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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Majed Maybe @Leo Gura should make a power differential video?
  2. @Juan People's opinions about you are irrelevant.
  3. @Majed @OBEler @StarStruck It seems likely, plus on average they do have sexual fantasies. He may have googled it. And some don't. These are high quality posts, keep'em coming!
  4. @Leo Gura Hey! One thing you and Mr. Girl can agree on: Power differentials.
  5. @Leo Gura Not only that, but the mass hysteria is just going to be too much, if any government takes this seriously enougb to try and legitimize this sexual orientation, that's probably enough to spark domestic terrorist attacks and a civil war from the right to the left. Also, probably a huge increase in taxpayers to set up more rehabilitation programs, to try and correct or manage people of this nature, and other programs to help them, this might be expensive to do to hire high quality doctors to work with such people.
  6. @Majed The main problem is not that men/women, in their 30s and up, are having a dating or casual relationship with a 12 to 16 year old boy/girl, the main problem is scale, when thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of minor attracted people have relations with so many pre teens. BTW yes this is a legitimate sexual orientation, but it's not pedophilia you're referring to as that attraction is to prepubescent bodies, it's hebephilia, an attraction to mid to late adolescent bodies and bodies somewhere in the middle of developing puberty. In either sexual orientation, at scale it's just very difficult to manage safely, as likelihood of not just physical but mental and emotional harm, at scale, is far greater multiplied per person. That plus changes to the demographics, psychographics, and many other developmental factors makes this a very challenging task to solve at the deepest root level possible. If you're argument is concerning personal or individual scale, there's leeway here for maybe a healthy relationship, but what does that look like at the individual level, between an adult and a pre teen still developing psychologically? Especially factoring in exploitation and manipulations of the ego, and the more unethical behaviour and views from male and female psychology in dating?
  7. A short and nice analysis: https://youtu.be/6CcKdWGjNFA
  8. @Hardkill It's incredibly complicated due to other developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences and other lines of development in one's life and societal, plus ideological indoctrinations grooming and gaslight from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences in regards to sex, sexuality, dating and relationships. If we factor in technological advancement, the internet is like a multiplication factor that increases ADD/ADHD like symptoms, narcissism, self image and self esteem problems, decreasing attention spans, and filling the majority of the newer generation with shitty information intake, garbage in garbage out with over sensationalized social media content. Tik Tik is a prime example of everything wrong with the internet, the dark web, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, the influencer culture. The internet is like a bad mediator, going in between necessary life experiences like dating, intimacy, socializing, making and maintaining family and friend relationships, face to face not just within the internet. Just too much bad and misinformation out there that pollutes our current information ecology and ecosystem, making our systems sicker and retarded over time if we don't get this social media issues and the negative effects of overusing the internet under control.
  9. @Rishabh R Both are fine to do. If you want to find out yourself quickly, then the next time you contemplate, keep asking yourself 'why' questions, and only why questions for every answer. After that, switch to asking in different ways. Compare just asking yourself whys versus asking a variety of questions. Do you like to be super linear, or super creative when contemplating?
  10. @StarStruck My first edict as dictator, is to enforce everyone to properly title their threads, or never use social media again.
  11. What a nice example of immaturity, probably a stage red also: Pro tip: If you're going to be that disrespectful, you better be prepared with speed, strength and skills to actually deliver on that disrespect and be an animal in the ring, or just don't and stick to some trash talking.
  12. What a great example of isometrics strength, and speed, and great boxing movement and muscle coordination. I'm definitely guessing that the source of his strength and speed is isometrics, plus other factors in fitness. Of course it could be genetics and body compositions as well, but his build is very similar to Bruce Lee's, not as ripped, but for a smaller frame he's generating a lot of speed and power.
  13. @Rishabh R Here's a much better examples to ask @Leo Gura : First scenario: I ask What is insight? I answer it in multiple parts: 1) A deep penetrating vision and mental gaze. 2) A deep understanding of a thing or situation, the true nature. 3) intuition signals, emotional signals and implicit, pre cognitions of a TRUTH. I then make questions based on what I've answered and flower those questions, so for 1) A deep penetrating vision and mental gaze I question: What is penetration? What is vision? What is a mental gaze? What are some examples? What are and answer them like a primary tree or like a brainstorming session and just ask a big list of questions per answer. Almost like arm chair philosophy here. Second scenario, While I'm answering a question, I visualize and IMAGINE MYSELF becoming the question, or becoming the answer, or becoming those examples I'm providing, like what does it mean to be VISION ITSELF? What does it feel/look/sound like? What is like to become LIGHT and SPACE itself? So here I'm including my emotions and intuitions into answering these questions. Third scenario: I'm contemplating whilst living my day to day. So, if I'm contemplating insights, and I'm in the shop, and I feel an intuitive insight into packaging, I'd pick a product and contemplate it, whilst engaging my senses of that thing I'm contemplating. This is more a location and event based contemplation, when I'm within a situation that aligns with my contemplation. Another example of this, is contemplating masturbation or sex, this way I'm contemplating them when I'm ACTUALLY DOING THE ACTS I'M INTERESTED IN QUESTIONING! Epistemically speaking, you're basically asking @Leo Gura which methods of contemplations work more: Rationalizing or heavy logical usage in a private room, a more emotional/intuitive/creative feelings approach, using visualizations to become that which you seek deeper answers from, or an in-field location solely based contemplation, whilst in the situation you're contemplating? So which one is it? Should how my contemplation methods be tailored to my own biases, preferences, ideological beliefs, states of consciousness, cognition, morality, my own values, my own strengths and weaknesses? Should my contemplations be very personalized to me only and be modified versions of @Leo Gura's way of contemplating, or is it fine as is to use his methods in the beginning?
