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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @MsNobody Just to let you know, when I was searching for your comment in Instagram it's gone. I think the algorithm automatically removes comments with hyper links to websites, or another possibility is that Lex Fridman's editor or PR manager or himself removed that comment. Maybe less likely for Leo Gura and Lex to interview, especially given how Leo's podcast interview with Charlie from charisma on command and Curt Jaimungal went. I predict it's likely Lex will be very defensive when they talk about science and epistemology, or some spirituality, psychedelics, and Awakening and INFINITE. If interview happens, I will look forward to analyzing their body language, micro expressions, tonality and word choices per topic the podcast covers and will see if Leo Gura or Lex Fridman give deceptive or defensive signs or some other signs.
  2. @UnlovingGod Imma just clarify- This journal's stage red. Decalcifying caricatures unseen- Staged bedded values-taped Within mind's caked eyes. ME? WHO fucks, talks and brags- 24/7? ARE those wanting hoes- YOU? Keep seeing, in-richer tattered clothes. 7/11, heaven's drapery? YOU? I'D bet a male longs FORWARDS-for debauchery. GRAPE, pillaging sausage festivities. WHOEVER to whom- THIS concerns me-too. IS who? To Blame? Whose hose- PRAYS up in between- TO whom the bell tolls WHAT'S A DICK to A WOMB? WHOLLY? I rap poetries POETRY wraps me. RAPTURES in pastries.
  3. Updates: I've been more busy with a few magical rites, and I've been able to complete one of them with noticeable success. Made one for a form of self defense for myself and family, and a spell cast for good luck. Cristy participated in one and it felt amazing.
  4. @Israfil Fair enough, I said what I have to say in this thread and made my peace, and because of my increasing rap sheet in this forum, I will not comment on it further but that's also part of what charged me up beforehand. So, from this day forward I will mostly keep away from the political section, and politics in general, as I'm fed up with how I'm treated here and in real life, and it's annoying me, so this is very likely the last you'll read of me in this sub forum, and I will rarely come back here. I'll maybe check the author out too. I expect I will be left alone. Have a great day!
  5. @charlie cho Sorry, had to take a break from all the discussions here, so let's pick up where we left from from a different more civil angle: I'm not labelling him a feminist hater, I'm calling him a grifter/scammer/swindler/hustler/con artist/cheater instead, who bends the system to his advantage, more apparent with Andrew Tate and less with Patrick. Also, the assumption from you of me calling them feminist haters implies you're calling me a feminist? To clarify, I'm not a Feminist BTW. From what I've understood, from observing their body language and tonality based on word choices, and the bias from which this interview is doing and certain agendas and narratives these guys are trying to portray Andrew Tate in a lighter acceptable framing, I'm not buying into it, as I see more defensive and deceptive signs in Andrew Tate, and somewhat with Patrick, with too much repeating and leading the frame of this discussion, painting Andrew Tate to be the misunderstood 'victim' of mainstream culture, and Andrew Tate giving this over 'masculine' body posturing, tonality and face to head to arm gestures, but I can see past these little orchestrated presentations he's trying to sell. In certain moments, with certain words the body language is a mix of incongruency and 'forced' agreements and nods, despite the prior contexts this guy was in. IMO it's slightly unbelievable than believable. Yes, body language analysis is not an exact science, it's mostly collecting body signs, tone, word choices and micro expressions, plus being sensitive to the framing of the conversation and other contexts to a discussion, maybe I'm somewhat wrong in my observations, but with people who's ego stage is at impulsive or opportunist, these types cannot be fully trusted, so I don't trust Andrew Tate nor Patrick. Great interviewing skills I'll give Patrick that but it's got a certain bias and presentation and agenda which I'm aware of and will not fall for, as I've already seen enough of Andrew Tate that no amount of presentation and sugar coating from Patrick will change my distrust towards him, and rightly so. If you disagree with my observations, could you explain to me where I'm probably wrong here with his body language? Sorry for what I've said about Dostoesky guy and Lex Fridman, got carried with the lunar moon phase or something. I just don't like them, and usually with people I don't like I joke and be sarcastic about it to sugar coat the critique which mostly works. I also never claimed this Dostoesky guy as some...what you call it? Monarch enthusiast? Tsar Enthusiast and sympathizer? Sorry I don't think I've recalled ever bringing up Donstoesky guy, you are the one who brought him up to me for whatever reason. We can't just label them as what? Do you imply I don't have the right, nor can express my disagreements with them, within YouTube? Do you think I don't have the right