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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @8Ball Is this multi polar example of countries picking sides inthe new world depending on nuclear power and countries with nuclear weapons, or economic debts? Is the housing bubble in China part of the ghost cities it makes? Are there other ways you think that China and America can achieve a peaceful cooperative partnership despite cultural differences and ideological differences? Besides flexing military might? Have you seen the news of a Chinese cruiser nearly hitting an American one?
  2. @DieFree So, for decades and centuries there's been UFO sightings? other than sightings and witness reports are there other proofs as well? Could the cover up be because of the mass hysteria that may result? The new theories and education materials and new narratives needed to now explain Aliens in existence?
  3. @DieFree Assuming they have substantial evidence of aliens and UFOs, what and how do we move forward then? In your opinion, if these aliens exists, the greys, maybe reptilians or other life, how should humanity move forward? As usual just develop in the current course, or do we change some areas slowly, or radically change ourselves? Or, put aside humanity and societies, how do I know and change myself, radically or slowly, in relation to this UFOs being true? What's in it for me if I take aliens seriously? Or you? Even if aliens exist, what practical and usefulness do they provide to me and you? OR, maybe aliens existing has finally validated all our conspiracy theories about aliens, therefore the conspiracy theorist we identify in our minds gets to mental masturbate and orgasm finally that our pet theories are validated?
  4. @Mesopotamian How are you feeling? What does it feel like when you're like an animal in a zoo? What do you mean it's like a prison? Are you not happy with your current situation? You want more than a simple life? Isn't CNN more a centrist/moderate based news outlet? Do you mean people like TYT, VICE, the majority report, these more progressive/socialist people? Do you also think that the geography and geopolitics and economy of your region is the other hurdle for a united Iraq, other than a political one? Do you think it has to do with the Neoliberalism from America, just prioritizing the oil over nation building of your country?
  5. @DieFree I'm curious, but why are we experiencing an increase in UFO and UPI reports the last 10 years to now? Why are we seeing more witnesses, and more specialists and experts also, coming out to speak on UFOs? Is it part of an elaborate misinformation campaign, or was the government/CIA regulations loosening and now we're getting a bit more reports?
  6. @Princess Arabia I'm a female, but so many times people here think I'm male from my writing style, so I gave up correcting them and now I'm whatever and whoever they imagine me to be.
  7. @Juan Okay, fair enough, but what's the problem with me having a consistent posting style? Also, what's a macro?
  8. @D2sage True, he has found almost a perfect niche for him to thrive in and manipulate more men than women for his scam based business because current society hasn't adequately addressed the Incel and dating problem. If societies did, then Andrew Tate would have little leverage and opportunities to exploit. Not dissing the guy, as he and his brother were of poor livelihoods once, understandable and I empathize a bit. Tough to say don't hustle when hustling was necessary in that life to make ends meet. Where it gone off is him and bro manipulating young women into the cam biz, and hooking in a lot of young insecure beta males.
  9. @Holykael Putting aside the non-duality, god realization and advanced spiritual insights, on a relative level advice can be both beneficial and costly depending on developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development(Clare Graves and Don Beck), cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development(Jane Loevinger) and shadow aspects of the psyche(Carl Jung Architypes), life experiences and other lines of development from personal to social domains(Ken Wilbur's Integral Theory), other ideological upbringings and indoctrinations from culture, and one's biases and preferences that distorts and shapes many interpretations of languages. I mostly disagree with the flippant attitude of claiming ALL advice as bullshit, when it's the contextualization of the advice, or the lack thereof that can make advice useless and too general.
  10. @Juan It has everything to do with what @Yimpa talks about of Biden. It's mission impossible if you don't see what wisdom I'm writing behind the word plays. That's why you don't slave your brain within Tik Tok's case, kay?
  11. @Blackhawk What do you mean God is a larger global empire? What does that have to do with answering what you mean with imperialism? Why are you assuming he's atheist? How does that have to do with the Ukraine/Russia conflict? Do you eat a lot of snow?
  12. @Breakingthewall I'll check him out. You've quoted me, what's up?
  13. @Breakingthewall Do you think he was pressured into invading?
  14. @Blackhawk Why are you assuming that Putin invading is solely because of imperialism?
  15. @Yimpa It's a start though, don't take it personal. True that some are more intelligent and may have higher forms of intelligence and consciousness, at least based on SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, sates of being, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, and other ideological indoctrinations from upbringing and culture, and self biases.
  16. @hoodrow trillson Don't forget the full stop to end a sentence before critiquing another of misspelling sentences. *.
  17. @Yimpa Did you see this? Is this a health issue too?
  18. @Blackhawk I agree, just be and listen closely.
  19. @DrugsBunny Which American conservative would kill queers? Are you saying that if society has no law to protect queers from getting killed, that American conservatives would still choose not to kill a queer?
  20. @Blackhawk What if I'm not far away, but in Russia? Would that negate your assumptions of my perceived bias of an outsider and care? How does being outside of a thing obviously causes less seriousness and knowledge?