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Everything posted by Danioover9000

  1. @Spiritedness Because it breaks one of the forum guidelines of spreading gossip and rumors, whether true or false, as it then encourages other users to talk in bad faith and encourages gossiping. It's fine if one users does this with proof and justification, but then hundreds of users copy her and make posts and threads about user behaviors than about high quality high consciousness topics. Just doesn't encourage open minded talking and more name calling demonizing talking.
  2. @The Redeemer I kind of saw it as a 50/50 joke and I get the frustration, but man is it on the dark side. Honestly if you're going dark humour, better keep it as a journal entry, like I do with my stage red raps. Can't do dark humour outside the journal entries, you'll get flogged with warnings and tep bans. You just can't take women Borat style, just can't. Oh and stop consuming red pills and manoshpere shit. It's not healthy. Go make Bruce Lee or Albert Einstein your role modal. You said you was 5'9 and weigh 130 pounds? You can definitely try to emulate Bruce Lee. Take that anger and hate and pound the heavy bags and lift heavy, do lots of isometrics and eventually you'll get the physique that impresses women. Don't follow victim minded boys, follow the manly legends.
  3. @The Redeemer Do you study under Andrew Tate by any chance?
  4. @PurpleTree He's also cute.
  5. Yes, Jesse's a good example of when a person mostly embodies stage blue behaves and talks his talk, even though politically he's much lower, he's got integrity and belief in what he's saying, which I have analyzed his body language and tonality and mostly feel he's genuine with his views, especially the religious beliefs and his personal history. This just putting aside his political takes and other charged views. P.S. Oh and @Enigma777 Gives his thanks to and appreciation to @Danioover9000 for injecting some life into this thread so that some users can discuss this topic covered.
  6. @itsadistraction I found the video that disappeared: Was this the video you posted? Sorry if it's not you, it could have been another user that did a disappearing act and hid his posts or something, but I thought it might be you because the profile pic is similar. I don't know sorry if it's not you!?
  7. @Christoph Werner The main issue isn't the stop or slowing down of the Covid 19 virus, the issue is preparing the immune system of a quite novel virus invading your immune system, which the Covid is novel albeit some evolution relation of the SARs virus that specializes in effecting the lungs. Covid 19's origins came from China's Wuhan province, from the official story of the wet markets containing bats. Low possibility that Covid is a bio weapon, that yes China still does testing and still contains bio weapon chemicals. Regardless of the specific origins or how Covid was so lethal and has high spread rate. Despite the CNN's China reporter giving an early warning to America, at that time most of the world underestimated Covid as just another typical flu, as seen by how Italy's lack of preparation leads to it's healthcare being overloaded with many people, mostly old age to some children, filling the hospital to maximum capacity and above. I suggest you watch the documentary about China and Italy and how Covid effected them. Despite any other health conditions, accidents or injuries or illness unrelated to Covid, it's high spread rate, and severe negative health effects that still lingers in some that survived Covid via herd immunity or being infected without vaccination preparation, makes it the number one most evil and viscous virus to date, and went from epidemic to pandemic, dragging the world to another world war. The world really was caught off guard, and the abysmal coordination globally to this pandemic virus is insanity. Thanks to the vaccination, the majority that are vaccinated have recovered faster and suffered far less than those with the dogma of anti vax and the false Joe Rogan, anti establishment anti mainstream types have faired, which is little compared to those vaccinated. It's design is not to prevent or stop transmission, it's to prepare the immune system and train it to respond to Covid and fight the virus quicker, thereby slowing the virus down now your immune system knows the signs and can immediately produce anti bodies and white blood cells in response. Put aside your feelings for big pharma, big pharma and that western medicine is here to stay. Treating it like the devil is foolish and will result in more hells and suffering for more people. Anti vax is stupid, and has probably killed more and made many more miserable than necessary when they simple could have taken the vaccine and followed Covid policy.
  8. He's just a more down to earth and simple man, that likes to ask simple questions. Here's another interesting video:
  9. @itsadistraction You posted a video about brief history of socialism here?
