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Everything posted by Danioover9000
@Scholar @Leo Gura you should start warning users against posting content coming from a sociopath, like this guy above. Nothing personal @Scholar, but DESTINY is a highly manipulative liar which cannot be trusted at all, probably a good study for how to debate and argue, but for truth he's compromised to the 9th degree.
@Roy While I agree that it's a possibility that it could be a malfunctions, happens sometimes, I disagree that that is the higher probability that the UFO at Roswell crashed, in fact there's also the event of the battle of Los Angeles where the military spotted multiple lights in the shy, and thinking that it\'s the Soviet union jet fighters they used artillery to shot them down, so much likely that a artillery shell exploded near the Spacecraft and it crashed like that. They are designed to travel at light speeds or some kind of space warping travel, but not to withstand a shell bomb impact. But you never know for sure, plus this is a bizarre video and I'm not surprised anymore:
@Jehovah increases Side note I was reading your username too quick first time and thought it read 'Jenova increases'. I'm like damn, you must play Final Fantasy 7, that's a deep reference! you're into Japanese RPG! No wonder you know most of this science and nerd stuff.
@Jehovah increases I got the neti neti experience, please no more, that damn near put me in a repeat of the dark night of the souls. Also, apparently other businesses and billionaires are getting interested in some form of space mining, and are planning a lunar economy. That is interesting because the two main elements gound in the moon actually are really good industry minerals to make pretty powerful machines: https://www.space.com/moon-mining-gains-momentum Also, and finally, a legit reason and pressure to ACTUALLY SEND PEOPLE TO THE MOON FINALLY! I mean damn took many decades ago, forgot NASA and it's space program existed for a minute, them people be sleeping. Finally the astronauts waiting in virtual suspended animation somewhere in some pocket dimension will get reanimated to go back to the moon. Finally a lunar restaurant, maybe a lunar supermarket, and we'll be even closer to actually see if the moon is hollow, and is a forgotten space ship BOY! Imma be honest though, I think at this point maybe alien life isn't a big deal though? We've got media and mainstream movies and stuff about martians, UFOs, Reptilian people, some whacky depictions. I mean we've got wild imaginations. Is jt really a big deal? Even me, and I don't buy too much into UFOs and aliens cuz I survived a haunting experience in my childhood so paranormal experiences to me are already possible and are far more shocking than UFOs, but maybe it's relative.
@Jehovah increases Here's my next intuitive speculation: We did have contact with another alien civilization, that created the earth's moon not not just observe us, but as a warning to other alien races spying and scouting our planet: It's all making sense now.
A slightly unrelated topic, but we can't even answer for the existence of why we have a moon, never mind if aliens are out there: Also @Leo Gura had a blogpost telling us of the growing earth theory too, which is one way to explain gigantism not just on water but on land for the dinosaurs and other gigantic creatures then, because if scientists were to revive the T-rex and other sauropods, a trip would be very fatal, and even some would get crushed in earth's current gravitational field.
@Jehovah increases If we ever encounter very intelligent alien life, with very advanced alien technology, if they were hostile I imagine this type of weapon would be easy for them to use, considering they have alien technology that has meta properties or metaphysics, and other psionic types of weaponry of similar scale:
@BojackHorseman My intuitive speculation, the higher ups want to desensitize the population with controlled flow of information about UFOs, in order to minimize mass hysteria.
Another interesting video of behavioral and body language analysis. Sometimes, not just UFOs but events of supernatural, paranormal nature is witnessed is so odd and shocking sometimes each person's mind has ways to somehow cope with the literal alien experience it is receiving within it's sense making capacities: Sometimes people even embellish an event with addition story, sometimes some people tell and recount differently in order, some even have such a strong negative shocking response that, and this is the twisted bit of the mind, they even will add many lies and distortion to protect it's own reality bubble.
@ZzzleepingBear I partly agree that belief could be key, but I do feel like it depends on so many developmental factors, the context, and the duality and spectrum of fact based beliefs to feelings based beliefs. Maybe for example, in a healing visualization context, having a feelings based belief is practical in that the mind can somehow increase the healing rate of the damaged tissues, or eliminate cancer cells slightly faster. However, no amount of visualization could seal up an arm torn from your body by a shark, and a fact based belief, of first aid kit and basic medical practice that is tested over time, could help save your life instead of just wishing and imagining the arm stump close up or even regrow an arm.
