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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @koops Yep, that's the transformational dilemma in Spiral Dynamics, when a person or society develops higher, there'll be some resistance to keep their homeostasis of the collective ego.
  2. @Sucuk Ekmek Probably in 50 years lots of automation, centralization and development, based on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being/becoming and consciousness, ego development and shadow aspects, life experiences and other lines of development, and biases and preferences and ideological indoctrination. Of course, for a stage blue/purple Islam it won't be an easy development upwards, as lots of features of it must change to fit Europeans.
  3. @abundance Why is it only capitalism and economic growth and pollution that leads to decline in birthrates? Is it only excess stage orange that leads to declines of birthrates?
  4. @trenton You could say that, but like you've stated in another post the reality is you don't know what you might actually do, reality, and no one will be perfect in honor. Risk is if you lie and they find out then they kill you and family or do worse to your wife and daughters, but if you tell truth or even refuse a Jew to hide in your home, you save yourself and your wife and daughters a horrible result of lying but will probably live with some guilt or bad feeling of immorality if they catch the Jew and kill him outside your property. SURIVAL is tricky, do you sacrifice some morality for pragmatism and survival, or risk your and family survival for retaining morals, even if one negative outcome would be forced to see them rape your wife and daughters if they find out?
  5. @Juan Please tell me you're joking? I assumed before you were part of Gen z and use Tik Tok quite a bit for your music videos. On average, they do know how to party, which includes drinking, some taking of drugs, risky social activities, and so on. So hearing you say 'if you really really value consciousness', then saying 'you know that drinking alcohol is the opposite', doesn't make sense because the premise is if you value consciousness which includes wakeful, sleepy, deep sleep, dream, and sober consciousness in general, then exclude altered states of consciousness, meditative states, even psychedelics states and drunk states of consciousness? given the consciousness altering properties of alcohol itself to some degrees making it worth considering experimenting on, assuming a person values consciousness because only a person who falsely values consciousness or lies would tell a person what to do or think. Why do you think people in the past refer to alcohol as 'Spirits'? Past peoples used alcohol, in particular the occult and esoteric with some psychedelics to make powerful mund altering states to practice spiritual techniques from. And aren't you an expert at Tik Tok? Even that platform is a mind altering drug, a digital hypothesis machine that alters users behaviours over time, a mind stimulant used to hook in users more. Since you generally claim 'if you value consciousness' that generalization may include yourself too, so if you trully value consciousness, why allow some third party technology to hypnotic change your state of consciousness? If not, then you don't really care about consciousness as a value in yourself, then why tell others here what to do with their consciousness and drinking in an ambiguous way that slips in your bias against alcohol?
  6. @Girzo How is it not facts/feelings, when the emotion system is more primitive and has more evolution and more in built in the human body, than logic? Are you assuming you are talking to a room full of scientists and rationalists that did 'proper' science of consuming alcohol? How does that anecdote of your fillings have anything to do with consuming alcohol, what you and @Princess Arabia were talking? I didn't assume maximizing health as top priority when I said take more responsibility, you assumed that of my take. Also how is that zero? Okay, let's say I can discount my health for the sake of something else I value and pleasure, still drink alcohol. However, from the way the dialogue between you and that user, seems like you want to take away her right to consume alcohol, and dismiss her alcohol experiences, otherwise why assume away her important, inject yours, and try to make her an Amish or try to convert her into an anti alcohol prohibitionist? Why this zero alcohol tolerance of another person drinking, never mind of yourself?
  7. @Princess Arabia and @Girzo , can you two pack it in? Can you both agree to disagree? @Girzo I'd be careful using studies, objectivity, science, rationality facts, and this 'facts over feelings' to justify lack of care and weaponizing this unbiased neutral positioning in an intellectually dishonest way, because whether you're aware or not you've dismissed @Princess Arabia's life experiences with alcohol or some other drugs we don't know, as merely her/his anecdote and nothing else. Both of you are being biased in your positions, one sharing some life story, the other being disingenuous whilst appearing scientific. Just because it's 'facts over feelings' doesn't mean facts are superior, but rather the feelings are a total and coopted facts to suit it's own biases. Be honest, you don't like alcohol, that's it, and the other user likes alcohol. All that matters is responsible drinking, more or less, when in context to say celebrations. We're all adults, I hope. Are there exceptions to this? Yes, there are people like the Amish or religious people who never drink, and there are party animals that drink a pack a day. There are hundreds of other developmental factors that crate these exceptions, but the few factors worth repeating is responsible use. Drink responsibly and moderate if needed.
  8. @Yimpa Are you implying that me, as a personality and value as a human being, is near at the bottom?
