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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Juan Why are you assuming I'm in denial? About what?
  2. @Tanz Is the liberal mindset like the 'ends justify the means', or the 'road to hell is paved with good intentions'? So, if they had the intention of doing good, for example make clean energy via nuclear plants, and they lacked the wisdom to understand not everyone thinks like them, then how do they gain more wisdom and understanding? How is a redneck hick, working hard in construction, grow and share food with neighbors and family, wiser than a 'someone' that works in a pharmacy company researching to cure cancers and is involved into NGOs? Which role within the pharmacy company are you comparing the construction redneck hick? Since there's a higher mind than human intellect, that may go beyond wisdom, that in comparison makes us just pawns when it comes to the universal forces that hold the structure of what we call reality, does this reasoning justify times when fate or destiny abuses and treats human beings terribly? Is this explanation our human coping mechanism when the universe starts becoming evil and abuses human beings?
  3. @Mesopotamian I agree with all the other points, except for the sex part. Men need to learn how to channel that sexual energy into something they can create and contribute their creativity into. It may have been okay in the past to masturbate and marry multiple wives or whenever, but masturbating and viewing pornography too often and too much just creates more and more sexual distortions that don't fit into actual reality, actual reality being that average females don't have big boobs and big buts, only some do but most don't, and the same is true for average males, some have big bulky muscles most are lean or too round. Those men waste their seeds, and then they wonder why they're less manly than they need to be, why their less grounded and more susceptible to manipulations, it's because they're wasting their semen too often. We've got too much abundance in western societies at least.
  4. @Lila9 Chill, again it's all relative, and we know little about @Mesopotamian, whether he was bullied, rejected or attacked by a girl, and he carries that trauma within him which he gained from his upbringing, environment, his life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life and society. True, since he came from a 3rd word country, that's a totally different reality to a 1st world democracy, so the struggles will mostly be varied here, which makes it difficult to understand and empathize with that kind of paradigm and worldview. Also, ego development and shadow aspects of the psyche will still be in effect, like I said it only takes a few bad experiences with women to then generalize and project that hate and fear onto other women, therefore disowning his own femininity, whilst trying to uphold a masculine standard from his society he lives in. Plus states of consciousness, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, and different stages of development and value systems. Show some compassion and restraint. True that this forum isn't a freedom of speech zone where all opinions positive and negative flourish and hate speech isn't encouraged, this user still is allowed to express his feelings and thoughts in this forum about the opposite sex, and his own sex too to a degree, even if his wording triggers and offends you, well, that's a sign that you need more personal development, understanding and shadow work to integrate this type of masculinity shadow into your own ego because that's the few signs of your ego rejecting and disowning the masculine/feminine polarity.
  5. @Mesopotamian I can agree with you to some extent, but most of what you said of women being burdensome is highly context sensitive, and depends on stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality typing and traits, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological differences. On average in the west women have decent jobs and roles to fit in that society. I especially agree with the men part, they can be great but if they limit or stop viewing pornography, limit or stop masturbating and stop telling lies to themselves that men need women fundamentally. If you're a man of God or whatever religion and have strong faith in yourself and the divine, you don't need to depend on having sex voraciously with women long term to deeply satisfy you, that long term satisfaction comes from your heart and mind. Maybe you can for short term but little satisfaction, God's love is far more satisfying. Main reason, not all not all not all but main reason why there's so many Incels, red pill boys, lazy gamers, is due to too much abundance in technology and pornography, which creates this false sense of security and accomplishments that will later can be destroyed, which leaves most of these lost men lost and hollow, always seeking new addictions and pleasures to distract them. Too much free porn and free stuff basically weakens men and also gives these men boys false confidence and self entitlement.
  6. @Recursoinominado If that made no sense, how come you understood my post and are able to read and write? I thought in Buddhism there's 'no mind', so there's no comprehension? What kind of Buddha are you, stoned or walking the road?
