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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Someone here GPT, A.I image/music/voice/animation and more generators, and other A.I like these will be the new future which creates new problems and new solutions, so some hype is reasonable. Main issue is it's too overhyped, and may lead to more laziness and reliance on those technologies. For example, nowadays some people use A.I programs to cheat on chess games, therefore lowering the competition and difficulty curb from a some to a many more, and does threaten the point of being a chess player, being in the mode of a chess player and doing and thinking chess, when an A.I program can do better than you? Also, incentivizing like I said laziness because why hard work when an A.I can do 80%? So, human error is what to look out for.
  2. @hoodrow trillson I don't think so, that this post: @Scholar Got dismantled by such a little post like this: @Recursoinominado Is an oversimplification. He has not offered any rebuttal or retorts back, because if he did he knew he'd be so wrong it's not funny. @Scholar's basic argumentation was towards excesses and limits of left wing ideology and limits of stage green's deep fear of bigotry. @Recursoinominado's post was just a reframe and straw manning towards a moot and bailey fallacy: by retreating into a claim of when conservatives were demonizing non-heterosexuals when in fact @Scholar's main argument had little to do with conservatives demonizing non-heterosexuals, but on progressive/socialist ideology and indoctrination going wrong, so he's right in calling @Recursoinominado immature not to directly address his case instead of relying on fallacies and red herrings to distract from the main argument point: When progressive ideology becomes too much, instead of trying to make the argument about bad conservative behaviors and several other red herrings.
  3. @Roy Although I wish and have faith one day we'll get past racism/nationalism/ethnocentrism and other phobias, hopefully not in the ways you imagine. True again, it's mostly ideologically driven that little is considered of the costs and tradeoffs. So true. Also so true on the veteran's day and remembrance day, we only have to celebrate one day, and give a 1 minute silence for those 100s of millions of lives lost in WW1 and 2, yet a WHOLE MONTH get's into LGBTQ/pride month stuff, just weird imbalance in the ratio of celebrations and remembrance days.
  4. @SOUL I would have preferred he did the same if not similar to @Leo Gura's 65 plus principles video, and just presented it that way in a clear and concise manner, instead of having to construct a narrative that drag your father and make it seem like it's only available from father to son coming of age ritual or something that's 'only between father and son for 30+ years' trad angle and story. BTW I'm being facetious, the mode of enjoyment and guilty pleasures to me, in light of recent events. Also all this could be wrongful of me, as I'm female centric and that's just my bias speaking, maybe manipulative was too strong and instead persuasive or charismatic? Clearly it's just defending himself from being accused of going woke, when in comparison someone like Jesse Lee Peterson, despite how deeply distorted his worldview, has the courage, conviction, faith and wisdom to say and behave his TRUTH from his POV and not cater or defend himself from accusations that leads to cancelations and censorships. Now that's a bit closer to what a man is from a more traditional and conservative side with solid rationale and Socratic questioning, and grew up from from the 50's mind you, where there's little margin for error, none of this too fearful and too scared to step on eggshells that stage green is typical of, the more vocal and emotionally whiny and crazy parts of the online SJW greens anyways that my 2 cents! If ya gonna give advice, better make it genderless and general, not this male centric and a bit specific to that demographic risking pigeon holding the principles into one area when it can spread to several basically.
  5. @Girzo It's just weak behavior but okay, IMO at the end agree to disagree it's whatever. It's fine to call me a trump supporter or right wing person or apparently trans not you @Girzo but those harassing me you guys know, I don't care anymore about these fascist trans labels you put me in, Said my piece so bye bye and to those harassing me nighty night.
