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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Take this for example in Japan, Sumo wrestling: What these people are ignorant of, especially in western cultures, divisions and hemisphere, is that the collective EGO doesn't care for your petty small concerns, your individualistic projections from your tiny EGO, it cares for IT'S OWN SURVIVAL! So if this is part of SUMO CULTURE, then the collective ego of sumo wrestling will defend it's practices, as is the case throughout the whole of history, based on the developmental factors and patterns of SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life and society, and ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gaslight from upbringing and culture, as well as self biases. What these western biased people don't know of is that this is the transformational dilemma faced by Sumo wrestling, and by it's culture and collective ego, they don't get how challenging it is to enact change for the positive here, like more breaks for suspensions when the taking the break risks that injured Sumo Wrestler to be plummeted back down in the rankings.
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Schizophonia That's a low bar to me You've set. Like if true that no mentally sane woman allows herself to get fucked while in front of a camera, then most female porn actresses are insane and crazy by implication? What if the cameras are hidden, or what if you've found that some women, and let's not be sexist here, men too, have volunteered and written contract to be porn stars, would that still mean all porn stars working are insane? Also a low bar standard for rape too, because you can technically then make the argument that millions of citizens per country are getting raped by the surveillance systems of their governments and film industries filing actors/actresses are also raping them. So does that mean statutory rape then, if a government, or even a tourist taking photos and/or a film in some tourist beach site, had parts of your half naked body and other half naked bodies, without consent, is that rape? Statutory rape here meaning penetration sexually against one's will, typical definition, although yours may vary if apparently someone is getting raped if a camera is filming them regardless of non-consent or if it's contracted, consented and payment. Also, what about self rape? Technically there's substances like alcohol or coffee, which are addictive simulants, and I'm drinking them against my will then? Am I coercing or forcing myself to continue drinking these substances, down my mouth and throat, non-consensually? Or vice versa, am I raping myself when I want to force my will, force myself and abstain from alcohol and caffeine, or in this thread context abstain from porn viewing? Am I technically forcing myself to not watch, and derive pleasure in non-consensually not watching pornography? -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Here's another one; Literally to me, this whole situation is like the many stories of me back in my high school days and college days, involving getting called by some nasty names or given nick names I don't like, sometimes I don't care, sometimes a few nick names are nice as they relate to what I can actually do, and typically in normal cases I face to face with that person and give them my piece of mind, and in most cases they don't keep calling me that anymore or risk a scrape happening. How this spiraled out of control and into this ludicrous situation, which is now getting politicized and monetized is almost insane. -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Salvijus Here's the video: Still hate Lex for trying to normalize boring monotone voice and resting bitch face, but decent video of sex work. Have to say she's pretty intelligent takes as well and probably worth the watch in chunks. -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck So, you complain about the pornography industry which does have standards and regulations for most of the porn actors and actresses unlike the black markets and illegal sex trafficking business, but defend an immoral character like Andrew Tate and Tristen Tate, the sex pimp traffic policeman, who breaks laws and regulations around tax evasion and has actual sexist and misogynistic views? Do you know you have a double standard here that deeply undermines the integrity of this entire thread? How can you defend Andrew Tate, but attack legal pornography??? -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Israfil @Princess Arabia Am sorry, didn't mean to shock you both, the OP was using extreme example to falsely equate porn in a strong negative light, it just doesn't compute to me. The more you know right? -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Princess Arabia Sounds about right. ? My main issue with all pornography topics is 1) Get's emotionally charged quickly, like with politics and religion, and 2) the Genie's out of the bottle, and his posting is complaining and appealing to trying to get it back into the bottle, nope the problems out in the field, so instead of trying to reverse the problem go and address that problem in-field, in context. So much deep assumptions of severe restrictions to absolute prohibition of pornography would be the only absolute solution, by a very biased individual, projecting that solution over a societal complex issue, just like with the alcohol prohibition and how did that went? Splendid? or increased demands of alcohol in the black markets and more criminal interests? This is what will happen if there's too strong a push for prohibition of porn-more increases in pornography and sex work in the black markets instead, that part of the free market less regulated by law, where the actually sex crimes can occur...which is what we don't want right? What a twisted, almost catch 22 of perusing too strongly prohibitions too quickly. -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
While I'm ranting, what is the point of your thread OP? Like really that example is a bad example because if you want other users to engage with your topic and post, why use a thought terminating cliche example if you want others to engage with your thread? On average imagining a person's arm getting sawn off is already going to create DISENGAGEMENT with your post, the opposite of what you want right? So why are you shooting yourself in the foot already with such a low conscious and low quality framing? -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck So, you do have some privilege? And who is this porn star you encountered? Are ALL porn stars troubled? Why did you equate watching pornography to watching someone's arm getting sawn off? Why not something more relatable? Do you have a Ryona fetish or what? Do you mean things are being compartmentalized instead of sawn off? Here's an agreeable comparison you did, equating the nowadays porn is seen as normal as cigarettes were seen as normal. Still, there's a false equivalency here between the negative effects of porn to negative effects of cigarettes. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
