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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @D2sage Daimler car is also very nice, although needs higher maintenance than a Honda Jazz or Mustang. Daimler is also the same company that made the first official tank with the giant tractors.
  2. @thenondualtankie Not defending Tate, but I do want a solid legal case built against him. Reason why he's getting softer treatment legally like a house arrest instead of 20 to life with parole is because Romanian law is apparently more softer, and the evidence gathered against him is just not enough or mostly hearsay.
  3. @Israfil Bugatti is good, but sucks. Mustang is best tang, but also Honda Jazz.
  4. @D2sage Mustang is best tang. But so is a Honda Jazz.
  5. @Israfil It's just the wording of the transcript is what a non-native English speaker would be saying apparently, I don't know anyone with a great English speaking background speaking like this, unless it's related to texting or sex texting I don't know.
  6. @Tanz How do we pursue our dreams without being more narcissistic or develop higher neurotics or other cognitive biases and declines?
  7. @Tanz Is this because most of the eastern Ukraine is mostly Russian ethnic? So let's say your scenario is played out, eastern Ukraine is under Russian federation, and western Ukraine is under NATO or is still sovereign, how do you decide where the new border is at? The natural river, which is many times smaller and so close between NATO and Russian federation?
  8. @Hardkill No I don't know, what is wrong with the Democrats not doing enough in the USA? And why does that not work in the USA but in other countries with multi-party systems like Ireland or Scandinavia? What is beneficial for the Democrats joining a movement on the ground?
  9. @Israfil You mean the messages that were translated from Romanian to English?
  10. @Israfil I'd be careful with trusting this lawyer, even Destiny said in the past this lawyer was very biased and gave his opinion during the Andrew Tate arrest as facts when the Romanian courts were still processing him.
  11. @Blackhawk Do you think the USA isn't giving Ukraine long range missiles, F16 jets and Abrams tanks because it would escalate the conflict and force Russia to do nuclear tactical strikes, or is the USA planning to give Ukraine these weapons but yearly, enough for Ukraine to defend itself, but not enough for Ukraine to launch an all out offensive towards Russia? Okay, I'm stupid and slow to see the big picture. So? Peace talks can be useful, like delayed tactics and ceasefires, and negotiating when escalations in warfare could be costly for those involved.
  12. @kray The main takeaway is this: Which is IMO way better than saying all conservatives are just Nazi, because thanks to the internet and digital and online culture and streamers/social media influencers, despite other developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being/becoming, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life domains to societal domains, and other ideological beliefs indoctrinated and self biases and preferences for their own in-group, and due to the nature of language the far left and stage green valued excesses keep on using post modernism and relativity to corrupt and dilute the original meanings of some languages that people like Vaush and like him keep saying 'ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE NAZI' and keep diluting the original meanings.
  13. @Romanov Yeah, it's concerning that these people also use rap music to spread their message like this: And it becomes number one on the charts. I get that most businesses pushing the woke culture too aggressively is a problem as that's them being stage orange marketing stage green excesses, but on the other hand the MAGA and those who are hyper individuals like libertarians are also no better and sometimes much worse than those they ridicule.
  14. @StarStruck Because he's the greatest saintly sadomasochist of all.? I'm sure there's some charity and not just geopolitical interests. Sure there's some dying in Uganda from their new law they passed down, and interesting stuff over an North Korea launching missiles at the sky, and other social issues still within China and Russia, and even polar bears struggling to survive because global warming is melting the icy platforms they need to walk on. All this existential crises, multipolar traps, poly crisis and meta crisis are still relative ultimately.
  15. @Leo Gura Probably many more than those who might die getting this neural link implanted into their brains. At least with airplanes you either burn to death or die on impact, but with neural links you may get more seizures, brain strokes, brain fogs, increase in false memories because of potential overload of internet/digital information directly to the brain, newer ways to cyber bully or cyber hack via biology now, new ideological, socio-political, psycho-social problems like inflated self image, false self worth, increases in self entitlement, narcissism, neuroticism, sociopathy, ADD and ADHD, maybe increases in autism, social consequences like thought policing and data storage of people's thoughts that are private to them. The potential of negative consequences is in the hundreds at least for brain related problems. Is all that worth the tradeoff and cost? Maybe for those with other developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development and shadow aspects, states of being/becoming, life experiences and other lines of development, and other ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing and culture. Maybe it's fine for Silicon Valley culture and those identified with the technology sector and IT and S.T.E.M, but what about others similar and different to their culture? Despite how hateful I am towards Elon Musk, I want to see where this neural link experiment goes, maybe it goes to something interesting, or it's yet again another failure. I want to see this narcissist burn himself out over social media and Twitter, and hope he learns his lesson and return back more focus onto what he's more good at.
  16. @StarStruck Christ man! You coming with the savage bars! Dude chill, buy a new refrigerator!?
  17. Guys and gals, learn to appreciate alcohol while you're still alive, you won't have a second chance. Time's too short for complaining.
  18. Oh great, this'll definitely have no repercussions: https://www.designboom.com/technology/elon-musk-neuralink-fda-approval-implant-test-people-05-29-2023/
  19. @thenondualtankie Similar to wither Elder scrolls or Dark Souls, but with many colours and shapes I think.
  20. @Blackhawk Again, what beliefs and opinions did you think I hold within this thread? What does 'getting attacked by evil', 'got their freedom taken away', and 'militarily attacked and annexed' have to do with beliefs and opinions you assume of me as a person and as a character? Why did you use a lot of rape examples? What do those rape examples between people have to do with thinking proactively before bad things happen at the country and nation level?
  21. @Blackhawk What beliefs and opinions do you think I have that the majority would be fucked if they did have 'my beliefs and opinions'? Pretty clear you love rape examples?
  22. @Kksd74628 This is basically what I was saying in this thread, but I just can't handle when others badly generalize and mischaracterize either side. P.S. I haven't seen you for a while in this forum. Taken a break?
  23. @Recursoinominado But I thought you were Buddhist? And Buddhists are like the Buddha, they can meditate and question reality? The Buddha spent over 40 years of his life contemplating suffering, so millions of questions he was burning through, and you can't even handle 30+ questions honestly and can't engage with my questions, and resort to attacking me and my character by calling me a mother fucker, implying I'm a incest, and keep dodging my questions because you don't want to be held accountable for your generalizations of liberals and conservatives?