  6. @Husseinisdoingfine @SOUL Like your posts here. Oh, so Daniel Schmachtenberger was intentionally manipulative in framing these principles male centric and traditional, to avoid being called woke? Sounds reasonable, also has sunk cost fallacy and the moot and bailey fallacy and probably others because it'll be harder to appear persuasive and charming calling him woke when his format is male centric and trad, but again that's not some guarantee of not being called woke, he'll be called woke by some smart and wise enough to see what he's doing manipulation wise in some other angle. It's definitely male centric, but the principles could be generalized and abstracted by your mind to suit you in some way after contextualizing these principles to you, your life situations, your aspirations and so on via for example NLP(neuro-linguistic programming).
  7. @Juan Read the below carefully and contemplate: People add value regardless of what perspective you're seeing them from. Point of view drawing is all about this principle, just change the viewing angle and almost everything drawn changes.
  8. @Girzo I'm basically saying, win in the voting phase than pull these manipulative tactics and charging him so he can't be a candidate for presidency, that's just whack IMO. Do the indictment thing when you clearly have lists of proofs to convict Trump and I'm for that too, but all I'm saying is the timing is sus AF, like you really can't handle the idea of another trump president that you have to charge with indictment right before he runs for office? Within congressional acts, sure, but again there's another better time for that because you need a solid case for someone powerful like that, see my point, understand where I'm coming from? If all you of me is I'm a blind trump supporter, don't reply, agree to disagree. I've stated in the past Trump's a con artist, what trump supporter would say that?
  9. @Carl-Richard It's a decent topic thread from reading it there. I think the main problem is you're title isn't catchy click baiting enough to hook, line and sinker others into reading and engaging with you, if you want to maximize engagement. You'll have to do a few shit posts or some other types of posts, get some rep in that community, and then maybe you'll get that traction you want. Otherwise if engagement isn't the goal an something else is, then focus on that. Of course, I ain't no expert in manipulating and marketing others into your post, maybe a few examples of titles like 'When Mr. Girl flirted with Destiny, and the bromance was strong.', or 'The love triangle of Destiny: Mr. Girly and Nickle back Fuentes.' , 'The drama that the FBI nearly got involved in'. Of course there's a thin line between puffing and hyperbole of your title versus misleading title, and write it in a similar way to those journalistic articles, drip feeding the points and really hooking readers in. Good post though, nice you started out with two quotes or parables of a situation where it can be imbalanced depending on the context.
  10. @Carl-Richard Sorry I was tagging to let you guys know, not that I'm calling you a bunch of sociopaths/psychopaths/narcissists or anything.
  11. A few more for narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths:
  12. @Majed, @Juan, @Recursoinominado, @Hardkill, @Mesopotamian, @Husseinisdoingfine, @Shin, @Carl-Richard, @StarStruck, @VictorB02. Just a few examples from videos: and And a few examples: and and
  13. @SOUL Kind of like giving an advice for overcoming procrastination to a lazy person, but the same advice the workaholic hears and thinks it's affirming his situation when he should have the opposite advice of being lazy.
  14. @Romanov I understand why some of those claims were made, due to the timing of Biden charging him with those indictments. Personally I'd advice to not dissuade them of following Trump directly, talk of religion and politics less and not bring up the trump thing yourself and only them if you want to continue a family relationship with them. Reason why is in Stoicism, you can't control other people directly nor the world and it's events, but you can control yourself and your thought/actions to a degree, so don't go trying to convince them you're right and they're wrong. If they made up their mind, they made up their mind, and trying to prove a made up mind them wrong will only sour your relationships with them and make them feel bitter towards you.
  15. @Roy This is quite accurate bro. At this point it's too culture warfare and polarizing to engage in, both sides are guilty of their accusations of the other. On average the right wing takes the cake, but on intensity and exceptional evil the left wing takes the cake but much less average committed. Social media has made people more crazy over time too, so we have to add another distinction of internet variant politics vs real world politics.