to write my opinion or comment? What does the 'common man' from YouTube have to do with Andrew Tate's situation, unless you mean young disenfranchised men? If I can't call them as such, what should I call them if they did something bad? Also, here you're claiming to me not to express certain views, and be willing to learn, and not be close minded and dogmatic, but when I read this: 'See this part, and tell me he's a complete chauvinistic fuck up. Even chauvinistick fuck-ups have good views. This part shows Andrew Tate, even as a chauvinistic fuck-up, he's still better than 99% of redpill fuck-ups, or even the cockroach unintelligent fuck-up like the BBC interviewer.' What do you expect me do when interpreting that statement? Act like nothing happened, that you didn't name call, troll, close minded, being dogmatic and not willing to learn yourself? That there's no double standard, or your ego projecting it's insecurities onto me, and trapping me into some frame that isn't there? MAYBE, we've started on the wrong foot and we were too triggered. Let's restart our friendly conversation here, or agree to disagree and we both part ways as I'm mostly done here. Hi, my names Danio, and I'm a Spiral Dynamics witch into witchy stuff, got some nuance bro and sometimes good faith bro take of Andrew Tate and Patrick, although Andrew's a bit of an Aliens vs. Predator guy to me. What's your name, and how are you doing today? Are we done discussing here? Have I cleared up the misunderstandings between me and you and a few users here? @Israfil I just don't like how he runs cover for some right wing loving narcissist, but that's my opinion and maybe a big misunderstanding and emotional turmoil I didn't mean to cause. Sorry if I hurt your feelings. No harsh feelings right? I don't mean to offend right? No more flagging right? If you disagree with me disagree on the content of the post itself, right? Because that's more adult right?
  6. @Migue Lonas A bit of both, but again who cares? Unless you know him personally and you have a real relationship with Owen, Owen for the most part isn't important in the long term, you yourself is more important than him.
  7. @Tanz True, at this point they need a militant leader or something to give order and organization to the democrats. As a movement the left wing is too divided with this and that, not unified in one single vison and are suffering from collective schizophrenia of too many voices squabbling for more power and attention with all this LGBTQ and all alphabets and numbers people, like how are they supposed to plan effectively, when every attempt at a ranking priority or a hierarchy list is shut down, and another list is made, but is shut down, like how? If this is a chess game, the left wing are in a perpetual check patterns within their own side, meanwhile dealing with very vocal and immature right wing alt right types, and also very vocal SJW online progressive types. How can they resolve this tricky issue whilst being a democracy and not regress back into an autocracy?
  8. Another critique, maybe tone down the anti Donald Trump rhetoric. It's repetitive and lacks variety, maybe name a few more worse than him currently or in history, as going on and on about how negative Trump is will make it a more boring talking point in your content. Just mix the critique of him with someone else for a while not talk of Trump because me and others are just rolling our eyes with every mention of you talking of Trump angrily like a child, we get you have a bias against him but at this point it's moot and monotone.
  9. The Ukraine war is not going anywhere, because the war is mostly between Ukraine and Russia geographically speaking. How a war goes anywhere is a bit crazy.
  10. @charlie cho Based on developmental factors like stages of development, morality and cognition, consciousness, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other areas of development in life and societal domains. Also ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and biases we all have, from these developmental factors and experiences I've had with manipulators and scammers, Andrew Tate is clearly a scammer and a pimp bitch. He's mostly stage red values, and fronts the appearance of a stage blue to orange person, his talks of family and god were AFTER he got severely canceled and Hustler's university closed down so he had to try and manipulate the online Muslim community into following him. No, haven't read nor am interested in this Dostoevsky, he's the author of 1984 or something like that? Screw that, Lex Fridman was his fan so if this right wing shill, Elon Musk fanboy, is a fan of him then I ain't touching anyone he's associated with a 8 mile pole. Shill to the bone, also really annoying talking about conspiracy theories and the twitter files when there's ZERO EVIDENCE of Joe Biden and Biden administration corruption, at best it's just bad behavior from Hunter Biden but that's only on Hunter Biden and NOTHING ELSE, therefore right wing grifter and LIBERTARIAN. Have you read and listened to Eminem? What a true hero, where he came from and how he got to be successful is a true American dream. Compared to Patrick Bet Dave and Andrew Tate Eminem can smoke them alive in a rap battle.
