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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yimpa Are you referring to me? Or your daughter?
  2. I just don't get why this movie is such a big deal, and why the mainstream media quick in condemning it as Quanon conspiracy peddling?
  3. To a video that I don't like in terms of presentation: Important to note the main context here, and the biases and narratives being argued for: to create discourse in viewers about revenge, to create more sympathy for this murderer that slowly killed three men using a knife, and plotted this revenge for 22 years, whilst having maybe this stage green value bias and maybe anti capitalism bias too so there's a bias in favor for this Cuckoo person slightly. Based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, In this framing, her tonality around word choices, body language and expressive gestures of her hands, shoulders and face starts to make slightly more sense. Honestly my first body analysis and first impressions I just didn't like her tonality and video presentation, too much edits and cuts, certain looks to her left to a person out of camera which I REALLY WISH I COULD ALSO SEE!(PBD has multiple cameras and does show even the producers and editors at another table), and overall felt manipulative too much, like she's trying to persuade me too much to feel sympathy for this murderer I'm sorry, but if both versions of the story were true by the Wang family, that the mother instigated this little conflict by spitting at the son's general direction, the son's reaction is valid as it's almost universally disgusting to be spat upon. The Mother technically started this event, so really it's specifically her fault in this segment, even though there's prior contexts and build up of resentment between the Z and Wang family over wheat contracts. Overall it's a messy situation with no clear winners and I don't know who to belief as this is all coming from a rotten Mango's perspective. I also don't detect defensiveness in her body language, but deception signs there were a few, and again the jump cuts may have been her hiding signs I don't know, but those moments were she closes her eyes too long, moments when she flutters and blinks too much, looks generally upwards to access her brain's visual capacities, these moments are just signs that she's processing a visual memory/imagined visual, don't know as it's straight upwards. And her tonality...can someone tell me her dialect and accent? Is it a Beverly Hills, Hollywood type? Some PLEASE TELL ME! This tonality is just annoying, the sounds of a rotten mango LOL! And those who object against me for having little empathy: I partly agree, I understand and do have limited empathy for this murderer as I don't have the exact traumatic situation here, but my first priority is to seek help and to do the inner work, to let go of this event in my mind because I know too much about how vicious the revenge cycle can be, because it's my responsibility to look after my physical, mental and emotional well-being as well as the remaining family members I have. A close second or tertiary, and this is coming from a more psychopathic perspective and more perfectionistic one, is if all that fails, then I'm plotting that 22 years of revenge to NEVER GET CAUGHT, Mr. Brooks style, so no I think it's pathetic that it took you 22 years and you haven't plotted the perfect murder, sorry you suck, coming from a more stage red organized crime angle there's so many ways to do a perfect murder. Took 22 years(Could also be a crime of passion or crime of opportunity as well so there's some leeway here) to only get caught and get sentenced to death, sorry but you are accountable for murdering those three men, you deserve that sentencing. I guess I'm just built different and relative to this guy, and I'm reacting negatively to her attempts to manipulate me into feeling sorry for this murderer.
  4. Nice video covering the UFC's future competitor: Of course, based on Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life and society, ideological indoctrination from upbringing and culture, and self biases, replacing one thing with another that is very similar yet has few advantages doesn't really do much to solve the deeper issues found in modern martial arts and the commodity of it. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?
  5. Here's the podcast: On the fence with this one, can't decide as it's 50/50 deluded takes of a situation plus slipping in anti capitalist and anti government assumptions. Also don't vibe with the presentation as I like to also see the other person she's talking to, don't know just the body language is giving me mixed signals of untrustworthiness. What are your takes on this socially and the government's actions? Like it's the CCP, yet when giving that package they acted like capitalists as well, so what went wrong here? Also, what's your take on this revenge quest? Personally can't definitively say what would exactly happen to me and my state of being if faced with some fucked up situation like this, but after thinking and visualizing this situation many times, in most cases I'd let go of it and move on because I'm already that strong to let go, although when it's really fucked up I don't know I'd still go through the grieving cycle and emotional turmoil but mostly come out the other end with some forgiveness of those that did me wrong.
  6. @StarStruck It's complicated, based on developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development per life-society domain, and ideological beliefs in your mind. Also, Just because @Leo Gura would have to defend himself from a murderous psychopath /=/ his philosophies including spirituality and alien consciousness and other complex modals of reality and psychology go out the window. There's a mistake in assuming that one's behavior must always align with one's belief systems and their justifications. No, actions can diverge from your said beliefs systems and justifications, so @Leo Gura defending himself isn't a contradiction, but rather out of love he defends himself from this imaginary psychopath because the psychopath is part GOD, Leo is part GOD, and this imaginary self defense situation and all it's experiences is part GOD, so there's no contradiction but only what is assumed and projected by YOUR EGO MIND!
