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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @How to be wise , @Bobby_2021 what does Trump, Biden and paid interviewers have to do with the Andrew Tate sex trafficking and tax evasion charges?
  2. @JJfromSwitzerland No, Elon Musk isn't being a blatant racist, but a blatant rich narcissist downsizing his Twitter, that's all. You are mistaking ruthlessness in marketing and business for racism.
  3. @vindicated erudite Not possible to do so willingly, to regress developments like that based on many developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of consciousness, ego development, life experiences, other lines of development in life, history, economics and societies, ideological indoctrination, grooming and gaslighting from upbringing, self biases and preferences. Maybe after WW3, when the majority of the super power countries wiped out by nuclear warfare, few pockets of humanity survived in small islands, in that world situation humanity would be set back 10,000 years in the past maybe, then monarchies might develop as a worldly necessity and par for the course.
  4. @Michael569 You are actually the most underrated mod in this website, like you can give a serious step by step for something as simple as what to do when seeing boobs, up to health and even some psychological or spiritual topics.
  5. @integral Specifically, the A.I in the earlier stages will be entertaining for the mistakes they make, and later with enough data on verbal and emoting patterns of a personality, we'll have copies of Markiplier and Pewdipie accross the YouTube ecosystem. Take this for example: Really funny IMO, and that's just the initial stages. Given enough time, a couple of years or less and it'll be way more entertaining, which will factor into the degeneracy and decay of the human brain, which also correlates to all other social media factors, making it harder to watch Actualized.org content or any long form content worth their weight in universe.
  6. @Michael569 I can already see how disruptive this thing's going to be on YouTube content creators. Hope they'll solve this quick.
  7. @Osaid Oh, I see, I didn't know he had a history of spamming posts and probable mental illness. Like to me in this thread the User's writing style and tone was night and day compared to the UFO posts he did. To me it really looked like another person was writing. I hope I didn't trigger him, I was just concerned someone was using his account.
  8. @Leo Gura I don't know either. I was reading this thread an hour ago and the user's tone and writing style dramatically changed in the posts I quoted, and I know when I was interacting with the user in that UFO thread he was writing calmly and normally, which raised an alarm bell in me. After quoting that, the user like half an hour ago just deleted every post from this month and on. I don't know, it looked like someone else was using the account.
  9. @Roy Are there a few exceptions to this? Out of context, for example, you know your LP, your doing some skills training or the ideal activity you want, but parts of that activity/training is triggering boredom/tediousness in you, example you love website design or visual novels, but you find parts to program boring, can you override that emotion and willpower to an extent?
  10. @Jehovah increases Yeah, they either evolved a way to bend space and time using their alien minds, or through their technology, or a bit of both, creating temporary worm holes or something.
  11. @Jehovah increases Are you ok? Is this the real user writing? @Carl-Richard, @Thought Art, @Michael569, @UnbornTao, @NoSelfSelf can you please check?
  12. @Jehovah increases Are you alright? You went from the above to this: @Leo Gura, @Roy, @Sincerity, @Carl-Richard please check.
  13. ChatGPT creator made this sphere thingy that scans eyeballs for biometrics for cryptocurrencies here: https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/worldcoin-crypto-price-wld-chatgpt-b2385461.html Will this benefit society, government and influence politics? Or js this a more elaborate scam of cryptocurrency?
  14. So here's the news: This may be Russia signaling to Ukraine that it would retaliate far more if they kept attacking parts of Crimea, which has strategic value to Russia. What are you're thoughts about this current event?
  15. @Osaid Reminds me of a VICE reporter getting beat up in his boxing gym when they visited him, and when he had to fight the other guys Andrew Tate was laughing in glee. I'm intuiting that it may be both narcissism and sociopathy.
  16. @Buck Edwards How any honourable conservative trusts Candace after she willingly interviews Andrew Tate, whose pending investigations of sex trafficking, tax evasion, theft, fraud, and is a known woman beater and sexist???
  17. If this story is true, then it's amazing to think how this person just went into the fututre:
  18. @Jayson G I read the apology blog post and it was a bit moving, pulled a little bit my heart strings. However, based on developmental factors like Spiral Dynamics stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, 9 stages of ego development, Carl Jung's Architypes, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed, and gaslight by culture and upbringing, self biases and preferences that shape how the mind makes sense of reality and it's worldview, I guess that either the traumas I had in the past of the paranormal, genetics, or some psychopathy I might have developed, it's not that moving to me because this spiritual development, this very advanced work being done I intuit that there'll be massive tradeoffs and sacrifices of humanity to attain that level of insights, and power. Like with the Aztecs doing their spirituality and sacrificing others in their own non-dual magical thinking, or like in Berserk with Griffith, if you want higher development and much higher realizations, I can guess that some humanity must be paid to gain that levels.
  19. @effortlesslumen You'd be surprised how many more are aware of and intentionally manipulate for more money and views and virtue signal, and much more that are ignorant of these manipulative dynamics between the followers and the leader of that echo chamber.
  20. From social media consumers and influencers, to streamers and YouTube personality podcasts, do they not realise that they're words and actions do have weight, that they are spreading their ideology, that they're ignorant of developmental factors?
  21. Observe the biases, projections, virtue and value signaling in this podcast. Is this a responsible ethical social media personlity?: Beware the ideological social media echo chambers out there, and of the cult of human personality.
  22. @Sucuk Ekmek It's actually amazing and a miracle to think that life survived 5 mass extinction events. If this life on earth can survive those, then alien life is a possibility out there in the universe or other dimensions. Science really underestimates life.
  23. @Mysterious Stranger My intuitive speculation, is that they probably transferred from whatever native form they have, into a body suitable for space travel. Kind of like a transformation or transfer from one body into another, similar to how humans change from one costume into another.
  24. @StarStruck That's partly true, plus there's been so much covering up that it's harder to discern the truth.