  11. @Migue Lonas I'll assume now that Coffeezilla did his investigation, not as some hit piece but he actually did deep research into Patrick Bet Dave's businesses. Although there's also a counter to that, becuase Coffeezilla was a victim of a scammer in the past, therefore it could be a trauma and therefore colours his perception of those who seem scammers but may not be. Maybe, I don't know, I'm assuming he's got good integrity for journalism as he made it in the Lex Fridman podcast.
  12. @abundance Oh thank you, I forgot how often Patrick does repeat right wing talking points as his bias is that of a Libertarian contrarian anti mainstream guy, yeah that too plus also crude to different points of view especially biases that opposes his! At least he's flashy and energetic with his talking points compared to Lex Fridman sneaking in right wing biased talking points and pumping Elon Musk's delusional Twitter crusade!?
  13. @Mesopotamian There's some truth to this. Based on the developmental factors like SD stages of development, moral frameworks and cognitive biases and development, personality types and traits, states and modes of being and becoming, life experiences and other lines of development in personal life to societal domains, ideological indoctrinations from upbringing and culture and environment, plus self biases towards the world and others and yourself. We'll hopefully appreciate that it's not that far from history that to be a real man means is relative. From being part of some native tribe, as a tribal man your duty is to that tribe, to hunt and gather if you're of a nomadic tribe mostly or an agrarian tribe, as male you need to hunt and gather, and prepare to become part of a war band or raid party and invade other tribes and take their land, territory and women as slaves, for example see the history between the Apache and Comanche conflict, how the Apache pushed them to more infertile lands for which they had to scavenge and nomadically live tribal, how the agrarian Apache then had conflict with Spanish settlers, how part of that led to their horses, large numbers, fleeing to northern American expanses, straight to the Comanche most were not aware of exist, and years later after mastering horse riding and warfare from horses, the Comanche retaliated with many raiding parties from horseback similarly to how the Mongolians used tactics around horseback to dominate and expand their empire. From Tribal to empire and imperialism, and even with ancient civilizations we see more stronger emphasis on traditional gender roles more delineated closely to biological sexes of male and female, especially during the Victorian Era a big reason why is that it creates further protections from getting infiltrated by those of too different societies and cultures, whilst also creating more competition to younger males because to then have sex and to have land, you'll have to be religious and now marry the woman you like, plus you then have to see their family and play that social game and give them dowry and other gifts to show an approximation of wealth and fortune, and if you're of good character and wealth and of suitability to marry their daughter, which in older kingdoms this is more done to cement an alliance between two powerful families or kingdoms which is replicated among the lower servants. In this Era you'll definitely be pressured to play the social game and pursue a marriage and have children, or your male value and standing can be questionable if you can't secure a mate, maintain a marriage and raise children, then why would you be a high value male in a society? So there's immense pressure back then, more than nowadays to marry and raise kids, be or try to be a good father when you're not mature enough or ready for that higher responsibility and burden. Similarly to women in this Era, very oppressed sexually due to the religious outlook from the Abrahamic religion, just to further control for female availability and to also gaslight and indoctrinate the expected traditional female role of that society onto a younger female to control also for promiscuous behavior, similarly to men despite the patriarchal system then.
  14. @Leo Gura So coffeezilla's investigation into Patrick Bet Dave being some MLM scammer a bit exaggerated?
  15. @Jacob Morres I know a few conservatives with more nuanced takes and more honor than Ben Shapiro and these bunch of MAGA, QUANON ALT RIGHT ideologues, but they're not out there busy being public figures and arguing all day with internet dip shits left leaning progressive and socialist bigots or right leaning, they're working in their real world jobs and taking care of their own civic duties in society and taking care of themselves and their family more responsibly than social media influencers ever will and these shill internet based political talking heads. These people I've known will put majority of online to SHAME. Unfortunately, they're in the vocal minority so all you'll mostly get is BS traffic noise with little honor and honest signal online.
  16. I kind of agree after watching this interview of BBC that Patrick's was more moderated and careful not to trigger Andrew Tate too much: However, that's only in terms of interviewing, outside contexts Andrew and Patrick are suspicious and untrustworthy.