  16. @Husseinisdoingfine If you ask me, a few indictments is enough, but this may be one too many. Especially the timing of the charge is suspect AF. I know Biden and his administration want to impeach him within legal standards and within congressional, but this seems passive aggressive from him. Why not fight him in the voting system and like a political battle, instead of charging him with this? Cuz you do know that if charged he'll never run his campaign or election candidate be null. To me it's just an act of fear rather than an act of confidence, like you gotta strike him down this way than voting?
  17. @integral Updates on the sis? Has changed her diet or improved her condition? Is she similarly ideological as some Vegas in this forum?
  18. @StarStruck I agree, based on developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, 9 stages of ego development and shadow aspects of the psyche, other lines of development in personal to societal domains, and ideological indoctrinations from upbringing and culture. The Muslim and Christian nationalists and conservatives seen in that video, and mostly at stage blue to orange, backlashing against the weaponized version of part of stage green's value system: Woke or 'going wokeism' driven and marketed by left leaning politics and businesses. They partly do have a point about Moral Relativism being dangerous to children's development because by allowing moral relativism any meanings of words can get deconstructed, which can harm the moral absolutist framework for society and it's standards for it's citizens. When people of wokeism ideology, doesn't have to be from LGBTQ communities exclusively but can include others more left leaning and more stage green values, the more extremist and radical parts to these ideologies are the problem. By not honoring the proper developmental psychology needed for these children, you get increases of dysphoria of all kinds including sexual, gender, self esteem gets decreased and self worth issues of all kinds can result. These conservatives are in the right to worry because if you leave Lefties and moral relativists to fully change society, you'll lose that cohesion and unity that kept societies and families together as a community.
  19. @Extreme Z7 That does seem valid in the probability space of some kind of negative event, of a malfunction or some other misfortune. Again, high and mighty aliens they can be, whatever their mental, physical, technological capacities are, they are still under the constraints of bad luck and misfortune still. My speculative assumption, they were testing the military capacities of the artillery or are just surveying the earth over Los Angeles, then the firing started and a shell unfortunately exploded too close to their craft and they had to crash. Or, a slightly more probable explanation, is they were fighting another alien craft, had escaped and were badly damaged enough to be shot down by an artillery shell. I guess an enemy alien scout craft vs another alien scout craft or something.
  20. @Israfil I MIGHT BE WRONG, but I can't help feel plagiarized because I shared that video first in my own thread. Maybe he saw it in my thread and took it?
  21. @CARDOZZO I will love you if you admit I shared that video first before you did. Maybe confess you viewed my thread, saw the video, then added that into your own thread.
  22. @Israfil To be clear, it's the order and sequence of the thread and post, then the royalty, not the financial royalties but the moral and spiritual royalty that should be bestowed upon me.
  23. @CARDOZZO Cool story bro, this month too. Now Look at the date of this post below: FRIDAY AT 09:56 PM, I POSTD AND SHARED THE VIDEO YOU'VE SHARED HERE ABOUT THE PODCAST. I rest my case, I posted this video WAY BEFORE YOU. I've started this Daniel Schmachtenberger thread several months ago before you.
  24. @CARDOZZO Because you still haven't given me the credit and corrected yourself yet for posting that video first when I did before you? What does Lex and Trump have to do with you falsely claiming in a implicit way you have first dibs with that video and making a Daniel Schmachtenberger thread when I did it first? How about you be careful of taking credit for something you didn't do instead of commanding me to be careful of something you assume, with those ridiculous ellipses?
  25. @CARDOZZO Credit for discovering that video you linked before you did and public apology, plus making the first thread of Daniel Schmachtenberger, which means you owe me credit plus royalties because I'm the first one that made the Daniel Schmachtenberger thread: So, just because I'm not the only one hardcore knowledge seeker here, that justifies you not giving me credit as first OP in this forum to introduce Daniel Schmachtenberger??? Also what do you mean Hardcore knowledge seeker? Like a bookworm? How can I take the principles, contemplate and test them when they're mostly general and too abstract? They're also less advice and prescriptive steps to goals versus just general principles, so I don't know.