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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @StarStruck Yes, because he's a sex trafficking tax evading pimp that cons young boys and beats girls. That's immoral, and can be criticized. How is porn consumption contributing trafficking, when pornography greatly reduces real life sex and sexual assaults? It's the same problem witb alcohol prohibition, thinking that banning alcohol state wide would correct, but it drove blacm market interest rates higher in demand for alcohol and mafia and gangs started profiting from it. The sad reality is that most men and women have piss poor, weak AF visualization skills to vividly have sexual fantasies so they can be their own pleasure generation machine, but no, most weak minded rather out source their own enjoyment. Another sad reality is the lack of self permissions to enjoy pleasuring yourself. Go and love yourself, and give yourself permission to fuck, for fucking sake.
  2. @Bogdan Interesting video, will research him and this earth-can't-chill-down problem. However,good luck getting collective actoon going, it'll be like the Don't Look Up movie, everyone in deep denial of existential threats. @Leo Gura posted in his blog a while ago about the climate change of the earth,and the earth growing theory.theory.the eartb expanding and growing is what's making these volcanic activities increase?
  3. @DefinitelyNotARobot Fair enough, common sense tells me that if people like smoking weed, they're likely to also be pro psychedelics too. Just that other psyches are way better, at least with shrooms you get cool visuals and you feel deeply happy, but with weed you giggle like an idiot. Yes very biased take, doesn't help that other criminals groups more commonly sell weed and hard drugs than psychedelics for good reason.
  4. @Adrian colby Yes, it's tricky determining what and how much freedom of speech is good or too much in excess given the various development factors involved plus the survival of the person's ego and collective ego that controls and determines one's choices, as on the ultimate existential level Solipsism is a thing, and Solipsism is dangerous to the collective ego. Ultimately people's opinions of you are irrelevant, same with freedom speech. Relatively on most levels it's just people being too spoiled thinking they're entitled to their opinions, until they get punched in the face.
  5. @thenondualtankie Isn't that marijuana?
  6. @Husseinisdoingfine I know right? Marijuana might be better in liquid form than smoke, but that over psychedelics? What about psilocybin mushrooms? LSD? The actually more decent psychedelics that are better than marijuana? More than that, doesn't Germany have more pressing concerns than psychedelic legalization? Like at the societal, political, governmental and geo political level, don't they need to figure out how to be more energy independent and less dependent on the gas pipe line coming from Russia? What about their immigration issues there and the rise of stage red gang attacks?
  7. @Sucuk Ekmek Exactly, free speech is like having the powers of a nekopara, to be both cute and serious, in an active balance when speaking.
  8. Another good example: And for this, I say it mainly depends on the body composition and genetics of that T fighter. If that T fighter is too big or muscular for the cis gendered woman, it's not going to be a fair fight. Pretty obvious to me to include the T category in those combat sports, and to further update parameters of not just weight divisions based on your BMI, but start including other factors like hydration levels, approximate muscle mass percentage, limb dimension, height. Touchy factor would also be drugs, especially trace elements in the system, but something like that and we'd avoid the Joe Rogan types of arguments because all a trans fighter wants is recognition and acknowledgement that they can fight as well.
  9. @Sugarcoat Big mistake to download Tik Tok. You can still use that site without downloading the app, and even then I'd stay clear from that place, that whole place is a poisoned Well and hyper Venus fly trap, poisonous to the mind.
  10. @Consept DAMN! That's so many adverts in that video that I almost didn't want to watch. Too many ads is too many ads.
  11. @Omni Compare this forum to 4chan, reddit, twitter, vine, Tic Tok, and all other social media forums and shorts, and even those with little moderation, and you'll be very grateful and thankful for such a high quality forum like this existing here. Sure, not perfect, but heavenly compared to what's out there.
  12. Is there anything else new about this situation of the Tate brothers? If not then this thread needs to rest in piece, beating a dead horse is animal abuse.
  13. Don't know if this should be in the philosophy intellectual sub forum, or the high consciousness material forum, but this is a decent podcast of pyrrhonism and buddhism.