  7. @StarStruck He may have some great points, but it's coming from a pimp scammer, plus a misinformation spreading trump supporter tucker, so no just because these clowns are partly true in their statements doesn't make them saints.
  8. @Leo Gura Yes, let's eat cannibals, but with some red wine.? I never heard of this idiom 'What's good for the goose is good for the gander'. Did you pick this up in high school or in the philosophy class? What does it generally mean?
  9. @Leo Gura Albeit a different context, this issue of dealing with pedophiles reminds me of how two cultural systems dealt with a cannibal: The French government: Kill this person who killed and ate part of this woman, death sentence or life without parole. This a substrate and sub division of western divisions and western culture. The Japanese government: Let's heavily monitor and manage this cannibal, and rehabilitate this person. Another substrate of eastern divisions and eastern culture. Almost different approaches to handling offenders of various types and degrees. Of course, I'm not saying the eastern cultures have perfect solutions to systemic issues like cannibals and even pedophilia/hebephilia, but intuitively to me their systemic way is closer to how this issue should be handled, and not just death sentence or banish into asylums, outside the collective ego's consciousness, basically out of sight out of mind stuff. The west can learn a bit from the east.
  10. While I find this a decent interview, there's plenty of hidden assumptions, leading statements/questions and loaded terms yet defined that gives this interview a disingenuous feeling, however it does deal with the dark subject matter of CPR. Yet, if that scaling is true that there are millions of CPR material per 100,00 serial offenders of this nature, then there's easily 5-10 million or more benign, minor attracted pedophiles in a given total population per country, from the upper class to the lower class, that have hard wired attractions to pre-pubescent children to post pubescent adolescent bodies(hebephilia), that are yet to be accounted for. I actually feel like this is a serious problem for society, politics and government to tackle at that scale, because based on Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in life to society domains, ideological indoctrination, grooming and gaslight of beliefs and cultural values from environment, upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences. Plus, systems are mostly complex social problems that are at the scale of collectives, so trying to solve this the Jordan Peterson way, or people of similar biases and worldviews like him is going to be difficult and may yet recreate the alcoholic prohibition event where a state heavily illegalizes and completely prohibits alcohol, which then creates black market opportunities to capitalize onto.
  11. @Israfil I can agree a little bit that rolling in both Japanese and Brazilian Jiujitsu, to some extent catch wrestling and other grappling arts, can be part of the humbling of the ego. However, the safety of that martial arts is still relative to the person and other developmental factors. For example, if you don't know that the person you're applying the rear naked choke has pre existing health and medical conditions of stroke, or of high blood pressure and them having problems with the capillaries around some parts of their brain, then when choking and the submission happens and you increase pressure in order to cut off oxygen and blood supply to the brain in relation to the person's defending and resisting, that pressure also pushes upwards whatever amount of blood above the neck into the capillaries around the brain, increasing probability of bruising or causing a stroke that day, or next week or months or years later. Without most BJJ or JJJ practitioners or instructors being aware, they become part of the negative contribution to that person's future stroke event.
  12. A longer video, and an interview with the people that made it:
  13. My thoughts are that he does a decent job commenting on this issue, without having been thought terminated cliched.
  14. @Princess Arabia Sure, I do agree that martial arts does make the ego get humbled, to some extent, because there's always exceptions to this. 2 examples, we see in history that samurais are very trained in martial arts, yet during the warring period they've done a lot of evil shit to other warlords and waring factions within Japan, so it's not that martial arts has humbled their ego, no, it seemed to have made them far more selfish and more violent than before. The other examples are these claims that BJJ humbles the ego, yet 2 male BBJ students raped a female BJJ student in Brazil, a selfish behavior. And there's so many examples of the ego weaponizing and even getting more impulsive and selfish with martial arts that I just can't fully agree that martial arts can fully humble the ego. That plus the commodification the UFC did to MMA, all that has watered down martial arts to some extent.