@Yimpa Oppenheimer the scientist human, and the nuclear bomb.
@ZzzleepingBear I'll offer to be your temporary friend, talking about whether we'll also be having tea with a Gray alien one day. How cool would that be, having a tea party with an alien? Can we even communicate with one?
@Leo Gura This! This is exactly why when I was more against A.I programs in the past. When more people start obfuscating their mental and emotional fitness and power over to A.I, using A.I and being more lazy and lethargic instead of contemplating and trying to understand. This was my main concern then, like cheaters using A.I programs to cheat at playing chess without using their minds to actually play chess. When eventually the A.I programs can accurately interface reality to near exact realism WE WILL BE SKREWED AND FAR MORE LAZY!
DESTINY'S EULOGY (TWITCH RINGTONES) OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! This Damsel's slick in the brain, rapping in the rainstorm, brainstorming ways to storm your castle front. Even when licking wounds, I call it fronting torment! When you huff 'n' puff out your persuasion rhetoric, it's telling when you got to breath it out fronting. He's panicking when confronted with his own lies, gotta lie down, distort the message's fonts that time, retorts and rebuttals outta your mouth! How crude and rude of me, let me tick tock the clock, rewind time to tell story line by line. Born to parents, one American to a Cuban Ornament, so starts the tippy SLOPE, Steven's half MURICAN with no LOBE EXPRESSO, how do parents cope? Mechanistic DOME! That they call a HOME! Just for the SHOW! Their holy kingdom: Catholicism. HO HO HO! The origin of his mental prism, a nice complex of many schisms! They had the GOAL just to store coal over DESTINY's dome, and shoal him off to his granny's HOLD, just for her to THRICE PUPPIES LIVES FOR SHOW. For your info, this is socio-pathing, to the very start of his HELL-HOLE! So pathetic, this little SOCIOPATH BITCH!(DAMN) OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! And the SHOW'S just showing how it all just gets BETTER! Old enough that he then met her, then made her into his wifey, but many mistakes axes the wifey, he just can't beat his meat nicely. Had to heatedly cheat many times Bree, while thinking this is all just a game till he GOT FLAMED! This ain't no Sims game, ain't no date game, this ain't even a CASTLEVANIA GAME, there's no point in this circle of the moon, when it's a strange loop circling all back to you! So sorry I'm a Lycan under the moon's throbbing, You a doctor Jackal to this Mister HYDE. For the record you are no NICE GUY, due to your lack of SEX ED Imma tell it at your face, you BIG DISGRACE! Listen closely and no squinting and looking away from this: NATHAN'S YOUR GRAVE MISTAKE!!!(DAMN) So many mistakes you gotta DIVORCE AND SEPERATE, and you're Daddy of the year, cuz I hear that all this in front of your own SON!(DAMN)YOU FUCKED UP! And that's when it all gone down hill, and you gotta distract from this big hill. You waste time cleaning lady's rooms just to get Dominatrix, no wonder now you a bluish cockatrice (DAMN), then you got addicted to gambling like a fool, pulling your own wool over thy eyes ambling into CASINOS, trying to be the next ROYALE! Then you excused yourself from music abuse university, you have my sympathies, CAN'T BE IN A SYMPHONY!(DAMN) OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! Then outta nowhere, a spark in the dark park. Get addicted to games and internet dicks: NEXT STORY ARC! Then you had to compartmentalize Steven Bonnet ii, in a folder, just the net in some pigeon called DESTINY. Then you had to skinny dip into a whirlpool of toxicity:TWITCH'S GAMING INDUSTRY! Then play the blame game, blame this, blame that but never blame thyself! No wonder you can rationalize whys to justify murdering a doxxing kid that time! You are the Lich king to this zombies, just to brain rot all their minds out. At some point, this sociopath evolved: from a meek guy, into a bicycle. So bye bye honor, hello Bi-sexual, here lies he's masculine spine, and what grows are excuses for his cheating lies, recycling persuasion tactics. Then you online date within your fanbase, just to avoid PUA DISGRACE! So easy peasy lemon squeezy, hooking in a groupie from your own garden of BULLSHIT!