  14. Don't know if this should be in the philosophy intellectual sub forum, or the high consciousness material forum, but this is a decent podcast of pyrrhonism and buddhism.
  15. Another YouTuber responds to him, with a slightly different take, bringing in mastery: Although I partly disagree with his framing of JKD, as that's born more out of necessity for Bruce Lee's interactions with western American bodies in a martial arts and combat situation. He learnt pretty quickly that he can't maintain the traditional framing of Wing Chun from China, because compared to a more homogenous culture and average body mass index being very similar amongst the Chinese, and eastern cultures in general, when he applied himself in his physical trainings and sparring matches against the average American westerner's body, there's greater variations in body composition ranging from BMI, height, length of striking limps, muscle mass, other genetics and other factors that pressured him into adjusting and modifying how he had to fight. Also, he loves exercising and fitness, studies not just past philosophers but old school body builders, and incorporated parts of their training methodologies into his JKD. One time, when teaching his JKD and doing Chi Sao against most westerners, he had to roll his shoulders forwards and hollow his own chest so that he can still maintain good structure against a bigger body pushing back in Chi Sao, but in China dealing with very similarly sized Wing Chun applicants they can still maintain a more traditional framework of the body, which is what this guy and the other guy missed, in their various demonizing and misunderstandings of mastery because they are biased and preferential to THIR VERSIONS of martial arts.
  16. @Majed I was busy with my life, had to some some martial arts and fitness with making my drawers and wardrobe so had to take a break from forum.
  17. @Juan True, sometimes I do wonder why I'm sucked into Tik Tok and judging the quality of those videos. besides that, the main issue is that this YouTuber thinks it's possible to separate personal experiences from second hand knowledge. In most cases it's difficult to do so, and this assumes that in the past legends and geniuses in every human field could have just judged and reached a conclusion from doing little. Nope, they did a lot, get involved in the participation and discovery process, from which these second hand knowledges get recorded and passed down in academia and education systems and in history.
  18. @Rafael Thundercat I partly agree, basically Carl Jung's Architypes and the shadow aspects of the *psyche* we all have, from the individual ego to the collective ego. So with this guy he's got his shadows, but also the collective shadows he inherited from his in-group and culture, the skeptics debunker circles from the western divisions, judging onto the eastern divisions of martial arts.
  19. @Princess Arabia Noted, I'll try to write simpler and with more variations.?
  20. @Osaid I then guess that it's a semantics issue for me. 'Judging', 'judged', 'judge', 'judges', 'judgment', 'judgmental', 'judgmentalism', these words have more negative than positive connotations compared to synonyms like discernment, distinction, comparison, contrast, evaluation, assessment, review, critique, observation, contemplation, and so on. The meanings and feelings of judging is just more unproductive and creates long term karmic effects, like a double edged sword, like you joking and judging someone's a weak minded person, but later in the future you find yourself being weak minded in a combative situation, AKA self fulfilling prophecies. If this guy's views are true, then Bruce Lee and other old time martial arts masters wouldn't be as powerful then, yet Bruce Lee's feats of strength and super speed cannot be underestimated.
  21. @UnbornTao Honestly this thread has died a week ago, and now it's just getting derailed, still talking about Tates in some way but in conjunction to other themes like politics, sports, porn, and so on, and those other ideas becoming more emphasized on. Seems like what's considered derailing the thread is evolving.
  22. @Schizophonia If I'm not mistaken, did you make a thread a while back about psychic powers,bastral projection and remote viewing? This sounds like a good opportunity to try out those techniques and see how well you can divine Leo's location yourself, and post your impressions here for us.
  23. @Roy I never heard of Yam fries before. I know of white potato, yellow potato and even sweet potatoes used for fries, but not Yams. What are yams like? Are they like pumpkins?
  24. @Extreme Z7 Of all websites, this site having a security warning when it has life changing content, versus when tons out there actually are really dangerous with little ti benefit life, is the strange loop joke of tbe universe.