This is an interesting video. Can you spot where each side talking about systemic racism goes right and goes wrong? Where the biases distort which facts to suit and defend their egos? -
Danioover9000 replied to StarStruck's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck It's complicated, based on many developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development in life and societal domains, ideological indoctrination via grooming, gaslighting and priming in upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences especially sexuality, sexual orientation, sex rate, attractions ECT. To oversimplify, you cannot virtue signal others to follow your particular sexual tastes about pornography, demand absolute porn prohibition, without consequences from your individual biases over a portion and average of the male and sometimes female population. -
Another nice video, this time analyzing a retired intelligence agent talking about aliens and their technology. Because of his background, he seems well prepared and also knows how to not leak tells and deception signs around certain choice words:
Nice breakdown:
This also, actually got a few more people so the social interactions will bring out more tonality and body language behaviors and mannerisms to analyze from:
Another interesting interview by James Cameron, and CNN reporter, enough body language and tonality to analyze:
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck 'Point to somebody who isn't biased.' You stated, so I did, Chat GPT 4, with it's BODY OF TEXTS AND LANGUAGE, which is programmed by WHOs, which in it's earlier development literally had an unbiased take on various aspects and ideas. It's not a human being, which is a deeply biased sentient thing, but this tool is made from the bottom up with language training, to be able to form sentences and it's own insights. and is not a living being nor a biological sentient thing. So, IMO, it fits your statement literally, a thing that lacks biases. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Leo Gura It was just the way they described it as if there wouldn't be remains left, let alone even recovering the Titan parts. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Danioover9000 Let's be really honest, sometimes experts can be wrong with their speculations past couple of days, and if in this case they're wrong, then the people have suffered greatly in this Titan. What a sick twisted humour GOD can have in situations like these. -
Danioover9000 replied to Yimpa's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
UPDATE!!! They have recovered the Titan, and apparently there are human remains: Don't know yet what conditions are the remains are or like. Couple of days experts were saying that when the implosion happened all 5 would have been cooked or tomato past from the immense pressure and implosion. -
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck ChatGPT 4. -
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Majed @StarStruck Sure, but that doesn't excuse Tate's webcam girls and pimping tactics, tax evasion and having a very sexist and misogynistic view. Yes, Pat's got better character than Andrew Tate and better morality, which is kinda sad to see him appearing to run cover stories for the Tates especially after that BBC interview. How about you both stop posting in a low consciousness manner first, instead of telling me what and how to write my own posts? Thanks. -
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Majed I would say, based on developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states and modes of being and becoming, other lines of development in one's life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gaslight by upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences, Pat's character is more developed than Andrew's especially in stage blue and orange. Andrew too immature and manipulative compared to Pat, even though Pat does manipulate he's more a solid in his blue and orange values more than Andrew Tate. -
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@StarStruck And Andrew Tate, don't forget the traffic police man. However, him running covers and excuses for Andrew is suspect though. I like how he does his interviews, even if he's deeply biased and can't think of the bigger picture. -
Danioover9000 replied to ItsNick's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@ItsNick The blind leading the blind. I don't think Patrick even FEELS shame or embarrassment for these kinds of behaviours, it'll take something very serious for him to stop being this immature. -
@Ajax Yes, there could be correlation between medication use, like anti depressants, and lower range of emotional outputs and expressions. Same bald guy you've linked also did a body language analysis on Michael Jackson, and did bring up that when analyzing people with strong medication, and those that did facial constructive surgeries and Botox injections and so on, that typically these medical preventions can interfere to some extent the normal expressions of a person's face. Chronic depression, insomnia, and deep apathy related emotions on a daily can effect not just the range of facial expressions but general body expressions. Also a factor is socialization, or the lack of, and maybe I'm wrong here, the infrequent use of one's mirrors to see one's face, or the infrequent visualization of a face in our mind. That and many other factors could combine up to give that level of resting bitch face or that level of not caring. For Brian Cox I don't think it's medication related, could be a factor, but I'd bet it's deeply psychological, and related to his ego being identified as and constructed as a scientist and rationalist. In fact, typically with very hardcore atheists and rationalists and skeptics, not just Brian Cox, for example maybe Richard Dawkins types they are so deeply identified with the left brain and the logical being and role that deep in their psyche there's a much larger gap of walls between rational and emotions, and rational is over valued in these types of personalities. There's too much head space activity with little to very little heart space activity, so what you'd expect to be some normal ranges of emotions and facial and body expressions tend to be much more lower and much more suppressed. Although with him I do sense some emotional leaks in his tonality especially when talking of his interest, it just FEELS, and people like him, that there's this thick dam constructed that really suppresses that range of expressions and emotions. Also, thanks for sharing this guy! I was thinking of sharing, until I forgot to and thought I'm missing another body language channel to include, and he's pretty good too.