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Everything posted by Danioover9000
Danioover9000 replied to integral's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@zurew I believe that the more you play chess, the better chess player you are. The more you feed your mind chess images, the more intuitive your chess play brcomes. -
Danioover9000 replied to Bobby_2021's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Bobby_2021 I wish they wouldn't keep the public waiting man! Just trial them and get it over with, the more the Tates keep this podcast interviewing shit they're lately doing, the more they will keep poisoning the minds of the youth. Like stop them from speaking so much BS and trial them. Even when the BBC have some of the documents, and parts of that are public, is that enough? Seems like they're not enough to quell down these red pill ideologies and manosphere echo chambers. Young men still defending Tates. -
Good example of other developmental factors, and doing your own research into history. Don't take for granted mainstream history, and ideological views: Just goes to show, if they got this part of history wrong, what other parts of history are distorted and lied about?
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral True, it's fine when a woman may pursue sexual relations with a teenage boy, but god forbid an adult man onto a teenage girl, oh the double standards. And right there, them being critics biases them to OVERTHINK and maintain rationality over emotions, when in fact EMOTIONS runs their logic coding. I can't even trust 70% of that comment as trolls and haters are attracted to controversies like this. Exceptions being Colleen Ballinger, she definitely seems a bit creepy and either a narcissist or sociopath with her apology video, for the alleged sexy times she had with an under aged fan of hers. -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@something_else Better Call Saul? -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral The trappings of stage blue conservativism/traditionalism in an environment mostly stage orange/green, sometimes more blue depending on which country or culture you are in. Even some who have stage orange, who are liberals, will still have that social programming from traditional moral values. Just about 2-400 years ago, boys aged 16, 15, 14, 13 and maybe younger, would be drinking and fucking as part of their coming of age, or take part in a raiding party. More stage purple/red, to even hardcore blue, would still have arranged marriages or multiple wives/concubines. Again, it's only a couple hundreds of years ago, really not that far away from now. It's not like 10,000 or 100,000 years ago, just a few hundred. The human mind's ability to create cognitive distances and distort time is pretty significant. -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@something_else I can't imagine how much worse it is now, given the invention of Tik Tok, overconsumption of social media sites, very tailored A.I programs that hijack the limbic system of the human brain, to trigger more effective dopamine cravings and other chemical/psychological addictions, Algorithms improved curating of content to user biases, auto beautifying profile images which increase narcissism and false self image development, forums that have a cult dynamic and echo chambers that germinate and proliferate ideological points of view onto other sites, which then spills over onto real life. I can't imagine Gen Z and a few more generations of this mind fuckery will lead to stronger minds, but rather more brain rotten, ADD/ADHD, very triggerable minds heavily influenced by thought terminating cliches, with many distortions amplified by the internet. -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@integral Ideally, the legality should be around if there was physical and/or psychological ham, that's where it should be determined. Yes, there is a double standard, and morality is relative existentially. Good luck trying to convince and persuade others when they're suffering from thought terminating cliche/ -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Scholar Also, I did cover her and analyzed her body language and tonality, and personally I can't comment any further on this specific situation because something in her tonality is annoying the hell out of me, like a Beverly hills accent, and hardcore stage green fake or something like that. I understand and to some extent empathize with some of the people she covers, but she just ruins that with her delivery, and I can't offer more empathy that she's trying to appeal even more out of me. Feels predatory to me already, to try to manipulate the audience to extend more empathy that they can't offer. -
Danioover9000 replied to Scholar's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Scholar I agree, this is a great example of thought terminating cliche in action from the collective masses judging this event, and general ignorance based on developmental factors like stages of development, cognitive and moral development, personality types/traits, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences, other lines of development, ideological upbringing. I have a thread that doesn't cover the pedophile derangement syndrome, but where I do body language analysis here: and covered a video between Destiny and Mr. Girl in that thread and did body language, verbal, some discourse and some statement analysis of Destiny. The science and analysis, my interpretation based on what Destiny did and said with his face, hands, shoulders, eyes and voice, is in that thread. My opinion here, of that situation, is that it's a joke, a farce. I actually side with Mr. Girl there for being brave enough to call out the unhealthy dynamics of that steamer space there, although I disagree partly that he did it in an inflammatory way, leading me to believe that he may have narcissism as well as some kind of savior complex, and despite him being narcissistic he's an empath apparently. It's a narrative and propaganda warfare, where Destiny get's to character assassinate Max Kharson while he is banned from YouTube. Destiny the sociopath has mostly successfully swayed the majority opinion of this situation, but not me and others that can analyze body language. Also, just common sense, if you had hard evidence of the other person being a pedophile and rapist, and did a criminal act, and vice versa, of the other being a sexual abuser and sexually exploitative, mystery man methods type of person, why haven't any of you contacted FBI or the police, and pursued a case? All their claims are slanderous and defamatory. IMO that whole situation is a complete lack of morality that thanks to Destiny I stopped watching his content and most streamers in general, just keeping it to tutorial vids or to philosophical discourse, and to skip the debates. -