  15. @Israfil Well, we've haven't lost all the martial arts techniques, or methods of martialing, but we do have seen them get watered down over time based on many developmental factors and evolution of value systems. When we see a society or group go from stage red to blue, to blue/orange way more than red, so too will we see a reduction of more stage red methods. Just look at Japan's history of the samurai, and how time has made changes. I guess my main issue with the current UFC stuff is they're commodifying this martial arts too much, there's too much capitalism, that now it's all about that money or the thrill of beating fighters up, all for what in the long term? More cases of brain damage? More cases of fetishizing a way of fighting? It's a bit sick to me, and this is coming from someone who likes martial arts and fighting too.
  16. @Juan If you have nothing to add to the thread, don't post.
  17. @Leo Gura @thenondualtankie Reminds me of another context to this problem: What's the solution to starting a camp fire faster? Me: MORE FRICTION!!? Keep in mind every problem is half solved, as it's on a spectrum.
  18. @Princess Arabia We have an history, ongoing negative relationship between me and @Juan because he dissed and trolled me on a thread years ago about internet addiction, increases in ADD/ADHD and narcissism, and I dissed his Tik Tok in retaliation, so he's making fun of the fact I sometimes don't log out of the forum when I leave and calling me a homeless bum. I can't fight back anymore due to warning points over this drama so I cannot comment further. That aside, what are your thoughts about this issues with cultures and societies commodifying martial arts? Does martial arts humble the ego, with enough discipline?
  19. @Israfil Thank you for the correction Israil. What do you think about the issues with martial arts in today's world?
  20. How can you outgrow stage red/blue when a society makes it part of the culture like this: I might strawman this a lot, but again it's not that simple to just follow your passions, when some of your said passions may involve destroying other people's lives, that's not quite a good enough LP based on various other developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gaslighted by upbringing and culture. When you take LP and other modals like Ikegai, factor these life purpose modals in relation to developmental modals, already it's too complicated to just say 'FOLLOW YOUR PASSIONS' when it may be dangerous. Life is still a series of tradeoffs, be careful your actions don't cause immense suffering to others, including yourself. For example, very bad example but let's say porn and having lots of sex is your calling, at whatever cost, that doesn't mean you should follow that passions blindly for the deep cravings and desires. NUANCE, NUANCE, NUANCE!
  21. @Rishabh R That's the power of visualization, positive affirmations and subconscious training. Don't believe me? Imagine you fucking a hot chick, in vivid lively detail. observe how quick your boner stands up, gets excited, over internal images in the mind. That's how powerful a practice this is.
  22. This video sucks, but it clearly shows how most people in the MMA crowd think, and how typical this is in groups:
  23. @Moksha My guess would be that the confusion starts with confusing CAUSAL for CORRELATION, and vice versa. Oh, plus SELF DECEPTION. External desires are nice, and actual material security is a must in some cases. Don't expect on average that if you or your group is deprived enough of material security that that doesn't negatively impact on spiritual practices. Pretty hard to meditate or pray if I sleep deprive you, or take your bed and roof, or torturing and killing you. These are lack of material security. Don't cite back that some monks can still mediate even when burning, we're talking about billions of people worldwide, from various cultures and environments different to yours, with different degrees of tolerances.
  24. @ardacigin From reading this, I gained an intuitive insight into the nature of forums. That threads are extensions of our ego mind that needs to project a body of text, to attach meaning and story to it, which creates an online life worth maintaining, AKA this thread here which is about 8 days old, and has yet to be deleted or locked, yet has gained some life to it, each member contributing to this cum bucket of rationalizations, justifying the Leo hate train, or justifying counters to this complaining. Not want to argue here, but this thread is yet, in spirit, another bickering and complaining of Leo's positions. If we do two hypotheticals at least (can do more thought experiments) then you'll see why. Just take the conclusion that this thread is trying to make(Leo is wrong, Buddhism is right), and take it to the ultimate level(BUDDHISM IS ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, EVERYONE ELSE WRONG). Also do the same from it's premises as well, because if you're ready to claim that Leo premise of 'Nothing exists but my mind' is false, then you must be ready to falsify the prior conditions and qualifiers to the extreme too, like claiming that Leo's birth was pointless and false too. Even with solipsism, it's basic, not even talking about the metaphysical and spiritual implications, just the basics, the down to earth problems: You can't handle being alone, loneliness, and solitude for too long. That's it, it's a loneliness problem that most people deny they have a deep problem with. Even the Buddhist monks have this loneliness problem, LOOK! They can't even meditate separately and have to do prayers and chants TOGETHER. Can't, it's terrible, the thought of meditating all alone is disturbing, that when meditating is over they eagerly get to have lunch TOGETHER, can't eat by themselves. At the end of the day, each person has their own priorities in life. Take what works, disregard what doesn't.