  14. @Majed Yes, religion makes most people happy.
  15. Don't take dating advice from Charlie and Destiny, they almost sound as bad as Andrew Tate:
  16. @Blackhawk Likewise, if you don't see the problem with your tit for tat thinking, of causing massive massacres with your ideological biases and simplistic thinking, then no discourse would make you open minded.
  17. @Tanz Basically what I've been saying, all they care about is making an ideology out of this without solving the deeper root problems, systemically, that create sex trafficking in the first place, and even this hebephilia/pedophilia attraction because a small percentage of the population are literally attracted to prepubescent to post pubescent bodies. All that Jordan Peterson did was mostly emphasized the psychological side of it, whilst that's piss poor IMO, he conveniently skips that a few are hardwired this way, and skips over that there are benign types, not just only malicious types, and is only interested in signal boosting and virtue signaling to his fanbase and conservative/traditional viewers getting thought terminated cliched here. Not only is pedophilia no a thought terminating cliche for the masses, so is anything resembling this qAnon conspiracy theory or even trafficking. Naturally these are dark subject matters almost nobody wants to engage fully with, which is actually the main reason why mainstream media is acting this way because it's too uncomfortable to engage with, not mainly because there are a few elites and syndicates connected to these activities.
  18. @Blackhawk Oh, so your solution is to give Russia the excuse of using a nuclear bomb? Okay then.
  19. @Tanz Sure, but this whole situation that the mainstream western media got itself into, allowed those anti mainstream biased ideologies in the alt right movements to then give a justifiable excuse to hate even more the mainstream. Hating isn't going to solve this problem, even in the most ideal circumstances this problem is half solved based on the complex developmental factors of stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits and the Jungian psyche modal, 9 stages of ego development, states of being, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from culture and the collective ego, and self biases and preferences. As long as the ego and collective ego keep on maintaining the SELF, it's shadows in particular of those seeking and chasing child like innocence in minor attracted persons, especially in the western hemisphere, then we'll never solve sex trafficking as all that is rooted in continual hating, hating on the perpetrators and hating coming from the victims and those that just hate for hating sake. Again look at that video I shared here about that Japanese cannibal. For that crime in France they wanted him executed, but instead they extradited him to Japan, which had the facilities to deal with someone of his biases and preferences, and from monitoring him as non-judgmentally as possible they determined that his cannibal urges were tied to his sexual urges, so THEY PRESCRIBED HIM PORNOGRAPHY AND A MASTURBATION RATE! Think about that, they encouraged him to watch porn and fap, so that his cannibal urges would be managed. Do you see a westerner from western culture recommending a cannibalistic person to watch porn and fap under observation, under some surveillance program? No, they'd just give life without parole or death sentence them, sweep the person and the underlying issues under the rug. Of course, Japanese culture and it's collective ego is different from the western ones, and has differences and similarities in other developmental factors, maybe genetic and a homogenous culture, but this culture has found a workable solution to even this sex trafficking issue, and the issue with people of such radically different biases like this, at the systemic level, yet in the west we're struggling to implement a systemic fix. Why?
  20. @Blackhawk Okay smarty, what's your solution then?
