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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. Why am I getting hate mail and death threats here? Please go a read the guidelines page first before posting. No dogma please. 'Don't shoot the messenger.'.
  2. @Recursoinominado Yes, this video is a good example of that. Just people sugar coating history, whichever side you bias and prefer for, you'd give a rosy tint to.
  3. @Vrubel To me the video is a great example of a time when the world was peak stage blue to red, and problems with revisionism. As the principle goes, no ideology or dogma of any kind.
  4. @Carl-Richard Nice observation, now it all makes sense.?
  5. @Twega We? I thought it's only you talking about general health, and genetics? I'm just including genetics, body composition, and other developmental factors that could influence gene expression one way or another into this discourse. Where exactly does @Leo Gura overestimates the impact of heritable genetics in the healthy population, underestimates environmental/lifestyle on health and epigenetic? Where does @Leo Gura confuse genetics with determined traits/diseases?
  6. @Twega So what is your main argument here? That @Leo Gura is wrong about genetics because he said 'health is largely genetics', and you took it as an absolute claim? And if you do have research links do share them here. IMO, factors like genetics and body composition can play a part, and so does willpower and determination, although that too could be influenced by brain chemistry and brain modules being more or less active. Take for example this man: Clearly he exhibits strength that not the average male body can produce, yet he can produce such strength, and not just him but hundreds of old school strongmen can do, from Bruce Lee, to Charles Atlas, and so on.
  7. Not just an unhealthy marriage, but a debate that is charged emotionally and ideologically, based on many developmental factors that these people are ignorant of: My thoughts and first impressions, best course of action was to study dating and relationship dynamics before getting into one, take your personal development seriously, and read up on some modals for handling relationships and a marriage. Don't find yourself, nor have a self fulfilling prophecy that gets you into this situation. Thoughts about the dogma and ideology displayed here?
  8. Forgot to mention this man, what amazing feats of strength, and just weighing 140 pounds and height of 5'4:
  9. How is it that almost every time I post a video, sometimes some person or group copy write strikes the vid?
  10. @ZenAlex True, which makes the Tate brothers evil. There's little to argue and justify their sex trafficking and tax evasion.
  11. First listen here, my impressions already in 5 minutes and I'm liking this guy's style, although yes 3 hours in total, plus either edits or jumps to camera angles, I do like this guy's style.
  12. Actually seems like a more decent podcast, the host actually pushing back and asking the more tougher questions and really grinding Destiny here on some of his past takes: Suggest listening, and posting what you think and feel of how the host handled Destiny here.
  13. Very interesting to compare and contrast these other body language analysts on the UFO hearing: and Are very interesting takes.
  14. This time, a clip I found, which I'll analyze, starting with the title and framing: The problem here is we encounter a quick red herring. First thumbnail shows Matt Thomson, owner of SBG, center left looking down. Presentation wise not good, as looking down tends to mean submission and supplicative gesture, despite the context of him being it's owner. More troubling is the close ended question: DOES SBG PUT DOWN OTHER MARTIAL ARTS? Which is very different to the video's title: Does SBG Put Other Martial Arts Down? Which then is drastically different from the next few seconds of the video, showing in bold white: Why does SBG seem to put other martial arts down? The problem with these three versions of the same loaded question, first two close ended, last third open ended, is that it gives, statement wise, the intense feeling of floundering, of pivoting and goal post changing. 0:11 universal sign of contempt on his left cheek, very telling which usually means the following in ratio to context of tonality and verbal: Contempt, strong disapproval, negative, or showing moral/intellectual superiority feeling. This sign comes up after his opening statement, followed by two fingered quoting(illustrating signs, emphasis) "another art down", to then say "which people often worry about", then sign of contempt or intellectual/moral superiority creeps in.
  15. It's so funny, you can talk circles all you want, appeal to functionality, rationality, atheism. I see it it's obvious, but let me unpack your loaded title: Does SBG Put Other Martial Arts (systems) Down? Blunt, short answer is YES, NOT JUST YOUR BUSINESS BUT YOU DO IN YOUR MIND. Long winded answer, is because it's due to various developmental factors, psychology, your ego, your attachment to being a practicality and pragmatist guy, also a right leaning conservative espousing family values. Yes, you do put down other martial arts systems, albeit very subtly, you do slip in assumptions due to your biases. Especially the dead giveaway(I've done a thread about body language analysis, and touched on verbal, discourse, and statement analysis in that thread), The main problem is that question is close ended, only requiring a YES or NO. So immediate red flag, just talking in circles, changing the goal post and pivots and all these other rhetorical tactics, don't even need to go deep into body language analysis to determine your defensiveness or even deception, just the way you word your clip is already an embedded confession that YOU DO PUT DOWN MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEMS! So why is it so hard to just give a straight forward answer of a YES or NO, when the question only requires that type of answer in the title? Like come on: Will be covering this clip in the body language thread here:
  16. Imma be honest, don't like the martial arts journey channel, not the guy but his misinterpretations and the community he's a part of, but I do like the guy he's interviewing, decent BJJ teacher sharing his life experiences, seen his classes. Funny to see how they're talking about spirituality and non-duality in a funny way, while slipping in the potential cult dynamics, which is universal to all other ideologies but just so happens to all of a sudden be a fake martial arts/cult-like spirituality. Interesting to watch how an atheist/skeptic, who's a martial artist, talking about these cult like dynamics. Disclaimer, again, IMO this is a big red herring, yes there's dark sides to spirituality, but so do millions of ideologies out there in the world with much worse dynamics. Not to diss these, but it's a big mistake and misunderstanding that spirituality is just cult and nothing else.
