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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Yimpa Sorry, but you'll never replace classic roofing tiles on houses.
  2. Compare and contrast to this video, it's so manipulative:
  3. I've also had the privilege, and unfortunate luck, of being his fan for 7 years. I had the realization of him being a dangerous manipulator with extremely good persuasion rhetoric in order to mind fuck new viewers into believing his lies a few months ago, and I've decided to see some of those videos again. I don't want anyone in the future to view or follow this guy, this guy actually due to how subtle his manipulation skills are is very dangerous and what he stands for. Now I realize what it's like being a victim of brain washing and mind control, it's so disgusting. Screw this cult leader!!
  4. This video between Brittany Simon and Destiny bridge falling is INSANE TO ANALYZE! Not only do I detect a bit more deception on parts when he's overreacting here and there, but mostly defensiveness based on his body language and tonality and word choices and I will later timestamp on some parts of my analysis. Similar to Brittany's takes on SNEAKO, which I will review their body language later to see if there's some genuine connections there or not: In a general conclusion, Destiny is very immature, very defensive around topics of relationships, may be interpreting SNEAKO the internet persona in bad faith, and not separating that to the real life SNEAKO, which is classic ego projecting 101, because Destiny is an internet persona made by Steven Bonnet the 3rd, Destiny the internet persona and BRAND lasting for 12 YEARS!!! Please don't tell me that he CONVENIENTLY FORGOT THAT HE'S PROJECTING HARD AF HERE!!!
  5. Sigh, I thought there wouldn't be a video worse than boxing science, but here it is: NO! Stephen Fulton wasn't just struggling because Naoya Inoue was slightly more technical in his boxing skills, but the main reason why he's able to dominate this fight was because part of his training, and maybe genetics, allows him to recruit more type 2 muscle fibers into his strikes, so he LITERALLY was faster and stronger than Fulton, while Fulton was left trying to play catch up with a faster and stronger boxer. Factoring in so many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development especially health and fitness, rest and sleep quality, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences. All these big picture factors to more specific factors makes a boxer very dangerous, especially when they can recruit more type 2 muscle fibers than you could, given very similar technic base and muscle coordination.
  6. Is whack and corny AF! I don't want to disrespect these guys, but they honestly either have little idea of what they're talking about, or are to biased with rationality/science/materialism, something unfortunately popular in the UK, Europe and USA, disregard other developmental factors that make a great boxer and fighter like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological upbringing, and self biases and preferences, plus genetics and body composition. More specific issues with this channel and those like it, other than having deep materialistic and rationality/scientific biases, is that there's also deep fitness assumptions. Well, fitness is part physical, part mental and part emotional fitness and effort. Also didn't like some of his other videos of him nit picking they're training methods when in fact their training methods WORKS FOR THEM! They have no idea how training is very tailored to that person, that it's personal training to them, and they treat these types of training like it's a typical fitness training program, just nope. As far as training it is to me, IMO SHADOW BOXING AND FREE SPARRING IS MOSTLY WHAT MAKES THE BOXER MORE GREATER, working with footages of other masterful fighters, imagining in detail the skills executed. Secondary to shadow boxing for form and technical skills and free sparring all in the boxing ring, are the pad works, the heavy and speed bags, all those other cardio stuff is additional layers covering the core of what makes a more dangerous and skillful boxer: MIND. This particular video underestimates this guy's mental training parts, oh just because it doesn't translate into boxing exactly...
  7. Sigh, I thought there wouldn't be a video worse than boxing science, but here it is: NO! Stephen Fulton wasn't just struggling because Naoya Inoue was slightly more technical in his boxing skills, but the main reason why he's able to dominate this fight was because part of his training, and maybe genetics, allows him to recruit more type 2 muscle fibers into his strikes, so he LITERALLY was faster and stronger than Fulton, while Fulton was left trying to play catch up with a faster and stronger boxer. Factoring in so many developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development especially health and fitness, rest and sleep quality, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, and self biases and preferences. All these big picture factors to more specific factors makes a boxer very dangerous, especially when they can recruit more type 2 muscle fibers than you could, given very similar technic base and muscle coordination.