Danioover9000 replied to D2sage's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Scholar Yes, very convenient. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
As @Leo Gura said, this documentary YouTuber is great: -
Danioover9000 replied to The Redeemer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Raze If you go and read the forum guidelines page, part of that list includes not talking and spreading red pill ideology and manoshpere extreme talking points, which leads to having a hyper male centric view of this problem. To @Leo Gura this is a trash content because there's too much inaction, too much complaining and victim mentality from those bubbles. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Ajax For example, when Lawrence of Arabia lead the tribes across the Sahara desert, to invade a coastal town, the British military had anti sea artillery cannons pointing towards the coast, but there was no mechanism for the gun to swivel back to defend the town from a land invasion on the other side BECAUSE NO ONE, INLCUDING THE BRITISH, THOUGHT AN ARMY WOULD CROSS THAT DESERT. History repeats itself during the pacific war, when Japan's imperial empire was on expansion mode, and it invaded Singapore with some military ingenuity. What happened? HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF, THE ANTI SEA ARTILLERY GUNS STILL ARE FIXED TO THE SEA, AND CAN'T SWIVEL TO DEFEND FROM THE OTHER SIDE, BECAUSE NO ONE THOUGHT AN ARMY WOULD RIDE THE JUNGLE WITH BYCILES AND MAKE SHIFT RAFTS! This is what is meant when learning about history, there are mistakes, and history repeats itself albeit in different contexts. What was the valuable lesson, in a military context? Make sure your artillery can swivel and point to another direction if needed. So, despite history being full of nonsense and fantasy, that is still useful information to learn from. Another example is the ancient Chinese warfare and different points of history, of how that culture dealt with wars and internal conflicts. you could focus on one part and see for example the invasions sometimes increased migrations from villagers or towns onto other places, which artificially created immigration issues in those warring kingdoms, and the military back then, some of them, realized that if they destroyed villages close to their enemy kingdom, they'd make those people leave and move into their enemy kingdom, thereby increasing chances of food shortages, and lessening war of attrition in that kingdom, making siege warfare feasible. We can see a similar dynamic play out between China and North Korea, and that it supports North Korea for geopolitical reasons, but also to prevent mass immigration from North Koreans onto China, because if North Korea fell against Sough Korea, that would create a huge immigration problem in that region. -
Danioover9000 replied to The Redeemer's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@The Redeemer I would say it's more propaganda and narrative warfare. Not sure about the complete destruction of male roles though, as despite the narrative those feminists make, men will still have social roles to fill regardless of A.I or increasing feminism. Life always finds a way to correct too much ideology. I can sympathize and understand a little even though I'm female. Hang in there, no pun intended. Take your personal development, business and marketing seriously, take your LP seriously, and you'll do fine, despite the peaks and troughs of life. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek It specifically is if you want to become more open minded, because at any point, if the other side won, you'd be identified differently, or be raised in a completely different world. Think about the magnitude of implications that would have had in your own life, when 500 years ago one side lost and the other won solidly. You'd be a completely different ego. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Israfil I'm not here to argue and debate, heated discourse, against forum guidelines. Sometimes it's useful to study history IMO, from multiple perspectives, to learn the lessons, mistakes, and successes, especially the failures, so that we can discern the present and the future, to not repeat past atrocities. If you don't take counter history into consideration, and don't look at past mistakes, and maintain general ignorance and evil of the population, and elite class, then people who are ignorant of developmental factors, will keep on repeating their ideological worldviews thinking they're right. Again, not limited to Christians, Muslims, Jews, there's so many more ideologies like Taoists/Daoists, Confucianism, Traditionalism, conservativism, modernism, centrism, liberalism, libertarianism, socialism, progressivism, communism. and so many others. -
@D2sage But why emphasize @Leo Gura being wrong, when generally most other people can be wrong? Yes, health issues can largely be genetic, and health is somewhat determined by genetics, plus stress, environmental factors like toxicity in air pollution, water quality, toxicity in foods, diet, sleep, nutrition, exercise activity ECT. However, why are you honing down specifically to Leo being wrong then? Japan's collective health issues are both a combination of their homogenous genetics, and environmental actions. Same with America. How does these have to do with one man, @Leo Gura, being wrong? In fact this whole thread is just WHACK and CORNY AF, like a passive aggressive complaint. How about taking care of your own health instead of trying to argue and have a heated debate over some other person's health??