(DAMN) So morally debased, morally bankrupt, immoral when you're corrupting her SOUL OUT. From ANNA, to BARBIE, AND LAV TO another chick, I see this pervy incest is BUSY FARMING FRUITIES! Or I could be wrong, cuz you think you're exploiting when in fact she's playing you like a FIDDLE MAN!(DAMN)I mean, not to be mean, but it's been 4 years already till the next vote! This bicycle riding this TOWN BICYCLE LIKE A REUSED WHORE! Your so called Fiancee maybe wants that green card now, so don't think you'll be winning this Texas Poker NOW! I'm playing 7 card stud, and buddy you're outta luck! meanwhile you a snowflake fake NO SKILLS STUD , STUCK IN THIS ENTENDRE!(DAM) OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! OH DESTINY! OH DESTINY! THE ONE AND ONLY DEAD BEAT! Then you got triggered so much when a mister and misses girl had you twirling in a world of hurt!(DAMN) Can't handle the Narcissism, so you catatonia yourself into schisms, jumping from mental prisms to another prism, burning bridges left and right from prism to prism(DAMN),Sorry you can't categorize lines and story lines, overstressed no wonder you're BLUE BALLED BLUE HAIRED PEACOCK CUCKOLD BITCH!(DAMN)Gotta chase the blues, even though you've lost the hues that once coloured your eyes with SOUL(DAMN) Now you gotta console yourself at HOME, Sherlock Holmes can't TAKE ANYMORE!(DAMN)If this is WW1, then I have won, having so much fun, delivering these BOMBS, in bombastic fashion, so fasten your seatbelts when I FLASHBANG!(DAMN) This is WW1, I already won, bonneted rifle at hand, I Steven the odds, when I atop, stabbing in you THRICE! I am cold as ice, ain't no nice gal, ain't fronting with lies, IF WE CROSS IRL, ON FRONT LINES, IMMA TAKE YOU OFFLINE!(DAM) FLASH TO WW2, off the dome I come, You a lying nice guy, I'm cold as ice, with plastic C4s, for your sea of WHORES, over these thin ice, I ain't playing NICE! You a fa***** Adolf Hitler, layered bunker lies as far as the Gulf of Mexico! Go ahead Hitler, summon the dogpile. IMMA COMPILE A STOCKPILE OF DEAD LIVES EACH TIME!(DAM)And shove them in your mind, for I craft ATTACK LINES BY LINE BY LINE!(DAMN) I detect you lie you a masculine example, nah, you just masking you lifeless emotions that time. This is ww2, and I'm the pilot, IMMA SPIT FIRE WHILE MOSQUITO FLYING LOTS!(DAMN) I don't care, I'll flow low altitudes, just for fun poking and abusing this little shrew!(DAMN) Weaving the valley of darkness IMMA COME THROUGH, BOBBING LEFT AND RIGHT FROM THESE GUN LIGHTS, AS I PREPARE MY FAT TOMBOY, THEN RELEASE, AND SEE IT BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE, ROLL, ROLL, ROLL WAVES, IMPACTING THIS DAM!!!!
@Blackhawk Why are you trolling so often now in this forum? There's no disputing the high number of UFO sightings, and the effects of an exploding nuclear bomb in outer space.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Blackhawk That's were contemplation, mediation, spiritual practices, mindfulness, other self help technics, and philosophical thinking come into play, plus learning other life principles along the way. Believe in yourself, that eventually sooner or later all problems have a deep root solution fix. -
@Blackhawk It's a very interesting subject, to know whether he's lying or not. Here's another video that explains slightly differently: My intuitive feeling in all this 'are aliens in existence, are they real, are they fake?' type discussions, it's one of the following: The system is too lazy to update it's theories and modals in it's epistemic and metaphysical frameworks and assumptions of reality, to explain alien life out there, especially ones of more superior consciousness and intellect than humans, this deep human species bias. The system is scared of admitting such creatures more conscious and intelligent than humans exist, because we really love to be the apex predators, to have dominion over other animals and plants. Anything challenging that is an existential threat to our sense making.
@Someone here Well, you're in luck, because Mr. Girl(also has experiences being a therapist himself, having a dad as a therapist too) has a sex hotline that you can talk to him about at Mr.Girl.tv.?