  9. @funkychunkymonkey What do you mean INJFs? Can you give some examples?
  10. Why was it a terrible mistake, to not allow a more democratic process of voting in and running a campaign for presidency? If you don't like the democratic way of how American politics is done today, do you prefer the alternative, the authoritarian regime way? Would you rather an elitist and a small group, with higher barriers of entry to presidency be held? Isn't that a more wonderful way of being elected as president? Instead of say, have 10 years of political theory, 8 years of networking, and so on with these conditions we can keep listing, that increases gate keeping and makes it much harder, you get elected if you can manipulate and be charismatic, that is if you have the money and charisma? Would these higher hierarchies imply changes to American politics, and away from democracy and towards more of a chain of command, or elitist groups? Because by your metrics, who would be the new average of politicians would be socialists and progressives as these are political wanks for policies, which then creates other barriers of entry for other types of politicians. Why are you accusing and assuming I'm spreading conspiracy theories, and compare me to Tucker Carlson and Regan? How do you know Trump will go down as the most worst president in history?
  11. @Hardkill I don't know, lots of fluffy words and fear mongering, still don't know why is it such a relief? And why use another person to answer my question instead of answering it yourself?
  12. @TheSomeBody What is your product? Please don't say it's a fidget spinner of some kind. Can you elaborate more on your target audience, your product, and your marketing? What are you looking for?
  13. @Sucuk Ekmek Bud Light should have never diversified, but instead niched down and maintained their loyal fanbase and existing target audience, and kept to their specific trade and skill. However, them trying to increase their profits and trying to mainstream...man, has any big business learnt their lesson yet? There's plenty of examples of businesses going too mainstream, trying to include more audiences and customers instead of curating and maintaining their existing customer base, widening their net too much that it effects marketing and quality of their products. Can't believe such a simple oversight like this can happen, but oh well another example of badly managed capitalism and business.
  14. @Juan Proceeds to stereotype regardless of the warning. ?‍♀️
  15. I will take your silence as conceding to my point of view, and you surrendering to me.
  16. @Enlightement True, but I have to ask: Are you both siding liberal and conservative minds?
  17. @Hardkill I would say, within context, the conservative mind is more superior than the liberal mind if the liberal is too lazy and too emotional and often lies and is too idealistic to get what's done, done.
  18. @trenton Which is why I've equated the liberal and conservative mind to the Yin-Yang symbol, asymmetrical yet balanced, and is highly relative and context dependent. Main problem for me is liberal minds using their superiority complex to attack conservative minds out of context. It's all polarization that's not necessary to do.
  19. @Leo Gura It may be hard to be dishonest and highly developed, but it's possible. I'm sometimes dishonest and am highly developed myself.
  20. @RebornConsciousness What do you mean 'houndred troops' and 'ammount'? You meant a few hundred troops and amount? Why not? So, anyone, any state, any society, any political party can do what they want, but if they don't accept the consequences of their actions, then they can't do what they want? So, if the Ukraine country don't declare, or make a statement of intent that they want to steal, murder and rape Russian people, then the Ukrainians are wrong and bad mannered, which means they need to accept some of the consequences first to make their actions justified? What if they can't do both in equal measure, and have to do one first before the other? Are you both siding gorilla tactics and propaganda? Why are you assuming I just ask questions for the sake of asking, and not because I'm bored, or trolling, or wanting to improve my questioning?
  21. @StarStruck What's to contemplate your comparison? Both fruits and vegetables have similar minerals, vitamin levels, not accounting industrial farming stripping most trace minerals and vitamins in fruit and vegetable crops via use of pesticides and chemical sprays, on industrial level to fend off pests. Fruits in contrast mostly have high water content than vegetables and a bit more micronutrients, and vegetables having more fiber, carbohydrates, and amino acid proteins to convert, so vegetables have a bit more calories whilst fruits have a bit more micronutrients under the rainbow. The problem with your comparison and contrast is that Liberals and conservatives are all humans, and are not plants, and have little in common, so the comparison is bad.
  22. @StarStruck Why liberals=fruits, conservatives = vegetables?
  23. @RebornConsciousness Is your sheer surprise over their sudden attack have no moral or ethical base? If Ukraine is justified to do whatever it wants, and Russia is the villain, does that mean Ukraine gets to rape and murder Russian citizens? Why is it in spite of all the geopolitical reasons and unrelated reasons? To me geopolitics can be a significant factor as well as political, ideological, environmental, economic, and other reasons less related to such as Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being/becoming and consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development personal to societal domains, and ideological indoctrinations and self biases. Why do you think Ukraine should make the war costly versus continue making propaganda against Russia?