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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Blackhawk I'm basing my assumption from these videos below: Additional videos for context: I don't know about all that slanderous claims you're making of me, but I reject them outright the obviously bad ones but not going to debate them. Of course I'm naturally scared of Russia's retaliations, I'm shaking in my boots, I'm a natural idiot and coward because I'm a girl, and am pro Russian porn videos so I guess I'm too biased, the thought of getting three sums sums up my terror, like damn...
  2. @Blackhawk Why isn't it the main reason?
  3. Some nuggets of wisdom, in a sea of BS:
  4. OH NO!! Wrong person to give an emotional message to, as he's a narcissistic con artist and mind slayer dude: Dude's either a mentally crazy person, or he's high. I want to know what he's smoking! This Donald Trump Stockholm syndrome is unreal, they have no idea how evil Trump is!? That aside, I do partially agree that organ harvesting and producing adrenochrome from these kidnapped little ones happens mostly within 3rd world black markets for mainly those with stage purple/red value systems, lower cognitive and self centric moral development, low ego development mainly impulsive to opportunist stages, lower consciousness levels, traumatic and harsh life experiences that also create shadows within the self, other lines of development that are retarded and blocked, and other limiting ideological beliefs indoctrinated and deep biases and preferences linked again to one's shadow, which is why doing Shadow Work and studying Carl Jung is important. Very unlikely within 1st world democracies does these criminal activities happen, they mostly happen outside of the USA or other developed countries. Especially Carl Jung's Architypes, because Jordan Peterson and the other two are deeply projecting their shadow and actively suppressing that part of the psyche that relates to these predators, and until he actually fully engages with and integrates that part into his consciousness, I DON'T MEAN EXPRESSING THAT PART, BUT INTEGRATING IT, then we have a more solid foundation to work with in thinking of systemic ways to handle this issue.
  5. Youtuber got banned by YouTube for his commentary of this movie: My intuitive speculations as to why: Multiple hints of conspiracy theories like qAnon, elitism. Too patriotic and nationalistic, projecting his biases. Spreading misinformation, and fear mongering. Also, don't take your kids to pride or parades with ugly naked people.
  6. Also, a movie about sex trafficking isn't the sound of freedom. What's really the sound of freedom, is when a baby cries when it's born signaling GOD'S freedom of being infinite into becoming finite, or even pure silence, that's the sound of freedom actually. Bad title for a movie.
  7. @Danioover9000 What I find hypocritical and ignorant of all this, is his lack of understanding developmental psychology, and other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated by upbringing, and self biases and preferences. In fact his self biases and preferences is what's making him underestimate this issue, because this issue isn't just an individual level problem, it's a collective problem as well. Also as an argument he conveniently talks so much the psychological angle of this pedophilia while judging it, yet talks little of the biological aspect that some are born attracted to pre-pubescent bodies. Speaking of the psychological angle, most pedophiles are created from the victim-perpetrator cycle, when those pedophiles traumatize them when they're children they lose that innocence, magic and childhood, and that deep sudden lack of love, with how their SELF their ego suppresses and creates that shadow, is what makes them later be the next future pedophiles if not rapists, raping in order to gain back power, gain back that innocence and childhood stolen violently from them because they can't handle how some people are still happy and still vibrant with life and light when that very light was robbed violently from them so long ago. Ironically, Jordan Peterson loves to preach Carl Jung's Architypes and shadow work, but when rubber meets the road, when it comes to so called Cultural Marxists, new age thinkers, SJWs, hippies, progressives/socialists/democrats, feminists, all of a sudden Jordan's super defensive and triggered, the typical signs of one's shadow reacting to a lack it projects onto the others. So while he and those in this interview keep passing judgements onto pedophiles and the media trying to silence them, they are ignorant of how they're negatively contributing to this very problem of demonizing and not integrating that shadow! TA-DA!! All that talk of GOD, of devils and angels and bible stories, yet all that is just rationalizations and talking, yet walking the talk they fall apart.
  8. From an outsider's perspective. Again it's complicated based on other developmental factors like value systems, cognition types, moral frameworks, personality types/traits, ego development, other developmental paths in a person's life to societal domains, ideological beliefs and self biases. Even demographics and psychographics can vary, so it's not just elitist upper class right people who pedro, but also middle to lower class, male and female, all races, all nationalities, so on that that is also a systemic issue. Maybe the solution is to copy Japan's systemic handling of such people? Maybe watch more hentai and read doujinshi?
  9. @Israfil I mean the very basic stuff, luke arithmetic or working in groups, very simple, bare minimum for society. Education is important for that, or bare minimum for university. Otherwise parents would be too stressed, providing and protecting, but now having to teach so many educational topics to their children, that is why teachers outside family exists, to take some of thag burden to teach the regurgitated stuff. I get the half truths and indoctrination. Not an easy solution to fix, as the first hurdle most people it collectives will avoid, admitting they fucked up and risking a mass hysteria.
  10. @StarStruck Is that all Andrew Tate is just saying though, just let men develop themselves, become masculine and provide value? What about his many other clips of him being sexist and misogynistic and misleading, and him running an affiliate program scheme, and a shady only fans webcam girls he pimps? Are these fine masculine qualities for boys to aspire to? Since following the Tate brothers like a groupie, could you list what addictions, what type of depression, what business, what hobby you did? Can agree that some can learn from others, but have you learned the right lessons though?