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Israfil Come on, don't be bad faith and uncharitable. Please try to understand that user's point of view. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@hyruga Yes, I partly agree, but eventually those would be limits to religion, and the separation of religion and state, and liberalism would still emerge, capitalism would still happen regardless. For example, even if Germany won WW2 and half or more of the world fell under it's sphere of influence, later Germany would still fall like all other empires before it. Stage blue would hit an excess, which would make it untenable, and the transformational dilemma would still occur and the collective ego would transform more over time into stage orange and green, maybe into stage yellow and turquoise. Evolution, despite what individual egos or collective egos want, will still happen regardless of ideological worldviews indoctrinated, groomed and gas lite by your upbringing and culture. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek Yes, my whole point in making this thread is to share what ideological views, biases, especially for past historical events that had a lot of stage red/blue, looks like. To me, this is not limited to Christianity vs Islam vs Judaism, it's ways more than that. There was a point when the Mongolian empire was so wide and big that if they were more tactical and resourceful, they'd become the next super power or at least their fall as an empire would have been later. If China's geography or evolution was different, and they were aggressive in they're expansion, they would have been the super power later. Id Germany won WW1 or WW2, Germany would have been the next superpower. That's all I'm trying to show, oh, and those still reading please stop with the hate mail, haven't attacked anyone personally. Just sharing some ideological views and examples. Please be civil, read the guidelines before commenting thanks. -
@D2sage What does this have to do with OP's thread? And what would you have done in that timeline, of this serious virus that's rapidly spreading? It's not enough to rely on data and information gathered now, you have to consider a point in history where we had no idea how severe this rapidly spreading virus could have been, see? What would be the cost of inaction, 5 years of science testing of this vaccine, and a more liberal approach from governments and businesses regarding this pandemic, versus a more conservative political approach of lock down policies, and a more liberal action of rushing vaccine development within a year in anticipation to the lethality of this virus?
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Sucuk Ekmek How? I'm just sharing what bias looks like, from the mainstream takes of the crusades, to this person's take. It's mostly an example of some misinterpretations of stage red/blue. -
Danioover9000 replied to Danioover9000's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@Zedman Can't be helped I guess. Not many people have a tier 2 cognitive development, a systemic stage yellow view of the world. -
Danioover9000 replied to shahryar's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Bandman The argument makes sense for that user. The Buddha is better in comparison because he spent 40 years meditating under a tree, going around spiritual circles to debate with other spiritual teachers, and ended up making a Sanga despite all the odds and passed doctrines that at the time ended up being useful in a spiritual context. Meanwhile, Mu-ham-mad going around the middle eastern region, forcefully converting the other polytheistic tribes, even the native Christians in those regions to convert to Islam, while having polyamorous relations with multiple wives, of all ages. Obviously the user making that comparison makes the Buddha a super saint, comparing a strong stage blue/orange/green Buddha to the stage purple/red/blue Mu-ham-mad.