  7. @Recursoinominado The radical left is always more developed then the left? Always your point? Since you were a child this was always your point? Is that always the case that only radical left's intentions are extreme empathy for 99%, and hate for 1%? What do you mean by 99% and 1%, and which peoples are you referring to with the percentages? So, are you saying that radicals are forced into supporting the 'people'? Which people? BTW, if the 'people' here are a bunch of rapists and murderers, then the radical leftists are forced to support rapists and murderers then? Or is it because the right institutions and capitalists were better than the left institutions that these left institutions are weaker? When you say socialists/communists you know who are better and smarter, are you referring to the Russian and Chinese socialists and communists, the ones that have killed so many people in their uprisings? If not which group are you referring to, and if they're so smart why is it that capitalism and more western society conservatism dominates mostly globally today? What do you mean by 'socialis'? By right wing intentions, do you mean that ALL intentions, from moderate conservative to White supremacists and Nazis Germany, are born from fear and hate? So if they convert to centrism or to left ling politics like democrats, liberals, progressives and socialists, as soon as they convert over are they still born hateful and fearful, or if they're a right winger they're ALWAYS born hateful and fearful of other people? What do you mean by 'meanining'? So are ALL right wing leaders and commentators 'dumb as fuck', and if they appeal to lies, con artistry, and instilling fear(AKA fear mongering), does that mean they're evil always? If there's one exception to this standard you posited, what does that mean? Are Right wing leaders must 'ultmatelly' have sociopathy, psychopathy, power hungry, 'narcisists' , to be 'dumb as fuck', con artists, and instilling fear? When you say, 'extreme right wing politics is pure shit', do you mean ALL right wing media is pure shit? Do you mean lies or bullshit? How do you know that radical leftists groups and extreme right wing groups ARE NOT THE SAME? Why are you caricaturing being a conservative and being a liberal like that? What if being a conservative means to protect and provide for your family and to protects your property, and not a hoarding person? What if being liberal means being more liberal and free to express your opinions, not just to ALWAYS piss off the 'privilleged' ones? Are you sure that being a liberal/=/left leaning? So, if in Brazil liberals=conservatives, does that mean that conservatives=liberals in your country? Why the inversion, and why is your government pretending to be liberals when they're conservative and traditional? What does you being a white straight male in your country have to do with anything you've stated in your posts and all other posts in this thread? So the Buddha here is a white straight male? Are you the Buddha on the road that if we find we should kill? Because I don't think THE BUDDHA was a white person, maybe straight and definitely a male, so... Of course you can't be right-wing, because according to you your country Brazil reversed the meanings of left wing and right wing, conservatives and liberals, such that if you say 'I'm a right wing conservative' or 'I'm a left wing socialist' within Brazil, those are the opposites that are inversed. Therefore, it makes sense that you can claim you're definitely not a right winger now, and that you're a left winger! But if you say you're a left winger now, within Brazil, that means YOU'RE A RIGHT WINGER! And if you're actually a right winger and say you're a left winger instead, YOU'RE LYING! Which means that since you're LYING, you're a conservative right?! I mean, if you're intellectually honest you'll admit that you're mostly wrong within this context, or are just confused and conflate and generalize a bunch of terms and gave an over simplistic assumption of radical leftists and extreme right wing and admit you're both wrong/misunderstand. That would be what an honest intellectual person would do right? But since Brazil likes to inverse conservatives to liberals, and liberals to conservatives, then Brazil may have inversed honesty to dishonesty, and dishonesty to honesty right? Since Brazil can reverse and inverse so many meanings, what are the great implications of this?!
  8. @abundance My opinion, and just my figment of imagination, income worthiness is basic income coverage and money basics, that cover each member of the family and their basic needs. Not factoring insurances or social coverages. Why shouldn't there be no income requirements before starting a family? Do you know that as a parent you'll be spending stuff for the baby like baby foods, diapers, maybe milk formula, baby toys, baby clothes, baby room stuff, and not just limited to income but time and energy spent raising a baby? And similarly after they become toddlers and adolescent? After they get diplomas and get their own lives maybe the income spent will be less. but until they become independent and they still dependent on family, parents, the father and mother, so wouldn't be a good idea to set some income requirements for starting a family?
  9. @Recursoinominado If true that both are extremes then they're the same category under extreme. Check this out yo, you said this: And this is Leo's response: @Leo Gura I rest my case! This is exactly what I was eluding to to you, but you too triggered and defensive and biased that you misinterpreted me, so when you're admin disagrees with you, you should know you did something wrong in your logic.
