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Everything posted by Danioover9000
@Enlightement I'm laughing because you're claiming that 'generally aliens are seen in Mexico' makes you sound like a racist xenophobe, implying the immigration from Mexico to the USA, and implying that Aliens are immigrants.
@Enlightement DUDE!?
@Jehovah increases Here's a very interesting one, where Aliens and UFOs meets psychics, also AKA the stargate project: Although credibility is 50/50 depending on who you are, if he's had a high success rate of psychic projection over short to long distances, I'll take his word for it.
@Jehovah increases Yeah, Leo shared a YouTube channel in that blog and he's really good, probably where Curt Jaimungal gets some of his UFO info. One example of one occuring outside the USA is the Colares report, and that in is very interesting because it's the only UFO where flashy sightings actually increase, and they gradually started attacking the villagers, then the police and finally even the military, and subsequently the sightings died down just after the military contacted the USA military for help.
@Jehovah increases Yes, found the documentary of skin walker ranch:
@Jehovah increases Sorry I think I meant skin walkers and not the wolf man. I think there was a tribe legend there of a great animal spirit??
@Jehovah increases Oh no, not you too! It's just so suspect that NASA has been avoiding taking a picture over Sidonia and that face, this refusal to do so is to me very telling especially when they took the second photo and scrubbed it, such a blatant hoax that if this was a legal context they committed a crime of altering evidence. Like that guy said, if there's a chance that that face and those other pyramid like structures were actually made by an alien civilization, then we need to know, because they deserve to be remembered, and whether from natural causes or another alien race dropped a mega nuke on them, we need to know to be prepared for something like that not happening.
I remember this one, a face and some pyramid structures in mars:
@Jehovah increases Yeah, that ranch location is a real hot bed for not just UFO sightings, but cattle mutilations(By aliens obviously), but the tales of a powerful werewolf spirit there as well by the tribe living there. What's the connection between this spirit, and those aliens in that ranch location? Best guess, the aliens were just scouting and also collecting cow organs for research or part of their delicacy, and to also observe not just the humans there but that creature as well that haunts the area. As far as reports of hauntings or flashing moving lights, to me it's unclear if it's UFO lights or that spirit stuff.
This is also interesting, seems like there are animals still out there that science can't explain:
@Dodo So it's pretentious that I think that he's normalizing video gaming, online gaming and internet addiction? That it's cool to develop more ADD/ADHD like symptoms from overusing social media? It's chill to keep reducing your attention spans and let the algorithms manipulate your limbic system, making you crave more novelty digitally like with Tik Tok, Twitter, Twitch, Shorts, A.I generated stuff, all for low quality low consciousness acts? Sorry, Aliens are far more advanced and more higher quality to talk about, and other metaphysical, epistemic and existential topics relating to UFOs than to be justifying gaming addiction.
@Rafael Thundercat I meant he had history with me in another thread bro, not in here. Human desing? Anyway done with you, here to talk to aliens.
@Jehovah increases UFOs really love visiting America huh?
@Dodo No, based on developmental factors like SD stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development in life and society, ideological beliefs indoctrinated from upbringing, and self biases and preferences, he's merely just expanding his brand and spreading his ideology on the internet, making it seem like debating and arguing and all this appeals and fallacies to Logos, some on ethos and pathos, is valuable, but actually he's disingenuous and bad faith thinking it's valuable. No, the topics of aliens and philosophical discourse they do is much more valuable and higher quality than toxicity that he immerses himself in, and creates an echo chamber of around himself, meanwhile justifying all the net negatives of social media consumption and participating in the brain rot of the Gen Z generation. I disagree that drama making and drama farming and using open relationships to drama farm and content create is high quality, it's very lowbrow quality, he's a bad example for the younger generation.
@Rafael Thundercat Hey man, don't be using Leo against me because he scolded me here, that's a different issue and context not within this thread. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
@Rafael Thundercat I'll have to ask the grey alien if one ever comes across me: "Hey Grey, are you a physical thing? Also mind turning down your UFO lights a bit?"
