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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @bmcnicho If I answered 'yes I'm a fan' does that negate my point? If I answered 'no, I'm not a fan of Mr. Girl' or a soft 'well, a little bit of a fan', does that negate my point? Yes, in that space I was in Destiny is called sexual abuser, I just added the Epstein part because both Destiny and Jeffrey Epstein have charisma, charm, rhetoric, and manipulation skills that mostly make anyone with a different bias or opposite bias look bad and wrong, regardless of how truthful those other perspectives are versus Destiny's. There's surely an abusive power dynamic and power structure he plays into with his higher status as the 12+ streamer/debater of the debate bro sphere, arguing and debating politics in mostly a drama creating ways while farming hate and drama, he uses that to lure in potential young female streamers into his orbit and mind fucks them with guilt and shame and other manipulative tactics via his logos and pathos, using his position to attract them, and sexting to hopefully fuck them behind the scenes. How do you know it isn't that credible? After all if you looked at the bigger picture, and saw what high status male celebrities and males of higher positions did in the past, and pattern matched to Destiny's, you'll see a very convincing pattern of mental abuse, won't you? Sure, maybe Leo Gura can give a more nuanced complex perspective on dating, relationships and even sex in that podcast, but are you factoring for ideology of the red pill, and when in some parts of that discussion it could get heated and they start feeling defensive? The larger audience in that sphere is probably not ready nor interested in entertaining different viewpoints to their ideology.
  2. @lostingenosmaze So basically, @Recursoinominado was calling me a motherfucker? Why would he call me a motherfucker instead of answering my questions directly? Is he projecting his/her incestual fantasies onto me?
  3. @Recursoinominado Why do you assume I 'spam non-sense posts.'? After all, you're the one with the hyper generalized statements about the liberal and conservative minds and politics, so why can't I question your points and assumptions? Entertaining by dodging questions?
  4. @Juan I don't know, why are you assuming I don't want to accept it?
  5. @Blackhawk TRUE! The one point I can agree on. America shouldn't have fought for it's freedom, and just let GB rule over it. Would've been a better world, and would've accelerated the destruction of human slavery within America as GB was THE ONLY COUNTRY to have anti slavery sentiments and principles. Most people really underestimate how impactful GB is around the world, especially against the human slave trade.
  6. @Blackhawk Why sigh? What does a rape victim have to do with the Ukraine/Russia conflict? What if you can't actually help without getting yourself killed or everyone else killed in the process? Why are you asking us where we want to live? And why are you anthropomorphizing evil? What's is wrong and stupid about us, and why are you including me in the generalization?
  7. @Leo Gura 'poltics'? I guess when you're so awakened that no 'i' is needed.
  8. @bmcnicho I guess I don't take the red pill ideology seriously, they're garbage and anyone with common sense will know me included how dumb they are. Bunch of BETA MALES! Even if panels usually have 7-10, 1-2 more worth listening, what does Leo Gura have to gain fighting with pigs? You mean the sexual abuser Destiny Epstein? How does giving good pushback to a lot of bad points have to do with Leo Gura coming on? What does better arguing and debating, persuasion and charisma and trying to convince and manipulate audiences have to do with TRUTH, CONSCIOUSNESS AND LOVE? I assume Leo Gura could debate philosophical and can debate, but comparing him to Destiny Epstein and his 12+ years of debating and manipulating isn't a fair comparison because Leo Gura's philosophical debates happen in the real world, while Destiny is in the fantasy internet world. What do you mean not necessarily promote red pill ideology on a bad platform? What does subscription count and views have to do with quality of content? Can you elaborate on the hypothetical of Leo Gura going on being a good thing? how would that be good? Also what opportunity cost?
  9. @Recursoinominado You do know that GIFs take up space and data in this forum?
  10. @Schizophonia What do you mean you don't know the strengths and weaknesses of liberal and conservatives? Came across everything? Both sides? Like you came on everything and both sides of the buns?