  10. @Recursoinominado How is it horseshit that both the extreme left and right are not the same? They're both extremes right? How is this simplistic stereotyping of the extreme left and radical left show the comparisons and contrasts enough for @sholomar to understand where you're coming from? Also, which extreme right and radical left are you referring to make this stereotyped comparison? How is bad faith tactics like calling other people dumbasses for both siding the extreme left and right a good faith approach? It only increases defensiveness from my POV. I think you need to change your Buddha profile picture, you're not behaving like a saint or Buddhists or at least a common sense decent person with these simplistic conflations and character assassinations.
  11. @mojsterr Is this only in America that this thing is applied to?
  12. @Hardkill Are there other excuses besides corporations competing against each other? Even if big corporation can raise minimum wage, by how much should a corporation raise minimum wage? So much so that that corporation then can't pay for taxation on equipment, property, higher promotion positions and employers, and risk getting out bought and getting a hot takeover by an enemy corporation that's more ruthless and will not care for minimum wages? Which corporations are essential for which society? Which corporations should be held more accountable than others? And which society should hold which corporation accountable?
  13. @sholomar Nice post. The reason why I asked @Recursoinominado if he agreed or disagreed with the statement 'ALL conservatives are Nazis?' is because he's slipping anti conservative points and assumptions of the traditional and conservative right. Also had some points that sounded like Vaush talking points, so I wanted him to engage with my questioning, because if he agreed that ALL conservatives are Nazi, the WW2, when the conservative Americans and conservative British fought against Nazi Germany, Th Americans and British were in fact Nazis. So, if true that GB and USA and all it's allies, are Nazis, then what's the point of them fighting Nazi Germany and sacrificing millions of lives against Nazi ideology? If false that ALL conservatives are Nazis, then false the slogans, marketing and talking points of ALL online leftist streamers and influences, socialists and progressives, which shows a deep lack of integrity and intellectual honesty if they felt they had to bad faith ALL conservatives by calling ALL conservatives Nazis.
  14. @ZenAlex Because they're not the only company in a given field, they have other companies competing against them.
  15. @Husseinisdoingfine I think it's mostly cultural, but there are other developmental factors that can mix to determine whether drinking or smoking, in celebration is the right time. It's the lack of discipline and willpower from most westerners and easterners in the modern age. Balance between celibacy and celebration is essential. If you're over stimulated, celibate. If under stimulated, celebrate.
  16. @ZenAlex Maybe there's too many people, from different places working in one place and the company wants to be more efficient. Maybe it's that but I don't know. Why are you interested in other people's answers to your question here? What's your answer to your question? Why can't it be as simple as 'greed'?
  17. @Yimpa But you said that my personality type is near the bottom, so is that implying I'm at the bottom?
  18. @koops I think in this context, culture may be a more significant factor among other factors.
  19. @abundance Do you believe that these people need to be income worthy before starting a family?
  20. @koops Why do you think the poorest people, countries, and continents are having the higher number of children? Is it because sexy time is powerful there?
  21. @ZenAlex What do you mean 'so?'? If a lot of these children will be underfed and malnourished, then we should pause development worldwide? What do you mean then when you said 'needs'? Needs are both short term and long term?
  22. @Sucuk Ekmek From camels, to wheeled vehicles and planes, from their own economic system(mercantile and gift economy and physical trades) to debt economy, from their own epistemic system? to 'just ask google'...Is this all really progress? Are they developing too fast, technological advancement too faster than human and cultural development? How is technological systems taking care of everything and everyone, a great SD stage lifter? Which group and people, and which things are benefiting? Which many things changed?
  23. @abundance This is interesting if what she says is true:
  24. @Girzo How about you properly quote me instead of take my statement out of context? If you're losing an argument, just lose respectfully, don't resort to these bad faith tactics. Even going as far as antagonizing @Princess Arabia for sharing her life experience with alcohol, wine and belittling and dismissing her experience isn't respectful behavior, even if it isn't EXACTLY about beer and advertising, it's still about alcohol, you know, the substance behind the beer? Do you also know some people are different genetically, some can process alcohol and have higher tolerances, you know, genetics? Disappointing.