  17. @Majed They have a mix of stage red and orange, maybe Patrick is more orange than Andrew but that doesn't matter, both are similar in their biases. At the opportunist stage reason you can use reason, to justify manipulative behaviors from you or to justify lies you tell yourself for personal gain and egotistical reasons. It's debatable in the impulsive stage how complex the reasoning processes are, but not after transcending the impulsive stage as the reasoning is more elaborate to justify personal gains over other people. No, at the conformist stage that ego can still have personal opinions on things, but moderates those opinions to not attack their in group or other out groups as they're a team player, typically bureaucratic in view of life and world.
  18. @nuwu Is this a challenge to me? I am the greatest essayist keyboard Spiral Wizard in this forum, if you challenge me and threaten to take this status I'll fight back.
  19. @charlie cho Or his ability to seem 'empathetic' as a deceitful tactic whilst questioning Andrew Tate who is of very similar world view of Patrick Bet Dave, in terms of SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, ego development, states and modes of being and becoming and consciousness levels, life experiences and other lines of development in different areas of life and society, cultural indoctrination, and self biases. Both men are of similar ego development in the 9 stages of ego development modal by Jane Loevinger, both men are around impulsive to opportunists, willing to manipulate for personal gains. Both share similar levels of neuroticism and narcissism, and both will capitalize if given enough opportunity, it's no wonder men like Patrick Bet Dave, Andrew Tate, all will get along with people similar to Donald Trump, similar to egotistical manipulators. Just because you behave in a caring, 'empathetic' and understanding way, that can be a false front to win rapport quickly and to establish common ground just because both are very similar developmentally and biases too. BBC interview isn't because the BBC is more developed than Andrew Tate, and are rightful in challenging him regardless of how the woman 'unfairly' interviewed him, because for all they know he's a known criminal and pimp, so why should they give an inch of mercy to a convicted sexual predator in their POV? Of course, I'm a fem so I can't help but care, be understanding and empathize a bit to correct your delusional take, but if you disagree with my point of view and insist he and Patrick Bet Dave are shining examples of healthy men role modals, then I don't care for your immature boy mind's ability to rationalize your guilty pleasure and idol that is Andrew Tate and other exploiters like him. Oh, fun fact: Patrick Bet Dave was an MLM scammer too and Andrew Tate a pimp scammer and Affiliate scammer, so I guess they have that in common as well LOL! ???
  20. @Leo Gura Am not sure about this, share a similar take to the below: @DocWatts Until there's some infrastructure for a third party system, rushing there may be catastrophic.
  21. @Someone here I'm sorry, can you give a simpler example? Imma say in that scenario no one? I'm a white girl and am slow and don't know much about finance and economics, so examples around chess or games or other arts would be appreciated. My main issue is this: is over reliance of A.I technology leading to more laziness and lack of motivation? Again in the chess example, in history A.I programs were not as good as GM level chess players, but after 2-3 years of training, they got good enough that sometimes they even won games against GM level players that have spent 10-15-30 years studying and playing chess. Is this already disruptive of my pursuit if I want to become a great chess player and to others interested in this field? And in humans terms I can't study under 5-3 years of chess to become GM like that quickly, yet the A.I can, so why play chess especially if some people will cheat against me in a chess game?
  22. I would say maturity and immaturity are in a spectrum, and based on developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, modes of being and becoming, consciousness levels, life experiences and other lines of development in life domains and society domains, 9 stages of ego development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences what's mature in a context would be immature in another, and immature in one context mature in another context. Especially for some people, life and circumstances forced them to develop far more slowly than those on average or above average developments in an axis, and publicly shaming a few of these people for faults mostly not of their own making is a bit immature, like over and over again one some of the recent videos this blaming the few people is like a pattern of behavior at this point.
  23. @Jacob Morres Some conservatives are against the whole movement, but some are also not as against them within reason, and some would like to see progressives and socialists 'tidy their own house' handle their own extremists in their own movement. Can't speak totally for @StarStruck's ranting posts for his many straw mans and bad faith tactics, but he has a point about this ideology being not as challenged within their own. If you are respectable to yourself, and respectable and honest to yourself and your ideology, you know you have to clean house.
  24. @Scholar This guy has a point about this progressive and socialistic ideology. The fact none of you are willing to engage with his points show you're not only able to defend your views, but you're afraid of being called a bigot even in a forum that doesn't support left wing ideologies. You're not even in Twitter or Tik Tok or whatever crazy left leaning forum, you're in a mostly ideology neutral zone, yet you can't critique you're own ideology? WAF! GG @Scholar, top ten best users here!