but also attempt to profit from that style and claim as yours when in fact it's derived from me, a living artist whose income comes from sales of my own artwork. This is one specific issue when companies try to profit from copyrighted material from other artists and try to legally justify ripping off other art styles and claiming them as their own. The positives and negatives here, from a big picture perspective, is based on so many development factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, and ideological indoctrinations from culture and upbringing. Also, due to self biases and preferences and ALL human beings being deeply biased it'll be a hard fought battle to try and establish ways for people to use A.I programs in ethical ways that minimally disrupt another's livelihood. I don't want to see this as another version of automation, and increase in unemployment due to how disruptive automation was, even if there's some benefit to the markets it's still short term volatile as some people can't work office jobs or knowledge based or technical based work. Take this video for example, which may be too nerdy and geeky but Daniel Schmachtenberger does cover these relevant issues with A.I programs:
  13. @trenton EXACTLY! Thanks for communicating your insight in this way. Sometimes I momentarily get confused because every time a person says 'facts over feelings' and 'facts don't care about your feelings' it's strange because FACTS ARE PART OF FEELINGS! facts/feelings=facts are partial, feelings are total, so facts are in fact inferior to feelings! The only few conclusions that I can draw for why rationalists and logicians like Ben Shapiro are deeply in denial of this is: They misunderstand/don't know/are too self biased and preferential of reasoning and rationality despite SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, and other ideological indoctrinations and upbringings such that it distorts and shapes one's worldview as if it's superior than the other's, despite how relative those claims can be. So it has to be that they don't want to admit they're wrong, therefore justifying bad faith communications, tactics and fallacies instead of admitting wrongness and correcting themselves towards good faith communications.
  14. Here's where my crazy mind thinks about the facts over feelings, which is another interpretation: When a person says 'facts over feelings', I see a fraction, and the numerator which is part of the total is the 'facts', and the denominator which represents the total sum, is where the 'feelings' are placed, so to me it's crazy and highly hubris to claim facts are superior to feelings when facts are part of feelings. It's like the tip of the iceberg claiming it's superiority over the bottom dwellers, when in facts most of the iceberg's body is under water, and much bigger that it's tip.
  15. @hyruga Cherry pick any stats to suit Hourly agenda? Does an agenda go per hour? Is it like Clockworks Orange?
  16. @Ethos Another example is cheating using A.I programs, like in chess or other games, or cheating by copying. It's going to be a messy case in the future when this thing gets stronger and has more computation capacities.
  17. @Ethos I think it's context dependent and based on many factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in person's life-societal domains, and ideological indoctrination and upbringing, and what self biases and preferences and mind nature a person has that generalizes, deletes and distorts reality to suit their perspectives. Also, in specific context, we still need to know the ratio of which part is theft to which part is innovation. To me, if an A.I program derives about 50% or less of an existing artist's work, it may not be theft and is fair use. However, if it's above 50% or 80% of an existing artist's work, it's clearly theft to me. On top of that is who is controlling the program? If big tech companies, you'll likely see them trying to justify stealing billions of images online, from living or dead artists regardless of copyright issues due to sheer scale of images stored. Overall a very tricky situation, which I understand and empathize with the artists that feel like this thing is stealing their work.
  18. @StarStruck What card game is this based off of?
  19. @Extreme Z7 Shows how ideas survive in epistemological and metaphysical ways.
  20. @zazen A high value man, or woman, or human being, is relative to the stage of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, states of consciousness, ego development and shadow selves, life experiences and other lines of development in life-society, and ideological indoctrinations from upbringing and culture. In fact it would mostly be cultural and societal norms that determines what should be a high value male/female. In today's Era, it might be the millionaire-billionaire lifestyle, materially successful male/female, with some celebrity status and social friendliness. Just 3-500 years ago, if you're born in a Viking culture, their definitions of a high value man will be vastly different from today's modern western definition of high value somebody.
  21. @LSD-Rumi I think if you're not as beautiful as Griffith, then any women's clothing on you might look strange.
  22. @Consept Also, which version of the 'facts over feelings' are you referring to?
  23. @Consept What do you mean when you say 'facts over feelings'? Why is it the implication that facts over feeling = complete unbias, take raw data derive factual conclusions? Are you referring to inferences and inductive reasoning? Why do I have to know every fact, every piece of data on the subject, weigh up these bits of facts and data to draw a conclusion? If I did manage to include all data and facts into a situation, then draw forth a conclusion, that still makes the conclusion not definitive, at all times? If researchers had limited time, and face an existential crisis, for example the pandemic and Covid-19, and had few facts of the virus via footages and reports from Wuhan China and Italy's hospital crisis within the first 6 months of the pandemic, then researchers are biased for rushing vaccine development and WHO suggesting to politicians to enforce Covid-19 lockdowns? Do you assume that cherry picking statistics based on intuition and feeling, mostly a negative? Why is selective bias to you evil and not the natural state of human beings, due to limited time, energy, and attention span? Do you also assume that prior hidden assumptions and presumptions of all situations, are bad? If so, what's the alternative, and how do we move forward?
  24. I think at this point I'm leaning more to regulate or shut down temporarily.