  8. @integral New idea for Leo's style of video making in the future: similar to podcasts, have a person there, like a hot witch girlfriend, also give her take on some points of a video, and get an interesting back and forth of ideas.
  9. @ValiantSalvatore Oh no, you're doing the Destiny thing of fast forwarding to 2x. I've tried watching at faster speeds, then normal, then at slower speeds and I've noticed some tradeoffs: At 2x when I try to remember their voice is like a Mickey Mouse one, and the video feels like I'm listening to a nightcore version of a song. Maybe if you need to be wuicker and crunch in the repetitions if theory then maybe this is fine. At normal speeds the video experiences remain the same as always, and when I try to remember the details they are exactly the same. At slower speeds the video experiences are altered, and feels like I'm listening to an anti nightcore music. In this case though, if I'm doing body language analysis, verbal and discourse analysis of a person's reaction and micro expression, it does help to slow down part of that to better soak in that non verbal.
  10. Lex Fridman comments on the new brand design. Fan bou simp written allover:
  11. OMG Destiny's take here is a bit cringe, just how he, whether or not he knows, is dehumanizing the moral compasses of what people naturally react instinctively to immoral situations is just WOW:
  12. @Forza-Spirito Yes, isometrics, more specifically yielding and dynamic tension types of isometrics firstly builds tendon/ligament strength, and the prolonged burn of lactic acid does do slight microscopic muscle tears in prolonged isometric holds. However, yes when compared to body building programs, especially other modern day fitness programs for building muscle size they are faster and more effective, but through isometrics muscle size can happen it's just longer. The main pro for isometrics is the strength and body's ability to recruit type 2 muscle fibers faster, and not build nervous connections, but better firing of the synapsis and this 'mind muscle connection' part. True, that isometrics can increase blood pressure DURING the exercise, but not before or after, and actually doing grip isometrics reduces blood pressure. Also, there is a 10-15 degree carry-over from the isometric position of the joint, leading to isotonic contraction(isometrics when muscle is shortened) or isotonic extensions(isometric when muscle is expanded). This also why it's suggested to do at least 2 more sets of overcoming isometrics on the isotonic contraction/extension of the muscle group you're targeting so that the strength carry over is more distributed. As always there's some degree of carry over, it's not only limited to an exact position. Another additional benefit of isometrics is for muscle recovery, or rehabilitation of the muscle post surgery from an accident when the range of motion is limited. Yes, you'll probably lose muscle gains and a bit of size in the effected part, but you can rehabilitate and maintain the strength of that effected muscle group.
  13. @shnsky This is a typical pattern of behavior I've observed @Blackhawk do, if it came to controversial topics that trigger him/her/it, he/she/it will oversimplify to the extreme, interpret the collectives issues into a neat little box and treat it as if it's an individualistic problem he/she/it can tackle. As usually that view does not work and moreover contributes to maintaining and creating more problems.
  14. This 90 days fiancée tv show, while it is biased for entertainment, and maybe the couple are trained into giving exaggerated behaviors for the show, and while the observer guy did his best analyzing the non-verbals, I intuitively feel that he's projecting his biases and preferences, along with being ignorant of other developmental factors, and the prior contexts per couple he's evaluating the body language for: and Are a few examples of this guy. While yes he's married, I feel that he's lacking in the dating, sexuality, relationships and family factors here. Also I did a read on him too, and he's stage green primarily whilst having stage orange and a few blue values. Comment down below, don't ignore me! What are you're thoughts and feelings about these videos? Your impressions?
