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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Recursoinominado ? While I don't like the quality of his voice, he's got decent tonality and very active body language, lots of left hand activity and illustrators/signifiers using his left hand, emphasizing certain word choices. Generally very animated, with moments of self soothing behaviors touching his beard then neck then his collar and parts of his T-shirt, back to his beard/nose/forehead, just very energetic and animated. Compared to Destiny's general body language and tonality, his body seems to not want to be there, looking at how his shoulders slump slightly, his hands in a prayer or closed together between his legs, as if protecting his crotch, seems very supplicative and submissive and defensive, just doesn't want to be there. Interesting that because he's a gamer/streamer/political commentator and debater bro, that his speaking is calm and fast, even, and some good illustrators with his hands, a few micro expressions on certain words. However, after he's done speaking he resumes that submissive sheltering posture on his seat. I don't know about the rainbow woman to Zizek's right, but she's more focused on talking about spirituality and new age thinking topics, first changings topics and tries to connect the gamification and gaming of life to spirituality IMO is jarring, also tonality and body language supplicative and empathy seeking. In fact I deeply hate the interviewer here as she did a piss poor job trying to control the framing of this interview/panel discussion, trying to sell us repeatedly that this talk is a debate, when it's nothing like a debate, dumb blonde. Also nervous energy at times for no reason.
  2. Nice short video of Destiny, I will also body language analyze his tonality, signs, and factor in the interview framing and other developmental factors: https://youtu.be/Cb-DXaJpxvc
  3. @Epikur So, who do you thought won this? Also, unfortunately I can't when Zizek talks, can't stand how he speaks even if he's got some valid points, unfortunately making me side with Destiny a bit here. Still wonder why Zizek chooses to speak when he should be writing more often.
  4. Here's the video: I haven't watched it yet, but for those who have, spoil me here. What's the main issue or what did the movie get right that mainstream media, CNN, is reacting like this? What is the political and social commentary, governmental, or other recent event that this movie is triggering? What are your thoughts?
  5. Only in terms of analyzing debates is Destiny in his element here:
  6. Assuming Destiny convinces and persuades a red piller away from red pill ideology, the next thing that person will create a narrative of and attachments to is the person that convinced them, Destiny, to be the next future male role modal for them, which is highly unlikely because the next question is: Is Destiny a healthy male role modal? Given his divorce of his first wife while having a son, his cheating, his questionable relationship with Melina( Because Melina is a fan of his, para socializing onto him, therefore he doesn't need too many PUA techniques to attract and hook her, plus the motivation for this open relationship is content based and for her green card in the USA) and her making Destiny a cuckold psychologically, I disagree with him being a healthy male role modal. Personally, I'd pick Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nikola Tesla, even Albert Einstein, as potential male role modals.
  7. @Scholar Destiny does show the limitations of stage orange, as he also has a stage green shadow and some below he's stage of development. However he's just too different cognitively speaking, too autistic and hyper rational and categorical in thinking, with a lesser moral development, with personality types and traits like more openness than closeness, more orderly than chaotic, more disagreeable than agreeable in talks but in social situations more agreeable, more introverted than extroverted, and more neurotic, plus he seems to have sociopathic traits due to early childhood trauma of putting down puppies in his family home, dealing with betrayals and 12 plus years of internet drama, trolls and haters and critics, whilst telling himself lies that he loves debating and arguing while gaming when in fact he doesn't, his body language and tonality and non-verbals tell me otherwise, his state of consciousness is much lower, his ego development stage at opportunist to conformist, and he's too ideological and dogmatic in certain issues even when he preaches to be less.
  8. @Ulax I mean, if you're persistent in your LP, and marketing/business/career, you'll tend to attract the slightly more important public figures. That being said, based on developmental factors like Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of being/becoming, life experiences, other lines of development, in life and societal domains, ideological beliefs indoctrinated and gaslight into one's mind, self biases and preferences, Destiny is not the ideal example to role modal for for success. Based on tonality and body language around certain topics and words he used, and he's takes on red pill and dating and relationships not the best. For example, even if he's able to convince and persuade(The ultimate purpose of debating and arguing, to convince/persuade, or manipulate/exploit another's perspective into believing your relative truth, therefore the purpose of debating is not truth seeking but truth preserving and spreading one's dogma and ideology) an ideologue that follows the red pill that he's wrong and needs to leave the movement, which he does, he'll still have a mind that seeks to replace the ideology that's deprogrammed, which is the closest thing to it, the person that signifies and represents the winning side's argument and debate, Destiny, and all he's other ideologies that he's passing onto that ideologue, to convert him into another Destiny ideologue. Is that a healthy male masculine role modal, when you've cheated multiple times when you're married, divorced your first wife in front of your son, sexting and online date a female fan who's already para socializing onto you, who you marry for her to have a green visa and to use you instead, despite the objective asymmetrical power dynamics she's also cucking him, him justifying his cheating behaviors as him being BI when he's just cheating? Are all that healthy masculine role modal to follow? Especially when most of his income and monetization comes from more social media involvement and poisoning most people's minds and viewers, which puts him positionally very close to the source of this less masculine problem, the internet and overuse of social media, the predatory algorithms tailored to each user's bias, making profile pictures too beautiful automatically which screws with self image, and this click bait culture we currently have that memes everything, which DESTINY IS A PART OF!