  11. @bmcnicho Do you think Leo Gura should or shouldn't go on? IMO not worth it. Approximately how big is this segment of the online young male population, in the online content world, that this red pill ideology dating podcast is sending them in the wrong direction? Agree, very likely Leo Gura has WAY BETTER THINGS TO DO than to indirectly promote red pill dumpster fires, so adopting the Sam Harris strategy of just ignoring certain public figures or platforms is the way to go, for example when Sam Harris refuses to debate or discuss with Eric Weinstein for his shitty covid-19 takes and conspiracy theories. However, given the delays of videos and blog post updates, or booklist updates, what do you think is Leo Gura doing currently other then making videos? In what ratio do you roughly guess here, of occasional guests with interesting and different perspective : mostly garbage red pill ideology and victim blaming women? Just curious, were you the guy that super chat the Leo Gura?
  12. @Ahbapx Nice post! It's mostly true, based on other developmental factors such as Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development and shadow aspects, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development from personal to societal domains, and other ideological indoctrinations from environment and upbringing. Not just conservative or liberal politics but all of the political spectrum should ideally be more holistic and go away from polarization, bipartisanship and bigotry, into more open minded discussions where good faith communications is practice and bad faith tactics become less and less..
  13. @Tobia That's disturbing the Biden administration can do this. How do they sleep at night?
  14. @StarStruck Maybe pornography and sweets, also wine too.
  15. Oh my god, so much science fiction in one video: It's cool they're working on self replicating robots, but again, consciousness is fundamental to the universe, therefore it requires no outside 3rd person replication or whatever, it's already self replicating via KARMA and reincarnation, starting from formlessness, into form, then when the form is getting destroyed it returns into formlessness to then form into something else. No computation needed, we already have a lot to deal with A.I programs disrupting some livelihoods of people, we don't need self replicating robots now in 50 years.
  16. @Schizophonia So, in your opinion, what are the strengths and weaknesses of liberal and conservative minded people?
  17. @Juan Because what you assumed about me is not true, so your denial claims are false and irrelevant, and out of nowhere.
  18. @Recursoinominado What does a GIF have to do with answering my questions?
  19. @eos_nyxia So, you edited my post and 'gender swapped' the pronouns, because of my lack of 'moral equalism' and not because you wanted to dismiss and obfuscate OP's experiences?(No0te that it's my assumption that he COULD have been traumatized by females in the past, not really OP). So masculinity defined by you is 'what anyone needs to self-actualize in this world' and not defined as a force of penetration, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as a giver? It's not defined as a fucking of a woman, and fucking of reality, injecting one's willpower and imposing one's will to create a dream come true? The way I written is more feministic of me to do to OP, showing some support and some agreeableness for his POV. In your words, should I have not been too empathetic and feminine? Should I have been more masculine and said to @Mesopotamian "Hey sexist pig! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT WOMEN AND THINKING OF THEM AS SEXUAL OBJECTS! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR LIVING STANDARDS, WORK HARD BY YOUR BOOTSTRAPS AND COME TO AMERICA! STOP VICTIM BLAMING YOUR PROBLEMS ONTO WOMEN, AND JUST GO OUT THERE AND FUCK! STOP BEING SCARED OF BOOBIES AND JUST SUCK ON IT!YOU SOUND LIKE A SISSY BOY BLAMING WOMEN, ARE YOU A WOMAN YOURSELF?!"?
  20. @Lila9 Doesn't that sound more like individualism than femininity, you speaking your mind and feelings openly? If you could broadcast a universal definition for men about femininity, and it's characteristics, what would you define it and with what examples? Are you implying I'm sexist and misogynistic, because I see women as objects instead of human beings? Where did I say I see women as objects? 'uncute'? Yes, bias is deep whoever you are. Yes, you can express your opinions, just don't break the forum guidelines. Have a nice day.
  21. @Yimpa Nice, not only three letters long but you made it rhyme.
  22. @Hardkill Tough decisions for Biden, if he continues to support Ukraine indefinitely, he may alienate himself so much that he'll lose next election, and if he choses to appease some of the Republicans, try to convert someof their votes to his and support Ukraine for 1-2 years, that also may undermine his position witjin the democratic party. What di you think? Should Biden take more risk or appease?
  23. @Recursoinominado What doesn't make sense? And what do you mean 'mf'?