@Rafael Thundercat I don't know if English is not your first language, and I can't comment on your qualia or intersubjective experiences, but I'll share my intuitive speculations at the broader holistic level, with some zooming in at parts with the topics discuessed. Most people will have differences based on developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, states of being and becoming and consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development in life and society, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gaslight into your mind from upbringing and culture, self biases and preferences that mostly shapes your worldview, paradigm, metaphysical and epistemic assumptions of reality. So, language creates your reality, by that I mean that every word, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and other special words, from the syntax and semantics, reality is created by your ego mind. So, when you say and ask me what does each word: "Alien", "Supernatural", "Spirit", "Consciousness", "Ghost", mean? Well, it's possible to define each term, but realize that each word is like a map of different parts of the territory, and each word captures and symbolizes a fraction of each part of the territory that word captures. I can give a general definition for each word, but the problem is that I can't give a persoanl based definition from your POV, or even mine, because each word may represent a different map onto the territory. A spirit is in most cases an immaterial-yet-energetic thing in the context of the supernatural/paranormal, and in the context of UFOs and Alien life, we can presume that they're a physical material thing given claims of meta materials and psionic technology and space craft travel. However, do you not know that you could be falsely equating and conflating an actual physical alien with a mostly non-physical thing like a spirit? Because both words and terms come from two different contexts. While it could be hard, you can logically explain this to me, in fact you're using logic right now to explain and describe what's magical and intuitive to you, you and doing some level of inductive reasoning and inference to give me bits and pieces of information.
@Rafael Thundercat But technically that's different from UFOs and aliens though, right? In your context, that's more of a supernatural/paranormal phenomena from hauntings, spirits and possessions, more likely that a spirit or ghost, seeing that this guy was in an altered state of consciousness and is vulnerable, is able to possess him in that altered state. Or, the guy you saw just had deep traumas and trapped emotions, and that Ayahuasca state of consciousness allowed him that catharsis, making him unable to snap out of it. Or something else is happening that isn't a UFO phenomena, or a paranormal phenomena, or a psychological phenomena.
@Hojo No, there's so much going on with telepathy and psionic alien technology. This isn't just a spirituality problem, this is a survival problem for humanity. How do humans defend themselves from hostile aliens that can do psychological and psychic attacks?
@Leo Gura If that's what you think, fine, let others post about Destiny, but don't say I didn't warn you about this sociopath.
Got damn, what a pathetic rap song, if this is a diss track his voice is too soft, even though yes he's riding the beat and rap flow, he sound soft AF! This over one is same weakness, voice too meek, lyricism is quite nice though and bars do connect against Kind DOtta, but damn energy lacking AF! When I think of getting dissed, I think of Busat Rhyme's energy, or Eminem's, or Rainman, or some aggressive demonic voice with good lyrics like The Game's. One really good example, and not even a rap genre but a different music genre and remix: EXTERMINATED's remix of BLUE STAHLI'S ULTRANUMB is fantastic!! SO MUCH ENERGY AND VIBE AND SPIRIT!! Damn, I can feel it in my bones this is a diss track to Ren and Knox Hill, like EXTERMINATED got pissed 5 years ago, then did a parallel universe time travel BACK TO THE FUTURE shit, into this time line and diss them two so easily!! Listen to the bars, EXTERMINATED is connecting bars are hitting Ren and Knox Hill I ain't LYING, I AIN'T CAPPING EXTERMINATED IS DISSING THEM TWO!!! Damn, AMAZING energy, like okay a few bar breakdowns for the disses cuz ya'll are sleeping on EXTERMINATED FOR 5 YEARS! After he intros with massive energy, dictating the frame, him saying 'So save up your addiction for a new addiction, voyeuristic overdrive' Is EXTERMINATED saying Ren and Knox Hill are like addicts justifying their addictions and want to make another addiction, him also claiming them as pussies and perverts, perverted by clout chasing and all that, so they are soft as girly voices and all. 'A new manipulation, no exaggeration. Take advantage over to deny/the right' is EXTERMINATED saying, no exaggeration, you both are manipulative girls taking advantage of the culture and the internet. (HERE COMES THE COUNTDOWN) '3. This is the new flesh' A direct flip on Ren's Murder song, when he's talking about the microphone and the stage that was such a whack line, EXTERMINATED FLIPPED THAT like a pro. '2. This is the open door' EXTERMINATED is clearly saying to Ren and maybe Knox that there's the exit when Imma done fucking you up! '1.We got everything you wanted' Probably a drug line, referencing that addiction and craving again. 'YOU WANNA KNOW RIGHT NOW!' Yes, I wanna know how this guy is still killing these two clown rappers, these two WHACK AF rappers to this day, so much energy?! '3, 2, 1! Violated! So degraded! The show has just begone!' EXTERMINATED basically referencing MICHELLSHOW, but saying that EXTERMINATED'S show is just beginning, he ain't even warmed up to dissing Ren or Knox Hill like damn! 'DOMINATED BY ALL YOU HATED! THIS WILL MAKE YOU ULTRA NUMB!' OMG! SO much energy I'm nervous rabbit already!! Basically EXTERMINATED saying Ren and Knox Hil not passionate but lead by hatred, codependent by hating so much, hate dominating all their decision making! And saying this track will make you ultra numb, meaning two things, that his remix and music way better than yours, and that your overdosing right now! I ain't capping, I'm not lying, I swear before god and I will die on this hill, EXTERMINATED EXTERMINATED Ren and Knox Hill, GG and GL two whack white rappers! You will be missed sourly. Basically the second verse is only at Ren, so many references from his song Murder. Exterminated basically flipped al that at him, very talented diss rapper, but EXTERMINATED just a remix guy, remixed ULTRANUMB and the energy alone kills them two ANY DAY! They two messed with the wrong EXTERMINATED!