@Someone here I've never seen a post that is literally 50/50 right and wrong at the same time. ? You're right on the points that sexual problems are to each individual's needs, whether or not Nofap is good for them, whether some need more celibacy or more sexual releases, also correlated to many other developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological indoctrination from upbringing, self biases and preferences. That is, until you start address pornography you then become wrong. You become wrong here because pyrography is one of the few safety nets for most women against younger men, as pornography functions as a collective sexual depleting system to further pacify and make younger men more docile. Yes, there are psychological tradeoffs like objectifying women sexually, and men too, however I'd rather have pornography as it is today to 10-20 years ago, than to abolish all of pyrography in society and risk many more face to face real life sexual encounters to many times more. Literally, if you prohibit digital and internet pornography videos/magazines/comics/erotica completely, or strongly regulate, then you'll popularize and increase demand for sex workers and brothels in the real world. Like you'll increase horny young men approaching women to 100x up to 1,000x, and increase creepy interactions slightly more. Counter intuitively, collectively, you'll increase more horny men approaching and hassling women for numbers and booby jobs. Your individual wish of the world will invoke the mass pillaging and groping of many women by younger horny men.
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Blackhawk No, I'm not a parrot. *Very. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Blackhawk No, you're not wrong because it's complicated, you're wrong because that's the level of development you are at across many other developmental lines in relation to this Ukraine/Russia conflict, which is fine because that's where you are at, you thinking you are in the right when you're wrong. No, I'm not saying I'm so smart and all knowing and know all solutions to all problems, although I'm GOD being a human being, I'm saying the whole situation is complicated yet you are viewing this in an overly simplistic lens. Also, I believe I have already given you the solution to this war. -
I have made up my mind, and have decided that based on many developmental factors like value systems, cognition, morality, personality types/traits, ego development, shadows, states of consciousness, other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated and proliferated from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences that Destiny the streamer, along with the debate bro sphere is the most dangerous manipulative persona out there in the internet. I cannot believe the amount of manipulation tactics he uses to gaslight, groom and indoctrinated other streamers, viewers and develop this echo chamber of his ideology to spread outwards with all his debate and persuasion rhetoric tactics. This and recently his massive spreading onto podcasts and talks is concerning to the ecology of the information landscape. He is dangerous to the societal, political and the information environment currently. I have studied his body language, tonality and speech patterns and know in some cases he outright is deceptive in some areas, whilst being stressful. He is not a good influence to the next generation, as he feeds into the problems in the internet we have today: Please unfollow and boycott this joke, he and his career and all his relationships are a sham. He makes me feel like how the observer guy feels like below, and you all should:
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Blackhawk No, I'm not saying that Russia is in the right, or Russia and USA are equally good, or everything is good. I'm just saying firstly, it's a complicated system, which you are judging from your limited individual point of view, and I reject you thinking I'm both siding fallacy or that I'm falsely equating here. I'll accept your assumptions that maybe I've built, not *build, a limiting belief system of stage yellow and green values, maybe I'm too detached and outside and think too abstractly and at big picture levels, that maybe I'm too naive. However, that does not necessarily mean I just can't believe that there is true evil in the world, although I'm not a moral absolutist or a religious fundamentalist there are some out there with this level of cognition of thinking in categories and binaries. Nice based takes and guess of my assumptions though, and the other user, but guess better...I guess. -
@integral It's not like I'm projecting myself or anything. I actually meant having like this podcast setup, with Leo and his witch GF there in one camera talking back and forth about at least some of the basic self help concepts, maybe the spiritual ones like the paranormal or something more advanced? Maybe the AI changes might be possible, but then again that feels like a regression because he was changing his thumbnails from those quirky expressions into just AI image like drawings, so further changes into some AI generated voice seems like too much change. There's probably a better metaphor out there, but I'll stick to this one: Main issue is not the main course that Leo is serving, it's the lack of appetizers, soups or salads before the main course. The Actualized.org clips channel, while it's a good compromise and acts like a reminder of principles in the original videos, doesn't have enough audience capture or enough of a hook. Definitely IMO that front edit software is too stimulating for visuals, so something less than that software would be nice.
@itsadistraction Maybe do one of those few music videos. Like he one with the Adolf Hitler clip, and replaced the subtitles on it. Also another video, I think it's the Leo blesses the fetus or something? Those types of content are great for the holidays and down turn periods for when Leo's taking a break from the hours long videos he makes.