  9. Oh this one's very spicy to analyze the body language and tonality and word choices of two people getting fired up, plenty of non verbals for frustration and anger: Damn, even the thumbnail is misleading and manipulative. Notice the picture of Patrick Bet Dave's fuller smile, showing more crow's feet around eyes and a wider smile showing more teeth, in comparison to Anthony Weiner's smile, less crow's feet, smaller smile, and much more thinner neck.
  10. This body language analysis is interesting, and I will evaluate it for biases:
  11. @Nilsi Wait, wait, hold on. I know you miss the older content that Leo makes, I do, I actually like where the current direction Actualized.org is heading to. I wouldn't compromise this for shorter Tik Tok like videos sorry, not going to happen.
  12. @CARDOZZO Of course, because I'm here reading and posting in this thread, and because you already know I don't like Lex Fridman, you set up this both siding fallacy , and moot and bailey fallacy between Andrew Tate and Lex Fridman to sneak in a passive aggressive statement against me, but just to let you know you're blocked so you can ditch the passive aggressiveness towards me. And Lex Fridman, is better compared to Tate I agree, however he himself isn't innocent as well: @Leo Gura is much better than these two combined because: He engages with philosophical thinking seriously. He has been a life coach, and created the life purpose course that keeps on getting higher and higher values the more times you engage with the exercises. He also has collected booklists of high quality and range of subjects, yes they cost money to access but the potential value in each book is millions of dollars in returns. He makes long form high quality videos covering a wide range of topics such as sexuality, some business and career advice, relationships, basic self help concepts, philosophy, health and few points of fitness, metaphysics, epistemology, spirituality, concepts of nonduality and more advanced spirituality, infinity, god realization, psychedelics(a major contribution that makes him really stand out IMO), some dangers to taking concepts or actions too far. He can out speak and out perform Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate in motivational speeches and can improvise whilst talking in long formats, meanwhile Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate have to rely on jump cuts and edits. He has created and maintained a high quality forum and has strict standards here that rivals the two, as they never have created any websites with honor. WAY MORE integrity and discipline than Lex and Andrew combined. How is it acceptable to compare Leo to Andrew Tate or Lex Fridman is crazy, he's on a whole other dimension in value provided than the two could ever match up to.
  13. One last analysis of this person in this video: As I've spent even more time observing her, my previous body language analysis of her still stands, her tonality and facials for the videos are like Markiplier: language communication for a younger audience. One point of contention I highly disagree is with her psychological take of Abby's story between 1:15:00 to 1:18:00, that Abby is saving the kids to win his affection. NO! That's wrong, based on developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types and traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing and environment, and self biases. Her psychological take of Abby's motivation is wrong because it mostly discounts the events that happened to her and simplifies her hero's journey as some fetch quest for some affection and validation for Owen, so a brief recap of the story, spoilers alert, in the lens of Shadow Work and Architypes by Carl Jung, done in this video here, video not by me: IMO decent analysis, and if this person added some Shadow Work as an additional factor then we'd clearly see why Abby is actually, as a character in her hero's journey is a good character, trying to overcome some of her shadows created by other characters, and the story events.
  14. @hoodrow trillson No, Leo should start warning or banning people that keep riding the Andrew Tate train.
  15. This situation of talking and venerating Andrew Tate's views, and red pill ideology nowadays is a pretty bad topic. Honestly it should be compared to conspiracy theories and just be locked. They are sounding as nutty and crazy as the qAnon conspiracy theory, the reptilians and the greys and all that.