Got damn, what a pathetic rap song, if this is a diss track his voice is too soft, even though yes he's riding the beat and rap flow, he sound soft AF! This over one is same weakness, voice too meek, lyricism is quite nice though and bars do connect against Kind DOtta, but damn energy lacking AF! When I think of getting dissed, I think of Busat Rhyme's energy, or Eminem's, or Rainman, or some aggressive demonic voice with good lyrics like The Game's. One really good example, and not even a rap genre but a different music genre and remix: EXTERMINATED's remix of BLUE STAHLI'S ULTRANUMB is fantastic!! SO MUCH ENERGY AND VIBE AND SPIRIT!! Damn, I can feel it in my bones this is a diss track to Ren and Knox Hill, like EXTERMINATED got pissed 5 years ago, then did a parallel universe time travel BACK TO THE FUTURE shit, into this time line and diss them two so easily!! Listen to the bars, EXTERMINATED is connecting bars are hitting Ren and Knox Hill I ain't LYING, I AIN'T CAPPING EXTERMINATED IS DISSING THEM TWO!!! Damn, AMAZING energy, like okay a few bar breakdowns for the disses cuz ya'll are sleeping on EXTERMINATED FOR 5 YEARS! After he intros with massive energy, dictating the frame, him saying 'So save up your addiction for a new addiction, voyeuristic overdrive' Is EXTERMINATED saying Ren and Knox Hill are like addicts justifying their addictions and want to make another addiction, him also claiming them as pussies and perverts, perverted by clout chasing and all that, so they are soft as girly voices and all. 'A new manipulation, no exaggeration. Take advantage over to deny/the right' is EXTERMINATED saying, no exaggeration, you both are manipulative girls taking advantage of the culture and the internet. (HERE COMES THE COUNTDOWN) '3. This is the new flesh' A direct flip on Ren's Murder song, when he's talking about the microphone and the stage that was such a whack line, EXTERMINATED FLIPPED THAT like a pro. '2. This is the open door' EXTERMINATED is clearly saying to Ren and maybe Knox that there's the exit when Imma done fucking you up! '1.We got everything you wanted' Probably a drug line, referencing that addiction and craving again. 'YOU WANNA KNOW RIGHT NOW!' Yes, I wanna know how this guy is still killing these two clown rappers, these two WHACK AF rappers to this day, so much energy?! '3, 2, 1! Violated! So degraded! The show has just begone!' EXTERMINATED basically referencing MICHELLSHOW, but saying that EXTERMINATED'S show is just beginning, he ain't even warmed up to dissing Ren or Knox Hill like damn! 'DOMINATED BY ALL YOU HATED! THIS WILL MAKE YOU ULTRA NUMB!' OMG! SO much energy I'm nervous rabbit already!! Basically EXTERMINATED saying Ren and Knox Hil not passionate but lead by hatred, codependent by hating so much, hate dominating all their decision making! And saying this track will make you ultra numb, meaning two things, that his remix and music way better than yours, and that your overdosing right now! I ain't capping, I'm not lying, I swear before god and I will die on this hill, EXTERMINATED EXTERMINATED Ren and Knox Hill, GG and GL two whack white rappers! You will be missed sourly. Basically the second verse is only at Ren, so many references from his song Murder. Exterminated basically flipped al that at him, very talented diss rapper, but EXTERMINATED just a remix guy, remixed ULTRANUMB and the energy alone kills them two ANY DAY! They two messed with the wrong EXTERMINATED!
@Rafael Thundercat And that's on a psychedelic assisted state of mind. These aliens apparently can do telepathy in their baseline consciousness.
@Hojo Well, technically they can do both apparently. Also, not all aliens are more powerful than humans, some animals aren't as powerful as humans are here.
@Scholar I'll be more candid here, DESTINY is truly a sociopath that is not worth sharing content here, and @Leo Gura is much better than him. Also, that whole video is skepticism being weaponized by their ego, not true skepticism, so their skepticism is BULLSHIT!