  17. It's so funny, you can talk circles all you want, appeal to functionality, rationality, atheism. I see it it's obvious, but let me unpack your loaded title: Does SBG Put Other Martial Arts (systems) Down? Blunt, short answer is YES, NOT JUST YOUR BUSINESS BUT YOU DO IN YOUR MIND. Long winded answer, is because it's due to various developmental factors, psychology, your ego, your attachment to being a practicality and pragmatist guy, also a right leaning conservative espousing family values. Yes, you do put down other martial arts systems, albeit very subtly, you do.
  18. Great example of when a person's ideology and ignorance gets into society, politics, governance on the internet. Let me deconstruct this person's argument: The main argument here, coming from this rationalist skeptic, is that judging is possible without trying out a martial arts system, and by implication combat systems, combat sports, fitness, and other human fields. The reason why this is a badly constructed assertion and argument is that it assumes judging is possible without some degree of personal experience/direct experience of the thing/event being questioned, AKA how real or fake this martial arts is, and in a sneaky way justifies further judgementalism. This is not the case that there can be a complete separation of direct/indirect, only second hand knowledge and only personal experiences. Great example to counter all the other points he's making, is Bruce Lee himself, as he had to ACTUALLY try out many different forms of martial arts and fitness, and combined them together. Counter intuitively, going and trying out the martial arts actually is far more beneficial than to remain a skeptic and bring up many appeals and fallacies of Logos, some ethos and pathos here, instead of testing your skepticism against some strange and weird martial arts that even western science can't fully explain, and feels threatened to try out. Great example of seeing various factors like Spiral Dynamics Stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, states of being/becoming and consciousness, 9 stages of ego development, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological beliefs indoctrinated, groomed and gas lite into your mind by culture and upbringing, self biases and preferences. Ignorance of these factors, and hubris, results in simplistic takes like the video above. Also did some body language analysis and verbal analysis, and assume that that voice and parts of his persona here are a bit autistic, and is part of his baseline.
  19. Even though it's part of my bias and preference, I don't like atheism and this skeptic debunk culture, it's stupid, as stupid as the religious fundamentalists. One positions and believes in a concept of god, gods, or something other, and the other positions related to secularists, materialists, rationalists and atheists, is the belief in a god that doesn't exist, or new age is bullshit. It's this deep hypocrisy that's annoying, because the arguments in principle are no that different, they're the same, except in complexity and justifications arguments from science and rationalism are more lines than from fundamentalists.
  20. @Consept I'm a gal, not bro. No homo incest. I'm just saying 50 ads in a podcast is too much, slash it by 50.
  21. It's irritating to see people like these get away with BS they spout. Decent teacher, and okay YouTuber, but the delusion is unreal: And stop plagiarizing Bruce Lee, it's annoying.
  22. @Inliytened1 Exactly, it's in a damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
  23. @Mikesinfinity Very interesting debate you had. What's your take on this video?
  24. Take this video for example: While the YouTuber is passing judgments onto this scam situation between the coach and fighter, notice the hypocrisy of his position, that he also simultaneously denies he himself is also a cult of the debunking skeptics as well, based on general ignorance of developmental factors. While I partly agree that most should watch out for scammers and cons on almost every human field, even in MMA and fake martial arts, I highly disagree that the rationalist and skeptic position isn't also a cult in and of itself, even going as far as throwing the baby out with the bath water. By judging and demonizing this guy as a self help guru conman, he slanders that field and it's potential of actually helping people, thereby influencing and manipulating the general public that isn't as well informed of self help to not take self help seriously and personal development seriously, which creates problems and maintains problems of people in a cognitive, psychological and moral standpoint, hindering their personal development. Sometimes in the long run the skeptics themselves are the worst for most people, all they do is judge and be in this hubris thinking they're right, when in fact they are mostly wrong, and pass on their ideological thinking. Skepticism gone wrong, especially considering the far reach of these types in society and in politics and in current events of other fields, yet most people take them seriously because they can make appeals of ethos, pathos and logos, and string together fallacies to make themselves look great and above the very skepticism and critique they do onto others.
  25. @The Redeemer On the relative level, we then would know that group is more hateful towards another group. Without freedom of speech, we literally couldn't find out, in a safe way, if that group is more hateful. Plus, freedom of speech is also tricky, as it's integral to a democracy that all groups have the right to express, vocally or written, their opinions about anything, even if that may seem like hate speech. It's a tactic governments used at the time to get people talking, so they then could refine laws around what was actually said and done, at least on the public areas. the governments would know, based on what was said, done and expressed, which groups are more or less dangerous, therefore they get to refine laws accordingly. If all democracies changed freedom of speech into something like authoritarian regimes do, then we'd be pushing these hate groups outside of public awareness and public consciousness, therefore making preventative actions state wide much more harder, pushing these hate groups into hiding and into the black markets. In private areas of your life, actually letting yourself express negativity is cathartic and can release trapped emotions within your psyche, AKA doing consciousness streaming exercises, journaling, diary, meditation technics, contemplating, exercising and so on.