  15. @Leo Gura Damn, if they were landing then they needed more padding or something to cushion the fall, I mean they are smart to know a crash landing against a solid terrain would be bad right? The other point reminded me of that death ray tower Nikola Tesla was thinking about designing, and he had some of those blueprints before his 'accident' of getting crushed between two parked cars. Maybe the government managed to create a laser tower system or something like that. Still a possibility of 'evil' aliens, you know like Cthulhu, but in the sense that their developmental factors like cultural values, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, ego development, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological beliefs, and their own self biases, and other developmental factors are 'alien' or 'amoral' compared to our own human morality, AKA they're too different from us, and that difference is what we call EVIL because they're unknown, and what's unknown is scary. And obviously some highly advanced and loving aliens too.
  16. @Mesopotamian Yes, sometimes in between. Yes, let yourself admire boobs. Yes, but don't gawk at boobies, just look. Yes, you have the right to ignore boobs. If you want to start a fight, yes compliment the boobs. The rules are simple: don't be creepy or a pervert, and don't break your country's laws. In most contexts boobs are private, which is a sexist hypocrisy because most cases we see varying degrees of cleavages and under boobies with some beach bras and half nakedness, but most cases men's balls a not shown. Typical sexual objectification and suppression. #freemenballs.
  17. OMG, look at this guy's physique! From a mostly predominant isometrics training program: Another person with monstrous physique:
  18. First time seeing this observe guy getting triggered: Based on developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development and shadow parts of the ego, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development across life to societal domains, ideological indoctrination from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences, without doing much research into the background of Nikkiphillippi, they're definitely lower in development, understanding and empathy in this situation very low if not fake, definitely felt heavily rehearsed for persuasion and manipulation of the viewers, especially more from this woman than the guy, guy felt like a BETA MALE SIMP! She definitely felt more like a psychopath, a sociopath or even higher degree of Narcissism as she showed multiple signs of contempt for Bowser, the dog he put down, likely that she's the dominant one psychologically in the relationship, intuitively felt that she was deciding for him. From this, I get the sense that for Observer guy, he's an animal lover, therefore he's more stage green than stage orange in values, more into animal welfare, animal rights, I wouldn't be surprised if he's Vegan and a humanitarian or environmentalist as is his Girlfriend or wife is more. Definitely felt him getting more triggered and frustrated/angry over their decision to put down Browser. HOWEVER! To briefly do devil's advocate, the decision to euthanize Browser, or any animal pet is a legal right depending on country or state, and what justifies euthanizing a dog or some other pet animal are the following: The animal in question has killed a human being, or a child, or killed another pet animal. The additional point of if the animal harmed human beings multiple times but hasn't killed them, and children, and same with other pet animals is debatable. The animal in question is very sick and has a terminal disease, causing them great suffering every day, and condition is still the same and worsens. Personally, as fucked up as putting down your pet for having a severe terminal disease, that's much better than keeping them alive suffering more than you. Obviously in context, these two streamers or social media influencers are very vile and have screwed up psychology that needs attention, especially for Dan here as I'm intuiting that this woman, just like Amber Heard, just like Megan, are narcissistic and manipulators taking advantage of a guy, in fact from his body language he actually shows very similar signs to women who were victims of human trafficking, but Dan is being mind fucked by this woman so severely that he had no backbone to say no to this woman's forcing him to euthanize Browser. These two perfectly exemplifies overconsuming social media and the brain rot the internet has done onto the younger generation.
  19. Very fascinating case to obverse here:
  20. @StarStruck Are you ready to get your 20,000$ refund from Hustler's university and the webcam stuff? I suggest you do ASAP Cuz once Andrew Tate and Tristen Tate are in jail, that refund might be illegible.
  21. @Halcyon Iconoclast That's very interesting! I will check the I ching hexagram out.
  22. @Selfnaught Best wah to start is to start a journal here. Or when you're browsing to the other forums, if you find an interesting topic you want to comment, then post. If you come across any higb quality videos then do make a thread in the right sub forum.