  21. A very interesting video, that I'm going to analyze and breakdown the body language and tonality of. This woman is a YouTube Content maker, a gamer and reactor I think. Different from my last ones as this is a YouTuber talking to the camera, with presumptions of a live audience and target audience in mind, I assume teens and other gamers. Because of the type of content and audience and the framing, and it being YouTube there's a performance and persona angle, a PR and public figure self image at play as well that I have to factor into the body language analysis. One of many videos I'll be commenting on: First impressions and intuitions: Her baseline is interesting and seems above average facial expressions. The ones that stand out are in conjunction to emotional points and story events in this game, if you observe her emotional reactions I felt a bit weird, and I remember feeling that way when I was watching Markiplier, Jackseptikai or Pewdipie in the past, especially Markiplier as her reactions reminds me of his reactions, which means I get the feeling that she may be within the autism spectrum and that she's more extroverted, could be wrong as it could be some other developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, and other lines of development in her life domains to societal ones, ideological upbringing, self biases and preferences. Her idiosyncratic behaviors are a bit interesting. Also another factor here is that she's playing this game blind meaning that this is her first let's play through of this game, which means emotions could be more genuine but also I assume when she's addressing some comments that there's going to be higher defensive behavior to look out for spoilers I think. 0:43 to 0:46, you'll see her mouth, interestingly do somewhat of a mouth shrug, and I've seen her do this multiple times, but the particular thing here is the corners of her mouth make somewhat of a frown first briefly, corners slightly going down and in this particular case a bit of tongue sticks out, but it's noted here for me. Best guess is that that is what's called in body language analysis circles an epistemic shrug, which means a 'I don't know, I don't have anything to add, I can't add or subtract from your statements, not much I could offer.' basically combined with slight head tilt, shoulders shrugging and hands raised palms facing upwards slightly is a universal sign for shrugging behaviors for an 'I don't know'. This matches with her tone and her word choice here because she doesn't know if this is the final part of the story, she's anticipating it is and speculating on her part, which knowing that she's playing this blind that future anxiety of getting spoiled may be leaking in her sub communications to the camera. Also throughout the video her face and neck generally more tensed a bit. Also, moments of random blurting out, speaking out her mind almost unfiltered, plus I'm picking on in terms of word choices and language lots of compliance rhetoric, like using the 'we' pronouns a lot like in her intros in every video of this series. Not to say that use of compliance rhetoric, appeals and fallacies to ethos, pathos and logos makes a person manipulative and deceptive outright, it's just a bit strange with her usage of those techniques here when in fact she's the only one bearing the brunt of this playthrough and nobody else, like literally she's telling nobody in her comments to not give her tips, tricks, hints, spoilers of the game play or story, yet why would she include the band wagon effect here?? 22:20 to 22:30, a lot going on in terms of tonality, facial expressions and words. When describing fire flies potentially being good people, her eyebrows tense and furrow briefly, in anger or frustration or some internal disagreement with word choices, mouth and neck tenses and this time not a mouth shrug but a half mouth frown, which usually when lips are pursed or downturned like this, it may be signs of disagreement, anger or confusion, much likely disagreement internally, followed by increase in tonality and volume. 1:01:47 to 1:01:50, the 'jump scare' and her words 'OMG that legit just scared me a bit' very exaggerated reactions, but as she's making that statement her right hand covers her mouth while speaking. Tonality is questionable here, I'm a bit at 50/50 whether that's a genuine reaction or a scripted acted reaction, I think it may have been genuine firstly, but she then exaggerates the feeling and emotional display a bit more here. Not deceptive or defensive signs, but again for performance I think. 1:28:40 to 1:28:50, very brutal part of the gameplay. In terms of facials and tone, blank, slight lip compression, and at 47 to 48 a very emotionless, neutral and bored 'sorry'. It's as if she has turned off her usual body language and tonality emotional outputs, Forgot to mention before she had military, but don't know exactly her past military role/she also plays FPS, so maybe this part when the doctors were preparing to remove Ellie's parasite in her brain, which would have killed Ellie, she has already decided. It's just this moment is a bit jarring and contrasts with her usually very upbeat tonality and facial expressions throughout this playthrough. To me it feels psychopathic and maybe she triggered this apathy state? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiNyYiY9ZaAAxVoVUEAHZhuCaQQFnoECA4QAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.betterup.com%2Fblog%2Fhow-to-read-body-language%23%3A~%3Atext%3DFrowning%20may%20indicate%20disagreement%2C%20anger%2Cmaking%20a%20judgment%20about%20something.&usg=AOvVaw3EfhYW7tw9D-d9r4iFOyj2&opi=89978449
  22. If this is the average for debates, bad faith tactics and dogmatic answers, versus open minded good faith charitable takes, then we'll get almost nowhere: So many good lessons of ignorance and delusions from both sides, plus ignorance of stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated and gaslight into a person's mind from upbringing and culture, and self biases and preferences projected. The one phrase that IMO made this trans debater win regardless if he's specifically right within context, is when he states to the other how he's arguing in front of a mirror. ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! This whole debate is a sham to maintain both your egotistical projections and both your boogeyman. However...you're also arguing at a mirror too, so both of you have lost the moment you both decided to bad faith each other like this and act immature, and not try to be mature and seek mutual understanding and empathy instead of bad faith tactics each other to death. Partial credit to the YouTuber for the culture Marxism history explanation. which kind of reminded me of Noam Chomsky's Manufactured consent work.
  23. @OBEler Thanks for letting me know, his entire YouTube channel was mass reported for his rap songs.