  11. @Israfil Oh I see, thought it was the other way around. Also, not just his ignorance, but even how he marketed himself as a TRANS MARXIST debater...that's a mouthful and loaded terms already, which already triggers close mindedness in the biased different person. Maybe the hero of the left? Even then, Charlie Kirk still, even if the leftist was solidly educated and communicating skillfully, would still frame him as a fool with a hysterical laugh, thought I was listening to the joker for a minute.
  12. @Leo Gura It would be nice to see a Lex Fridman and Curt talk, see how different the two are.
  13. @hoodrow trillson I can take this 2 hour podcast and shrink it into 2 minutes and show the errors of their ways. Imagine, in the comic book industry context the following roles: Author/writer. story outliner. cover page artist. pencil sketcher. inker. page and panel layout. letterer. editor. Within this context, the scientist/rationalist/physicist, IS EQUIVALENT to the editor role, whereas the philosopher/idealist/visionary being critiqued in that podcast, IS EQUIVALENT to the writer, sketcher or the page cover artist. The roles of the sketcher/page cover artist/writer is to lay the foundation for the coming comic book, whereas the role of the editors, the scientists, is to work with what was founded and established, therefore the roles of scientists and rationalists is mostly A posterior knowledge already constructed, versus philosophers that deeply questioned that actually did the work that these future scientists stand on.
  14. @Blackhawk How could it be a perfect 50% fool 50% smart?
  15. @Osaid Perhaps this is just a syntax and semantics issue between me and you?
  16. @Leo Gura Yes, not disputing that he did a good job defending vaccines and Covid lockdowns in general as I mostly agree with him in that, just he was talking down a bit in general. That's fine for a scientist in his role. Just rubs the wrong way.
  17. @Osaid Probably true, and I've consistently seen Neil behave this way, just look at the Joe Rogen highlights and the PBD ones with Neil, you'll see him consistently have this superiority complex with some light narcissism.
  18. @Leo Gura Sure, but his delivery and behavior seems to me makes him more narcissistic, probably on the lighter side of the spectrum, just this 'I'm looking down on you' tonality and body language Neil's communicating. Not comparable to Logan Paul's or Andrew Tate's, but it's similar. Maybe it's the condescending superiority complex his tone is giving?
  19. @Carl-Richard As a Mr. Girl fan, I agree the more narcissistically prone the person is, the more interesting they become. Neil is an exception though, maybe it's just my bias for the more hyper logical types.
  20. @Socrates All I can say is: OMG SO TRIGGERED I LUV IT!!!??
  21. Found a nice one, this time of a person who may or may not be hallucinating. Can understand and empathize: Although in my opinion, this video is a bit mixed and a bit messy, some of his talking points don't quite fit the argument and case he's building here, main one being the case of if she's faking or deceiving, or if she's genuinely scared and in actual stress, and there's not enough to back either angle he's taking on, lack of evidence and a lack of a convincing reasoning to explain he's assumptions. I think that the real reason why he made this video is clout chase and to act on a fad and trending social event when it's hot, and not to present a solid compelling analysis video, more like a wish washing case of 'IS IT GENUINE, OR IS IT FAKE?!' kind of video. Mainly because, from his body language analysis of dilated eyes/higher increasing pitch/blink rate increase/decrease as signs of likely deception by analysis/metanalysis despite disagreements, to bringing up Maslow's hierarchy of needs after giving a analysis based on her appearance, to even the lack of bringing up potential explanations that it could be related to mental disorder, this lackluster attitude of not being direct enough and establishing a stronger point gives this impression to me that this video may appear genuine but it's likely a cash grab for some hot trending topic in social media events. I guess to me how he sequenced these points and how he presented them, this neutral false objective looking presentation, just FEELS WRONG, and presenting it this way weakens any case he's trying to build for or against the possible explanations he's tackling here: is she being deceptive or being real and genuinely reacting to a dangerous threat? IMO she's more likely being genuinely reacting to a threat, in her perception, versus her faking, very likely some hallucination or, more rarer, something only she can see appeared there, that is causing her this level of distress that actually exists that most people there. because of genetic makeup, brain structure and hardwiring, and other factors, are not as responsive, in fact a bit of a rant here this is the more creepier part of the video: A COLLECTIVE BYSTANDER EFFECT AND APATHY! Like not 1 person attempted to engage with her, not even a stewardess or some authority figure, all just looking on in apathy, as if waiting for her to piss off. Bunch of losers.
  22. @gettoefl @Israfil has this to say about schooling: Although in the technical sense I'd disagree because all the basic skills also come from the education system, some needs to be taught.
  23. @Israfil I partly agree, but I do feel like not only was he and the other uneducated but both are being bad faith. You can tell from the discourse that the main goal is to convince and persuade by attacking and demonizing the other side. Very little attempt to being good faith and trying to learn from each other, the symptom of today's increasing polarization, and other negative developmental factors.
  24. Has anyone watched the film yet? Please spoil the movie for me.