  16. @Ramu Why are misogynistic, toxic males popular these days? By just being creepy? If that was true, then actually it would be far easier to spot those scams and predatory behaviors by Andrew Tate and other red pillers if all they did was say and act creepy. They just know how to be charismatic, and say the right triggering emotional words to draw a bigger audience base for themselves.
  17. @Enlightement I agree he has some nuggets like expressing yourself without social validation seeking, and maybe other stage orange values. The problem is that that's about 10-20% the good stuff, whole 80-90% is total BS. From running and affiliate program scam called Hustler's university, to expressing sexist and misogynistic worldviews, to using a belt to whip a blonde in the big brothers tv show, to tax evasion via cryptocurrency, to mind fucking young men and sexually objectifying women, to pursuing hyper materialism and capitalism, to even using a bottom bitch to recruit young compromised girls for his shady web cam business. Seems like you're doing a both siding fallacy, which in this case doesn't quite work because the potential good he could have done is not equal to the potential harms and negatives he's actualizing. Sorry, no amount of motivational speech, no 'empathetic' approach to understanding his audience is not going to outweigh all his negatives he has actualized so far.
  18. Feel free to answer any of these questions, because being silent is not always golden.
  19. @Hatfort Assuming you can survive the mistreatment of the cinema staff. Apparently they're making the viewing experience uncomfortable by leaving the lights on, turning up the AC and so on.? That's why I am waiting on the guys here to go in there and tell me what the movie's like.
  20. @charlie cho I'd love to fight him in the ring, but I'm a JKD martial artist, so he'll probably get lots of injuries so... Easy win on the debate, cuz I'm just going to keep bringing up that one clip of him snitching himself as a rapist scamming pimp. Easy win GG.
  21. @charlie cho If you have no personal feelings for @Leo Gura and love him, then why are you still talking about Andrew Tate in this way, knowing how Leo doesn't like him? Do you talking about people your family or friends hate while with them? Yes, Andrew Tate may not be a great actor, musician, businessmen. What's the point your making here with this statement? So in terms of fighting and playing chess to demonstrate his forward thinking skills, the artistic parts of this fighting/war aspect, he's great? Isn't fighting and martial arts meant to train one's discipline, same with chess and thinking? If that's true, then why did Andrew Tate start affiliate program hustler's university, and recruit young girls into his illegal web cam business using a bottom bitch, and behave like a pimp scammer instead of a disciplined critical thinker? So because Andrew Tate accomplished far more short term success than @Leo Gura, person you love and respect here, that justifies he's treatment of women and being a sexist and misogynist, even when he hasn't made a course that out competes against Leo's life purpose course, or even shared books and exercises better than Leo's? If all your argument rests on that Andrew Tate is a Muay Thai champion(or is it kickboxing?), and a chess champion, because he's soo successful, then you can take that argument to also argue and justify Jimmy Savile behaviors in the BBC, or Jeffrey Epstein's actions, just because they were highly valuable successful males short term. If that's your entire argument you can easily do that to most evil successful males, right?
  22. @Yali I think he meant 15% of Americans are overt racists. The 20-30% are more covert Racists.
  23. Also, I'm sorry, but 20:53 to 21:36, dying 4 times to that quick time button pressing...first time ever, as I've seen many other playthroughs they survive that quick time, I'm calling BS. Also few minutes afterwards IMO that reactions was suspicious, like you just witnessed Ellie(and you the player) kill in self defense a pregnant lady, and you give that type of reaction? That's super weird AF.
  24. Another video of hers I'm analyzing: Really odd to me is at 15:40 to 16:00, very odd emotional reaction to killing the dogs, from her facials to tonality. Maybe she has different values? Another assumption, what's really bugging me, is I intuitively feel like her target audience is 12 year old and below due to her exaggerated expressions and emotional outbursts. Kind of reminds me of Markiplier's persona and energy, maybe that's why? But if this is the case then I'm a bit disturbed by it because if you look at her body language, facials, mannerisms, tonality throughout these videos, if her target viewers are much younger, and her banner art in her channel being classed as Chibi art(Which in Japan chibi a genre of art that has cute like features emphasized, intended for children from pre school, to elementary and middle school) then most of her content is inappropriate for that age group because the Witcher, and TLOU1 and 2 contain mature themes, graphic violence and gore, and suggestive sexual themes not suitable for that demographic. I don't know, probably will focus on another person for body language analysis for now. This person gives me strange vibes. What do you guys think in terms of body language? Am I a bit off or am I close to being right? Any inputs @Carl-Richard, @Roy, @Leo Gura, @itsadistraction, @Yimpa