  10. @Razard86 The only part that does makes sense is that yes most people do wake up slowly in the morning, with exceptions of getting shocked out of bed or a nightmare scenario, most do wake up slowly.
  11. @Razard86 I don't even know how to make sense of your title sir. It's uncommon for people to wake up from mornings because an article helps wake them up. In fact reading fiction and especially non fiction can be more boring, and actually induces sleep like consciousness, so this argument that an article is waking people up is misleading at best, unless you want to add that maybe the notification bells wake people up? Far more common is that people wake up from alarm bells or sunshine.
  12. @Tanz That's actually true, they took socialism a bit too far, and starting a business there is a bit more challenging, they even have this anti capitalism built into their culture, and shame those with drive and ambition.
  13. @Sucuk Ekmek @Juan Don't derail the thread please.
  14. @itsadistraction What happened to that socialism video?
  15. @Juan Stop stalking me, and leave me alone crep.
  16. @Sucuk Ekmek It's simple ethics, moral and civic duty. If WW1 and WW2 generations most answered the conscriptions with little complaint, then most would follow Covid policy such as wearing a mask, 2 meter distancing, washing hands more frequently, and finally, taking the vaccine. If the old generation took anti vaxxer's logic, then Nazi Germany would win against most countries as they're too busy playing anarcho fantasies of overthrowing the government. Don't get me started on mrna vaccine giving myocarditis. Myocarditis effects from vaccine is a fraction of the myocarditis that Covid-19 can give against those with no inoculation, with is 5-10 times worse, and weaker immune systems, either too young or too old, or genetic disorders that weaken that person's immunity, plus other symptoms like pneumonia like coughing and deep aches in the bone, as well as lose of smell and taste and a very high infection rate. I don't need the government to spell out it's my civic and spiritual duty to look after the weak by proxy, as I don't like helping the virus by spreading it. Simple, common sense commonplace decency of my fellow citizens of my country and the world. Don't see why Libertarians and anarchos can't mentally grasp such a simple standard. Also, Benjamin Franklin would be pushing for this, despite whatever views he had for liberty which I think you're misunderstanding, he'll exercise his liberty of protecting his fellow Americans by taking the vaccine and following policy. Otherwise you can just break the social contract right then and there, and leave elsewhere, because what's the point of a society without basic decency to others? Also, he caught an eye infection, and I'm very sure he'll be seeking a doctor for that or a vaccine against eye infections if only he had these in his time.
  17. @Raze I don't know, you'll have to ask Daniel Schmachtenberger, as he was homeschooled by parents and turned out fine. Maybe it depends on if the parents know and can set up a nice learning environment or the children, then homeschooling is much better, but that all depends on if the parents know and can do that. Traditional public schooling, and maybe bording, military, or private schooling has it's pros and cons.
  18. @John Iverson Very interesting event. What question will be asked? wished they would set an earlier date as likely most will forget, like set it at 11 or 10, not somewhere in the middle of a September month, the month of scepter member.
  19. @felixk_priv Yes it could. Make the life purpose course anything you want out of it. I do see that it does cater a little bit to the more ambitious types, but I do think even low ambitious people can benefit, as long as you put in the inner work and visioning of your life.
  20. @D2sage Why are you in Transylvania? Visiting count Dracula? I'll pray for your soul.
  21. @D2sage Main reason is that Andrew Tate maximized his marketing and social media, said many sexist and misogynistic things, sold a course teaching the lover boy method to get young women, scammed young men, also used said lover boy method to hook in young girls for his webcam. By his excessive trolling and attention seeking he has made himself a high profile target for this investigation. It's all self inflicted damage Andrew Tate is doing to himself.
  22. @Starlight321 Source of inspiration: Mushoku Tensei.?
  23. @Salvijus The main problem with this, is what if that source of anger is physical discomfort, like blue balls or too much seminal fluid built up? And partly yes, it's possible to just meditate and endure the hours of painful discomforts and the feeling subsides, but that depends on the timing of the blue balls, can't imagine a young guy that has blue balls early morning -morning or noon is going to endure that discomfort and will instead masturbate.